Switch Mode

Chapter 269

Chapter: 269

I could see the divine energy that had been concentrated in the sword gradually spreading outwards.

This wasn’t just any divine energy you’d find anywhere; it was the sacred power gifted to me by that pathetic god himself!

It was a divine aura nobler than anything held by the gods themselves.

No matter how pervasive Taliki’s presence might be in this place, darkness would crumble before this divine light.

As the area of effect grew, I could see the darkness retreating step by step.

Having confirmed all of this, I let go of the sword and sighed.

Perhaps it was because I was harboring the sacred energy of that pathetic god, but the effects of this divine domain were definitely powerful.

Thanks to this, I wasn’t just setting the stage for a miracle; I was also preventing Taliki from pulling any underhanded tricks.

[To think such a mess of a prayer would lead to this result.]

As I gazed at the now-dominant divine energy, I could almost hear Grandfather chuckling.

…It really was a messy prayer. No matter how you sliced it, it was closer to blasphemy than anything resembling a proper prayer.

[Is that because you are the apostle of that god?]

‘Not at all, Grandfather.’


‘It’s just that the god likes this kind of thing.’

No god worth their salt would grant power to someone insulting them, right?

That perverted god of ours just gets a kick out of being insulted by cute girls!

It’s quite obvious! Otherwise, there’s no way this divine domain would be spreading so effectively!

[Enough of your nonsense.]

‘I’m serious!’

[Look ahead. Your plans are just beginning.]

Tch. I failed again to enlighten Grandfather about the truth of that pathetic god today. But just because he denies it doesn’t change reality.

One day, he’ll come to realize that the pathetic god is an irredeemable perverted lolicon.

I’ll make him believe it.

With that thought in mind, I braced my shield.

Now, all that was left was to endure while waiting for Phoebe and Johan to create a proper miracle.

[Darkness is approaching.]

The moment Grandfather spoke the warning, everyone rushing towards us suddenly collapsed to the ground.

I turned to see if the Clumsy Fox was behind this, but she shook her head.

“It wasn’t you?” Then what on earth was happening?

As I looked around in confusion, I noticed the residual dark magic of Taliki draining from the townsfolk and heading somewhere.

Was Taliki changing his strategy, deciding it wouldn’t work to overwhelm us with sheer numbers?

What will he do next? What kind of messy trick does he plan to hit me with?

Just as I was focused on this, I heard the sound of galloping hooves in the distance.


From afar, cavalry was charging toward us, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Those were enormous horses grotesquely transformed by the evil god’s magic, armored in black, charging forth, leaving trails of dark smoke.

They looked less like knights and more like a tsunami of darkness ready to swallow the ground whole.

[He’s planning to break through at one point.]

‘If I step up to block them—’

[Do you even have the energy for that right now?]

…No. At this moment, I was pouring most of my power into maintaining this divine domain.

There’s no way I could handle the shockwave generated by their charge.

[You don’t have to handle everything alone. That’s why you brought so many people.]

Grandfather’s words were right. Better to trust those I brought rather than complicating our plans by stepping forward unnecessarily.

As I restrained my desire to step up and observed, the Clumsy Fox’s fox-spirits lunged toward the cavalry amidst the fog.

They seemed to behave just like when they lulled the townsfolk to sleep, yet strangely, the cavalry didn’t collapse.

“…They’re already in the midst of a nightmare and therefore can’t sleep. That’s an interesting ploy.”

The Clumsy Fox remarked without a hint of a smile, despite her claim of amusement.

She wore a serious expression, one I’d never seen on her before, more beastly than benevolent as the guardian of the forest. With a flick of her finger, the fox-shaped mist coalesced, concentrating on the path of the cavalry’s charge.

To the naked eye, the fog seemed too vague to obscure the cavalry’s sight, but the fog shattered my expectations entirely.

KWAAM! The wave of cavalry crashed against the wall of fog, proving itself a solid obstruction.

So this was the power of the forest’s master?

I was so in awe of the sight that I forgot for a moment that the Clumsy Fox was a masochistic pervert, but her expression wasn’t a happy one.

Why the long face? You just successfully blocked a charge!

My confusion was alleviated before the Clumsy Fox could answer me, because I heard a sound behind me, even larger than I heard before.

“It’s chaos all around! What a buzz.”

While the Clumsy Fox grumbled in annoyance, the booming sounds from all directions showed no sign of stopping.

Charge. Charge. And once more, charge!

If the fog was a solid wall, the cavalry seemed eager to smash their heads against it over and over.

…Crazy. So the previous mob was just a warm-up? What kind of firepower is this?

“Wait. It’s not just from the ground but from the sky as well.”

[Girl! Up!]

Up? What’s coming from above that makes the Clumsy Fox and Grandfather shout together?

I instinctively looked up to the sky and saw it.

A body falling from above.

In his hand, he held a black—no, forcibly blackened sword.

…Duke Burrow.

Damn it. He managed to take control of Duke Burrow in that short time?!

As Duke Burrow descended rapidly, the sound of landing was surprisingly light. It was as if a feather had touched the ground.

Then he stood before us, looking around before breaking into a sly smile.

– “Cursed child of Armadi.”

The voice that flowed from the Duke was his, yet somehow not entirely his.

– “Are you filled with hope? Did you think your plans would unfold as you wished?”

Taliki, the dark evil god, was using the body of the Duke to speak to me.

– “From the moment you set foot here, your fate was sealed. Everything is futile and pointless.”

As the Duke spread his arms wide, the oppressive aura of the evil god thickened in Burrow territory.

There was no need for an explanation; the darkness from the ground overflowed, aiming for the dazed townsfolk.

…Damn. I have to stop it. If I don’t, the townsfolk!

“Well, saying that before the conclusion seems rather presumptuous.”

I was about to jump into action, but before I could, the Clumsy Fox moved faster. The fog she had released into the town intercepted the darkness, preventing it from swallowing the citizens.

– “What kind of beast dares to speak such nonsense?”

“I’m sorry, but only the girl here gets to call me a beast. You disgusting evil god.”

While the Clumsy Fox retorted with a smile in the face of Taliki’s naked fury, it was evident she was also straining under the pressure.

Was she overexerting herself to fend off the darkness? Sweat was starting to trickle down her forehead.

– “You are merely flaunting bravado, unable to protect yourself.”

The Duke swung his sword.

There was ample space between the Clumsy Fox and Duke Burrow.

Normally, his sword wouldn’t even touch her.

However, the ki of a master swordsman easily shattered those normal expectations.

The dark energy released with his sword flew past, striking the Clumsy Fox.

The Clumsy Fox didn’t make a move in response. She was probably too absorbed in stopping the magic spreading through the town.

But that didn’t really matter.

She wasn’t alone.

What tank in their right mind would leave a casting mage out to dry?

I stood in front of her, preparing to take the hit.

While I didn’t have much sacred energy left to draw from, that didn’t matter.

It’s okay.

My combat logic built up until now says I can block this.

The iron wall agrees.

I can withstand it.

With both opinions in agreement, there’s no reason I can’t block this strike.

I pressed my legs into the ground for support.

Gripped the shield’s handle tightly.

Biting my lip.

I was ready to intercept the attack aimed at my ally.

Duke Burrow’s strike mixed with the evil god’s dark magic had considerable power.

My body was gradually pushed back.

The arm gripping the shield screamed in protest.

The light that had seeped into my shield dimmed beneath the assault of the dark god’s magic.

But that was as far as it went.

The dark god’s power merely weighed me down, failing to deal even a minor injury to my shield.

“Aw, come on! Is this all you’ve got? ♡ It’s like Duke Burrow has really aged! ♡ A weak sword flopping like a soft male member! ♡ No wonder there’s no heir in the Burrow family! ♡”

I could see Duke Burrow’s expression scowling behind the massive shield I held.

Then came a new attack.

Given my current condition, blocking that swift strike would be tough, but I didn’t position myself to defend.

I saw Duke Burrow lifting his sword, ready to strike again, and a blade leapt toward us.

– “You dare to ambush me!”

“Just a legitimate strategy!”

Duke Burrow hastily twisted his sword to fend off the incoming attack.

The clash of dark magic and the ethereal blade sent shockwaves as they collided.

Typically, after getting ambushed and defending from such an unstable position, the situation should have run against the Duke.

But things weren’t so simple.

The duke, known for his exceptional skills, was enhanced by the dark god’s powers.

Rather than pushing back the blade, he forced it away with his own strength.

Perhaps he foresaw this outcome from the start.

The blade withdrew, opting not to push its luck.

Seeing this, Duke Burrow seemed intent on not letting up, but his movement failed.

Alsetin, who had been behind the first blade, interrupted the Duke’s motion with an arrow. The blade created distance and prepared for the next strike.

“Hmmm. I think coming here was a wise decision. The day I’d receive protection from you.”

‘Now’s not the time for such talk!…’

“Stop ranting if you’ve got time! Hurry and stop that stagnant garbage spell! You pathetic perverted fox!”

As I kept my lips pursed, anxiously watching the situation, the Clumsy Fox was prattling behind me.

Annoyed by her remarks, I tried to think through the chaos.

A moment ago, I insulted not Taliki but the Duke instead.

Yet, the provocation struck hard.

This suggests that even now, while controlled by this evil god, Duke Burrow still retained a degree of self-awareness.

…Alright. Let’s give it a shot.

“Erectile Dysfunction Duke! ♡ Where are you looking? ♡ Being jealous of other men just because you can’t perform is so pathetic! ♡”


“Or perhaps you’ve discovered a new kink? ♡ Planning to make your bottom a doorway? ♡ Hahaha, that sounds amusing~ ♡”

As Duke Burrow twisted in response to Alsetin’s arrow, he allowed some damage to hit him while charging towards me.

Heh. So there’s some awareness left, huh?

Even though he’s snoozing under Taliki’s influence, it seems that he’s not in too deep.

That gives me a clear idea on how to deal with him.

If the sleepy Duke can’t wake up, I’ll just have to whisper the sweet nothings to rouse him.

“Did I strike a nerve? ♡ Got you feeling a prick? ♡ Hehe! Duke Burrow might be a closet homosexual~ ♡”

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not work with dark mode