Switch Mode

Chapter 282

Chapter: 282

A tutorial? The moment I saw that word, I couldn’t help but tilt my head in confusion.

Over a year has passed since I came to this world, and now there’s a tutorial?

While I thought something was off, I decided to check the tutorial function. Whether I get excited or annoyed, I should confirm what this feature is before it’s too late.

[Check your skills through the tutorial!]

Oh, it turns out it’s a skill tutorial.

It seems that the gracious Armedi must have heard my complaints and decided to appease the Apostle’s grievances.

What a merciful and generous being!

Oh great Armedi, among so many gods, I, Apostle Lucy Alrn, believed you wouldn’t turn your back on me!


My whining was just a suggestion, thinking it would be even better this way!

You do know, right?

There’s no way your Apostle could think of you as a useless, self-serving, perverted loli-fan!

Did you tell me to quit with the nonsense?

I mean, it does sound a bit ridiculous, doesn’t it?

After mumbling nonsensically to myself, I let out a long sigh.

This situation is definitely one I should be rejoicing about.

Since what I wished for has finally come true.

Yet, watching the tutorial dialogue, all I feel is uncertainty.

The shabby god I know plays weird tricks when I whine, saying it’s impious.

Like enhancing the Mesugaki skill or whatever else; there are a few records of weird events.

How bizarre that this shabby god would heed my whining without pulling any pranks!

What kind of scheme is lurking behind all this?

Why is he being so nice to me?

No, I shouldn’t concern myself with any impending crisis that hasn’t arrived yet.

Armedi might just be taking care of me this time for the hard work I’ve done.

Right? That must be it. So I should just be happy.

[Clear the tutorial for a modest reward!]

Hey, Armedi!?

What are your intentions in being so generous with me?!

Could you do it like usual?!

Just throw some random pranks and hand over some weird quests or something!

Honestly, that would feel more comforting!

I desperately tried to talk back, but obviously, there was no response.

I’m too scared of the future that will inevitably come.

Something the shabby god has prepared is scarier than facing Tariki’s shenanigans.

…Will praying in a bunny girl outfit ease my mind a little?

It’s a blasphemous thought, but maybe it’s worth a try.

Who knows? That perverted god might loosen up with a “Hoohoo!” reaction.

As those thoughts crossed my mind, I wiped my face and looked up again.

For now, that can wait.

I should just experience what this tutorial function is all about.

Since it says there’s a reward, it can’t just end with a simple skill explanation.

Hmm. But how do I use the tutorial?

Do I just think about wanting to do this skill’s tutorial?

“I want to do the tutorial for the Shield Master skill.”

No sooner had I muttered that in my mind than a blue window appeared before me.

[‘Shield Master’ Tutorial]

[Prerequisites: 1. Shield Mastery ??? or higher (Achieved!) 2. Possession of a shield of certain grade or higher (Achieved!)]

[Would you like to start the tutorial now?]

What kind of tutorial has prerequisites attached to it?

Tutorials are supposed to explain basic aspects!

If there are prerequisites, what if I can’t learn the skill’s function even if I want to?

No way, this isn’t your typical tutorial.

Since I’ve already satisfied the prerequisites, should I just try it out?

[Starting the ‘Shield Master’ tutorial!]

Just as that phrase popped up, the surrounding scenery shifted.

From the usual practice grounds to the appearance of an arena.

[Hoo?! What’s this?! Why is the scenery suddenly changing?!]

“It’s a new blessing from the Great God. I can now test my blessing that was granted to me.”

[If that’s the case, at least give me a heads-up next time! You nearly gave me a heart attack!]

As I replied to the astonished old man, I checked my body.

It felt heavier than usual.

It wasn’t fatigue; it felt closer to my body specs significantly dropping.

Plus, with my divine power drained, I can’t enhance my body either.

[‘Shield Master’ provides positive corrections to various movements using the shield by increasing shield mastery!]

[Face the enemies before you and become accustomed to the effects of ‘Shield Master’!]

Enemies? The moment I read that word, the previously silent arena began to bustle.

People appeared in the empty spectator seats of the arena, shouting in an incomprehensible language.

While I was watching these shouty folks, the ground of the arena suddenly shook.

I could see the source of this vibration as I turned my head.


That bellowing voice overshadowed all the voices in the arena, belonging to something far too huge to be human.

It seems to be at least 3 meters tall. With that size, it might just be bigger than Benedict!

Every time it moved its foot, the ground trembled as I stared at it in shock when suddenly a new message appeared before me.

[Goal: Endure for the given time!]


So, now I need to survive against this giant who’s likely mixed with giant blood for five minutes?

In this situation, where my body is weakened and I can’t use divine enhancements?

…What kind of tutorial is this?! This is more like a challenge than a tutorial!

Stop pretending it’s a tutorial and just give me a proper explanation!

[Coming at you!]

Hearing the old man’s shout, I clenched my teeth.

I can see that giant charging toward me from afar.

Judging by its clunky steps, it doesn’t seem to have learned any martial arts.

Well, why would it? Its size and muscle are already powerful enough.

Watching its incoming fist as it charges forward, I think the attack is honest enough that it shouldn’t be hard to parry.

I still don’t want to take the whole impact. If I do, I’ll probably get sent flying into the audience stands.

Boom! Upon impact with my shield, my body was naturally pushed back, scraping the dirt beneath me.

Not yet. I have to withstand just a bit longer until it puts in some more strength.

Until I can break its balance in an instant.



As the giant lets out a roar, I swiftly turned my shield to the side.

This made the giant’s crushing force flow down the surface of my shield and slam into the ground, causing it to lose its balance and crash face-first into the dirt.


This situation was indeed what I intended.

But it felt like the whole process was too smooth.

Blocking the attack and redirecting the force.


While I was tilting my head in confusion, the giant hurriedly pulled itself up and swung its fist again.

As I deflected its fist again like before, I started to understand why the word tutorial was attached to this.

The giant was the perfect test subject for trying out various techniques.

While its physique was threatening, that was about it.

With no techniques and no thought, it was practically a toy that moved according to my bidding so I could comfortably test the enhancements from the Shield Master skill.

Thanks to that, I’ve learned quite a few things.

I realized that the parrying judgment was more lenient than before.

The speed at which I could make optimal decisions increased as well.

Even when moving similarly to before, I could achieve better results.

So that’s why it was called a tutorial.

The seemingly intimidating giant was the optimal opponent to feel what I could do with my increased shield mastery!

I’m sorry! Great Armedi! I doubted your careful consideration for a moment!

But you’ve got to realize that your usual pranks lead me to think otherwise!

If you had just played around moderately, I wouldn’t have these doubts!

[Tutorial Cleared!]

As I played around with the giant, it seemed five minutes had flown by.

[Returning to practice mode!]

As the scenery disintegrated, the familiar sights of practice mode unfolded again.

The old man standing right in the middle approached me with a warm smile.

“Did you gain any insights while facing Tariki? Your skill in handling the shield has noticeably improved.”

‘…Uh. Yeah. Something like that.’

I was caught off guard by the old man’s compliment.

This is what it feels like to see mastery suddenly spike!

After steadily increasing my skill level so far, experiencing a sudden jump makes me feel elated.

I feel like I could counter a sword attack from Karl at full power right now!

[You have been granted a reward for clearing the tutorial!]

[The effect of the ‘Shield Master’ skill has slightly increased!]


Wait, you’re telling me the skill that was already good can get even better?!

I’m so grateful for the fun tutorial you created, and you’re also slapping extra rewards on top of it!


I can feel an overwhelming sense of faith rising within me!

Oh, Armedi, mighty, kind, omniscient, and omnipotent!

Thank you!

If you had done this earlier, I would have become a devout follower by now!

I must have enjoyed my first tutorial experience so much that I immediately wanted to execute another skill tutorial.

[‘Hero’s Spirit’ Tutorial]

[Prerequisites 1. ??? (Not Achieved) 2. ??? (Not Achieved)]

[Cannot execute the tutorial.]

Not ready yet?

That’s a pity. I wish I could at least know what the prerequisites are.

Well, there are still tests left, so I’ll manage somehow.

[‘Hero’s Soul’ is not a tutorial target.]

Ah, just as I thought! It’s a function attached to Ruel’s Mace, so I can’t do a tutorial for that.

Looks like I’ll have to verify it myself by moving around.

Then, what about the others…

Huh? Isn’t this the end of what I just got?

So, am I only able to experience the tutorial for that one skill?!

Ugh, that’s a bummer, but I guess it can’t be helped.

Armedi must have a reason for imposing restrictions like this. So I should quit my whining.

I could gradually figure out the rest while testing with the old man.

Wait a second.

Didn’t you say at the beginning of the tutorial that it was for the skills I possess?

Nowhere did it say something about newly acquired skills.

Does that mean…

“I want to run the tutorial for the Iron Wall!”

[‘Iron Wall’ Tutorial]

[Prerequisites 1. Block over 1,000 attacks with shields (Achieved!)]

[Would you like to start the tutorial now?]



This is it! This is how it should be!

Yeah! It’s just too cold-hearted to give just one!

Ah. If I could experience the tutorials for all existing skills, how many would there be!

“What’s got you so cheerful? Why do you wear such a fierce grin?”

‘Oh, I just feel like my days of boredom are finally over until I wake up!’

I answered the old man and immediately expressed my intention to start the tutorial.

And so the scenery shifted again.

What awaits me next, I wonder.

I hope for some amusing plaything, just like before.

It’s more rewarding to have something fun to mess around with!

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not work with dark mode