Switch Mode

Chapter 327

Chapter: 327

The morning after the hellish praise fest, I was buried under my blanket despite the sun rising outside.

Normally, I’d be outside at the training grounds by now, just like I had been every day since entering the academy.

But today, I didn’t feel like doing that. I wasn’t even prepared to step outside.

When asked why, I would have no answer. I just felt like being lazy, so I decided to embrace my inner sloth.

After all, I’ve been busting my ass to get here, right? Sometimes you just need a day to do nothing and lounge around!

Honestly, I had no reason to be pulling my hair out right now.

Nakrad, who should have been the villain in the second semester’s main story, was stuck underground with the Art Guild, being interrogated. Why would I be desperate about anything?

Last time I went to meet the perverted apostle to get some accessories, I asked about Nakrad’s state.

He had been made to look pathetic and funny, but at least he was still breathing.

Naturally, I couldn’t help but be curious about what was happening to him down there.

The perverted apostle apparently anticipated my questions since he answered almost immediately without hesitation.

Firstly, Nakrad was completely subdued to prevent any tricks.

And second, they were extracting information from him.

“Since it’s still unverified, it’s hard to say anything. However, once it’s all over, I’ll pass the message through Karia.”

There were enough gaps in the perverted apostle’s story that even I could catch on, but I didn’t pry too much.

To be precise, there wasn’t even an opening to ask more.

Just as I was about to say something, the Clumsy Fox burst in, demanding to know where my bunny girl picture was.

The sight of the Clumsy Fox, embracing my framed artwork with a clueless look on its face, made disgust fill my eyes.

When I saw it had put on the accessory on its head and fell backward, I even found myself wishing it would just drop dead right there.

And that thought hasn’t changed.

If that Clumsy Fox had bitten the dust back then, I wouldn’t have to deal with the sight of it sleeping under my towel yesterday, snickering away.

…Thank goodness the Clumsy Fox wasn’t there to witness the praise fest yesterday.

If it had been around, who knows what kind of nonsense it might have blurted out.

Ah, just thinking about it makes my face heat up again.

I never knew I had such a low tolerance for praise.

It made me realize that it wasn’t genuinely about thinking I’m impressive, but rather about watching the reactions of those around me.

I know deep down there are hardly any sincere people among them.

Listening to the chatter coming from everywhere made my head feel like it was going to explode.

If Karl hadn’t come to drag me away under the pretense of talking about the Combat Studies exam, I would’ve made a run for it through the window.

Anyway, thanks to Karl finally acting like a proper knight, I managed to escape that hell. But I had to express my gratitude in some way.

“You have a youthful side, Lady. The Lord will undoubtedly be pleased to hear about this.”

With that one remark from Karl, all my gratitude vanished into thin air.

That bastard was dead set on believing the misunderstanding created by Arthur and his party.

I mean, seriously, how could he think I could be that kind-hearted?!

I’m generally miles away from the image of thoughtfulness!

Where could that little brat, who runs around calling me pathetic and foolish, have gotten such a delusion from?!

Given the intention of the praise I just received, I panicked and desperately tried to explain it was a misunderstanding, but that bastard Karl just listened and let my words fall on deaf ears.

“Ahaha. I understand. You’re right, Lady… huff!”

My punch to Karl’s gut was self-defense, I swear.

How dare he mock me as if making fun of his owner!

It wasn’t even a hard punch, but Karl was overreacting like he’d been mortally wounded. I left him behind to head to the dungeon studies professor who had some things to discuss.

After the strategic demonstration, I was supposed to talk about something.

While I waited in the professor’s office, I thought she’d return after dealing with the chaos.

As I sauntered down the hallway, I inadvertently heard the conversations around me.

Not that I was eavesdropping, but the topics were different from the usual complaints about me.

Typically, the chatter around me consisted of how annoying and horrendous I was.

The academy was still full of people who disliked me after all.

They wouldn’t directly confront me because they were mindful of the people surrounding me, but there was still a lot of negative talk behind my back.

Yet, the things I overheard this time were mostly stuff I couldn’t have imagined.

“Has she really changed?”
“Yes! The Young Lady seems like a good person… Oh! Sorry for raising my voice!”
“Do people actually care what they say?”
“Surely the Saintess wouldn’t say something like that without reason. She must have repented under the God’s blessing.”
“I’ve always said it, you know? That lady is genuinely a good person! There’s no way someone would risk their life to save mine and be a bad person.”

They had started believing what Arthur and his party said!

There weren’t many of them, but the fact that there were people who believed I had changed was astonishing.

Especially given I’m Lucy!

Could they really think my past actions were a myth?

How outrageous is that?

I mean, just think about the depravity I caused back then!

Would anyone really believe the crazed version of me was capable of change?

Well… Thinking about it, most of the people saying such things were commoners or low-ranking nobles, so those who didn’t know the “true” Lucy might very well believe I’d turned over a new leaf.

If they heard the tales of my notorious deeds, I doubt they’d even dare think of saying, “Oh, she could change!”

“Those folks are too kindhearted about that girl.”
“They probably thought she was just here to mock us for being pathetic.”
“There’s no way Lucy Alrn could have such thoughtfulness.”
“The crazy girl couldn’t have changed.”

Most of the people attending the academy knew how Lucy Alrn functioned in high society.

That, and they figured it all out, meaning they understood the full intent behind Arthur’s party misunderstanding.

I think that’s more logical.

Considering the sins of the past committed by Lucy, anyone who witnessed them would logically conclude that Lucy Alrn had no capability for empathy.

Thus, the overall opinion in the academy didn’t really change much.

But even hearing those voices was quite exhilarating.

For a brief moment, I actually felt grateful to the three who had embarrassed me.

Why only for a moment, you ask?

Because after a little while, I came to a crucial realization.

The fact that the academy’s opinions had shifted was based on the judgments of people who aren’t close to me.

People who either knew only the past Lucy or those who don’t know either the past or present versions of me.

Now imagine how those closely related to me felt.

“I understand the intent behind the Young Lady circumventing standard procedures, but we can’t grant her any special treatment. It would compromise fairness.”

Karl’s reaction was no exaggeration!

Anyone familiar with the me of the past could see that Arthur’s party’s mistaken beliefs were being accepted as the truth!

While receiving a satisfied smile from the dungeon studies professor, I desperately insisted it was all a misunderstanding, but she didn’t believe me for a second. To her, it was simply me trying to deny the shame.

Seeing the corners of her mouth slowly rising, I decided to give up on persuading her and redirected the conversation.

No matter what I said, she didn’t get it, so I didn’t have the confidence to convince her.

Don’t ask me how she interpreted my behavior, but the dungeon studies professor switched the topic to something she wanted to discuss.

There wasn’t anything huge.

It was just that she planned to keep the final dungeon open until the start of the vacation. That she would put my dungeon in a scholarly publication. Nothing fancy.

Having cherished my very first created dungeon, I accepted her suggestion since I wanted more people to recognize its true potential.

After that, nothing much happened.

I skipped my usual evening training and returned to the dormitory, so there wasn’t any chance for anything to go down.

Knock, knock.

Hearing the sound of someone knocking, I halted my thoughts and held my breath.

“Lady? Are you in there?”

“Lucy Alrn. Answer if you’re inside.”


I was hiding to avoid those guys, and now they come right to my door!

I bit my lip and tried to mimic Karia’s stealthy way of concealing her presence.

I must not let them find me here.

If they do, I would be dragged out to face the consequences!

“How strange. I’m pretty sure she hasn’t come outside.”

“Right? Where could she have gone?”

Yes! That’s the ticket!

Just assume I’m not here and start looking elsewhere!


“No, you guys. The Young Lady is here.”

Upon hearing the voice of Phoebe, I felt a chill run down my spine and hugged my arms.

“I can feel the sacred presence from inside here. There’s no way I could mistake Lady’s holiness!”

Right. If I can sense Phoebe’s location through her divine aura, then Phoebe could detect my position too!

Ugh! How could I have missed something so basic!

I’m so mad at my stupidity!

“Come out, Lucy Alrn. If you keep hiding like this, we’ll have no choice but to change what we ask of you. For example… yeah, wearing maid attire all day…”

‘What kind of nonsense is that?!’

“Pffhahaha. Wow, poor Prince! I see you’ve even given up on hiding your perversion at this point?! Disgusting!”

“Who’s the perv!… Ahem! Either way, get out! You’ve been found out!”

Gah! Surprised by such a Clumsy Fox-like comment, I made a mistake!

Grinding my teeth in frustration, I knew there was nothing I could do.

As the absolute underdog, I was forced to bend to their demands thanks to the penalty.

Dragging my feet, I forced myself to the door, took a deep breath, and swung it open.

“Oh my. Are you just waking up?”

“I think it’s the first time seeing the disheveled Young Lady.”

And just as I expected, I was met with the delighted gazes of Joy, Phoebe, and Arthur.

Wait a second.

Why is Arthur staring blankly into space?

I was sure he would say something.

As I pondered over this confusion, Frey popped up behind Joy and blocked my view.

“Lucy. Lucy.”

‘…What is it?’

“Why? Are you a silly knight?”

“Lucy, are you actually a shy girl?”

The pure question made me go speechless for a moment.

The way she tilted her head as if she genuinely didn’t know irritated me to no end.

What’s worse was that Joy and Phoebe were both wearing amused grins.

That smile meant they were viewing me as nothing but a little girl getting shy because they uncovered my secret!


I knew this would happen!

I didn’t want to meet them precisely because I was anticipating this!

Stop it!

Don’t look at me that way!

I said don’t look at me like that!!!

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not work with dark mode