Switch Mode

Chapter 288

### Chapter: 288

Ebelasque Benafortchi.

The world’s one and only Necromancer was currently very, very angry.

All because of a certain boy.

“Every day it’s just me doing everything for him! Am I his personal servant or what?!”

She stomped her way through the Jeblam Royal Palace with strides that could shake the very floors beneath her.

Her upper body swayed with every step, fueled by her furious energy.

To be honest, it was a bit intimidating since this was the place where the Sanctuary of Stars resided. But considering she had already been in the Kekkeshis‘ domain, Ebelasque doubted if Tersasius even cared.

More than anything, she couldn’t stand seeing Kraush’s face without letting him have a piece of her mind.


Finally arriving at the training room where Kraush was, Ebelasque swung the door wide open.

“Oh, you’re here?”

Kraush turned around from inspecting his thunder power with a wide grin, clearly happy to see her.

The moment Ebelasque met that smile, her planned accusation just melted away.


Now feeling bashful, she couldn’t help but stare at the floor.

For some reason, she felt embarrassed, and her cheeks burned.

From that day onward, after the event in Hardenhartz when Kraush had held her back, Ebelasque found herself softening at the sight of him.

“…Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good now.”

He had gone through hell with Tersasius’s magic recently, and knowing the pain he endured with those corpse rats tore at her heart.

How much had she yelled out loud for him to stop?

Just remembering made Ebelasque want to implode in embarrassment.

Yet, if she went back in time, she’d probably feel the same way all over again.

Kraush had always been the type to push himself too hard.

Ebelasque had always known that, but it became harder for her to bear seeing him all worn out.

“Can’t you just take it easy for once?”

Her hesitant protest lingered in the air for a moment.

Kraush, watching her closely, chuckled lightly before stepping up closer to her.

Then, he slowly ruffled her hair, which made her dodge his gaze even more.

“No matter what happens, I won’t die. So, don’t worry so much. I keep my promises.”

“…That’s not what I meant.”

Ebelasque fumbled with her lips, wanting to express how she really felt while also wishing to enjoy the feeling of his hand in her hair just a bit longer.

‘Why am I such a fool?’

Why did she end up liking a guy like him?

Ebelasque sighed deeply inside.

“So I need a favor. If I’m gonna survive, I need your strength.”

When Kraush finally pulled his hand away, Ebelasque glanced at him longingly. She collected her thoughts quickly.

“I’m not going to go easy on you during training at all.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Ebelasque sighed again.

What she really wanted was for him to take it easy, but it seemed like Kraush would keep pushing himself until he achieved his goal.

‘He said he wanted to save the world.’

Ebelasque had unintentionally eavesdropped on various conversations between Kraush and the Crimson Garden through those corpse rats.

Hearing him talk back then, she had a rough idea of his situation but realized he seemed to have come back from the future to the past.

She didn’t much care about that part.

Instead, it gave her clarity on how such a unique personality developed.

If Ebelasque went back to her past world that was all destroyed, she would have fought tooth and nail to save her companion, Benafortchi.

‘That’s probably why he’s so weak towards certain people.’

Kraush was incredibly softhearted when it came to specific individuals.

Ebelasque knew that those were individuals he was connected with from the future for various reasons.

People only learn how precious something is after they’ve lost it once.

Deep down, Kraush harbored a fear of losing those people all over again.

Having witnessed countless deaths before, he became desperate to not lose anyone again.

The issue was the outcome.

‘…Why do they keep getting so close to him?’

Because of his past experiences, Kraush had trouble pushing away the women who gravitated towards him.

And the women were undoubtedly aware of this weakness.

‘Those cunning little minxes.’

Ebelasque, fully aware of her own feelings, let a hint of jealousy show.

“Hey, Ebelasque, there isn’t any info from the Kekkeshis, right?”

Just then, Kraush brought up the information she had promised him about the Kekkeshis.

Ebelasque regained focus quickly.

“Shush. More accurately, I haven’t received any news from the Kekkeshis.”

“They’re probably moving under the protection of their own barrier.”

The Kekkeshis were also World Erosionists, after all.

They surely had ways to avoid being seen by the World Erosionist.

It made sense that Ebelasque couldn’t track them down.

‘If Ebelasque can’t find them, I have no means to follow.’

To Kraush, Ebelasque was his best informant.

If she couldn’t find it, there was no way Kraush could dig it out even if he worked hard.

‘Although she mentioned she would gather information…’

Something about her silence left Kraush uneasy.

That aspect worried him quite a bit.

On the other side, Ixion had Abella, who was also knowledgeable about events of the future.

Starting from the hypothesis that the fake Arthur could be the real Arthur,

Kraush feared for Abella’s increasingly unpredictable goal, constantly running through his mind.

‘I should have captured the Kekkeshis back then.’

Not having sufficient info back then had him stuck at this point.

Even before his reincarnation, Kraush had gathered everything he could when he still wished to survive even slightly.

But despite gathering all that information back then, he was still struggling to find answers now.

With a changing world, countless variables sprang up.

Even with capable informants like Crimson Garden and Ebelasque, staying updated with the latest news was hard.

‘I can’t afford to be impatient.’

Acting rashly would only spoil things.

Kraush still hadn’t built enough power to confront Ixion yet.

So, he could only do his best to prepare until he had that power.

“Ebelasque, let’s start training.”

Kraush lightly swung his Thunder Power and asked Ebelasque for training.

Ebelasque let out a long sigh and stomped the ground.

At that moment, shadows soared up right beneath her feet.

The shadow manifested into nothing less than coffins.

No less than eight coffins.

Each coffin had a number engraved on it.

From numbers 2 to 9, these were the elite corpses Ebelasque often used.

“I’m not going to let you take them out one by one this time.”

“That’s exactly what I hoped for.”

Ebelasque was a necromancer.

The power of her corpses was significantly greater when combined than as individual entities.

Moreover, their true power only emerged when Ebelasque added her strength.


With Ebelasque’s gestures, the coffins opened.

And from within, the corpses lined up around Ebelasque.

“Is this a fight? A fight?!”

“It’s been a while, Sir Kraush.”

Number 9, wearing a wolf pelt and drooling, stepped forward.

Number 8 still flaunted her maid outfit adorned with black rabbit ears.

“Yay, Master! It’s been ages since I’ve seen the light of day!”

“I’d rather stay in bed a bit longer.”

Number 7, wrapped in bandages, sniffed the air as if thirsty for fresh air.

Conversely, tiny Number 6 embraced her doll and let out a long yawn, even though she was technically a corpse.


“Oh, Sir Kraush, isn’t that you? I’ve heard so much about you.”

Number 5, hanging swords from nowhere, had no head to speak with.

Meanwhile, Number 4, looking like a noble lady, fanned herself with a smile behind her mask.

“Get it together, everyone.”

Number 3, appearing as a butler, urged the other corpses.


Finally, Number 2, a black horse, neighed excitedly, flames dancing on its mane, clearly thrilled to meet Kraush.

“Almost done bringing them out.”

“Just so you know, I won’t hold back. Let’s show how scary Necromancers can be.”

Ebelasque stomped her foot down once more.

And in that moment, a final coffin shot up.

At the sight of it, even Kraush felt a chill run down his spine.

The other numbered corpses glared anxiously as well.

The number on the coffin was 1.

Ebelasque’s strongest corpse.

‘So, she’s really set on doing this.’

As Kraush stared right into the coffin, it creaked open.

A plume of white smoke billowed out from inside.

From that cloud emerged a massive knight.

A sinister crimson aura seeped from his helmet, and he wore tattered clothing over his armor.

Yet, the peculiar black crown resting on his helmet indicated his noble status.


At that moment, Number 2 let out a joyful sound as if it had just met its master.

As Number 2 approached, jangling happily, Number 1 gracefully leaped onto its back.

Number 2’s blue mane erupted into flames, a potent display of their combined might.

“Brace yourself.”

A confident smile graced Ebelasque’s lips.

This little guy took pleasure in tormenting others, revealing Ebelasque’s bad habits.

“That’s not fair.”

But was perfect for training.

“Ah, but white flames are off-limits! Those will wipe out my corpses!”

Ebelasque exclaimed, protesting like a child.

The white flames enhanced with aura are deadly to World Erosionists and corpses alike.

“Don’t worry, I have no plans to use the aura.”

There was no way he was going to handicap himself during a training session.

Kraush slowly ignited with black flames instead.

Today’s training was to help him adapt to his body, after all.

Thus, Kraush decided to adjust to the power of his own physique.

The black flames began to fill the room.

The corpses stood ready, their eyes glinting with tension as they faced the emergence of Kraush’s black flames, embodying the might of the White Dragon.

Even Ebelasque swallowed hard in response to Kraush’s fiery display.

‘White flames are no longer the problem.’

If Kraush could fully master that power and learn the God of Creation Weapons, there would be no World Erosionists who could match his strength.

Then it would be on Ebelasque to help him naturally adapt to that power.


With a determined smile, Ebelasque ordered the corpses.

They all drew their weapons and connected with Ebelasque’s necromancer magic.

“Now, let’s properly show the terrifying power of a Necromancer!”

The unique show of the world’s one and only Necromancer was about to begin.

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