Switch Mode

Chapter 287

Chapter: 287

“Jakal! Oh, dear God! Thank you so much!”

“Mother, just a moment! …”

“A moment? What do you mean by a moment!”

The Duke of Burrow, who had been listening to the ruckus outside, turned with a satisfied smile.

There sat the benefactor who had brought Jakal back.

“Karia, I must thank you once again.”

“How many times do I have to say it? I only brought him here, so don’t fuss about it!”

“Ha ha. But you’re the only one I can thank, so what can I do?”

Though the tone may have been inappropriate for addressing a Duke, Burrow didn’t care one bit.

The person before him was a former comrade who once had power to stand before Dukes.

“It’s quite astonishing. The Apostle of the Evil God tried to swallow this territory. And that we were saved from that peril. Also, my son, whom I thought lost forever, has returned alive. And the savior is you, someone I thought had died.”

Karia, the shadow of the kingdom, the one who led a direct agency under the former king.

A monster who maintained utmost secrecy despite some aspects of her identity being revealed.

“Why? Is my returning bothersome?”

“Well, not really. Your existence is quite a nuisance.”

“Don’t worry. As you can see, I’ve become a complete washout. I can’t move about as actively as before.”

“Have you aged too?”

As soon as the topic of age came up, one of Karia’s eyebrows lifted, and the Duke couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Ha ha! Looks like you have some womanly attributes after all! Sensitive about age, huh?”

“…Lately, people keep teasing me about that. Can you please spare me, Lord Duke?”

“The more you try to brush it off, the more boldly you should laugh it off. Isn’t that something you used to say?”

“If you keep this up, I’ll start calling you Grandpa!”

“Well, I’m fine with that. It’s not far off the mark anyway.”

The Duke laughed it off like it was no big deal, then cautiously fiddled with his necklace.

“To be a knight who fell for the machinations of the Evil God is quite normal. It’s expected for an old man to be treated as someone who should be locked away in a study.”

This incident left a significant shock on the Duke of Burrow.

Though he thought he was aging, he didn’t even notice the Evil God’s plot.

His incompetence had brought the entire territory into danger. Had it not been for someone else’s rescue, it would have been sacrificed to the Evil God.

“Thinking of stepping down?”

“No. It seems it will take a while for my son to truly flourish, so I can’t do that.”


“I must retrieve what I lost.”

More than a decade ago.

The Duke of Burrow, seeing the death of his first son, fell into despair and relinquished everything.

Wounded by the tremendous loss of his beloved son, he removed anything that reminded him of that boy from his sight.

He tossed aside all his son’s belongings.

Instead of holding a spear he had cherished all his life, he took up a sword.

Fearing that he might crumble again if he lost something he loved, he distanced himself from his remaining son.

He had lived that way ever since his eldest son’s death.

“I’m thinking of picking up the spear again.”

That thought changed because of someone he met in a place where he couldn’t tell if it was a dream or reality.

Someone who radiated warmth like the sun.

Someone whose beauty seemed to be crafted directly by God.

A certain divine person with a clear and beautiful voice.

The reproaches she had offered still lingered in the Duke’s heart.

“Recalling the words of the one who gave me this necklace ignites a passion within me. It made me feel that I should change.”

“…Ah. That’s good to hear.”

Karia listened, momentarily stunned by the Duke’s heartfelt words.

Clearly, the one who gave him that necklace must be their employer, and if it was something their employer said, it was likely loaded with insults like “pathetic” or “worthless.”

How could it possibly get distorted in his head to become something so touching?!

“If I could meet that person, I’d bow my head to them numerous times.”

Absolutely, no mentioning the truth.

Let’s not tell him that it was the employer who bestowed that sense of gratitude.

Some fantasies are better left as fantasies.

“Karia, I’ve got a few questions to ask.”

“What is it?”

“Do you happen to know anything about the person who gave you this necklace?”

While illusions can sometimes be useful.

“Yeah, I know. It was our employer who immediately saved the prince.”

“Is it someone from the Art Guild?”

“Don’t even ask that as if you don’t already know who they are!”

Karia’s ability to read someone’s actions, gaze, and tone was widely known.

Thanks to that talent, she always accompanied the king to meetings.

“That ability hasn’t dulled, has it? It’s become even more bothersome.”

“Ha ha. What can I say? This is my talent.”

“Sigh. Yeah, I know. Though right now, the Art Guild is being regarded as a savior, I assume the true savior of this territory is one of the gods served. One can guess by the residual divinity.”


“The reason that person attributed everything to the Art Guild is probably because they dislike the current church of the gods.”

“That’s also correct.”

“I wouldn’t wish to cooperate with the church of the gods.”

“You Dukes are always so quick with your words.”

“It was you who hastily made it so.”

“Let’s forget the little things. That’s ancient history, right?”

Seeing Karia shrug it off made the Duke chuckle. She was less monstrous than before and had become more approachable.

“Is that person your current master?”

“Employer. It’s somewhat different from being a master.”

“Regardless, it means you work for that person. Please convey my thanks to them. And also let them know this pitiful old man can stake everything as a reward.”

He saved the lives of the townspeople, rescued the family, saved those the Duke cared about, and even enlightened him.

He couldn’t sacrifice himself for this person as there were still things to protect, but he would do everything he could to express his gratitude.

“Understood. I’ll pass on your message, Lord Duke.”

As Karia finished speaking, she rose from her seat.

“Are you leaving already?”

“I can’t disturb the reunion of the family any longer.”

“Well, take care.”

As Karia stood at the door, she suddenly paused.

“Oh, right. Lord Duke.”

Turning back, her expression had changed from a moment ago, resembling an adorable young lady one might see in the countryside.

“…What’s this about?”

“I may borrow the prince for a bit later.”

“…What do you mean by that?”

“Our employer mentioned wanting to raise the prince.”

Though the Duke had been so accommodating just moments ago, he wore a vague smile upon hearing the prince’s name.

“If that’s what he wants, then I’ll gladly allow it.”

“If the prince desires it, then it’s okay, right?”


“That’s settled then. Thanks for the good answer, Lord Duke.”

Once Karia left, the Duke leaned back, letting out a long sigh, gazing at the ceiling.

Despite getting a bit easier on the eyes, his old personality hadn’t changed a bit.

He didn’t really need to issue such warnings about watching over or hiding, did he?

“I wouldn’t do anything to harm that person.”

Is this proof that she’s become more human after all?


After sending Jakal back to the territory, the first thing I did was to adjust my school uniform.

It wasn’t like the previous uniform was unwearable, but it felt uncomfortable to wear and move in.

So, I asked Alsetin and visited the best shop for academy uniforms. I planned to drop it off today and pick it up tomorrow morning.

“Do you want me to tailor it to fit your current body?”

But now I kinda regretted that decision.

Getting the piercing gaze of the shop owner who seemed to be staring me down was a mental burden beyond measure.

It felt like I was being pressured by three attendants clinging to me when I walked into the store.

[Have you pulled some mischief here too?]

‘Not like that! …Probably.’

I had no clue how much chaos Lucy had caused in the past, so I couldn’t really assert myself.

Could this person also be a victim of past Lucy? Is that why she’s glaring at me with such resentment?!

“Alright, Young Lady. Please come back tomorrow.”

‘Uh, but about measurements…’

“Old hag. I know it’s outdated, but shouldn’t you use a measuring tape?”

“Don’t worry. I can see it just fine.”

…Uh, can I trust this?

Since Alsetin introduced her, her skills should be top-notch. If something goes wrong, I can tell Karia and have some fun with Alsetin.

After a brief moment of hesitation, I handed over the uniform I had brought, and the old shopkeeper spoke firmly.

“You’ll have to give me what you’re wearing too.”

‘Huh? But then…’

“What am I supposed to wear home? Can’t you think of that?”

“Don’t worry. It won’t take long.”

As she spoke, the old lady handed me a temporary outfit.

Hmm. With such confidence, should I wait and see how it turns out?

Just to enjoy watching her work.

My thoughts were consumed by admiration as I observed her skilled alterations.

Watching the needle move, I felt like I was being enchanted.

It seemed like she was doing nothing particularly complicated, but every time her hands moved, the outfit transformed dramatically!

This was no longer human skill!

It had to be magic! Pure, unadulterated magic!

“Could you try it on? There might be a few things to adjust.”

As I was marveling at her skill, I suddenly noticed the alterations were finished.

Whoa. This is amazing!

I barely took a look and wondered how it could possibly fit me so perfectly?!

Does this old lady have some kind of program for taking body measurements installed in her eyes?!

“Looks great! I’ll have everything ready by the time you come back tomorrow.”

‘Sure thing! Thanks in advance!’

“Hmph. It’s not just about being full of wrinkles. You’ll look cute in it, so make sure you take good care of it.”

I was overjoyed to have finally encountered a genius I never knew existed within the game, and with light steps, I walked the academy street.

Lately, I’d been suffering a lot.

Now that I had a chance to relax, maybe I should do some sightseeing.

I could roam around Academy Street, reminiscing about old memories.

Yeah, that would be good…

Huh? Isn’t that Joy sitting outside that shop?

Yep! It’s Joy, Arthur, and even Frey!

From the sigh Arthur let out, it seems Frey caused some kind of trouble again.

Curiosity piqued, I quickly approached them.


“Hey there, losers. Wasting time again, huh?”

I greeted them as usual, but their reactions were anything but typical today.

Normally, they would smile and greet me back, but now they were just gaping, staring at my face.

‘…Why are you all looking at me like that?’

“Why are you being even more of a fool when you’re already foolish? Trying to look dumber?”

Finally, Frey spoke up after I called again.


‘Yes, that’s me.’

“Did your brain fill up with information and you forgot how to function, idiot knight? You can tell who it is just by looking.”

“It really is Lucy! You’ve changed so much, I almost didn’t recognize you.”

“Seriously. Was there something happening this weekend? You’ve become so beautiful, I almost didn’t recognize you!”


“Isn’t our moron’s eyesight so lousy that he almost didn’t recognize you?”

“My eyes are perfectly fine, thank you very much!”

As Frey and Joy started to regain their senses, the table was filled with commotion, but Arthur remained frozen, just staring at me.

What’s wrong with him? Is he sick or something?


“Poor prince? Have you forgotten how to speak?”

As I tilted my head in curiosity, Arthur suddenly sprang up from his seat.

“Um, uh, it’s, uh, Lucy Alrn.”


“What’s going on?”

“I… I’ve got some business to take care of, so I’ll just go for a bit.”

What’s going on with him? Why’s he acting so weird?

…Wait a minute.

Did I slack off on my preparations to deal with Taliki while I was keeping my guard down?!

Has he caught wind of it and is now running away to escape the trouble?!

Arthur, you’re in my palm!

I’m going to check carefully to see whether you’ve been slacking off! Just wait!

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not work with dark mode