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Chapter 315

Chapter: 315

It was lunchtime on the sixth day of finals.

Having grown accustomed to the piercing gazes from all around, I was sitting in my usual corner of the cafeteria, waiting for my food to arrive.

Honestly, I was a bit nervous the first time I got such explicit stares. Sure, attracting disdain from others is pretty much a regular thing for me, but I’ve never been looked at so blatantly before.

Most people usually avoided me, worried I might snap at them.

But then, I thought about it and realized no one was actually going to do anything just because they looked at me.

In the end, all they did was glare; they didn’t start any trouble or throw curses at me like those commoners did not too long ago. They just stared at me like I was an exhibit at a zoo, so I figured, why bother worrying about it?

So, I decided to let them look as much as they wanted. Who knows? Maybe one day they’d get so fed up with me just sitting there that they’d accidentally develop some affection for me!

Just like that one trend from a smartphone game: “So what? I’m pretty, aren’t I?” I imagined myself saying that, and honestly, it made my stomach churn a bit. But then again, thinking about how I might have said something similar to provoke others made me feel even worse.

Alright, let’s think of something else. There are good things happening too!

For example, today marks the end of my finals at the Academy.

Normally, the Academy’s exams take place over a week and differ for each student, so the end of exam period varies too.

In my case, I’m done after the history exam I took this morning.

Grandpa kept rambling about how I didn’t know the real history, but I ignored all his advice and just trusted the logs I’d been keeping.

After all, after what happened at the Partran Festival, why would I ever trust what he said?

What they ask about in the exam isn’t the real history, but the history written in books! I don’t need those vivid testimonials from people who lived back then!

[No, that doesn’t make sense! How could a coward like him earn the nickname ‘The Cold-Blooded King’?! He could only run away and dump everything onto his subordinates!]

Listening to Grandpa droning on—a button for “let’s lose our minds” in this history exam—I finally spotted a waiter approaching from a distance.

Ah, it’s finally here.

The special Academy cream pasta I ordered.

It looked delicious even from afar.

Heh heh heh, I can already imagine the taste.

Twisting the pasta onto my fork and taking a bite, I can just picture that creamy sauce filling my mouth, rich and savory.

“Excuse me, is it alright if I interrupt you, Lady Alrn?”

Just as I was dreaming about the pasta’s taste, someone blocked my view.

Who in the world? What audacious little brat is interrupting my delicious fantasy?

Frowning in irritation, I looked up only to see a face I’ve never seen before at all.

Who is this kid?

Judging by the uniform, they seemed to be a second-year student at the Academy.

Since I’ve never seen them before, they must be one of those extras not even mentioned in the game, right?

As I tilted my head in confusion, I noticed a few other students gathered around this one. If a bunch of people I didn’t even know came over to talk to me, the reason must be pretty clear.

These guys have 100% come to stir up trouble with me.

‘Uh, no, it’s not alright at all.’

“How about thinking before you speak? Someone like you doesn’t deserve to waste the time of someone as noble as me!”

Waving my hand dismissively, I watched as the one in front turned bright red.

I mean, I hadn’t even really provoked them yet, and they’re already trembling. Whoever they are, if they can’t control their emotions like that, they don’t seem too impressive after all.

“Please, just give us a moment. This is important.”

If not for the number of eyes watching us, I would have knocked him down right then and there.

Most people in the Academy’s cafeteria were staring, after all.

With the reputation I gained from all the Dungeon Studies trouble, any sudden violent actions could easily turn into some monstrous rumors.

So, let’s create a clear justification for my actions. I’ll make sure this kid makes the first move.

Crossing my arms and leaning back, I wondered if the kid had understood that as a signal to elaborate, as he forced a smile.

“Thank you. I am…”

“Hey♡ You robes-wearing nobody, are you even human or some monster?♡ Don’t you think your attitude is way too high for someone like you asking for favors?♡ If you look lowly, you should act lowly too, right?♡”

“Uh, I apologize.”

“Well then, you should be sorry♡ If I weren’t as nice and adorable as I am, you’d be in big trouble right now, you know?♡”

The one who bit their lip in defiance was about to sit down with an “excuse me” remark.

Did they take “look me in the eye” as an invitation to join me here?

“Who said you could sit down?♡”


“You look like an animal, not a person, right?♡ Then the only place for you is on the floor with the other animals♡ Wouldn’t you agree?♡”

Pointing to the floor with my gaze, the face of the extra turned crimson as they clenched their fists.

Seeing their clear frustration and the others with them getting riled up, I figured if I scratched a little more, someone would blow their top.

“Don’t like it?♡ You pathetic little cowards are too scared to do anything but tremble in fear at a mere girl♡ Crying to their mommy because the creepy professor scares them silly and then coming gunning for me—how pathetic!♡”


“Ha ha ha♡ Are you upset?♡ So, what are you gonna do about it?♡ You can’t hit me, can you?♡ You can do nothing but get slapped around by me, huh?♡”

“…At least be reasonable.”

“Ah♡ I get it♡ You came to me, wanting to be insulted!♡ Wow~♡ I can’t deal with all these creepy pervert pigs who want to be slapped around!♡ Please go away!♡ I might catch something weird from hanging out with you guys!♡…”

The front guy at the humiliation seemed to clench his teeth, raising his fist.

You could see the blood veins popping, indicating that all his strength was packed in there.

But honestly, so what if he meant it? He’s way too slow.

I caught his fist mid-swing, twisting his arm behind him.

The trash tried to resist, but the strength difference was so vast that it didn’t even matter.


I barely twisted but he acted like I was ripping off his arm.

This was too pathetic to even call him trash.

Not wanting to hear that piercing noise, I gave him a quick jab to the nose to shut him up, then kicked the solar plexus of the one who was getting ready to attack from the side, knocking him down.

Next to me was a big guy charging in, thinking he could tackle me.

Was he trying to pin me down with his body weight?

I wouldn’t say his judgment was wrong, though.

Who would just allow that big clumsy dude to slam into them?

I kicked his chin to subdue him, then added a final kick to the head of the one crumpled on the ground, glancing around.

What a bunch of pathetic cowards.

What kind of confidence did they think they had showing up to mess with me?

Did they not know my notorious reputation? There’s no way they don’t!

Lost in thought about all this, I moved toward the one bleeding red from the nose and crushed their mouth with my foot, cutting off any sorry comments they might have aimed at me before continuing.

“Let me answer your initial question, darling♡ Of course, that dungeon is totally conquerable!♡ Even you folks, who seem to have minimum requirements to move up to second year, could totally handle it!♡”

This turned out well.

I had been craving to show them just how frustrating it was watching these fools struggle with the dungeon.

“I’ll show you how completely foolish you guys are!♡ And how below my level you truly are!♡ I’ll make sure you tremble with shame until you feel like dying!♡ Aaaah~♡ I’m just too sweet-hearted, right?♡”

I looked down at the guys struggling to comprehend what just happened; they seemed to understand my words, so maybe I should leave it at that.

With an uppercut that knocked out the trash leader, I swiped a plate from a nearby waiter like a pro.

Ugh, the pasta is all soggy now. I was really looking forward to it.

Gah. This makes me even angrier. I should beat some more idiots to blow off steam.


What’s this?

Is there someone else who wants to pick a fight with me?

Hope it’s someone a little more fun to hit, I turned to see Professor Jesel, the Dungeon Studies teacher, holding his forehead in disbelief.

“Lady Alrn?”


“Can we talk?”

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not work with dark mode