Switch Mode

Chapter 311

Chapter: 311

On the evening of the second day of the Academy’s final exam.

I finished all the tests I had to take today and decided to treat myself in the academy’s dining hall for all the hard work.

What a tough day it was.

I mean, I took three exams starting from the morning.

During the short breaks, I struggled to cram in the test material into the log feature.

I was so busy that I barely managed to shove my lunch down my throat and read my notes!

Well, thanks to all that hard work, I think my exam scores should turn out pretty decent.

If I could achieve this much at the last minute, wouldn’t it just make sense to study steadily in the first place?

Hearing my grumbling, my grandpa responded with his usual wise words.

Of course, if I had been studying regularly, I wouldn’t have had to struggle like this.

But what could I do?!

I was given a ridiculous quest by that pathetic perverted god right when I was supposed to be studying for the exams!

I had to focus on dungeon creation instead of studying for all that garbage because of that deity’s absurd revelations!

So, using the log function? It’s all the perverted god’s fault!

My laziness towards studying was also the fault of that perverted god!

I was just a victim at the mercy of a god who was all about satisfying their twisted desires!

I’ve seen many things in my life, but blaming one’s god? Now that’s a first!

“I’m fine with this! You don’t know how hard I’ve had it because of that god!”

…Hmmm. You have indeed endured quite a lot.

“Right? Right?!”

The torment I went through because of that pathetic god and how much effort I put into serving them—this degree of double standards is…

Ah! Here it comes! The parfait I ordered!

I stopped complaining to my grandpa and focused on the parfait that the server had just brought.

Wow! Is that a strawberry parfait today? It looks absolutely delicious!

I gasped at the breathtaking visuals that exceeded my imagination and quickly dove in with my spoon, scooping up a bit.

Vanilla ice cream. Chocolate. And strawberries on top.

What a luxurious sight it is!

If I could, I’d love to just stare at this forever, but since it’s ice cream, it’s going to melt away at some point.

I should just save this moment in my memory and stomach.

The moment I opened my mouth wide and shoved all three elements in at once, a moan escaped my lips.

So sweet!

So incredibly sweet and refreshing!

And you know what? I love it!

Lost in bliss, I moved my spoon rapidly, devouring the parfait.

It’s so good! I can’t stop eating it!

Hah. Alright. If you can smile so brightly, I’ll say the god isn’t at fault this time.

The exam-period special parfait was as huge as reaching my nose on the table, but I had no issue taking it down.

Considering how I usually move around!

If I think about the calories I burn in that hellish training, this is just a piece of cake!

Having demolished the parfait, I put down my spoon with a satisfied smile.

Ahh. How wonderful it is that the usually stellar food in the dining hall becomes even better during exam periods!

If only they could structure their menu like this all the time. But due to practical limitations, they can’t, right?

Having successfully revitalized myself with all that sugar, I stretched and stood up from my seat.

Now, let’s go meet Adriel. I have to remind that guy to take it easy…

Huh? As I stood up, I realized the people in the dining hall were all staring at me.

With hard glares coming from every age and gender, I nearly took a step back without even realizing it.

What’s going on?

Why are those people, who usually avoid my gaze, staring daggers at me today?

Uh-oh. Did they drop some hints today or something?

If they’re glaring at me all pissed off because of that, we would really be in trouble.

If the atmosphere is already like this after the first hint, I can’t imagine the chaos that will ensue with the next one.

“What? You’ve been teased, and you’re back for more hints? Have you finally awakened to your hidden preferences? Do you enjoy being mocked now? Eww~ gross!”

If I were to read a hint that starts like that, wouldn’t the angered crowd just add to their hatred for me?

Imagining that awful future, I resigned myself to the cruel reality and plopped back down in my seat.

And then ordered another parfait.

No matter what I do here, those heated glares won’t change.

So, I’ll just eat something tasty to relieve the stress.

Surrounded by those glaring eyes, I polished off the additional parfait I ordered and headed towards Adriel’s mansion.

Recently, Adriel’s been clinging to Visi, but her origins are ultimately tied to the mansion’s spirit.

If she releases some divine energy in that mansion, which could crumble at any moment…

“Hey! Are you planning to purify me right now?!”

Ta-da! That’s how I call Adriel over!

“Hi there, Adriel.”

“Pffhahaha! Look at how surprised you are to pop out! So pathetic.”

Are you seriously saying that while you’re holding a knife to my neck?!

Was my attempt to spread divine energy a little too frantic, or was she just being overly sensitive?

There’s no way a spirit like Adriel should get purified this easily.

As I pondered that, Adriel, who was shivering in disbelief, finally let out a cold, heavy sigh.

…So, why are you here?

“I came to ask you to tone it down a bit.”

“I’m telling you to take it easy! I know your granddaughter is adorable, but that’s just too much.”

Sure, I understand wanting to give guidance while seeing Visi struggle.

But come on, is it really necessary? Thinking of Visi’s party’s capabilities, isn’t she way overdoing it by trying to tackle the fourth room?

Given Visi’s party’s strength, this really isn’t fair.

Ah, so you came to talk about the dungeon, huh?

It seems Adriel understands where I’m coming from, as she looked away while rubbing her neck.

But you know, your dungeon is really hard.

“Is it really that hard? Huh?”

“Hard? Really? Ugh. You must have a much worse ability than I imagined!”

Wait—there’s no way Adriel should say it’s hard!

If she finds the place tough for students, what kind of conclusion is that?

I’m not saying it’s hard!


“And you get confused if you’ve gotten old, huh? Just remember, that’s an exam…”

That dungeon is just an exam for the finals.

If it’s not hard, it wouldn’t have the needed distinctiveness, would it?

Do you understand…?

“Your being overbearing is more trouble for your invisible granddaughter. If you’re not losing your memory, you should be able to get that!”

Hah. Fine. I’ll let them handle it by themselves.

Wow, that was easier to resolve than I expected. I thought I’d have to deal with more stubbornness.

Is that all you have to say?

“Yes. Yup.”

“Then? Why do you look so lonely? Want me to talk to you?”

If I have some free time, there is something I’d like to ask.

“What is it?”

“Ask away. I’ll listen.”

I was kind of surprised that Adriel initiated the conversation. She didn’t seem like she enjoyed talking to me too much.

I want to know why the accessory made by the Apostle of the Art Guild has the kids so riled up.

Hearing Adriel’s confusion over why nobles and tycoons would risk their lives over a mere accessory made me chuckle.

“Want to see it?”

“If you really have to, I could show it.”

…Tsk. Alright, I’ll ask nicely.

The item I was going to reward for their dungeon clearing has long since been handed over to the academy.

But the accessory that the perverted apostle made for me is still with me.

Though it looks different, it’s still an accessory crafted by the perverted apostle.

That should at least be enough for them to understand why everyone’s so captivated by it.

As I pulled the accessory from my inventory and held it out, Adriel stood there, mouth agape and frozen.

I understand that feeling.

When I first saw it, I was so stunned that the perverted apostle’s passionate explanation didn’t even reach my ears!

Is that a hairpin…?


“Even the old hag can tell that much? Yep.”

The item the perverted apostle gave me is a hairpin that I can use instead of a ribbon when tying my twin tails.

It isn’t flashy, yet it exudes an air of elegance. It’s not something that stands out too much, but it doesn’t shy away from announcing its presence among my hair.

I could tell it was a high-quality item, even for someone like me who isn’t that familiar with accessories.

It was so nice that I wondered if receiving this precious item just from wearing a bunny girl outfit was too good to be true.

Of course, I didn’t voice it out loud. Who knows what weird stuff that perverted apostle and the crow goddess would say if I gave them any openings?

This was made for you, right?

“Can you tell just by looking at it?”

Sure. If I look at the effort put into this hairpin, it gradually becomes clear.

When she was alive, she claimed to be a prominent noble’s daughter, Adriel shrugged her shoulders.

Don’t ask me how to respond to that. No matter what I say will likely get translated into garbage because of that Mesugaki skill.

Can you show me once you wear it?

Upon hearing Adriel’s request, I pondered for a moment.

The last time I wore this thing, it caused quite a stir.

The perverted apostle was on his knees in front of me, crying tears of joy as he put it on.

And there, that clueless clumsy fox had transformed into a human and was presenting a leash out of nowhere, burying its head into the ground.

… Looking back, it seems the problem was with those two scumbags, not Adriel.

Comparing those two worthless trash with someone like Adriel would be slanderous, so I figured I’d give it a try.

It’s been nearly a year since I’ve been sporting twin tails, so I had no hesitation in putting the hairpin in.

Once I put on the hairpin and leaned in front of Adriel, she opened her mouth again, frozen in place.

What’s up? Since this girl likes to throw around mean comments, I thought she’d have something to say about the accessory and how it clashed with me, but she’s completely silent.

As I raised one eyebrow, Adriel swept both hands across her face.



“What is it?”

Don’t wear it in public, like, if you can avoid it.

I mean, I too recognize the value of this accessory, so I wouldn’t intend to wear it unless it’s a really special occasion.

But Adriel’s reaction seems a bit different from what I was anticipating.

As I tilted my head while removing the hairpin, Adriel let out a sigh of relief.

So, what gives?

What about my look with that accessory is causing this reaction?

Since I’ve fulfilled my request, let me offer you a piece of advice.

“Advice, huh?”

Advice? You’re giving me advice?

Until the academy’s break, just take care of yourself. The number of folks wanting to take you down among those climbing the dungeon is on the rise.

Even though I don’t know what hint was written down, hearing that everyone mutters insults about me gives me some bitter laughter.

Of course, I should feel grateful if people are tackling my dungeon with sincere efforts, but knowing their true motive is just to teach me a lesson makes it impossible for me to feel at ease.

Damn Mesugaki skill! Why does it always want to put me in a negative light?

Could this also be part of that pathetic god’s scheme?!

Uniting all the dungeons to teach me a lesson!

Hey! You perverted god!

No matter how you look at it, I’m your apostle! Doesn’t it sound absurd that you’d want to witness me getting schooled?!

Well, no matter how much those fools gather, I doubt it’ll change much. Still, you never know where that rage will go!

“…Thanks for the advice!”

Hmph. You’re worrying me, huh? I can see right through your act, you lonely hag. Pretending to act tough when really you just want to know I’m safe, huh? Pff. How embarrassingly shy of you!

… I might never give you advice again!

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not work with dark mode