Switch Mode

Chapter 287

Chapter 287

The Holy Sword chooses its own master.

And here, there was a Holy Sword that had chosen a boy as its master.

The name of that sword, which shines brilliantly to illuminate its master’s path and prevent him from losing his way, is the Holy Sword of “Radiance.”

Although the boy that Radiance had chosen as its master was currently in a comatose state, Radiance remained by the side of its unconscious master like a loyal knight.

“Yoon Si-woo, I’m coming in.”

‘Another visit today.’

Radiance thought as it gazed at the girl who had come to visit its master.

With her bright red hair and eyes, the girl was not an ordinary human but a “Witch.”

Moreover, she was the very cause that had placed Radiance’s master in this comatose state.

Yet, Radiance held no ill feelings toward the girl.

This was partly because Radiance had a fellow “Witch” who also served the same master.

And it was also because it knew that the master had willingly endured this fate to protect the girl.

Above all, Radiance had observed the girl and found her to possess a noble and upright soul like no other.

Thus, Radiance had a certain fondness for the girl.

Perhaps, if it had not met its current master first, it might have even chosen her as its own master.

Of course, if it had ended up serving its current master, it would ultimately have chosen him as its master no matter how they met.

The one that Radiance had chosen as its master was, in every sense, a being worthy of love from the sword.

From the moment it first saw him, it thought, ‘Ah, this is the person I must serve!’ Perhaps that could describe his charm, even if only slightly.

After all, it was rare for a single person to own several swords, each with their own distinct preferences and picky natures.

Well, enough of this digression.

To put it simply, it meant that Radiance held a considerable fondness for the girl.

If one were to express it, it would be about one-fifth of the affection its master, the boy, bore for her.

This might sound ambiguous, but it truly indicated a significant amount of admiration.

“……I just hope you can wake up like that, really.”

How could a servant dislike someone who worries for their master with such a wistful expression?

As Radiance looked at the girl with satisfaction, it thought, ‘At the very least, she seems fitting for my lord.’

“Well, anyway, Yoon Si-woo, could you lend me your sword? I need the ability of the sword you possess for a little while because I’m going to hunt down the Witch of Lust soon. I’ll be careful using it and will return it to its original state, so don’t worry too much.”

Radiance heard those words from the girl.

Borrow my sword? You need it for hunting the witch?

Ah, that means…

As those words sank in, Radiance thought.

’Oh ho, is my help needed, girl?’

Radiance believed that, more than anything, it should be of assistance to its master.

Thus, Radiance decided to lend its power to the girl.

Originally, Radiance thought it should maintain its integrity and not extend a hand to anyone other than its chosen master, but in this case, it was an exception.

The girl was someone who cared for its master more than anyone else, and she was also someone whom the master admired deeply, so Radiance thought that assisting her would be akin to aiding its master.

Of course, the fact that the girl matched the standards that Radiance had established also played a part.

In any case, Radiance decided to lend the girl its power and appeared before her, glowing brilliantly, exclaiming:

I understand, girl! You are someone my lord cares for more than anyone else, so I shall lend you my strength! This “Radiance” will illuminate your path!

Truly grandiose.

Radiance was filled with pride.

Just a moment ago, these words perfectly embodied the image Radiance envisioned of an ideal knight.

Radiance was a Holy Sword bestowed upon a loyal knight who had served the royal family for generations long ago.

Of course, as time passed, the ancient kingdom fell, yet Radiance had come to see itself as a knight due to the lingering influences of that era.

Referring to the servant of the master as my lord was also a result of that.

In any case, Radiance was thrilled at being able to lend its power to someone cherished by its master, reveling in this quintessentially knightly situation.

“……The Holy Sword of Radiance?”

Unfortunately, it seemed like something had gone awry.

For some reason, the girl looked as if she didn’t understand what was happening at all.



Radiance had expected a reaction like, ’Ah, it’s Radiance! What a comforting presence!’ but for some reason, the girl wore such an expression.

…Is something wrong?

Although Radiance found this unpredictable situation perplexing, it seemed the girl felt the same way.



Perhaps that was the case.

As the girl tilted her head, Radiance mirrored her by tilting its own in confusion.

Neither of them seemed to understand what was happening.

As Radiance found itself bewildered by the strange disconnect, the girl spoke up with a question.

“……So, um, why did you suddenly appear?”

Why did I suddenly appear?

Radiance muttered, once again tilting its head at her question.

Why, haven’t you asked for my strength?

She had asked for help, yet the one confused was her.

But the girl only stared blankly, as if she hadn’t heard Radiance’s reply.

That was to be expected.

The Holy Sword possessed a consciousness, but none other than the sword itself could hear its voice.

Of course, there were exceptions; there were those like the Witch who could communicate with both sides.

In any case, Radiance gestured to convey its intentions.

It extended its hilt toward her, expressing its desire to lend her its power.

“Uh… Could it be you are saying you want to lend me your power?”

Fortunately, the girl seemed to grasp it almost immediately and asked, to which Radiance nodded.

Then the girl muttered as if she had just realized something.

“I asked to borrow a sword just a moment ago, so you’ve come to lend me your power because of that…”

That’s exactly right! Now, I shall lend you my strength! Feel free to use me as you see fit!

Finally, Radiance and the girl could understand each other, and filled with emotion, Radiance nodded vigorously. It then presented its hilt to the girl.

The girl appeared somewhat touched by that action.

Radiance smiled to itself.

‘Hehe, don’t be too moved, girl. It’s only natural for a knight to be kind to the lady.’

Yet, as Radiance indulged in that thought, the girl muttered an apologetic tone.

“Um, well… I’m really grateful, but the one I was going to borrow is not you, but this over here, the Holy Sword of Truth… I need the tracking ability that the Holy Sword of Truth possesses… So, um, I’ll just take your good intentions.”


In that instant, Radiance’s smile faded.

The girl said she didn’t need Radiance’s power…?

In that case, everything Radiance had just been thinking had stemmed from a misunderstanding—it was truly embarrassing.

Radiance had assumed she wished to borrow its strength; thus, it had acted in ways it couldn’t count on.

But up to this point, that could be understood.

It could bear the humiliation.

However, however…

This was something Radiance simply could not accept!

Radiance’s head jerked back as if struck by a hammer when it noticed the sword the girl held in her hand.

Had it seen wrongly? But it was certain!

It was the small white dagger that it later discovered in her hand!

Radiance exclaimed as if it could not accept what it had seen.

W-What…!? It can’t be! I’m not useful compared to that thing!

Heh, so you’ve only realized that now? What a foolish one. Hehe!

Radiance heard a mocking voice in its ear as it let out a scream.

The white dagger in the girl’s hand was the wicked Holy Sword of “Truth”!

Foolish? You, Truth…!

Yes~ I am the Holy Sword of Truth. Unlike that person, I’m overflowing with usefulness, and many people need my abilities!


As it listened to such deriding and mocking words, Radiance felt a surge of mana rising up from its grip to the pommel.

This expressed the anger of a human; it felt as if its head was bubbling with rage.

Radiance had been on the verge of a headache, given the long-standing rivalry it shared with Truth, but now that Truth was openly taunting it, it seemed Truth showed no signs of stopping.

Aha, “I, Radiance, shall illuminate your path!” you said! How ridiculous! If I were you, I wouldn’t know what to do with that kind of embarrassing talk. How does it feel? Hmm? How does it feel to realize that you thought you were needed, when you actually have nothing to lend?

Y-You…! I won’t accept that! What makes you better than me!

Radiance could not allow this.

Not just any sword but above all, it could not accept that it was inferior to that “thing”!

Although it had shouted in frustration, Truth retaliated promptly.

What makes me better? Hehe, you can’t track, and you can’t discern lies either, can you? Ha! You’re a loser~ Trash~ All you can do is shine and smash!

W-What?! You’re a ceremonial sword, so you’re useless in battle!

Doesn’t matter~ After all, our lady only fights with her fists! Besides, her punch is stronger than your flashy swings! Thus, as someone aiding her without combat skills, I am far more useful to her than you, wouldn’t you agree?


Does one call it fact abuse?

While there was indeed a mix of exaggeration meant to insult, Radiance felt that there were many true implications hidden within Truth’s remarks.

Radiance writhed in agony, unable to retort, before yelling again.

And what are you doing in the hands of someone who isn’t even a master! Why are you so happy about that!?

Hmm? Well, why not? This lady is a virgin, right?

Radiance felt a dizzying sensation at Truth’s response.

That’s right! The reason why Radiance had a poor view of Truth was due to the latter’s lack of virtue—unlike Radiance who found honor in restraint, Truth was greatly wanton, easily allowing anyone to possess it!

Radiance couldn’t stand Truth’s point of view.

No matter how much a sword crafted from a unicorn horn may be, if it lets itself be wielded by just anyone so easily, it’s no longer a Holy Sword but a Sword of Licentiousness!

Feeling that a lesson was necessary, Radiance shouted in a commanding tone toward Truth.

Halt! You! Just because you’re a virgin doesn’t mean it’s all fine!

Yup!! I love virgins! Virgins are the best! You who don’t understand a virgin’s allure are pitiful!

Radiance trembled.

That was not something that could simply be expressed as a Sword of Licentiousness!

It was a completely different being from itself.

If Radiance were a sword emitting light, then Truth was a sword in the midst of insanity, spewing madness everywhere.

As it faced a mindset it couldn’t comprehend, Radiance was filled with a kind of dread.

Simultaneously, a fierce emotion surged within Radiance.

With all of those feelings bubbling over, Radiance shouted at Truth.

Truth, you! Did you lend your power to that girl simply because she’s a virgin? If that was your only reason, I will never forgive you! Before your filthy desires tarnish her, I shall judge you!

The overwhelming emotion radiating from within Radiance was a sense of mission.

A knight’s duty to protect the girl from foul desires!

Hmm? You think lending my strength to that lady was simply because she’s a virgin?

However, Truth replied with an indignant tone.

What? So there was another reason?

Perplexed, Radiance pressed on.

Then, what other reason is there?

Truth’s quick reply came.

It’s because she might become our lady! If that happens, then as a Holy Sword, it’s only right I lend my strength. Lending my power to her is the same as helping our lady. Moreover, she’s kind! Since I’m also a Holy Sword, I can’t help but want to lend my power to someone like her!


At that answer, Radiance’s expression turned to one of shock.

Truth’s reasoning was utterly logical.

In fact, it was completely in line with Radiance’s original thoughts.

Radiance mentally muttered.

It was unacceptable.

If this continued, would that mean it had become indistinguishable from that insane sword?

Someday, something needed to be addressed, but Radiance found itself without words to say.

As a result, Radiance sank into a state of despair.

I… am no different from that mad sword…

In the space left behind, all that could be heard for a moment was the soft sound of someone gently sobbing.

– Ah, of course, while being a virgin is nice! But listen, listen! She’s no ordinary virgin! I’ve never seen anyone so pure among those I’ve met in my life! How is it possible to live without even feeling a hint of desire towards men… Aah, it’s the best! Just being nearby sends shivers down my spine! Virgins are the best!!

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