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Chapter 329

Chapter: 329

The Kent family has a long-standing history.

They are the family established by an unknown man who built his reputation with his sword during the chaotic times when the Evil God sought to destroy this land.

As descendants of heroes, the Kent family has trained in swordsmanship for ages, perfectly justifying their reputation as a renowned swordsmanship family.

Given that they’ve clutched swords for so long, the territory of the Kent family is immersed in everything sword-related.

Various dojos teaching swordsmanship.

Blacksmiths crafting swords.

Additionally, there are shops catering to those engaged in continuous training.

The scenery of this place, where any character related to swords should visit at least once, was not substantially different from what I remembered.

This probably means that the various settings present here are identical to those in the game.

“…I really dislike teleportation.”

As I was admiring the surroundings, Frey stumbled out through the door.

Even for Frey, who usually brushes things off, it seemed like enduring her insides churning was a bit much.

‘Take a short break…’
“Can’t handle even this? Oh dear, Frey. How pathetic. What do you want to do? I could take a break if I asked nicely.”

“…No, it’s fine. Let’s go right away.”

Even while slightly swaying, Frey dragged me across the street.

‘Um, Frey…’
“Frey, I haven’t heard anything about what I’m supposed to do. Don’t tell me you forgot because you’re a fool?”

Seriously, what does she intend to make me do by dragging me to the Kent family’s mansion?

I really have no idea.

If the person in front of me weren’t Frey, I might have been able to make some predictions based on game settings, but this four-dimensional brat refuses to be predicted.

Even I, a veteran of the Soul Academy, couldn’t figure out what she was thinking.



“I said we’re going to duel.”

A duel? She dragged me all the way to her house for a duel?

If that’s the case, can’t we just do that at the academy training grounds?

As I tilted my head, unable to discern between whether Frey was joking or serious, we had already reached the entrance of the Kent family mansion.

“Lady, who is this next to you?”

The soldier guarding the door trembled as he looked at me standing beside Frey.

Does this guy know about Lucy’s notorious reputation?

Having become accustomed to instilling fear in others, I simply shrugged and didn’t speak.

No matter what I said, it was obvious that the situation would only worsen.

“This is Lucy, my friend.”

“Friend?” he asked, bewildered.

“Yeah, friend. Right?”

‘Yeah, that’s right, Frey.’

“If you consider your one-sided clinginess to be friendship, then I suppose I can agree.”

“This is outrageous! You’re saying the Young Lady isn’t a victim but brought a friend to the mansion!”

I was more flustered by the soldier’s tearful outburst than he was terrified of me.

Wasn’t he trembling out of fear of me?

Was he just panicking because Frey caused yet another mess?

…Wait a minute? Could there be someone who doesn’t know about the infamous name Lucy?

“Cough! Please wait! I must report this touching fact to the head of the family!”

As I stared blankly at the soldier’s back as he scurried off, Frey patted my shoulder, bringing me back to my senses.

“Let’s go in.”

‘That soldier just…’
“That idiot just told me to wait, didn’t he? Did dumb Frey not understand that?”

“It’s okay. There’s no problem.”

Still convinced there would be plenty of problems, I couldn’t refuse Frey’s command and stepped foot into the mansion.

“Oh! Young Lady! What brings you here? And who’s this? Wait, friend? Friend?!”

“Finally, the efforts of the head of the family are being rewarded! The Young Lady has brought a friend!”

“Please take care of our Young Lady! Lady Alrn!”

“Oh! How can I express my gratitude for this?!”

The servants of the Kent family all had flawless appearances, not a wrinkle in sight.

Despite hearing the name Lucy Alrn, they didn’t show fear; rather, they bowed their heads in gratitude for the change brought about by the Young Lady!

I could naturally understand why Frey’s sister was so loud at the Partran festival we attended some time ago.

It’s normal for those raised in this family to become like that.

“Frey! When did you arrive?! You should’ve told me you were coming! And who’s this?”

Ah, damn it. How did this loudmouth pick up on my thoughts?

Parna Kent.

Frey’s younger sister.

Unlike the silent, self-indulgent Frey, she was a lively, natural airhead, and in the game, she had a loud voice that often seemed bigger than everyone else’s.

And it hadn’t changed much even after becoming real.

No, if anything, she had become even more boisterous.

With the lines she used, her voice had taken a life of its own.

“…You’re Lady Alrn, right?!”

‘Yes, that’s right.’
“I can tell just by looking! You’re on a whole different level than you lot!”

“Wahoo! You were ridiculously pretty before, but now you’re even more…”

This girl must have some serious lung capacity. Is it because she comes from a noble background?

“…even more stunning! Like an angel descended from heaven! The Goddess of Beauty might get jealous!”

‘Thank you.’
“Why do you need to yell about something so obvious? A noble Young Lady behaving like this is truly pathetic.”

“Oh haha! I hear that often, but I can’t seem to change!”

She said that without even changing her expression upon hearing criticism.

It’s almost as if she didn’t realize what she heard was an insult.

…Huh? Did she really not understand? Is that possible?

“Step aside. I’m busy.”

As I was pondering that, Frey elbowed herself between me and Parna.


“I have something to do with my friend.”

“Friend! Hearing sister say ‘friend’ brings me so much joy!”

“Same for me! Parna!”

Amidst Parna’s loud voice, another commotion added to the chaos.

The Countess of Kent appeared from behind Parna, a woman whose stature fit the term ‘strong woman.’

She burst in with a thundering sound and embraced Frey tightly with her thick arms.

“My Frey is bringing a friend home! Oh! I feel tears coming!”

“Um, Mom? That’s me…”

“Ahhh! Sister has changed so much! I’m so proud!”

“N-no, I can’t breathe…”

Seeing Frey’s face turn a deep blue, I gave up on thinking any further.

No matter what I said, it looked like I was about to get swallowed up by that loudness.

[This reminds me of that guy, Parun. He was quite the loudmouth.]
‘…That person is probably the founder of the Kent family.’
[Oh. Really? The power of blood is indeed amazing. To think it perseveres even after hundreds of years.]
‘But why haven’t I grown taller? Considering my father’s size, I should be much bigger than this.’
[…Maybe that’s a mystery only the Gods know.]

The moment I thought about Grandpa’s words, I nearly blurted out, “Does that mean the pathetic God is a pedophilic criminal?!” But managed to hold back.

I couldn’t just spill the God’s ill repute to a reverent clergy like Grandpa.


The ruckus created by Parna Kent and the Countess of Kent grew louder as time passed.

Having noticed Frey, who nearly fainted, they fussed around her apologizing.

With gratitude for transforming Frey, they seemed to want to suffocate me now.

The moment they heard me call Frey “sister,” it turned into:

“If you’re calling her sister, then can I call you Lucy sister?! Ohhh~ utterly gorgeous Lucy sister, is that okay?!”

“Then does it mean a cute little Young Lady like you is going to be my daughter?! Full welcome! Won’t you call me Mama?!”

If I didn’t know better, I might just have my eardrums blown out.

I wouldn’t just sit quietly through this, either.

I tried to interrupt with the unique banter of my Mesugaki skill at regular intervals.

However, those two just misheard what I said and didn’t care one bit about my interruptions, so Frey and I didn’t get a breather until the Count of Kent made his appearance.

This must not have been the first time for the Count; he handled the situation effortlessly.

Upon arrival, he firmly scolded Parna and the Countess, sending them back to the mansion, and then repeatedly bowed his head to me.

“I’m so sorry, Lady Alrn! They mean no malice, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s rude! I sincerely apologize once again!”

Watching the Count apologize for his family’s rudeness reminded me of Benedict.

I couldn’t help but wonder if he acted this way when Lucy was causing havoc.

‘It’s alright. Please don’t worry about it.’

“Don’t mention it. What can be done when we have such imprecise people as our household head? So please, don’t worry about it.”

“I truly appreciate your understanding!”

Just how many problems must his family have caused for the head of a famous swordsmanship family to act like a commoner?

…We should create an opportunity for Benedict and this man to talk later. I feel like they would have a lot to relate to.

“Um, Lady Alrn. May I ask what brings you here?”

‘That’s because Frey…’
“I came here because of that dimwit Frey, and I have no idea either. Clumsy Count.”

After hearing my story, Count Kent observed my face with a searching look for questions before he turned slightly to the side.

“…Frey? Is this really true?”

“Yep. That’s right. I brought Lucy.”


“I wanted to watch you and Lucy duel.”



Both Count Kent and I exclaimed in confused voices as Frey remained perfectly calm.

“I feel like I could learn something by watching you two duel. So, please do it.”

“Um, Frey? This isn’t as easy as it sounds, you know?”

The Count was trying as hard as he could to dissuade Frey.

It could be that the gap between levels between him and me was too severe.

Or maybe if I got hurt during the duel, it would be a huge problem.

He could have suggested taking my place instead or something.

‘I’m fine.’
“What is it, Clumsy Count? Are you afraid I’m going to lose to her? I’m fine, you know?”

However, I didn’t think Frey’s suggestion was awkward at all.

Thinking it through, it’s a proposal I have no reason to refuse.

Before family, the Count might show a weak side, but once he draws his sword, he becomes a completely different person.

A man who even the current Sword Saint couldn’t confidently claim superiority over.

A genius who compiled the sword techniques of the Kent family into his own unique style.

Count Kent is the legendary swordsman known throughout the continent.

During my last encounter with Duke Burrow, I felt acutely aware of my lack of experience.

Given that, why on earth would I refuse the chance to fight a strong adversary?

“Lady. You might be fine, but I’m not! If Lady gets hurt, I’ll be killed by Lord Benedict!”

From the Count’s words, I could sense a genuine fear directed at Benedict.

He might be confident in his strength but to such an extent that he would hoist the white flag when it came to Lord Benedict?

What kind of person was Benedict back then, who once swept across the battlefield?

While I was reminded of Benedict’s strength, my desire to duel didn’t change.

Honestly, even if things turned south, it’s not like I would be the one facing a bad end; Count Kent would fall on his face, not me!

I don’t need to worry about cleaning up someone else’s mess!

“Hnng♡ Are the Count’s efforts faltering? Are you afraid that a mere child can’t overpower you?♡”


“It’s okay♡ It’s not your fault that you can’t even trust your own sword!♡”

“Ah♡ If the Count can’t fulfill even a simple request from his daughter, then it’s his fault that Frey has a pathetic father. Poor Frey!♡”

As I chuckled while watching the Count’s expression, I was convinced that he wouldn’t back down.

The look on his face, barely holding together his dignity, was fierce enough for anyone weak-hearted to break down in tears.

“I understand! I will do it! The duel!”

Just as expected.

Confirming the Count had bitten his lips, I leisurely shifted the divine power within me.


Let’s see just how far I can go now.

Let’s take him down a peg!

Against a swordsman far beyond my strength.

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not work with dark mode