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Chapter 300

Chapter: 300

That day, right after the discussion with Lucy, Professor Jesel of Dungeon Studies submitted the dungeon she created.

He didn’t even consider rejecting it.

Sure, it’s true that the other professors were a bunch of old geezers who shove all annoying work onto the youngsters, but these guys were also captivated by dungeons enough to become professors in Dungeon Studies.

There was no way they could even think about rejecting the marvelous dungeon Lucy created.

If they checked it out and still asked for something else, I’d say forget the academic seniors nonsense and shove them right back!

How can someone who can’t recognize the greatness of this dungeon even teach a subject called Dungeon Studies?

A few days later, after submitting the dungeon, Jesel was summoned to his supervising professor’s office.

Although the stated reason was personal conversation, Jesel didn’t trust it.

When you’ve got management of your family’s affairs piled on top of research and the position of supervising professor, when would you have time to casually drink tea?

It must be about the dungeon submitted yesterday, without a doubt.

Convinced of this, Jesel prepared for the worst and packed various materials. Whatever came out of this conversation, he planned to push his claims through.

By the time he arrived at the supervising professor’s office, he had rehashed his resolve to fight for his academic dignity, but it all shattered the moment the office door swung open.

“Professor Jesel. You’ve come?”

“Long time no see. Last time was at that faculty dinner, right?”

“Oh my! Look at that stiff face.”

“Aren’t you tired with all the first-year nonsense? Of course you wouldn’t want me to invite you for a cup of tea.”

“I’m sorry to drag a busy person here.”

But it wasn’t just the supervising professor in the office.

All the professors from Dungeon Studies who rarely met for their individual research were gathered in one place.

“…Good day, professors.”

Memory of the nightmare of the past thesis evaluations flashed in Jesel’s mind, and he quickly bowed his head, sweating cold.

“Why is everyone here?”

“Hehe. Is there any need for a reason when researchers of the same field gather?”

“When there’s something to talk about, we meet up, right? Isn’t that so?”

“Exactly! Exactly!”

Seeing them chattering away as if they were rehearsed made Jesel’s mouth twitch.

Gathering for no particular reason? Who would do such a thing? This bunch avoids going out, making their office a kind of dungeon!

What gives? Why are these folks, who can barely get three people to show up even if the dean begs them, all here together?

“Hey, you lot. Could you not make Professor Jesel uncomfortable!”

“Look who set this up and then complains!”

“Just a quirky individual, that’s all.”

“Enough! I can’t take up busy Professor Jesel’s time, so let’s get straight to the point. The reason we’ve called you here is because of the final exam dungeon you submitted.”

The moment the supervising professor mentioned the final exam dungeon, Jesel became more confused about the situation.

If it was merely a rejection, one wave of his hand would suffice!

“Professor Jesel, as you know, our academy has been faced with quite a few incidents lately.”

“The incident with the third prince getting kidnapped during the entrance exam. The apostle of the evil god attacking the streets.”

“Not to mention, Young Lady Alrn conquered all the academy dungeons in a single day. Because of that, some fools are making a fuss about how easy those dungeons must be.”

“Professor Magote, keep it dignified!”

“Did I say anything unreasonable? The supervising professor gathered us here because he’s angry that some fools are insulting us, right?”

“Magote! Keep it together! I’m talking to Professor Jesel here, aren’t I?”

“Oh my, my apologies.”

After Magote’s playful laughter and a quick bow, the supervising professor turned back to Jesel.

“Due to these incidents, the reputation of our Soul Academy’s Dungeon Studies department has taken a hit. Do you understand up to this point?”

“Yes. I get that much, but how does that relate to the final exam dungeon?”

“I’ve examined the dungeon you submitted several times, and the one that Miss Alrn fully conceptualized is very well-crafted. Anyone knowledgeable about dungeons would surely be amazed.”

“That’s only natural.”

Despite Jesel’s previous intentions to belittle Lucy, the dungeon she created was indeed impressive. It was undeniable.

“The plan is to widely spread the reputation of that dungeon to restore our tarnished honor.”


“I’ve checked the structure of the dungeon many times, but with the defined resources, there was a lot of compromise. Please let Miss Alrn know that she shouldn’t mind the limitations and can unleash her full talent.”

Without any capacity limits for gimmicks and features?!

As Jesel recalled various gimmicks that had been scrapped due to reality while discussing with Lucy, his eyes sparkled, and the supervising professor raised one corner of his mouth in a smirk.

“It’d be great if you could also tell her that all students in the academy will be taking their final exams in that dungeon. We’ll handle grading by year, so don’t worry about that.”

Afterward, the supervising professor gave Jesel several points to relay to Lucy.

As he issued a long list of messages, Jesel thought, “If there’s this much to say, wouldn’t it be easier to just tell her directly?” But she kept that thought to herself.

Clearly, she feared what kind of nonsense she might hear if she confronted Lucy directly.

“That should be all I need to say.”

“Ah. And if you have any concerns during the dungeon creation process, make sure to go to Professor Magote.”

“Hey! Watch your language! Aren’t your offices stuffed with researchers already?”

“Soon, one person will graduate and move on!”

“It’d be great if you could also tell Professor Nor that he suggested a tea session.”

“Ha! What a pipe dream! The only child of the Alrn family cannot possibly become a professor!”

“Shut it!”

“Don’t bring reality into this!”

“You never know with that free-spirited Young Lady Alrn!”

While watching esteemed professors bickering to get one person under their wing, Jesel bowed her head in a facepalming sigh before making her swift escape from the room.

“Basically, that’s the gist of things.”

Hearing what went down from the Dungeon Studies professor, I couldn’t contain the sigh that slipped out.

When I first saw the quest from the perverted god, I thought, “What the hell?” but I realized that this conversation had occurred in my absence.

To think that my pride—as a fetid fool—was hit by the fallout of producing an outstanding dungeon. I really hadn’t imagined this at all.

“…You look a bit glum. I would have thought you’d be happy.”

The Dungeon Studies professor must not have anticipated this reaction. Carefully, she studied my expression.

I understood her confusion. Had it been me a few days ago, I would have shouted for joy at being able to create the dungeon I wanted without worrying about resources.

Political reasons?

Complaints from various students?

Who cares about that?

All I wanted was to create a perfect dungeon!

The past me would surely have been over the moon, thinking I could get closer to my ideal.

However, I couldn’t do that now.

Even knowing I could pack in endless elements, I couldn’t just feel joy.

All because of that oblivious pervert-god giving me a quest.

[Your Pride]
[Create a dungeon that no one at the academy can conquer!]

In my view, a dungeon is only complete when someone conquers it.

How could a place where once you set foot spells instant failure even be called a dungeon?

A dungeon that’s impossible to conquer should just be called a tomb as I’d think through the structure while designing the final exam dungeon that someone would be able to conquer.

Did I ever just casually ask my friends to conquer my dungeon without knowing what that meant?

Because I figured if no one conquered it, my dungeon would remain incomplete, I went so far as to promise anything to persuade them into doing so!

But this damned trashy pervert who knows nothing about dungeons slapped me with a quest to create a dungeon that no one could conquer!

Seriously, how did a god not even notice what his apostle wanted and hand out a quest like that?!

And why must he go for actions that bring him criticism?!

If it’s not something urgent, like the incidents in Menestel or Burrow territory, can’t he think before throwing out these quests?!

[Reward: Increase of Reputation. Uncover three hidden conditions of the tutorial. Information regarding the Seed of Heroes.]
[Failure: Something humiliating that will become a dark past.]

To make it worse, I wasn’t even required to succeed in this quest.

The rewards for succeeding were surely intriguing, but they weren’t essential to me right now, and the penalty for failure wasn’t really going to lead to a game over level of punishment.

Let’s say the reward for success was something I actually needed right now.

What if it was coupled with a condition of losing my life in case of failure?

I’d happily conjure a dungeon that no one could conquer.

With my pathetic god forcing me to do it, I could at least justify myself in the name of necessity.

This isn’t going to be too hard. I could just pull out a few gimmicks from the hideous dungeons I conquered in the past, and I’d easily be able to craft the students’ graves.

Yet, unlike his usual self, this pathetic trashy pervert god didn’t stick in those extreme conditions.

He threw me a quest that handed me the choice, with half-hearted rewards and punishments!

Should I stay true to my belief and make a dungeon to save my rotten pride?

Or should I discard everything to win the reward and escape the punishment?

This was one of those unbearable dilemmas he laid before me!

Thinking about why this perverted god handed me such a quest made it obvious.

What he desired was simple.

To lead me into punishment for not being able to throw away the pride of a fetid fool.

To present me with some “humiliating dark past.”

There’s no doubt the penalty must be something twisted, loaded with his deranged desires.

If that perverted apostle were to see it, he’d surely want to go to the goddess he serves to offer some sort of salvation.

And I can imagine that even the crow goddess, who’s there, would be fainting while gushing blood out of her nose.

So, if I want to maintain my dignity…

If I don’t want that abhorrent god to get what he wishes…

If I want to slip a candy into the melting lips of that god…

I know I need to let go of my pride and produce a hideous dungeon.


I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Sigh I simply can’t ruin the first dungeon I ever created by distorting it.

I have no idea what kind of preparation that meritless god has brewing for those who must be publicly executed for the sake of beauty.

Perhaps he’d have something on par with what I wore recently as a bunny girl, or even worse.

Although Armedi seems to have a warped interest in the walls of virtue, he is still a god.

There’s no way he’d orchestrate a situation where his capable apostle might feel tempted to change sides.

If I’m gone, he’d find himself in a tougher bind, so he wouldn’t do that, right?

So, regardless of whether the quest succeeds or fails, I should just focus on making the dungeon I want.

With that determination, I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

I should look on the bright side, after all.

If someone is moved by reaching the end of the dungeon, then even if I do face penalties, I would find joy in it.

And if no one manages to conquer the dungeon, it may be sad, but at least I’d be consoled by receiving a reward.

Finishing my contemplation, I stood up after receiving dungeon drafting materials from the Dungeon Studies professor.

“Lady Alrn. Before you leave, I need to ask you one thing.”

‘What is it?’

“What is it? Make it quick. Unlike you, my time is precious.”

“Is there anyone among the Dungeon Studies professors that you’d like to meet?”

The moment Jesel’s question reached my ears, I felt a shiver down my spine.

Isn’t that a proposition for slavery?!

Could it be that the dungeon I created was so enticing that it surpassed Lucy Alrn’s notorious fame?!

‘…Um, no?’

“Is that even a valid question? Do you really think I’d want to meet old, smelly has-beens?”

I appreciate the compliments, but I’m gonna pass on the whole slavery deal, thanks!

Sure, I briefly thought about wanting to be a professor, but not to the point where I’d endure slavery to achieve that!

“Hmm. Then if not old-timers…”

Once I saw the glimmer in the professor’s eyes, I rapidly plotted my escape from the professor’s office.

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