Switch Mode

Chapter 281

Chapter: 281

The unyielding will has been my driving force for growth up till now.

If it weren’t for that skill, I wouldn’t have been able to endure the rough training in the Alrn family.

And that’s not all. Without this steadfast will, I’d probably be wallowing in despair in some corner right now.

The countless crises I’ve faced aren’t something a modern person living in peace could withstand.

In the game, it simply had the function of nullifying instant deaths, but how much more help could it provide if this skill evolves further?

Would it allow me to stand up against any trial that comes my way?

Or would it let me remain emotionally unshaken no matter what situation arises?

[Your heart, unbroken even in the face of death, is the mark of a true hero!]

[The skill ‘Unyielding Will’ evolves to ‘Hero’s Spirit’!]

Hero’s Spirit?

This isn’t a skill that exists in the game, is it?

So, it seems I’ve acquired yet another new skill this time?

[‘Hero’s Spirit’]

[The hero does not falter in any situation and will create miracles in times of crisis.]

Ah. So it seems the part about “not faltering” means the previous function has been inherited, right? It could even be stronger than before.

And the phrase “create miracles in times of crisis” suggests some effect will manifest when I’m in a tight spot.

I need to check its detailed performance, but I’m fairly certain this skill is quite good.

The unyielding will was already a significant help, and now it’s been enhanced further.

I would appreciate a detailed explanation, but hey, good is good!

[You risked your life to save others. Your noble heart receives a reward.]

[‘Path of the Saint’]

[When you willingly attempt to do good, blessings will be bestowed upon you.]

This too is a skill that didn’t exist in the game.

The vague description is much like what I just saw.

Roughly interpreted, it seems to mean a positive boost when taking the right actions.

I get the gist, but I have no clue how this skill operates.

I have no idea how to verify that.

Aah. Honestly. Oh, Armedi.

I appreciate the rewards you’re granting me for all the hardships endured.

Thanks to the things you’ve given me, I’ve overcome countless crises, so there’s no way I’d feel ungrateful.

However, there’s just one thing I’m requesting.

Please. Can you write a proper explanation when you give me skills not present in the game?

I’m not even asking for numerical details! Just tell me precisely what functions it has!

Even the ‘Weakness Detection’ that I received before!

That was a godly skill that could be used in various ways beyond combat, but I had no clue until I verified it!

There could be more hidden functions even now!

This skill might be the same!

Somehow, I have to grasp the functionalities of this skill, but whether or not its utility ends there, I can’t tell!

It’s not a game, it’s reality!

I can’t crack the client, and I can’t verify it through collective intelligence!

Moreover, there’s no status window, so I have to rely on my gut for verification—why keep throwing vague explanations at me?!

Isn’t it dangerous enough as it is, being your apostle? Couldn’t you lend a hand so I can utilize all the functions of the skills?

[As a servant of the god, you’ve fulfilled your orders flawlessly, so a fitting reward should be expected.]

[The hidden function of ‘Ruel’s Mace’—‘Hero’s Soul’ opens up!]

[‘Hero’s Soul’]

[The source that allowed the past heroes to be called heroes. Though faded with time, that power still remains.]

Now it’s basically impossible to guess the text.

Wow. Starting from scratch and imagining the verifications ahead fills me with excitement!

What the heck is the power of a hero?!

At the very least, I should be given some pointers to even start verifying it!

As I was internally pouring out my frustration, I sighed, feeling defeated.

What can I say? My pathetic, useless god seems to enjoy watching me struggle.

I’ll have to roll around and verify. First, I’ll spar with the old man in practice mode to check various things.

– Ding!

While thinking about the upcoming verification process, the notification sound rang again.

Are there still rewards to be given out?

So, you think this incident was significant too, huh?

It wouldn’t be polite to refuse what you’re giving me, so I’ll graciously accept it, but I hope this time there’s a proper explanation.

Pretty please.

I’m already feeling a headache; how much more am I going to suffer if I add one more verification task?

[You dismantled the plan the dark Evil God Tariki had been working on.]

[An achievement that draws the attention of many gods!]

[Your standing in the divine realm rises even further!]

Now, this one’s at least intuitive!

Thank you for granting my request!

But hang on, this is a reward that exists in the game too!

When your standing goes up, I know it adds benefits to various divine abilities!

Huh? Wait, isn’t this strange?

Why are my eyelids suddenly growing heavy?

I’m not even tired enough to collapse, am I…

– Ding!

[Your desire has been acknowledged.]


After leaving the apostle of the Art Guild in charge and returning to the mansion.

Johan first tidied himself up.

He believed that a priest should always maintain a dignified appearance, no matter what the Lord might see.

Once he finished tidying up, he made his way back to the reception room when he spotted Phoebe cautiously walking with a tray of refreshments.


Upon hearing Johan’s voice, Phoebe flinched.

As a result, the teapot on the tray nearly toppled, but Johan managed to catch it just in time, preventing any mess.

“Bishop! Are you alright?! That must be burning hot!”

“I’m fine. I protected my hand with divine power.”

Johan set the teapot back down on the tray for show, spreading open his palm as proof. Just as he said, there wasn’t a scratch to be found.

“I apologize. That was my fault.”

“No, I startled you, Saintess. Don’t mind it.”

While saying this, Johan took the tray from Phoebe.

She let out a slightly disappointed sound, but that was all. She obediently handed the tray to him.

“Shouldn’t one of the maids at the Artea mansion handle this?”

“…I wanted to do it myself.”

With a quiet, hesitant reply, Phoebe made Johan smile.

Was she hoping to serve Lady Alrn herself and earn some praise for the effort?

What a childlike thought.

Initially, Johan didn’t think a saint should be doing such tasks. However, he suddenly realized that Phoebe was still just a young girl.

She was at an age where she craved a friend to laugh and chat with, not yet fully grown.

In the past, Johan would’ve never considered such things. Phoebe was merely an object of contempt for him.

Having come to some compromises with reality, he’d been observing her but believed he would inevitably have to eliminate her someday. That was how he viewed Phoebe.

But now, his thoughts had changed.

He faced a singular event.

While preparing for the miracle to unfold in the center of Burrow territory, Phoebe’s face suddenly turned pale.

Her teeth chattered.

Cold sweat dripped down.

Her legs weakened, straining to hold her up with her cane.

Murmuring just an apology, she looked like a scene Johan had witnessed in the past.

She had been completely consumed by the Evil God.

During his time doing fieldwork, Johan had seen many comrades consumed by the Evil God’s voice.

Even someone with a firm spirit couldn’t escape once trapped.

He, a youthful Johan, nearly lost his mind when facing the darkness.

Having this past experience, Johan intended to incapacitate Phoebe before she was consumed by the Evil God, but as he was about to move, her eyes lit up brightly.

At that moment, Johan froze.

This human just shook off the Evil God’s binding with sheer will alone.

Even in a state already consumed, she managed to escape from that hell.

How could he maintain his composure when witnessing something truly miraculous before his eyes?

Seeing Phoebe stagger while trying to perform her duties, Johan began to ponder.

Could it be that he had been mistaken?

Could a false saint have the real faith and will within her?

That unyielding heart must be genuine.

However, Johan couldn’t come to a solid conclusion just yet.

One thing was certain; unlike before, he was now resolved to see Phoebe as a person, not just a blemish on the Holy Church.

“I’ll return the tray before heading back to the reception room.”


“Then the saintess may serve the lady.”

As he quietly observed Johan’s face, Phoebe blushed slightly and then broke into an awkward yet bright smile.

“Thank you very much, Bishop.”

“It’s no trouble at all.”

Just as the two arrived at the reception room in a lighter mood than before, the door burst open, revealing two figures.

One was Lina, the mistress of the forest, and the other was Lucy.

It was common knowledge that Lina always followed Lucy, so their mere presence together wasn’t surprising.

However, if Lucy hadn’t been unconscious in Lina’s arms, that would be a different story.

“…Young Lady?!”


Lucy had collapsed.

So suddenly.

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not work with dark mode