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Chapter 328

Chapter 328: Fei Yan and the Moon Goddess, Senior Sisters! Who can withstand this test?

The reason Li Mo wanted to kill Tian Guang ultimately related to Lord Changping.

How could Lord Changping, who once became the most powerful minister under Lü Buwei in the Qin State, not be something extraordinary?

Years ago, he had started secretly supporting the Farmers’ Organization.

It was precisely because of his support that the Farmers’ Organization was able to develop rapidly in the Chu region and around the Central Plains.

Moreover, Lord Changping had participated in the Farmers’ Organization’s affairs multiple times.

His strategies and charisma had impressed the Farmer’s Hero, Tian Guang.

As a result, Tian Guang held great trust in Lord Changping.

If Lord Changping raised a rebellion at Chengying against Qin, then the Farmers’ Organization would become a significant support for him.

The Farmers’ Organization claimed to have a hundred thousand disciples.

They were spread across the land.

Moreover, their movements were unpredictable; they had long hidden themselves among the fields and markets, uninterested in fame or praise from the lords.

Besides their leader, there were also six sub-chapters and six high elders.

This was no small force.

If Lord Changping rebelled, the Farmers’ Organization would undoubtedly side with him.

If Lord Changping did not rebel, the existence of the Farmers’ Organization could still pose a threat to Qin.

The Farmers’ Organization was widely dispersed, with a large population.

To eliminate them all would not be so easy.

At least the current Qin lacked the extra resources to eradicate the Farmers’ Organization.

And if the Farmer’s Hero died at this moment, their internal conflicts would inevitably plunge them into a struggle for the leadership.

Tian Meng and Tian Zhong, the heads of two divisions, had been killed by him back in Yan, and as of now, no new leaders had been chosen.

The two factions had been fighting over the leadership position endlessly.

It is easy to imagine how intense the struggle would be if Tian Guang, this hero, were to die.

At that time, the Farmers’ Organization would be too preoccupied to assist Lord Changping.

Letting Da Shiming take action would completely be offloading the burden.

The death was performed by the Yin-Yang School; what does it have to do with our Qin?

If you have the ability, go find Donghuang Taiyi!

With the pride of the Yin-Yang School, Donghuang Taiyi wouldn’t come out to explain.

This loss he had to swallow.

If you want the Illusion Sound Treasure Box, I can give it to you.

But how could I let you take it for free?

With Donghuang Taiyi’s intelligence, he could not have failed to see this point.

But what was terrifying was not the conspiracy.

It was the overt scheme.

Donghuang Taiyi knew full well that Li Mo had played him, yet to obtain the Illusion Sound Treasure Box, he could only endure this loss.

It was agreed that they would cooperate, and now out of the seven copper boxes, I have obtained five.

Even the Illusion Sound Treasure Box was taken by me.

Thinking you could contribute little?

There are no such cheap bargains for you!

Actually, Donghuang Taiyi couldn’t be considered entirely unhelpful either.

At the very least, he sent Fei Yan and the Moon Goddess over, right?

Especially Fei Yan, her counterattack was akin to breaking Donghuang Taiyi’s arms.

The Yin-Yang School lost one about to advance to the Spirit Realm.

He gained one competent helper.

Fei Yan had been secluding herself for cultivation lately, rarely stepping out of her room.

Now, after bringing Xiao Yan’er from Jing Ni, she was unexpectedly reluctant to let go.

She played with her all afternoon.

When dinner time arrived, the sudden appearance of the Moon Goddess truly surprised her.

“I have met with my Senior Sister…”

The Moon Goddess took the initiative to greet her as soon as she arrived.

A pair of bright and beautiful eyes hidden behind her veil held a hint of inexplicable embarrassment.

Fei Yan didn’t know what she was embarrassed about.

You’ve been calling me Senior Sister for twenty years; haven’t you gotten used to it yet?

Among the crowd, only Lady Mingzhu’s eyes brightened.

She smiled with a teasing charm.

The Moon Goddess was most familiar with Fei Yan aside from Li Mo.

Though they didn’t quite get along privately, that was a matter for behind closed doors.

After dinner, the Moon Goddess headed to Fei Yan’s courtyard.

Yet, she showed no intent to leave.

Strangely, though, the Moon Goddess wasn’t being confrontational today as she usually was.

Instead, she seemed friendly.

This was truly like the sun rising from the west!

Fei Yan looked at the sky outside, then at the unmoving Moon Goddess.

Finally, she couldn’t help but speak up.

If my Junior Sister doesn’t head back soon, the city gates will likely close.

According to the schedule, Li Mo was supposed to stay the night with her.

She suspected the Moon Goddess had specifically come to stir up trouble!

What a façade; the friendliness she exhibited earlier was merely an act.

The Moon Goddess flicked her gaze slightly and pursed her lips before hesitantly saying, “It’s too late to go back now; will you mind if I stay here with you, Senior Sister?”

I knew it!

Fei Yan tightened her grip on her jade hand without showing a hint of emotion.

It was indeed intentional!

The Moon Goddess was also secretly clenching her fists within her sleeves.

During the day, she had pondered over Lady Mingzhu’s words multiple times.

To fully let go of her misunderstandings with her Senior Sister, it seemed this was the only way.

But being with her… the Moon Goddess thought it was still somewhat awkward.

If she proposed it herself, maybe Fei Yan would think she was up to some mischief against her.

So, just wait.

Wait until the city gates closed, wait until Li Mo arrived.

That would make it all fall into place.

“I mind!”

Fei Yan stared intently at the Moon Goddess.

She was unceremonious and gave no face whatsoever.

Having spent the whole afternoon with Xiao Yan’er had made her want a child of her own even more.

She was secretly hoping for an unexpected joy that could lead to an early pregnancy.

But now this big third wheel, the Moon Goddess, refused to leave!

Amidst so many women at home, everyone was already in line.

If the Moon Goddess delayed her, she’d have to wait many more days next time.

“Senior Sister, you really don’t need to be so guarded against me. It was my fault before for making you angry, and since I’m here today…

Let’s talk more and clear up any misunderstandings we’ve had over the years, how about that?”

Feeling Fei Yan’s hostility, the Moon Goddess felt quite displeased inside.

But recalling what Li Mo had said to her, she had no choice but to suppress her restlessness and speak kindly.

Fei Yan smiled, revealing a hint of coldness.

“Junior Sister, you’re overthinking it. I’ve never thought there were any misunderstandings between us, nor do we need to discuss anything; you should head back early.”

For her, there truly weren’t any misunderstandings with the Moon Goddess.

It was always the Moon Goddess that fluttered around her like a bothersome sparrow.

Usually, Fei Yan didn’t bother with her.

Only when she truly annoyed her would she step in to educate her a bit.

The Moon Goddess frowned helplessly.

Having said this much, why was her Senior Sister still so guarded?

Just when the Moon Goddess was at a loss whether to force herself to stay or leave and plan for next time,

the door was suddenly pushed open.

Only Li Mo could approach the door without either of them noticing in this courtyard.

“Why haven’t you gone back yet?”

Li Mo had sensed the Moon Goddess’s presence long ago.

Not only did he know, but Lady Mingzhu had even informed him of what she and the Moon Goddess had said when he arrived.

So, it was clear why the Moon Goddess hadn’t left so late.

Li Mo would not miss such a good opportunity!

Senior sisters, who could withstand this test?

She had no idea what had gotten into the Moon Goddess.

Last night, she insisted on staying, and it turned out to be for this?

Though she had some experience in such matters with Yan Lingji, with the Moon Goddess, who had grown up together with her, it still felt like a big deal.

All the dignified demeanor she usually maintained as a Senior Sister was thrown out the window last night.

But thankfully, the ethereal image of the Moon Goddess she usually upheld was also gone!

The veil she typically wore in front of her eyes was nowhere to be found.

Not only could she not find the veil, but even the clothes tossed around messily, she couldn’t distinguish which ones were which for a moment.

“Senior Sister, good morning.”

The Moon Goddess’s long eyelashes fluttered lightly as she opened her beautiful eyes.

Her gaze was clear, and her lips curved into a friendly smile.

Fei Yan stared at her with a puzzled expression, seriously suspecting whether something was wrong with her.

How could she come up with such an idea all of a sudden?

Perhaps the Moon Goddess had been contemplating it before she came yesterday; otherwise, why would she have lingered here without leaving?

Suddenly, Fei Yan felt an impulse to slap her dead!

The Moon Goddess sensed the hostility in her eyes.

Defensively, she shrank back into the bed.

What was going on?

Why was it different from what Lady Mingzhu had said?

Wasn’t it supposed to enhance their feelings?

“Why do you look at me like that, Senior Sister?”

Fei Yan coldly stared back at her: “What do you think?”

The Moon Goddess didn’t understand what she meant, then thought for a moment and asked, “Did my Junior Sister hurt you last night?”

As soon as she said this, Fei Yan became even angrier!

“Shut up and go back to your Astrology Tower!”

Fine, fine.

She only had this one Junior Sister; it wouldn’t be good to actually kill her!

Let’s just consider her as being clueless and mischievous.

Thinking she had guessed correctly, the Moon Goddess quickly apologized, “I didn’t expect Senior Sister to have such a good figure. Junior Sister just made a mistake last night; otherwise, why don’t you pinch me too?”

As she spoke, she scooted closer to Fei Yan.

Fei Yan nearly passed out from anger.

When did she become so shameless?

She flipped over and sat up, casually grabbing a sheer inner garment from the bedpost and draping it over herself, hiding her alluring figure.

“Senior Sister.”

The Moon Goddess lay on her side, propping up her head to look at her.

Fei Yan glanced behind her, showing no intention of responding.

The Moon Goddess pressed her lips together and reminded, “Senior Sister, you’re wearing it wrong; this is mine.”

Fei Yan paused in her movements.

She lifted the collar and sniffed under her nose.

Sure enough, it smelled like the Moon Goddess.

Fei Yan quickly took off the inner garment she had just put on and angrily threw it at her.

“Put on your own clothes and get out!”

The Moon Goddess elegantly caught the light garment and gave her a resentful glance.

She could tell that Fei Yan was genuinely angry this time.

Not daring to say more, she had to put on her own clothes and left in a huff.

In her heart, she couldn’t understand why Fei Yan was so furious.

It was fine to do this with others; why couldn’t it be with her?

After thinking for a long time, the Moon Goddess finally understood.

It must be that she was still not used to it.

Just need to get used to it after a few more times!

If she went by Fei Yan’s temperament, she would’ve already made a move if she was this angry.

But this time she merely drove her away lightly.

What did that imply?

It meant that this method was still effective!

What the Moon Goddess guessed was actually not wrong.

She was different from Yan Lingji.

For over twenty years, Fei Yan had always maintained a noble air in front of her.

Now that she had lost all face and revealed her weakest side, it was natural for her to feel somewhat unaccustomed.

From the Moon Goddess’s perspective, it was simply about getting used to it.

And this habit would take three months!

It’s true that after these three months, the relationship between her and Fei Yan as sisters had greatly improved.

Fei Yan originally didn’t harbor so much hostility toward her.

It was entirely due to the Moon Goddess finding trouble for herself.

Life in the Mountain Courtyard remained plain yet filled with fun.

However, in the martial world, the Farmer’s Organization had already stirred up a wave.

Farmer’s Hero Tian Guang was killed, and the organization was thrown into chaos.

Shortly after Tian Guang’s death, news came from the Chu State.

The King of Chu passed away!

Old general Xiang Yan appointed Lord Changping Mi Qi as king.

Ultimately, Lord Changping couldn’t resist the temptation of the throne.

He rebelled against Qin alongside Chen Ying!

His rebellion sent shockwaves through the land.

As the Prime Minister of Qin, Lord Changping’s status was akin to that of a chancellor.

He was well aware of the military strength and deployments of Qin.

His rebellion posed a lethal blow to Qin!

Ying Zheng was furious!

He dispatched Wang Jian with an army of 400,000 to deal with Lord Changping.

It was expected that a great battle would erupt.

But unexpectedly, just half a month after Lord Changping was installed as the King of Chu, he was assassinated in the palace.

On that day.

As dusk fell, the Moon Goddess arrived at the Mountain Courtyard once again.

However, this time, she wasn’t alone.

Next to her stood a seven or eight-year-old girl.

With a delicate face and bright, watery eyes, she gazed at Li Mo with a hint of delight.

“Tell me your name, and this fruit will be yours.”

Li Mo, with a friendly smile, bent down, holding a bright red fruit in his hand.

The little girl’s eyes sparkled with desire as she swallowed hard, eyeing the fruit, yet she shyly hid behind the Moon Goddess.

The Moon Goddess looked down at her and spoke with an ethereal tone, “Tell him, he’s the one who saved you.”

The little girl looked up in confusion, timidly asking, “Wasn’t it you who saved me?”

The Moon Goddess shook her head.

“In this land, only he has the ability to save you; I was merely fulfilling my duty.”

At this, the little girl turned her gaze to Li Mo.

“My name is Mi Lian.”

Li Mo nodded in satisfaction and offered the fruit to her.

With a smile, he said, “Mi Lian, that’s a lovely name. Here, take it.”

Mi Lian hesitated for a moment, her fair little hand swiftly snatching the fruit from Li Mo’s hands.

She then hid behind the Moon Goddess again.

Li Mo chuckled and asked, “Do you know who I am?”

Mi Lian stared at the cloth covering his eyes and nodded, “I know, you’re the National Advisor.”

“You’re a smart girl.”

The Moon Goddess looked at her with slight admiration.

Mi Lian was the daughter of Lord Changping.

He had left his family in Xi’an when he went to Chen Ying to pacify the citizens of Chu.

He must have known well what would happen to his family in Xi’an once he rebelled against Qin.

However, compared to the throne, everything else seemed trivial.

He abandoned his family, his wife and child.

He chose the lofty throne.

But who would have thought that before he could even enjoy the seat, he would end up in the underworld?

“Do you know why this big sister brought you away from home?”

Li Mo pointed at the Moon Goddess, asking Mi Lian behind her.

Mi Lian, clutching a fruit larger than her face, looked down sorrowfully.

“I know, my father betrayed Qin; if I wasn’t taken away, my uncle would kill me.”

Her “uncle” naturally referred to Ying Zheng.

Li Mo asked again, “Do you hate your uncle?”

Mi Lian shook her head with her watery eyes.

Li Mo was surprised, “Why not?”

Mi Lian pouted and replied, “It was my father who betrayed Qin, abandoning us for the throne.

I’m the daughter of a fallen minister, a child of a traitor. I should hate him, not the King of Qin, who trusted him only to be betrayed. It’s my father who betrayed the King’s trust.”

The Moon Goddess’s eyes flashed with surprise.

She hadn’t expected this seven or eight-year-old child to express such thoughts.

“That’s right, it was your father who betrayed Qin, abandoning you.”

Li Mo slowly straightened up and walked over to Mi Lian.

Mi Lian, one hand holding onto the Moon Goddess’s dress, the other clutching the fruit, looked up at Li Mo, her little head raised.

“I’ll take you to meet someone.”


Li Mo smiled, “Your uncle, Ying Zheng.”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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