Switch Mode

Chapter 334

Chapter: 334

The original reason I asked for an investigation into the church’s corruption was because of Phoebe.

At that time, Phoebe appeared to be wavering, so I tried to gradually reveal the truth to lessen the shock she would face.

But all my plans went down the drain thanks to Nakrad’s trolling. That guy had dumped a red potion on Phoebe.

The silver lining, however, was that even after learning all the truth, Phoebe didn’t fall apart.

After realizing everything, she stood up defiantly, proving she was truly worthy of the title of Saint.

Once the unease related to Phoebe was cleared up, I kept asking Alsetin to gather more evidence about the church’s corruption.

At this point, I realized something. Even if I had a lot of information about the church’s wrongdoings in my head, it meant nothing without actual proof.

As the Apostle of Armadi and Phoebe’s friend, I was bound to oppose the church one day, but what good would it do to shout about their corruption without tangible evidence?

Claims without evidence just become conspiracy theories, right?

So I continued to ask Alsetin to keep investigating the church.

This information-gathering sped up significantly after the incident in Menestel when Karia joined in.

As Alsetin’s teacher and the former shadow of the kingdom, she had spun a web all over the continent, and true to someone who once stood beside Benedict, she showcased her formidable abilities.

The strands of that web eventually reached the orphanage where Phoebe had grown up long ago.

“That wasn’t too hard. A noble associated with this side was dying to brag about their contributions.”

The one intoxicated with the fact that they had created a Saint was itching to spill secrets that should have remained hidden, and ultimately, that prey got caught in Karia’s web.

“I planned to slowly extract information about the church from that guy. Wow, those disciples of the Lord were perceptive. The moment they caught a whiff of something fishy, they sealed their lips tight.”

But there wasn’t much worth getting from that catch.

Before I could dig anything substantial out, the pests lurking within fled the scene, having killed their meal.

Still, Karia managed to gather quite a bit, and she mentioned that she might discover something interesting if she kept investigating.

“I know this isn’t a story the employer will enjoy, but what if we tested to see what kind of person the Saint truly is?”

She felt uneasy about Phoebe being a fabricated Saint.

After all, Phoebe was created by the higher-ups in the church, and that could pose a problem at a crucial moment.

Knowing how upright and sincere Phoebe is, I found that suspicion distasteful, but Karia was adamant.

She insisted that she couldn’t trust anything unless she witnessed it with her own eyes.

“I’m just letting her face something she will have to confront eventually, employer.”

In the end, the one waving the white flag was me.

My abilities were inadequate to persuade Karia, who was resolute amidst all the insults.

Even the old man, who would have helped me in other situations, sided with Karia’s opinion.

[Don’t think everyone has the same steadfastness as you do. Ordinary humans are weak.]

“I don’t think Phoebe is weaker than me.”

[If that’s the case, she should be able to face her nightmares and still be standing, right?]

Now, days passed after the plan to take Phoebe back to the orphanage she grew up in was established.

Seeing Phoebe rise with a pale face, even in the dead of night, didn’t sit well with me.

Despite many trials, she stood back up again, fighting against the corrupt church, and instead of punishing those who created all the lies, she forgave them.

This earned her both evaluations as a frustrating character and deeply good person, yet she was someone so noble that she couldn’t be compared to a loser like me.

How could she be a target of doubt?

I figured the others didn’t know about the Phoebe in the game, so some suspicion was inevitable.

But the Apostle of the Lord backed her!

Why the heck wouldn’t they trust the insight of the Apostle?

I’m seriously feeling wronged!

“Young Lady.”

As I poured my rage towards the old man staying silent and the sneaky Karia observing from a distance, I heard Phoebe’s trembling voice and quickly turned my head.

“I’m aware this is quite shameless of me, but I have a favor to ask.”

This wasn’t the first time I’d seen Phoebe trembling with anxiety.

She had already wavered several times upon facing hard truths.

Yet, seeing her unable to even endure her own trembling made me think a lot.

…When this is all over, I’ll make sure to deal with Karia and the old man.

“Would you please accompany me inside the building?”

Hearing that she couldn’t move first because she saw herself as insufficient, instead of answering, I opened the orphanage’s door.

Not wanting to throw any jabs at Phoebe in her current state, I just kept my mouth shut.

How did she perceive my action? Phoebe briefly raised her eyes before awkwardly smiling and approaching me.

“This won’t be a pleasant place.”

The moment I stepped into the orphanage, the smell of blood attacked my nose.

It wasn’t just the typical metallic scent of blood; it was a stench that had thickened over time, having stuck around like a stubborn stain.

If I hadn’t gotten used to this world yet, that scent would have made me puke, but now it almost felt like a description of what this place was.

“…I guess prayers will have to wait.”

Pretending to be calm despite having inhaled the scent of blood, Phoebe awkwardly smiled and started to show me around.

“This is the dining hall. We always had to do lengthy prayers as instructed by the adults before we could eat. Meals were always scarce, and you could hear our stomachs growling all the time.”

“This is where we studied the Bible. During the day, we always had to stay holed up here. Everyone tried their best not to doze off. But when screams echoed from nearby, it was inevitable.”

“This is… the adults’ room. It had better facilities than where the kids stayed, and many hoped to live in a place like this one day.”

“And this is where we slept. We had to squeeze dozens of us into this tiny space every night. Back then, we thought that was normal, but looking back now, it wasn’t at all.”

The further we moved, the more her tremors seemed to escalate.

The smile she’d put on so hard was now heavy on her lips, her hand trembled increasingly, and her steps grew slower.

It was clear to anyone that Phoebe was gradually breaking apart.

“This place is…”

Despite that, Phoebe, who remained determined to keep explaining about the orphanage, came to a halt at the stairs leading down to the basement.

“This is…”

Even without Phoebe’s explanation, I already knew what vile things happened down there.

I knew it better than she did.

So I gently grabbed her hand, trying to help her continue speaking even though her teeth were chattering.

‘It’s alright.’

“You don’t have to say anything if you can’t. This is normal for a loser like me.”

Phoebe looked at our clasped hands, took a deep breath, and spoke again.

“…No. I’m fine. Young Lady. I just needed a moment to collect myself.”

As we descended further into the dankness, the blood scent thickening made it clear that this was the source of the stench pervading the entire orphanage.

“…It’s locked. Just a moment. The key was…”

‘You don’t need that.’

“Forget it. Why would we need a key to open this shabby door?”

You don’t even need a mace to smash down this crappy metal door.

I stepped forward, channeling divine energy into my fist.

As my proficiency in controlling the divine energy increased, I found there was no longer a need to struggle to concentrate it.

Why should I have a hard time making the divine energy move as I desired?

Once I finished gathering it, I punched the door, breaking the various spells embedded in it, causing the door to shatter and fly across the dimly-lit basement corridor.

With a loud crash, I turned my head, striding over to where Phoebe stood in a daze, grasping her hand again.

Once she felt my touch, Phoebe shook off her shock, looking down at me before forcing a tight smile.

“This is the place the adults called the prayer room. We had to come here every evening, and everyone hated this place. Why? Because we had to enter different rooms and be tortured.”

Phoebe made an effort to sound indifferent while describing the moments from back then.

Torturing a close friend while forcing someone else to heal them.

Administering unknown drugs and causing endless thirst.

Making them scream for the gods in their agony.

“The kids here envied the ones who found eternal rest rather than mourning their friends’ deaths. It was that kind of place.”

Phoebe’s expression as she surveyed the still-visible signs of torture reflected countless feelings I couldn’t fathom.

What thoughts were crossing her mind now?

Was she filled with hatred for the adults who tormented her?

Did she despise the God who offered no help despite all her prayers?

Or was she mourning friends who had to die in suffering?

“Young Lady, I have a favor to ask.”

Hearing Phoebe’s plea, I stood still and waited for her next words.

In this moment, I could grant her any wish.

If she wanted to take revenge on the adults of the orphanage, I could easily help make that happen.

I could even happily spill the truth about why those villains bore the sacred essence and why the Lord didn’t provide them with support.

If she wanted me to bear her resentment in place of her, I would silently listen to her grievances.

Because I was no longer under the influence of the Mesugaki skill.

Whatever Phoebe said, I had to comply.

“Please stay by my side while I pray here. Please listen to my prayers.”

But Phoebe didn’t blame anyone.

She didn’t bear hatred towards anyone.

She only thought about those who were lost in sorrow.

Although she had yet to fully become a true Saint.

And despite not knowing the Lord’s will.

Phoebe, you provide the same answer.

Ha. Seriously.

No matter what you think of yourself, to me, you are still a Saint.

You’re such a noble person that it makes me think someone like me is unworthy!

I smiled back at Phoebe, gathered her hands into mine, and placed my hands on top before closing my eyes.

Before long, Phoebe’s soft yet heavy voice flowed out.

“O Lord in Heaven.”

Before long, warmth that didn’t suit the night began to fill her voice.

“Please take notice of the place where your apostle resides.”

The warmth spreading from Phoebe repelled the unpleasant scent of blood.

“Please listen to the voice of this impious child, one who has become an affront to you without realizing it.”

At some point, a chilly basement transformed, embracing the warmth of a morning light.

“Look upon the place where those who wished for your salvation but faded away without receiving it reside.”

This was.

“Please bear the resentment of these unfortunate souls who could not receive your protection.”


“May their souls be saved.”

It was the prayer of a Saint.

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not work with dark mode