Switch Mode

Chapter 272

Chapter: 272

As I followed Karia into the mansion, I was greeted by the sight of bodies sprawled on the floor.

According to her explanation, these were the ones who had been possessed by the evil god, and she had knocked them out.

“I figured you wouldn’t like it if all of them were dead, so I took some care,” she said.

‘Thanks for the effort.’

“Ugh. It really was a hassle. Listen to my bones creaking. At this rate, I might end up playing an instrument with my body.”

“…Can’t you just say a simple thank you?”

No can do. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t. The moment I praise her, the regular insults will come pouring out, so she should just be satisfied with this!

While I was following the grumbling Karia through the mansion, a pungent smell suddenly wafted into my nose.

I wasn’t told about it, but I knew this smell all too well. It had been present in the countless crises I’d faced until now.

The smell of blood.

Human blood.

“Young Lady.”

“…Master? Just a moment.”

Ignoring Karl’s and Karia’s protests, I followed the increasingly intense odor.

It wasn’t difficult. My senses, sharpened from training, pinpointed the start of the stench.

Upon opening the door, I saw a man praying over a line of at least a dozen corpses.

Their appearances, clearly indicating they had died in agony, shocked me. However, even amid my rising panic, my heightened senses told me they were no ordinary humans.

The ominous energy that lingered even in their lifeless bodies.

They must have been the ones who once served Taliki. The trash trying to turn this territory into hell.

So, there was no reason for me to feel sympathy, but my heart just couldn’t comply.

My breath quickened.


‘I’m fine.’

“What the hell are you worrying about, you pathetic one?”

The advice I received from Karl the first time I killed something still lingers in my memory.

This is normal now. Over time, I’d get numb to it eventually.

So, what I had to do now was to face death head-on and quickly get used to the sight.

Calming myself, I was trying to steady my breath when a long sigh escaped from behind me.

“…Hah. Seriously. Hey, you pervert. I told you to clean this up.”

Despite Karia’s remarks, the man didn’t respond.

He merely closed his eyes and continued his silent prayer as if he couldn’t hear anything.

Seeing that, Karia sighed again, but it didn’t elicit any reaction from the man.

“Master, just to avoid misunderstandings, I should clarify: I didn’t kill them on purpose.”

‘I know, Karia.’

“I know. You nosy old lady.”

Not that I ever planned to reprimand Karia for this.

My desire not to kill others stems from my own shortcomings, not from any belief. What good would forcing this shortcoming on others do?

Maybe she realized something from my words because Karia didn’t say anything further.

Heavy silence hung, and before long, Phoebe and the others entered the room.

Of course, Alsetin and the Clumsy Fox showed no reaction. Johan was expressionless, and even Phoebe merely nodded toward the dead.

Everyone seemed used to this scene. Except for me.

Feeling like a naïve child, I let out a hollow laugh as the man finished his prayer and rose.

“Karia! No matter how wicked they are…”

He turned to speak to Karia, but upon meeting my gaze, he froze.

The moment he saw my clear and piercing eyes, I remembered where I had seen this man before.

Ah, right. He’s that perv who serves the perverted Miwa or something, right?

I can’t recall exactly, but one thing is certain: This dude is as much of a pervert as the Clumsy Fox.

“Young Lady! I’ve longed to meet you again!”


I jumped back in surprise as the blood-soaked perv lunged at me just as Karl blocked my way.

He immediately layered aura over his fist and punched at the pervert.

No hesitation whatsoever in that smooth first strike.

The perv’s body flew through the air.

Normally, that flight would end with a hard crash against the wall. That’s just the way things are in this world.

However, the pervert suddenly stopped mid-air, enveloped in mist that was now surrounding him.

“Crush him.”

Just as the Clumsy Fox spoke, tons of solid mist manifested and began to stomp down on the pervert.

…Well, thanks for getting rid of him for now.

But is this really okay? Isn’t he going to die from this?

“It’s fine. Don’t worry, Master. He won’t die easily.”

As if reading my mind, Karia said in a cold voice while clapping from the side.

I didn’t know the full story, but it seemed there was way more than meets the eye.

I should probably keep my mouth shut; I don’t want to catch the splatter of this mess.

“While I’d love to keep watching this trash get what he deserves, there’s something more important right now. Let’s go, Master.”

“Sure. Go ahead. I’ll take care of this guy.”

Leaving the pervert to the Clumsy Fox, I started to think, wait, is it even okay to leave this to her?

Both of them are grotesque pieces of trash. Just leaving them there could lead to some serious calamity later on if they join forces.

…It should be okay, right?

Even though the Clumsy Fox is a perv, at least she hates her own kind.

After leaving them behind, Karia led us to another room in the mansion.

This room looked like a model house—nothing to indicate a person had lived there, with hardly a trace of life. But it was spotless, not a speck of dust in sight.

I knew what this room was.

It shouldn’t be known by anyone other than the Burrow family, but I, someone from outside this world, couldn’t help but know.

This is the room of the deceased eldest son of the Burrow family.

“Nakrad went inside with the inferior progeny as soon as you arrived.”

That’s no good, Nakrad. To build an entrance to the dungeon here.

A true mess of a middle-schooler’s delusion.



“What do you think of this dungeon? Does it look like an ordinary dungeon?”


“You old maid! You’ve really aged badly, haven’t you? You think that looks like a normal dungeon?”

The dungeon in the center of the room wasn’t your everyday dungeon.

It was the same dungeon I had entered months ago to save Adly.

Not created by Agra, but by some other evil god. It was a dungeon that could only accommodate one person, built around a specific purpose.

“Of course, Master. You’d be the specialist in dungeons. Correct! This is different from your regular dungeon. There are many differences, but the biggest one is that only one person can enter.”

“I’ll go!”

Before Karia could finish explaining about the dungeon, Karl stepped forward. It was natural he’d want to brave a dangerous place, showing his knightly spirit.

Only one thing. He didn’t consider his master’s wishes.


“Stay put, you loser.”

Hey, Karl! After I worked so hard to come and conquer this dungeon, do you think I’m just going to hand it over to someone else now?!

It’s totally improper knight behavior to try and take the tastiest bite from the feast once it’s all laid out, isn’t it?!

If you want to be my dog, at least learn to wait!

“Still, Miss!”

‘Karl, do you know the dungeon better than I do?’

“Just swinging a sword doesn’t mean you know anything about dungeons! Are you saying you know better than I do?!”

“…Well, no, I don’t.”

“Lady! Professor Karl is right!”

As Karl hesitated to reply, Phoebe chimed in.

“Your condition is in terrible shape. If you went in and anything happened…”

Well, that’s true. Honestly, I do think I could collapse at any moment.

But you know what? I’m used to moving in a state like this.

There were times training at the Alrn family was even worse.

This is nothing!

‘I need to do this!’

“Pathetic saint! Are you seriously handing this over to these pathetic losers?!”

So don’t take the dungeon away from me! I’m here for that!

Phoebe looked like she wanted to say something else, but before she could, Johan placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Saint, let it go.”

“But, Bishop!”

“This is the Young Lady’s decision.”

As Phoebe gazed up at Johan’s face, her mouth floundered for words, eventually leading her to lower her head.

Leaving Phoebe to her thoughts, Johan approached me cautiously and extended his hand.

In his palm was a sphere filled with concentrated divinity.

“I’ve gathered the last of my few remaining divine powers. Please use it wisely as per the Young Lady’s wishes.”

As I took the sphere from Johan, I felt energy rising within me.

It wasn’t a complete restoration of my divine energy.

Still, this should be enough to smash Nakrad to pieces.

The me who was tormented by Nakrad before and now are practically two different people.

“I’ll give you mine too! Young Lady!”

As I checked my condition while holding Johan’s divine sphere, Phoebe rushed over to my side and cast a divine spell on me.

Since she had exhausted most of her energy just creating that miracle, her magic was weaker than her famous title as a saint.

However, the intent behind that spell was genuine, and it definitely had its effect.

I felt my body recovering, and I pondered how to express my gratitude to Phoebe, but no words came to mind.

I just knew that if I said thank you, calamity would surely ensue.

So instead of vocalizing my gratitude, I simply smiled at Phoebe.

Seeing my smile, Phoebe returned it, making me believe that this was indeed the right choice.

Once that whole process concluded, no one stood in my way as I took a step forward.

Alright. One last check.

My armor’s bent in a few places, but it’s still intact.

Ankhil remains free of wounds.

The mace is in top-condition as always.

And I’m all set, as I always am.

Living up to my “rotten water” reputation, after all.

“Go on. Master.”

‘I’ll be right back.’

“I’ll return before your wrinkles grow deeper.”

“…Seriously, do I have to wait for that?!”

Leaving the ailing Karia behind, I stepped into the dungeon, when suddenly, my grandfather’s voice rang out.

[Hey, little girl.]

‘What is it?’

[I sometimes wonder how things would have turned out if you hadn’t received that strange blessing. If only you could convey your true feelings.]

‘I think about that often too.’

I’ve probably pondered countless times about what life would be like without my mesugaki skill!

It’s no wonder I have a plan for what to do first if I can finally speak properly.

Of course, I don’t think that plan is ever going to materialize.

My pathetic perverted god doesn’t seem inclined to take away my mesugaki skill anytime soon.

‘But why bring this up all of a sudden?’

[No, I suppose that even if you could convey your feelings, you’d still brag.]

‘Huh? What do you mean by that?’

[Ah well. Never mind. Focus on what you need to do now.]

‘…Grandpa, do you know that makes it even more distracting?!’

Ugh, come on! I need to focus now; don’t make my head messier!

Grumbling at my grandfather, I took another step forward, and the scenery around me shifted.

[In darkness, you will find you cannot see an inch ahead.]

Alright then.

Let’s go enjoy the theme park that Taliki set up for me!

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not work with dark mode