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Chapter 332

Chapter: 332

After the storm named Joy and Phoebe swept around Lucy Alrn…

Arthur was left alone in the chaotic private room, sprawled out as he staggered to his feet.

Honestly, it was one of the worst moments of my life.

I mean, seeing Joy, who usually blushes but never genuinely gets mad, and the Saintess, who you’d think didn’t even have the capacity for anger, both glaring at me like that?

I’ve been through a fair share of trouble, but in the face of their fury, it all felt utterly trivial.

Who would’ve thought I’d be punished without even attempting to explain myself?

Just thinking about how they were coming at me with those serious expressions made him sigh.

Joy was really trying to zap me dead with lightning.

And as for the Saintess? She seemed intent on roasting me with divine heat. Even now, the places she got close to still tingled.

Had Lucy Alrn taken just a tad longer to explain, I might’ve ended up with real burns.

“Lucy Alrn.”

The moment his mind flashed to that name, Arthur let out a sigh and raked his hand through his hair.

He didn’t particularly plan on getting a sincere apology from Lucy.

Sure, the first time she called him “pathetic prince,” she seemed serious about it.

And yes, all the manners she had committed since were sometimes downright irritating.

Yet, in light of everything, Lucy had done so much for him that all that could be brushed off.

She risked her life to save him.

She eagerly accepted his shameless offer for teachings.

She always helped him climb to greater heights.

Besides all that, Arthur was sure that contrary to her outward brashness, Lucy had a kinder heart than she let on, which is why he didn’t take her rudeness too seriously.

And recently, he had grown so accustomed to her antics that he could laugh off most of them. That’s why he thought to accept her apology just as a ruse to get her to spill some dungeon-conquering wisdom.

‘The Third Prince’s methods resemble those of Young Lady Alrn,’ Joy had said back when Arthur first heard her in the final exam dungeon, and he had chewed on his lips realizing he was merely following in Lucy’s footsteps.

But the melancholy faded quickly—he was more enlightened now.

The idea that Lucy Alrn knew the path he ought to walk only fueled his determination.

If he could just ask her to show him the way, maybe one day he could replicate her bold moves.

He might even surpass Lucy Alrn someday.

After all, he tossed aside his pride ages ago.

He’d even do some embarrassing stuff if it meant winning against her, and that was exactly why he had put forth those two choices.

By presenting a choice Lucy would never pick, he was bound to force her to reveal her dungeon-conquering tricks.

The moment she nodded eagerly, his objective was already achieved.

And after that, no matter how she managed her apology, Arthur was going to shrug it off with a smile.

He knew Lucy was never one to take an apology seriously.

“Sorry for being rude.”

So, when Arthur saw Lucy bow her head in politeness, he was genuinely taken aback.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t express my gratitude when you helped me so often.”

Dude was not ready for this at all!

“I’m sorry for calling you pathetic all the time.”

And he just stood there, dumbfounded, watching the corners of her eyes redden.

“And. Uh. I’m also sorry for teasing you about being pitiful, even though I know how much you hate it.”

His mind went blank as her words tumbled out.

“Ugh, and, sniff, ah—”

With tears starting to spill, Lucy struggled to continue as she tried to turn the moment into another apology.

What could he do? Even just comforting her didn’t cross his mind!

Looking back now, when Joy and the Saintess kicked in the door, he thought he was alive for sure.

He didn’t think he would look like trash while they came to console Lucy Alrn, wide-eyed.

In truth, what came after was not salvation but disaster.

And it’s just so infuriating that while Lucy Alrn pushed him into that mess, she was also the one who pulled him out!

After a good while of sobbing, Lucy calmed down and approached him, threading her way past Joy and Phoebe, and placed her head into his fist.

Then, acting all casual as if she hadn’t just been crying, she puffed her shoulders and said, “With this, I did my part, right? Sniff, pity prince?”

“Surely you can’t think I really made you cry? You all are such pathetic idiots. Clearly, it was acting.”

“Sniff. Oh, it’s obvious that you, pity prince, come off as garbage capable of making a girl cry.”

Wiping her tears, Lucy continued, dragging Joy and Phoebe along as they exited.

“What does she think of me? How stupid am I in her eyes?”


If he felt that guilty, wouldn’t that mean he shouldn’t act like that anymore?

Why does he keep saying hurtful things to others and himself while holding on to such burdens?

“I don’t understand. I just don’t get it.”

Arthur, grabbing his hair in frustration, ultimately laid himself on the desk with a long sigh.

“Lucy Alrn, I can’t fathom what kind of person you truly are.”

Is it really the way you want to act?


The day after Arthur, that pervy newbie, asked for dungeon lessons,

I awoke earlier than usual, trying to make up for the late sleeps of the last two days. After finishing my grooming, I prayed to the pathetic god as usual.

Even though my faith in the pathetic god dwindled after bursting into tears due to penalties yesterday, I still had to pray for quest rewards.

Ugh, it’s so annoying just thinking about it.

That disgusting perverted god must’ve enjoyed watching me cry.

What other reason could he have for putting forth that penalty demanding sincerity!

Just as I was thinking to add another page to my grudge ledger, I sensed the divine energy approaching and got ready to head out.

Today is the day Phoebe borrows my time. Being the kind soul she is, she wouldn’t ask for anything weird from me.

The worst I’d have to do is maybe change her title or wardrobe, and perhaps pray for her.

…Hmm? That’s strange.

Why isn’t she knocking on the door after all this time?

I thought it odd that Phoebe was just standing there, so I jumped over the clumsy fox at the door and swung it open.

“Uh, um.”

Standing right in front of me, Phoebe froze in the stance she was going to knock, blushing when our eyes met.

“G-Good morning, Young Lady.”

“Good morning, Phoebe.”

“Hey there, pathetic saint. What a foolish face that hardly seems saintly today.”

“Well, you look much more noble than usual, Young Lady.”

Hearing Phoebe mumble led me to realize I was still wearing the perverted apostle’s accessory.

I had kept that on thinking it would net me bigger rewards from the pathetic god, but I almost walked outside wearing it.

Once I took it off and tossed it into my inventory, Phoebe let out a sigh of relief.

Wow, it’s enough to throw even calm Phoebe off her game. The perverted apostle really is one despicable trash, but one can’t deny their exceptional skills.

But still! It’s like, sure, your powers gotta be reasonable! Having that much power is a headache!

Other than praying to that perverted god, when else could I even make use of it?!

Grumbling at the accessory I typically wore, I realized I couldn’t keep Phoebe standing there any longer, so I ushered her inside.


“I-I’m so sorry!”

Ignoring the clumsy fox’s complaints about not intending to trip on her, I tied my hair up again.

I mean, honestly, isn’t there barely any difference between now and when I had that accessory on?

What do others even see that sets them off like this?

Once I finished getting ready, I scratched the head of the whining clumsy fox then turned to Phoebe.

“So, today…”

“Pathetic saint! What strange request do you have for me to come so early?”

“It’s not strange! I just want you to pray for me after… after I…”

Her voice trailed off timidly as it got softer and softer, making me want to chuckle.

Is this really the same Phoebe who stomped on Arthur yesterday?

When that moment of, “Wait, am I being too harsh?” crosses your mind, you can’t help but find it cute.

“Shall I do it now then?”

“Pfft. Was it that urgent? Should I do it right now?”

“Y-Yes? No, um, not right now. I’d like to receive your prayers after everything is over.”

Looking at Phoebe fiddling with her fingers, I understood why she was here at this time.

Today is not only the day Phoebe asks me for something, but also the day she’d hear about the dark secrets of the church, in collaboration with Johan and Karia.

While she might have known about the church’s corruption, she may not have been aware of any specific details, which would understandably make her anxious.

With that realization, I walked closer and positioned myself under her chin to meet her gaze.


“Pathetic saint, you don’t have to ask me for anything beyond prayer? Aren’t you being a bit too fake?”

“Fake? How can I wish for anything more from the Apostle of the God?”

“It’s as if the pathetic saint here can tell a good lie! I bet I’ll need to repent all night for that!♡”

The moment my provocation sank in, Phoebe was left speechless for a moment, and then she covered her reddened face with both hands.

“C-Can you call me… Phoebe?”

“Of course, Phoebe.”

“Pfft. Phoebe is totally a shy one. It’s really cute!”

For today’s agenda, I’ve decided to have fun taking her around until it’s time to meet Johan and Karia.

I’ll keep her so distracted she won’t even have a moment to feel anxious!

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