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Chapter 298

Chapter: 298

‘…My child. …Come forth.’

Even with that beautiful voice filling his mind, Frete remained deeply asleep.

‘My dear child. You still have work to do. Awaken.’

Perhaps the overwhelming beauty of the scene he had beheld was too much for him to bear. Or maybe he was too busy engraving that sight in his memory to notice. Either way, it was clear that he was trapped in a deep swamp of slumber.

Even when the goddess he served called to him earnestly, he couldn’t wake up.

‘My child… Hah. Wake up! Didn’t we say you’d keep a portrait of the child monopolized by Lord Armedi? I was saving my voice to guide you, but it’s a problem if you just lie there! Wake up! Wake up!!’


Frete barely managed to regain consciousness amidst the goddess’s urgent call, clutching his pounding head and exhaling a long sigh.

What on earth had happened?

Why was he sleeping in an unfamiliar place, out cold?

…Ah. Right. I had reached the forest where Lina resides to paint a portrait of the young lady Alrn.

And as soon as I got here, I encountered the young lady Alrn in a revealing outfit, which I had engraved in my mind.



While recalling Lucy’s appearance, Frete almost toppled over again, but before he could, someone smacked the back of his head to snap him back to reality.

“Don’t faint again, you pathetic pervert.”


Lina. The owner of the great forest, a being with near-divine powers within her domain.

She glared at Frete without hiding her displeasure.

“Not only did you interrupt the enjoyable time between the two ladies, but you also made me lose precious moments by fainting and bleeding all over the place.”

“…I’m so sorry about that.”

Frete had no excuses; her anger was far too justified.

“But, Lina, the young lady Alrn is—”

“She couldn’t waste time doing nothing, so she went outside to train.”

Lina’s casual mention of her doing a quick lap around the forest made Frete chuckle nervously.

Considering the size of the forest Lina managed, a lap wasn’t exactly a stroll in the park.

It’s hard to believe she’s still just a first-year student at the academy with such physical prowess.

“You’ve become a misfortune that could be considered a blessing. Thanks to you, Lucy will stomp on this face of mine with her smooth, soft, and supple feet. Ah, just imagining it makes me so happy. I can’t help but want to dig my tongue between her toes.”

Frete forced a smile at Lina’s grotesque glee.

He might think he’s not quite right, but Lina was a whole different level of madness. He felt no hope of catching up.

“Then I’ll need to prepare while waiting for the young lady Alrn to return.”

He needed to set everything up so he could jump straight into working on her portrait when she came back.

He had no idea how long it would take to capture her beauty on canvas.

Frete tried to lift himself off the bed, but before he could, a mist spread and heavy pressure forced him back down.

“Before that, we have some things to discuss. You weak pervert.”

“…If it’s something reasonable, you could have asked without this show of force.”

“What purpose do you and your goddess have in approaching Lucy?”

As Lina’s gaze sharpened with bestial ferocity, the pressure on Frete’s shoulders intensified.

Even Frete, a strong apostle, could feel the weight pressing down on him.

In a hurry, he channeled his divinity to escape the pressure, managing to speak urgently.

“I only wish to praise the young lady’s beauty as a follower of beauty and art. There are no ulterior motives.”

“Does the goddess you serve have the same intention?”

“How could a humble apostle fully grasp the noble goddess’s will? But she instructed me to share the young lady’s beauty widely, and I don’t think it differs greatly from my own intent.”

After Frete finished speaking, Lina merely stared at him with cold eyes, then asked another question.

“If Lucy is in danger, will you help her willingly?”

“Of course! I owe her my life and could never sit idly by while such a miracle disappears from this world.”

It was unthinkable to let that beauty, which even the goddess praised, fade away.

Even if Frete felt fear, the goddess would push him forward. He would naturally help Lucy.

“Lastly. You wouldn’t harbor any malicious intent toward Lucy, would you?”

“Do you think so little of me? Before I am a human, I am an apostle of the Art Guild. How could I tarnish such a masterpiece?”

Even under the increasing pressure, Frete scoffed.

While he could disregard various doubts, this particular question pricked at his pride, compelling him to respond defiantly.

“Tsk. You’re unnecessarily honest.”

As Lina clicked her tongue, the smoke weighing down on Frete dissipated like a mirage.

“If you have more to ask, make it quick. I have a lot to prepare for.”

“How is the apostle of the Evil God you took with you doing?”

“He’s being interrogated at the guild. Those tied to the Evil God usually share connections with one another, even if they serve different deities. We’re clearing away remnants of Taliki while also obscuring the traces of other Evil Gods.”

“Is it in a state suitable to show Lucy?”

“…Um. No. It’s too gruesome to show to the noble and pure young lady.”

Frete remembered Lucy’s pale face when she saw a corpse.

She was noble and steadfast, yet fragile and delicate at the same time.

Therefore, he couldn’t let her witness anything horrific. He didn’t want to mar the masterpiece that was Lucy.

“I can convey the information I obtained from him, but I doubt I’ll show his face to you.”

“That’s a wise choice. There’s no need to burden Lucy’s mind.”

“Anything else?”

“This may be a rather personal question, but could you share Lucy’s portrait with me?”

“It’s not possible. I promised to keep the portrait for my personal collection.”

“I’m not asking for it for free. I’m proposing a trade for a portion of my hidden collection.”

“…Could I hear what it’s about?”

“This concerns Lucy…”


Having run on the nicely maintained dirt paths all my life, running through the forest felt entirely different.

There weren’t any clear trails, which made me more aware of what I needed to watch out for, and dodging the obstacles along the way was enjoyable.

I also loved the refreshing air of the forest. Spotting little birds and cute animals here and there was fantastic.

Most of all, after calming down a suddenly leaping tiger-like creature with a gentle pat, I could pet it freely. That was the best part.

Thanks to that, my mood had lightened quite a bit since the morning.

When that perverted apostle fainted and bled, I had all sorts of thoughts racing through my mind, but now I’m just relieved he collapsed.

Of course, even now, when I remember that scene, disgust hits me first.

Wiping the sweat from my brow with a towel I pulled from my inventory, I opened the door to the mansion, fully expecting the clumsy fox to come rushing out with some weird sounds.

But instead, the clumsy fox didn’t show herself until I walked inside.

How strange. Normally, she’d be sniffing and grinning, ready to lick my skin.

Maybe she’s trying to restrain herself because her main body is here, I thought, when I suddenly heard voices from inside the hallway.

A man and a woman were alternating in their conversation, making me wonder if the perverted apostle and the clumsy fox were discussing something.

What serious talk could they possibly be having that they didn’t notice my arrival?

Curiosity piqued, I crept closer to where the voices were coming from, silencing my footsteps.

“Ohh, this is…”

“Um… so amazing…”

The clumsy fox’s voice dripped with pride. Maybe she was showcasing her powers or something.

“The concentrated scent is too fragrant.”

“Stop! That’s enough! Finish the deal before going any further!”

A deal? What deal?

“…Lina. Is there no other way for me to settle this?”

“What on earth are you talking about! This fabric soaked in Lucy’s sweat can only be exchanged for Lucy’s portrait! If you dare utter such nonsense, I’ll throw you out!”

Realizing what was happening inside, I couldn’t help but smile wryly as I pulled out my mace from my inventory.

[Whoa. That girl! That inventory of hers is so stifling!]

‘Grandpa, please be quiet for a moment.’

[…What is it? No, never mind. Just shut up. Don’t pay attention.]

Kicking the door, I rushed into the room to find the clumsy fox clutching a towel that looked like it belonged to me and the perverted apostle clinging to that towel for dear life.

“…Oh. Lucy? Uh, when did you get here? Ah! This is, um, so…”

“Er… Young lady, let’s put down the mace. Let’s talk. Let’s talk like civilized beings.”

“Drop dead♡ You’re not even worth living for, you disgusting waste of trash!♡”


After stepping into the world of the Soul Academy, I often lamented my own weakness.

From the moment I lost in sparring and bit my lip, to the moment I felt powerless in the face of death.

I repeatedly wished that if only I were a bit stronger…

And even now, I was lamenting my weakness.

If only my strength had been a little better, I could have sent these two trash bags to the side of the perverted god instead!

No, I’m seriously having a chilling moment just thinking back.

When on earth did the clumsy fox swipe my towel I used to wipe off sweat?!

And what the hell did that perverted apostle want with that towel?!

What on earth is the problem?!

Why are such crazy perverts sticking around me?!

“Uh, young lady.”

While I was seriously assessing my own karma, the clumsy fox, who was acting as my chair, carefully spoke up.

“Um, it’s nice to give rewards… but please return that towel.”

“Can a pathetic degenerate like you even manage to function as furniture?♡ Shut up!♡ Just hearing your voice makes me want to vomit!♡”

“Ugh… well, that’s…”

Ignoring the quivering clumsy fox beneath me, I raised my head to see the perverted apostle quietly bowing his head, as if I hadn’t already been watching him for a while.

How could someone who served a goddess be this mentally deranged?

Shouldn’t an apostle at least maintain a semblance of decorum?

What would his goddess think if she saw him like this?

…Oh, right. I just remembered. The crow goddess overseeing beauty and art wasn’t exactly normal either.

With an insatiable greed for anything beautiful, a goddess known as the nuisance crow, despite her amazing illustrations—what was there to expect?

I placed my forehead in my palm and sighed, and as I did, the perverted apostle stole a glance at me.

So he at least had some self-awareness about his insanity?

Hah. Good. Let’s think positively here.

If I change my perspective just a bit, this perverted creep might provide me a justification for getting my jewels.

“Hey, you perverted creep!”

“Did you call me?!”

“I’m such a super-duper nice person, so♡ I’ll give you a special chance to be forgiven, even though you’re a total trash!♡”

“What do I have to do?! This is Frete! I swear by the name of my goddess that I’ll do anything!”

“I don’t really understand, but I hear that people absolutely love the jewels you make, perverted creep!♡”

With my chin resting on my hand, I casually brought up the topic of gems, and Frete blinked in surprise.

“What do you mean♡ How could a disgusting pervert like me dare to fanfare about being an artist?♡”

“No, that’s not it. Just so you know, gifting jewelry for the young lady to wear counts as a reward on my end. I was wondering how much I would need to give you.”

Frete’s spontaneous outburst caught me off guard as he began spilling a lot of words.

“Hah♡ You think I could ever create something worthy for you?♡ Dream on! Find your place and just melt away, ok?♡”

“Whaaa?! Young lady! Please reconsider! At the very least, I’d like you to consider!…”

Seeing him pleading like a character out of a historical drama made me sigh in exasperation.

Later, when I become way stronger than now, I’ll deal with the clumsy fox and the perverted apostle before heading to retrieve the Evil Gods.

That seems like the right call.

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not work with dark mode