Switch Mode

Chapter 306

Chapter: 306

During lunchtime at the Soul Academy.

Arthur, who had just finished his exam, settled into a corner of the dining hall with a frown etched across his face.

His mind was consumed by thoughts of the second chamber of the Dungeon Studies exam.

A dark and convoluted cave where the end was impossible to discern.

And a massive wolf chasing him from behind, making a racket.

“I seriously started questioning if they intended for us to pass.”

The problem was one: the wolf assigned the role of pursuer was far too powerful.

Frey Kent’s sword swings — despite her giving it her all — couldn’t even pierce its thick fur.

Joy Partan’s carefully prepared magic also failed to harm the beast.

Even the purification spells cast by the Saint had little effect; the wolf remained unfazed.

What was it? A monster conjured from the imagination of a child? Seriously, what was the deal?

Shouldn’t there be a limit to this madness?

Arthur grumbled internally but didn’t completely miss Lucy’s intent behind all this.

She probably meant to make it impossible to defeat it.

After all, the method for dealing with the soldiers they faced at the start was similar.

It wasn’t about defeating foes but discovering the conditions for victory and overcoming trials.

At the time, he didn’t have the leisure to carefully analyze his opponent, so he clumsily took them down. Now, looking back, the reason that room was set up was clear.

Find the conditions. Observe and ponder the surroundings to pass the trials.

“In other words, that wolf is there to create crises, not to be defeated.”

Crossing his arms, Arthur recalled all the knowledge he had gathered at the Academy.

To begin with, the first thing he needed to do was roam the cave and search for clues.

“…No, wait. Before that, I need to figure out how to dodge the wolf first.”

Its massive body moved with an unreal speed.

Even with the Saint’s support, it was sheer impossible strength.

With fangs capable of biting through iron bars.

If he couldn’t find a way to shake it off, exploring the cave would be utterly impossible.

Without figuring out how to ditch it, all he had was the repeated prospect of facing death.

“Oh poor Prince. You look so pale, I’m starting to think you might turn into a ghost soon!”

Following the giggles, Arthur lifted his head to see Lucy Alrn’s mocking gaze. He straightened his posture before letting out a long sigh.

“Do you even know who you’re talking about?”

“Who, pray tell? The one making the poor prince all pitiful is you yourself, isn’t it?”

“…Isn’t it because of the dungeon you made that I’m in this situation?!”

Lucy tilted her head innocently, feigning ignorance, making Arthur scowl.

The third prince of a kingdom fuming would normally send a chill down anyone’s spine, but not Lucy. Instead, she only laughed more.

“Pfft! Was it that hard? I expected more from you, poor prince. Guess you’re just a whiny little novice after all.”

…Why can’t I control my anger?

Didn’t he know that talking back would only invite more disdain?

Why can’t he just hold back for a moment and not be condescended by this damn brat?

“Poor little prince! Have you forgotten even how to speak properly? Have you turned into a baby?”

“Shut up and just tell me why you’re here.”

“Hehe. Are you mad? Getting all huffy because a cute girl picked on you?”

“Lucy Alrn.”

“Got it~! I’ll stop before you start crying, but I just couldn’t resist!”

Seeing Arthur’s face go beet red, Lucy nodded contentedly, backing away from the table instead of sitting down.

“…You just came here to mess around, didn’t you?”

“Not at all! Unlike you, dear poor prince, I’m not idle.”

“Then what brings you here?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Since I’ve heard your questions, that’s my answer right there.”

“You heard the answers?”

Arthur blinked in confusion as Lucy subtly turned her head, pretending to cover up her smirk with her dainty white hand.

“Yes. Watching the poor prince sulk made me realize my dungeon is just perfect.”

“Perfect? That horrendous dungeon?”

“Haha! Want to deny it? I guess it would be hard for you to understand since you’re such a pathetic prince. I understand—being dumb is a tough life.”

“Ah! Seriously! Come sit down! I’ll tell you the definition of perfection!….”

“Eek! You’re mad! So scary! I gotta run away!”

Arthur glared at the back of Lucy as she scampered off, his veins bulging on his forehead.

Oh, how he’ll show her the end of his dungeon!

The next time he sees her, he’ll make her understand just how awful her dungeon was.

When that day comes, she can say whatever she wants, but it won’t mean a thing.

She’ll be the loser, and he the victor.

With lips pressed so tightly together they could bleed, Arthur found his appetite slipping away and stood up.

“Your Highness? Where are you going?”

“Good timing! Frey Kent! Follow me. I’m going to storm the dungeon until I find the answers.”

“Huh? I need to eat!”

“I’ll feed you until you burst later, so just come with me. That’s a prince’s order.”

“…You better buy me something tasty.”

“Fine. Just let’s find Joy and the Saint first.”


At that same time, it wasn’t just Arthur and his team struggling with the dungeon.

Second-year elite students like Cecil and third-year noble Rahvi were also in the same predicament.

Countless other challengers were repeatedly being pushed out of the dungeon.

What obstructed them were the wolves in the second room of the dungeon.

No matter the method—physical, magical, even divine—their inability to take down the wolves had turned them into nightmares, invoking screams from the challengers.

Such was the horrid nature of this wolf that many of those who initially aimed for a first-clear were giving up altogether.

Toby, the son of a mercenary captain, had entered the academy, specializing in martial arts just like Frey.

At first, he aimed for the initial clear with his friends, drawn in by the promise of acquiring an artifact made by the Apostles of the Art Guild, thinking, “If I get my hands on that, I could live comfortably forever!”

However, his friend’s ambition quickly crumbled against the wall of reality.

The mood was upbeat in the first chamber and they advanced without much difficulty, thanks to Toby’s knowledge from working with his mercenary father.

But the moment they confronted the wolf in the second room, it shattered his friends’ resolve, leaving them screaming, “How do we even tackle something like that?!”

Terrified out of their minds, despite Toby’s persuasion, they declared they’d rather fail than continue and fled, forcing Toby into the role of a reluctant dropout.

What a shame.

He had some hypotheses about how to defeat the wolf, but now he could barely attempt them.

The instructors had said that he could bring in new party members if he wanted.

“I’m sorry. You won’t reach the level you hope to.”

“There’s no place for commoners in this party. Leave.”

“Haha. I’m sorry. I’ll let you know if a spot opens up.”

They hadn’t even finished the first day of exams, and how common was it to find an empty slot in a party?

Toby, who would usually ask around for anyone he knew, found that there was no place for him anywhere.

Hah. At this point, all he could do was wait.

He wanted to confirm whether his strategies were right.

Or maybe he should just go ask an instructor if he could go in alone.

As Toby pondered, he inadvertently ran into Lucy Alrn while heading for the academy exams.

She was alone again today.

He had heard whispers about her, and with the empty space around her, it was astonishing.

That woman possessed a beauty that made it impossible not to glance once she caught your eye.

It seemed likely that fools could get enchanted by her allure only to lose their senses.

Yet everyone kept their distance, as if they feared approaching her; he found himself wanting to understand just how notorious she really was.

Under normal circumstances, Toby would have thought no further and moved on.

Having heard of the dangers noblewomen posed from his mercenary father, why would he approach Lucy knowing he might end up in trouble?

But today was different.

Knowing she designed the Dungeon Studies exam, he figured she could offer insight into his speculations.

Unable to resist his curiosity, Toby moved closer.

“Excuse me, Lady Alrn. May I trouble you for a moment?”

“Huh? Pffft! Whoa, what’s this? A dumb-looking golem, huh?”

“My name is Toby. I’ve matched weapons with you a couple of times in the sparring class.”

“Is that so? I don’t recall. It seems you were such a moronic golem that your skills weren’t worth remembering.”

It was such blatant disregard that anyone could see it, yet Toby’s expression remained unchanged. Working in a mercenary group, he had grown accustomed to being looked down upon by nobles…

“So what’s it about? Ah, don’t tell me, you’re hitting on me? Hahaha. Did I catch your eye so much you forgot your place? Sorry, but a weirdo like you is out of my league.”

…Nope. Clearly, he misjudged his familiarity toward her.

Maintaining his composure was tougher than he thought.

Talking directly to a lady of nobility was new for him, and he now understood why so few dared to approach her.

“Cough! Um, no, it’s not that.”

“Then what? Speak up. The value of the time between you—a golem with no presence—and me is completely different. Got that?”

“Well, I heard that Lady Alrn is in charge of designing this Dungeon Studies exam. I came to ask about it.”

“Ah~ You’re asking for the answers, huh? But you really lack humility if you expected that from me. Is it true you golem-types have no kneeling mechanism?”

Toby was about to snap.

How did the Saint and Lady Partan stand to be around Lucy Alrn?

Even now, he was shaking, trying to keep it hidden behind his back.

While feeling resentful for his curiosity, he struggled to suppress his anger.

After all, he had already approached the lady and needed to at least get the answers he sought.

“I have a question about the second room in the dungeon. That wolf—is it an illusion based on a small wolf?”


The moment Toby spoke, Lucy’s eyes, which had been full of blatant disdain, narrowed like a crescent moon.

And simultaneously, the surrounding noise faded, almost as if sound itself was being blocked out.

“Keep yapping. I’m curious to see just how ridiculous the musings of a doltish golem can get.”

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not work with dark mode