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Chapter 335

Chapter: 335

Under the land of the sun, where the moon took its place, Karia felt a warm energy spreading from the orphanage and let out a half-hearted chuckle.

“Looks like the boss was right after all.”

Despite being made by the trash of the church, it seemed the Saint had enough qualities to be called one.

“But hey—”

“Have those two forgotten what happened last time?”

They almost got interrogated by the church’s inquisitor after performing miracles and now they were making such a big scene again.

“What would I have done if I hadn’t prepared in advance?”


“I already set up our plan the moment those two arrived. What happens here will be our little daydream.”

As Karia squinted at her student’s shrug, she asked, “…Did you expect this?”

“Well, you don’t just prepare for nothing. Who directed this whole thing?”

“Tch. You were cuter back in the day.”

Despite tsking, Karia couldn’t deny Alsetin’s words. Even the usually sarcastic Lucy seemed to genuinely believe Phoebe was the true Saint.

Karia had expected it would turn out this way after seeing Lucy’s firm faith.

Yet, Karia pushed this forward because she wanted to be certain—when the time came for Lucy to stand against the church, would Phoebe still be by her side?

Given how the current church had clearly lost its reverence of the past, Lucy, who is loved by the Lord, would soon find herself on the opposite side of the church.

If that moment came and Phoebe strayed away from Lucy’s side, even if Lucy outwardly pretended to be calm, she would be deeply scarred inside.

Karia knew Lucy was both strong and fragile.

Concerned about that, Karia thought about the worst-case scenario and decided to take a risk even though she knew it could provoke Lucy’s wrath.

“Master, are you regretting this?”


“Yes. Your Young Lady is definitely going to grumble.”

“What of it?”

Since her days working in the shadows of the kingdom, Karia always prepared for the worst.

Even the king who trusted her begged her to tone it down.

Hearing Lucy’s complaints was merely child’s play compared to the countless things Karia had gone through.

“Shouldn’t you recognize that Young Lady is quite worried about you?”

“Stop wasting time and get to work.”

“Haha. Yes, understood, Master.”

After Alsetin left to assess the situation, Karia turned her gaze toward Johan, who was engrossed in prayer.



“…Are you crying?”

“Sniff. I’m sorry. Seeing that scene made me realize how foolish I was.”

Karia bit her lip at the sight of the old man’s tear-streaked face that looked like it wouldn’t shed a single drop even if poked.

Has this man lost his marbles?

…I guess he’s at an age where that’s not surprising.


“…Yeah? What?”

Karia, thinking it would be troublesome if her ally was in such a state, reluctantly replied.

“You understand, don’t you? That the Lord’s divinity dwells regardless of good or evil?”

“I do. I was quite shocked after investigating that before.”

Unlike most people’s belief, divinity doesn’t just reside in the good.

The divine essence permeating the earth doesn’t concern itself with a person’s morality, focusing solely on how desperately that person seeks it.

That’s why even the corrupted folks in the church could wield Holy Magic without a hitch.

Divinity is evenly bestowed upon everyone without regard to their background.

Trash who wouldn’t normally become clergy can occupy such positions.

When Karia initially gathered information about the church’s higher-ups long ago, she thought it was nonsensical.

Divine essence should be bestowed by the great Lord in the heavens, so how could there be no distinction between good and evil?

That’s why Karia initially considered it a trap and sought other information, yet none contradicted her findings.

Eventually, Karia had to admit that her first piece of information was correct.

“Once that became evident, many conversations erupted among the church’s higher-ups.”

“Why does the Lord grant his divinity even to the wicked?”

In the face of this phenomenon that fractured the church’s foundation, many clergymen expressed their opinions.

The prevailing view was that the Lord treats humans equally, just like the scriptures say, yet many other opinions circulated.

From the notion that He seeks to redeem the wicked with his divinity to extreme claims that the Lord is utterly indifferent to all that occurs on this earth.

The clergy did their best to interpret this phenomenon in their own way, and Johan was no different.

“I didn’t particularly care for the mainstream opinion within the church. It seemed like indifference disguised as equality.”

If the Lord treats good and evil equally, then what’s the reason for being good at all?

Are we just meant to be punished later?

What does that even matter?

Countless people are screaming due to the wrongdoings happening now; what significance does future punishment hold?

That’s indifference, not equality.

If the Lord were truly benevolent, it shouldn’t be that way.

“I tried to interpret this phenomenon after hearing the Lord’s words in the past, but I struggled.”

Although Johan had faithfully tried to stay devout, a small seed of doubt always lingered in his heart.

“How bad was it that I began to wonder if everything I’d heard was just hallucinations, and that perhaps the Lord doesn’t even exist?”

Perhaps that’s why he fixated on appearances even more.

He feared that his doubts would reveal themselves through the tiniest gaps.

“Yet an exception arose that couldn’t be explained by any of my theories.”

Lucy Alrn.

If she weren’t the daughter of the Alrn family, she would have lost her head long ago.

Now she was a resounding proof that the Lord exists and continues to watch over this world.

Johan felt hope bloom in his heart as he watched her perform miracles.

He found solace in knowing his faith was not in vain.

“And now, yet another exception has appeared before my eyes.”

Born from the evil acts of humanity.

A being that essentially mocks the Lord’s existence by her very nature.

Undoubtedly, her faith must be firmer than anyone in the Lord’s church, yet her pitiable condition was that she wouldn’t be able to receive the Lord’s love.

The Lord did not reject her existence.

He did not turn away from her.

In fact, knowing everything about her, he embraced her.

“Karia. The world is changing.”

“It is, Bishop.”

“I don’t know if there’s a place for this old man in that changing world. But at least I know what I must do.”

As Johan gazed at the fading divinity, he steeled himself.

“At the very least, before this life ends, I must not do anything I would be ashamed of before the Lord.”


In the center of the warmly lit basement, Phoebe gradually felt a warmth nestling inside her.

A different kind of warmth than the divine essence she typically harbored.

Phoebe recognized this energy.

It was similar to the divine essence Lucy possessed, who was currently holding her hand.

“Oh great Lord.”

Can you hear this prayer from this cursed child?

If so, I have something I must share with you.

This girl, destined for mockery, has been holding onto something for a long time.

Words she wanted to convey to you after recalling the past.

This cursed child does not believe in your omniscience.

If you knew all that takes place in this world, you couldn’t have missed our screams.

This cursed child does not believe in your omnipotence.

If you could do all you wished, you wouldn’t quietly watch countless deaths.

However, I do believe in your goodness.

I believe in your efforts to eliminate evil in this world.

I believe you must be saddened by the countless despair that fills your sight.

Because your Apostle has shown your will.

Because she willingly offered her life for a single soul.

Because you’ve always comforted this inadequate and cursed one.

I want to believe that your will is not different from that of your Apostle.

So please, speak to me.

Make known to those who believe in you the incompleteness within you and ask for their help.

So that goodness may widely spread in this world.

Let not the sorrows that fade away here create more elsewhere.

Let your existence turn into a hesitation that brings forth the heart of repentance.

It’s okay if you remain silent in response to this cursed child’s plea.

Even without your affirmation, I will continue to pursue the goodness I believe in.

I will strive to spread goodness in this world even without your care.

Just as your Apostle does now. Just as your Hero did in the past. I too will hold on to my convictions.

If you choose to remain silent until the end.

Just watch over us.

Do not ignore the efforts of those who wish to do good.

– I’m sorry.

The moment Phoebe poured out everything she had been holding onto, an indescribable voice settled in her ears.

It was neither too high nor too low. It was both male and female, containing both seriousness and gentleness.

Though Phoebe had never heard the Lord’s voice before, upon hearing this mysterious voice, she was certain of its identity.

It was undeniably the Lord’s voice.

– I’m really sorry.

The voice, which she had believed in and strived to believe in, was delivering an apology.

Realizing that fact, Phoebe stood still in awe as countless words fell upon her like a spring rain.

In that storm of words, she found the one she needed to say.

Oh great Lord.

Since you have forgiven this cursed child, I too will forgive your transgressions.

However, remember that this forgiveness is solely mine.

Know that souls who cannot forgive you will fill this world.

– …I will remember it all.

That was the end of the reply.

The spring-like voice, gently brushing against her ear, vanished, leaving behind only its intention.

After all the prayers ended and Phoebe opened her eyes, she tried to smile at the red eyes staring up at her from below, but the tears streamed out of her eyes instead.

“Y-Young Lady.”

“What? Crybaby Phoebe?”

“Can you hug me?”

As soon as Phoebe finished her words, Lucy’s arms wrapped around her neck, pulling her close.

“Also… comfort me.”

“Anything else?”

“Please tell me I did well up until now.”

“Puhahaha. Finally, the fake Phoebe is being a bit honest!”

Phoebe burst into tears in Lucy’s embrace, feeling the warmth of her touch and the long-suppressed tears flowing freely.

She promised herself she wouldn’t cry until everything was over.

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