Switch Mode

Chapter 297

Chapter: 297

I really try to avoid calling Karia “old lady” or “spinster” whenever I can, you know?

Sure, the “mesugaki” skill translation might bring it out, but I was determined to keep it to a minimum.

But when she flashed that smile while handing me the bunny girl outfit, I just couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Wrinkled, mischievous, and a disgusting pervert?♡ Have you decided to live alone for the rest of your life?♡ Seriously, it’s better to just resign yourself since you’ll probably end up alone anyway!♡ So wise!♡”

“When did I give up?! I’m still in my prime! I’m young!”

“Don’t make that face♡ or you’ll get more wrinkles!♡ You’re already getting old; if you age any further, you’ll become a spinster grandma!♡”

“Ugh! No way!”

Though we went back and forth like that, the sight of Karia standing there all wounded but still offering the bunny girl outfit left me no choice but to accept.

I didn’t want to wear it. Honestly, the moment I saw it, I wanted to rip it to shreds, but I couldn’t just deny a promise made in the past.

In the end, I sighed and tossed the bunny outfit into my inventory, then asked Karia if those jewels really were that valuable.

I had never heard of gems made by the Art Guild being so precious.

“I’m not joking. That apostle is a creep, sure, but his abilities are real. Gems he forges are considered valuable enough to be offered to the king on his birthday.”

To confirm this, I asked Joy if she was aware of the gems created by the apostle of the Art Guild. She tilted her head as if wondering why I’d even ask such an obvious question.

“They’re items that are impossible to find. Just one appearance with decorations crafted by the apostle would cause a stir in high society. I’d want to wear one myself.”

“Do you think students would like it? I doubt anyone would dislike it. Nobles, young ladies, and even common students would be thrilled to receive something like that. Even if they’re not into jewels, they could sell it for a fortune, right?”

I asked Joy what kind of price those things could fetch, and it turned out to be a hefty sum.

That apostle, whom I had only thought of as a disgusting pervert, was actually pretty competent.

But hey, he’s just an evolved perverted creep.

Anyway, deciding that securing these gems for the dungeon rewards was the best course of action, I resolved to make a request to the apostle of the Art Guild.

Then, the next morning…

As soon as I arrived at the forest where the clumsy fox resided, a creature resembling a clumsy fox in human form appeared.

“Welcome. I’ve been waiting.”

Her smile was just a slight upward curl of her lips, but it radiated such grace that it was hard not to be swept up by her beauty. But that moment was fleeting.

As her smile melted away, the noble image was replaced by a creepy, disgusting pervert.

Sigh. “I’ve seen this face every day, but seeing it in person holds a different allure. I wish I could embrace you and never let go.”

She asked me if I wouldn’t want her to stay in the forest since she’d grant me anything I desired.

“Really?♡ You’ll grant me anything I wish?♡”

“Of course! If I can be with you, I’ll do anything!”

“Then please die♡ If that disgusting pervert disappears, I think I might actually like this forest!♡”

“Gah… Gah… Would you perhaps consider asking me to die once more? Look at me with those eyes that make me feel like garbage!”

“Drop dead♡ Bite your tongue and commit suicide! Apologize for making this forest a disgusting place and then die pitifully!♡”

“…Hmph. Is this what it means to be so happy that I might die? If it hadn’t been for what lies ahead…”

Watching her get all frazzled and having a nosebleed made me wish for her to just kick the bucket.

If she weren’t such a powerful being of the forest, I would’ve smacked her upside the head with a mace already.

While I fiddled with my mace, begrudging my own weakness, the clumsy fox wiped her nosebleed with her sleeve and spread her energy around.

“I can’t leave such a precious guest outside, so let’s head to the mansion first.”

The moment she finished speaking, the scenery around us changed.

From the dense forest to the inside of the clumsy fox’s mansion, the transition was seamless—no sign of teleportation side effects at all.

Was this one of the powers the forest’s owner had?

“Just wait a moment; that perverted guy will arrive shortly. Until then, let’s have some tea.”

Is the apostle near the forest?

“That perverted apostle is near?”

“No. He’s passing through the middle of the forest on his way here.”

You mean he’s inside the forest? Then…

“So, why can’t you, the clumsy fox, just go fetch him?”

Upon hearing my question, the clumsy fox looked serious, almost disgusted, as she replied.

“Why on earth should I use my powers for some revolting human?”

Guess it’s biologically impossible for her, huh?

I totally get that feeling; every time I see her, that’s what I think about.

I had thought she wouldn’t know the feeling of self-loathing, but maybe she isn’t entirely clueless?

Wow, that’s surprising.

But why can’t she relate to my feelings, this perverted critter?!

I was about to blow up with frustration, but instead, I sighed.

From experience, I knew that expressing my anger would only serve to amuse the clumsy fox further.

“Forget that loser and just tell me what kind of tea you want to drink. I’m willing to provide even the rarest for you.”

No thanks. I’ll pass.

“Hell no. What kind of bizarre concoction do you think a clumsy fox would prepare? I’ll just drink till I burst, thank you very much.”

Refusing her offer, I ignored the desperate plea of the clumsy fox and stepped into a nearby room.

I locked the door.

Sealed off all sounds.

And even set up a sacred barrier to make sure there were no disturbances, I pulled out the bunny girl outfit from my inventory.

Seeing the outfit I thought I would never wear again caused a deep sigh to escape me.

I had thought about it before, but this really isn’t clothing.

It doesn’t even cover the skin properly; how can this be called clothing?!

Thinking back to the day I exclaimed, “Whoa! This is what clothes are!” while staring at it makes me resentful.

…Well, to be fair, I might still feel that way if I weren’t the one wearing it.

[What can I say? You brought this disaster onto yourself.]

Oh right. I almost forgot about my gramps!

[Hm? Young lady? Young lady?!]

I nearly forgot about the old man thanks to that clumsy fox.

Ignoring his cries to wait a minute, I shoved the mace back into my inventory, sighed again, and removed my top.

Maybe if I whacked myself on the head with the mace, I could erase today’s memories.


Without an option to refuse the warning that aid would be withdrawn if I didn’t work as an apostle, when the festival rolled around, Frete found himself face to face with a miracle named Lucy Alrn.

She was truly a living work of art.

Those eyes—brighter and more stunning than any gem.

Her skin, smoother and whiter than marble.

Every step creating wisps of red silk-like hair.

Her voice, flowing into the ears like a celestial melody.

The instant her presence etched itself into Frete’s mind, a flood of artistic inspiration washed over him, and the goddess’s revelation whispered in his ear.

“My apostle, praise the beauty of the child who shall make this world shine brighter.”

The moment he heard that voice, Frete answered the goddess without hesitation, vowing to fulfill that duty, and promptly put it into action.

As soon as the Partran Festival ended, he left the territory and began to spread the word about Lucy Alrn’s beauty starting from where the head of the Art Guild resided.

If the goddess hadn’t asked him to stop the apostle of Taliki, Frete would likely still be singing.

Then, when he met Lucy Alrn again in the Burrow territory, he realized her beauty far exceeded her external charm.

A selfless and noble heart willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of others!

Seeing her bravely smile despite carrying so much pain made him realize that his singing wouldn’t be enough to encapsulate everything, and he resolved to showcase her beauty once more.

The fact that Lucy was someone serving the goddess didn’t matter.

The trash of the church pretending to worship a god while seeking their own gain and Lucy Alrn, whom the goddess had sent, were entirely different beings.

And not long after…

The moment he beheld Lucy again, more alluring than before, Frete became convinced that showcasing her beauty had become one of his life’s purposes.

To think he wouldn’t even dare to meet her gaze, feeling it was disrespectful—it was something that remained untouched in Frete’s mind for days.

Even as he traversed the forest to reunite with her, the image of Lucy danced before his eyes.

“Oh goddess, is it really possible for someone like me to capture her beauty on canvas properly?”

However, the smile adorning his lips was stiff. Naturally, it was a joyous occasion to visit the Alrn young lady whom he had envisioned as a perfect model.

As someone wishing to spend a year basking in her beauty at her side, Frete couldn’t help but wish for that.

Yet, his inability to feel purely overjoyed stemmed from the enormous weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

It was good that he had the chance to capture the beauty of the Alrn young lady on canvas, but what about me?

Just a mere human fool.

Could I truly depict the beauty of a lady so profound she could be compared to a goddess?

Though he brought the finest equipment he could prepare for this moment, he still lacked confidence.

This confusion lingered even until he reached the mansion where the forest’s owner resided.

“Have you arrived?”

The forest’s owner showed no reluctance in expressing her disdain for Frete’s presence.

Frete understood her sentiment.

He had intruded at such a moment when she wished for a shared artistic communion with beauty itself.

Had their positions been reversed, Frete would likely have worn a similar expression to the forest owner.

“Lady of the forest, about the Alrn young lady…”

“She’s changing inside. Wait a moment.”


“Oh. She’s all changed…”

The instant he turned his head at the sound of the door opening, he felt all his doubts dissipate.

Her lips were firmly pressed—a hint of embarrassment.

Her eyes darted with hesitation about where to look.

Her cheeks flushed with a hint of pink.

Red hair cascading over her snow-white shoulders.

A distinct neckline.

She possessed a frail charm that stood in stark contrast to her usual strength.

Her arm softly pressed against her blouse, restraining the fabric covering her blossoming chest.

Her smooth thighs along with the tiny wiggling toes at their end…

As Frete absorbed all these details, he closed his eyes with nothing but satisfaction radiating from his smile, and his body fell backward, reminiscent of a domino.

“Ugh! Armemori! How could you monopolize such a cute, beautiful child?! I also want to laugh and chat with her! Can we not trade? My guy has a masculine charm better than anyone…”

Amidst the haze of fading consciousness, he thought he heard a voice but couldn’t focus.

His mind was now consumed with the image he had just seen.

Ah, it seems I could die without regrets like this.

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not work with dark mode