Switch Mode

Chapter 302

Chapter: 302

The training ground of the Academy was gradually being tinted with a crimson hue.

On one side, Arthur and Frey were engaged in a fierce sword duel, as if their lives depended on it.

“Frey! Are you trying to kill me?!”

“Well, Your Highness, you aimed a spell at my face first. It’s karma!”

The swords clashed, each radiating a blue aura known as the mark of a knight.

It was well-known that simply grasping the aura before graduating from the Academy would earn one the title of genius.

Even though they hadn’t finished their first year, their ability to wield the aura with such finesse left the others in the training ground smirking in disbelief.

If they were only moderately skilled, there’d be room for jealousy or disdain. But their talents were so extraordinary that others couldn’t even muster those feelings.

The intense sparring session ended when Arthur used Wind Magic to kick up dirt and blind Frey, ultimately knocking her sword from her hand.

“So that makes it 2 wins and 4 losses, right?”

“Nope! From the prince’s perspective, it’s 1 win, 4 losses, and 1 tie.”

“Where did that tie come from?”

“From the duel that got interrupted. Don’t you remember?”

“That duel was already leaning in my favor! Didn’t we agree it would count as my win?”

“Desperately trying to twist it, huh? Fine, we’ll call it 2 wins and 4 losses. But I’m still ahead.”

“That’s not desperation!”

“Everyone, calm down. At this rate, you really will end up in an actual sword fight.”

Joy, who had been focusing on her magic practice nearby, interjected, causing both Arthur and Frey to step back reluctantly.

“I know you two get along, but if one of you gets hurt, it’ll mess up our plans for the dungeon exploration.”

“…I’m sorry. That was immature of me.”

“Right. The prince was the one being immature.”

Arthur was ready to blow up at Frey’s teasing, but he sighed instead, seeing her adorable confused expression.

“Alright, let’s take a break.”


“Then I’ll go back to solo training.”

Without a care for his dignity, Arthur plopped down on the dusty ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Having checked the announcement posted earlier today and moving around since then, he realized he had practically trained for half a day.

He could definitely feel that his stamina had improved.

Just a few months back, if he had moved like this, he would have collapsed on the floor without even a thought of getting back up.

It was worth asking Lucy Alrn for guidance.

But that wasn’t the only area of improvement.

His magical power. Physical strength. Mastery of magic. Swordsmanship skills. And even maintaining composure during real combat.

Most importantly, his ability to wield the aura was rapidly growing.

A month ago, he could barely manifest it, but now he could handle it somewhat freely.

This rapid progress wasn’t limited to him.

Joy, who was currently manifesting five spells simultaneously, had also developed immensely compared to before she entered the Academy.

Surely, she had heard the question about her plans after her graduation to head toward the Mage Tower nearly ten times.

Arthur understood the professors’ feelings.

How could they not feel tempted when facing someone who could wield five spells of different natures effortlessly?

If it were him, he would have done everything possible to recruit her into his faction.

Even though they were supposed to be taking a break, Frey was still swinging her sword with no signs of slowing down, also showing noticeable growth with each passing day.

Frey Kent, who had gained a reputation as one of the strongest rising stars just by relying on her talent without proper sword training.

Now that she was seriously embracing swordsmanship, her growth was simply inevitable.

To be honest, the only reason he could still win against her now was that they were sparring.

If he were to compete against Frey for real, he knew he would definitely lose.

Sigh. Really. I’m supposed to be a genius, but all I see around me are monsters.

No wonder I feel so afraid of falling behind; it’s impossible to take a break.

As Arthur reluctantly picked up his sword again, he suddenly heard a commotion at the entrance of the training ground.

What’s going on?

As he brushed his hair out of his eyes, he caught sight of a hulking figure he’d known since childhood.

Cecil Soladin, the second prince of the Soladin Kingdom, was walking through the center of the training ground.

What prompts my brother to visit a personal training ground he set up on Academy Street?

And he came alone, leaving all his usual underlings behind?

With those questions clouding his mind, Arthur realized the moment his eyes met Cecil’s that he had come looking for him.

After getting soundly defeated by Lucy Alrn, he’d been quiet. Did the Second Queen give him a command? Or maybe it’s just a passing whim?

While Arthur hastily tidied up his disheveled appearance from training, Cecil approached him.

“Greetings, brother.”

“Yeah, little bro. You look healthier.”

“What brings you here?”

“Do I need a reason to visit family?”

“You do!”

Arthur didn’t let his guard down despite Cecil’s smile. He had too many bitter memories from their past encounters.

“Ha. Fine. I’ve heard that the designer of this Dungeon Studies exam is Lucy Alrn.”

“Yes, that’s what I’ve been told too.”

“So, deliver a message to her for me. Tell her I’ll be the first to conquer the dungeon she designed to prove I’ve changed and challenge her again.”

Arthur couldn’t help but respond sharply, the seriousness in Cecil’s tone bringing out his irritation.

“Is that the will of the Second Queen?”

That was quite the rude question, implying that Cecil still hadn’t escaped his mother’s influence.

If it had been the old Cecil, he probably would have shouted that Arthur was being disrespectful, but today he just smiled in response.

“No. Mother wants me to stay quiet. If she heard me making a fuss like this in public, she’d let out a sigh.”

“Then why?”

“It’s a matter of pride, little brother. A ruler who is disrespected by his subjects isn’t my type.”

Cecil was convinced this time he would win, and for some reason, Arthur couldn’t help but see himself in that determination.

He foresaw a moment when he’d surpass Lucy Alrn and learn what she had kept hidden.

The moment he realized that, Arthur felt a surge of emotions within him.

“If that’s your business, you could just tell Lucy Alrn directly.”

As the aura started to manifest around him, fueled by the rising flames of emotion, Cecil merely smiled nonchalantly.

“I know, little brother.”

This wasn’t just bravado; he had sought Arthur as a messenger knowing he had something else in mind.

In other words, his goal lay somewhere beyond the surface.

Arthur’s mind spun as he reached a conclusion within a second.

“You’re challenging me, aren’t you?”

A declaration of war. A chance to exert himself and not lose someone he trusted if he stood idly by.

Seeing this visit in that light, Arthur voiced his anger, while Cecil just spread his aura around playfully.

“Brother, consider this some information I’m sharing with you to repay a part of the favor I owe to Lucy Alrn.”

“…What? What are you talking about?”

“You wouldn’t know, being cut off from central politics, but there are people beginning to see you as a serious threat.”

Arthur blinked in surprise at the unexpected remark, while Cecil continued in a smaller, clearer voice.

“As long as you bear the Soladin bloodline, you can’t keep delaying your choices forever.”

After finishing his words, Cecil crushed Arthur’s aura with his own, followed by a playful pat on Arthur’s shoulder.

“I suggest that if you cherish Lucy Alrn, you should put in some effort.”

“…Why is her name suddenly coming up here?”

“Isn’t it interesting? They say your face turns red every time you see her.”

“Do you think I’d ever take an interest in that foul-mouthed person?!”

“Oh, so it’s a little girl that’s your type? Maybe that’s why you keep Frey Kent by your side.”

“What are you trying to turn me into?!”

Cecil, watching Arthur flounder in confusion, bid him goodbye since the business was concluded and slipped away from the training ground.

After the downpour of his visit, Joy, who had been casting worried glances nearby, cautiously approached Arthur.

“What did you talk about?”

“…Didn’t you hear?”

“In the middle of it, the Second Prince blocked sounds with his aura.”

…Did I guess wrong?

The declaration of war was just a surface reason, with the real message hidden behind?

But then, why would the prince share that with me?

“Ugh. Damn it. I can’t grasp his intentions.”

I can’t understand why my brother, who usually views me as someone to eliminate, suddenly acts this way.

I have so many uncertainties that I can’t make bold assumptions.

…But there is one thing I’m sure of.

“I have another reason to conquer the dungeon in the Dungeon Studies exam.”

I can’t let my brother swagger around, casually speaking to Lucy Alrn.

Who knows what disaster might strike next?

If Lucy Alrn starts spouting nonsense about the idiot prince again, I might end up getting dragged into that chaos.

Though furrowing his brows heavily in thought, Arthur felt a tug on his sleeve and turned his head to see Frey standing there.

“Hey, Your Highness. Was what you just said real?”

“What are you talking about?”

“That you like a little girl.”

“…Do I look like some kind of pervert?!”

Arthur shouted in shock, and Joy then quietly spoke up.

“But Your Highness…”

“What?! If you have something to say, spill it!”

“Nah, forget it. Don’t mind me.”

“What do you mean! Just say it already!”

As he raged at Joy, he suddenly felt a familiar touch on his back, forcing him to turn around.

“Who now?!… Oh. Saintess?”

“Prince of Soladin. It’s alright.”


“Tastes can differ. You shouldn’t be embarrassed…”

“No! I assure you my tastes are far from that! Please believe me!”

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not work with dark mode