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Chapter 268

### Chapter: 268

The Mage King, Terasius Jeblam.

After hearing the news from Crimson Garden, Kraush finally managed to slip out of the Lion’s Order classroom.

Thanks to the glares from the ladies, his neck felt hot.

But Kraush couldn’t help but sigh.

‘No matter how I refuse, it doesn’t seem to work.’

It seemed he would have to make a decision soon, one way or another. He took a deep breath.

“More importantly, Crimson Garden, explain in detail.”

Kraush quickly walked down the corridor, seeking more information from Crimson Garden.

[ It’s exactly what I said. The Mage King has appeared at Rahern Academy. ]

“Under what circumstances?”

Kraush was about to head to Jeblam immediately to meet the Mage King. But now that he heard the Mage King had shown up, he couldn’t tell if it was good news or bad.

‘Most importantly, who knows what that lunatic might do at Rahern Academy?’

He was certain the Mage King’s visit was tied to something intriguing.

“From the way you talk, it doesn’t sound like he came as a guest, but rather sneaked in, right?”

[ Yeah, exactly as you’d expect from that weirdo. ]

It seemed Crimson Garden had some acquaintance with the Mage King. With a click of her tongue, she explained how he had managed to enter.

[ Right now, the top student among the freshmen is that Mage King’s son. ]

“Mage King’s son?”

Kraush’s response was one of shock.

It was hard to believe because the Mage King had no known sons.

His only child was Biola Jeblam.

Born from a Kekkeshis and the Mage King, she was the one and only.

‘And the Mage King never really acknowledged her as his child in the first place.’

So absorbed in the Unnamed Academy that he hadn’t focused on the Magic Department.

He had even asked Aslan to let him know if someone showed up who reminded him of Abella.

But who would have thought the Mage King’s son would actually make an appearance?

[ I thought the Mage King might have done something outrageous again. ]

Crimson Garden hadn’t returned with Kraush, so she was unsure if the Mage King truly had no sons, hence the delay in information.

“Wait a minute, Crimson Garden.”

As Kraush pieced together the information he just received, he gasped.

“The Mage King’s son?”

[ Yes, it’s definitely the Mage King himself. No doubt about it. He disguised himself using magic. ]

Kraush’s face became incredulous.

The Mage King, known as the greatest sorcerer in the world, is Terasius Jeblam.

And now he has decided to appear disguised?

In a world where only a handful could see through his true identity, there wouldn’t be many who could.

Among them was Durandal, the Battle King at Rahern Academy.

But even Durandal’s ability wouldn’t be enough to see through the Mage King, who had reached the pinnacle of magic, unless he focused entirely on prying into it.

However, there was one person who could see through the Mage King’s magic beside Kraush.

One other who had also reached the pinnacle of magic: Crimson Garden August, who was by Kraush’s side.

‘If I had been alone…’

He might have had doubts about the Mage King’s child but never entertained the idea that the Mage King himself had come.

“This just became a headache.”

Kraush ran his fingers through his hair, looking troubled.

He had intended to meet the Mage King directly, only to find the guy was in disguise.

What a load of nonsense this was.

The bigger issue was understanding this man’s purpose for creating such a ruckus.

‘That rogue is unpredictable; it makes everything even more unsettling.’

Kraush clicked his tongue and sank deep into thought.

He could approach the Mage King directly and have a chat. That option certainly existed.

But if he gave away that he saw through the Mage’s disguise, he would most likely question how Kraush figured it out.

So, Kraush thought the only way to prove that he saw through it was to bring up Crimson Garden as a card.

‘There’s no need to risk it by haphazardly revealing that I’m connected to Crimson Garden in front of Heaven’s Sword.’

The World Erosion was still an enemy of the world, no matter what.

Plus, due to the ongoing sensitivity from the World Erosion, it was a delicate time.

In the Empire, they had been turning a blind eye to connections involving Crimson Garden and Ebelasque.

Lactea was fine due to their mutually beneficial relationship.

‘But the Mage King, that lunatic…’

You could never guess where that guy might bounce off to.

‘Taking a reckless step toward him carries too much risk.’

The best course of action would be to lead the Mage King into revealing his identity himself.

But he had no clue what that lunatic’s goals were.

That made it tricky.

[ What’s your plan? ]

When Crimson Garden asked, Kraush released a long sigh, his brain in turmoil.

“If I can just get close, I might have a deal I can pull.”

Kraush was holding onto a card he could play for a transaction with the Mage King.

It was related to information about his lifelong aspirations.

Using this, he would definitely be able to gain the Mage King’s cooperation.

The problem, as mentioned, was finding a natural way to engage with the Mage King.

[ Doesn’t that fit perfectly with the current situation? ]

Crimson Garden’s comment caused Kraush to blink in surprise.

[ The kid also happens to be the top student of the Magic Department, which means he’s part of the Special Class. ]

After hearing those words, Kraush’s body responded.

Just as she said, the Mage King was now here under the guise of his son, having chosen the top spot among the freshmen of the Magic Department.

He would have to follow the academy’s rules just like everyone else, even if he had his own agenda.

“Right, that makes sense.”

Had Charlotte somehow foreseen this?

How could she grant him the authority to select members at such a crucial time?

A smile crept onto Kraush’s face as he moved forward.

Let’s see if he can hook the big fish known as the Mage King.

Kraush arrived inside the auditorium.

Many members had gathered there.

Each person had a different brooch engraved on their chest.

The reason was that they belonged to different student organizations.

‘All of them are familiar faces.’

Just as Charlotte had given authority to Kraush, other organizations had bestowed authority to their own second-year members.

Thus, all representatives present were second-year students.

Kraush recognized many of their faces.

Though not as prominent as Kraush, each had made their mark as second-year students.

“Lord Kraush!”

At that moment, Kraush heard a loud voice calling out to him.

Turning his head, he saw a man wearing the mark of the Yoheidan, led by Felray.

Despite his brawny build, his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he bowed right away upon seeing Kraush.

“I’m Dolphron, representing the Yoheidan! Nice to meet you!”

“Uh, nice to meet you.”

Kraush accommodated Dolphron’s enthusiastic greeting, and he straightened up, his posture still leaning.

He then looked at Kraush with shining eyes.

“I’ve heard about your achievements from the seniors of the Yoheidan, to the point my ears hurt!

During the Hardenhartz incident, you stepped up to fight against the World Erosion to save the Yoheidan! We’re deeply thankful!”

For some reason, the Yoheidan members were unusually warm when Kraush met them.

They must have thought back fondly on those events.

Kraush scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

“I was just doing what I had to do.”

“That’s right! What you had to do! I will definitely do the same, along with you, Lord Kraush!”

This guy was overflowing with enthusiasm.

Kraush felt vaguely annoyed by the overwhelming passion, making it tough to interact.

He subtly shifted his gaze elsewhere.

At that moment, he noticed other organizations’ representatives looking their way.

Perhaps it was because Dolphron’s voice was so loud.

Everyone had been keeping their eyes on Kraush since he entered.

It was natural; he was the most famed figure in Rahern Academy.

“Can we have a quick chat, everyone?”

Kraush calmed Dolphron and turned to speak to the other representatives.

As everyone watched with raised eyebrows, he held up his hand.

“I’d like to take the top student of the Magic Department, Temarin Jeblam, as a prior experience for the Lions’ Order. Would that be alright?”

The student representatives exchanged doubtful glances upon hearing Kraush’s request.

However, their faces didn’t show much surprise.

Instead, sighs, disappointment, and an odd hostility lingered.

“Sounds like you basically want to take away all of the prime candidates for the Special Class, just like last year, huh?”

A figure stepped forward with a clear note of enmity.

He was the representative of White Ghost, an individual named Bell Vandeskeman, who was also the second-place student in the Magic Department.

True to his White Ghost allegiance, he showed no goodwill toward Kraush.

Despite news of Kraush’s engagement to the Empire spreading, he couldn’t take a friendly stance, given the fact that Kraush posed a significant obstacle to the Empire.

Moreover, Kraush’s words were things that shouldn’t be casually overlooked by other student organizations.

“Giving up the Magic Division, will you?”

The second-year students compete to secure as many outstanding candidates as possible.

For them, such an audacious statement was beyond comprehension.

Of course, they had been earnestly told to bring back as many talents as possible to the seniors.

While it was certain the top student of the Unnamed Academy would inevitably go to the Lions’ Order, hearing a claim to take the top student of the Magic Department was an outrageous affair.

Kraush fell silent for a moment, deep in thought.

His argument was certainly valid.

This was, without question, an atrocious act by the Lions’ Order.

Of course, the other student organizations would have grievances regarding it.

Kraush could agree to that.

But Bell had misjudged two things.

“So what?”


At Kraush’s question, Bell froze in astonishment.

After all, he never thought Kraush would respond like this.

“This really is a heinous act, so what do you plan to do about it?”


In that moment, a menacing aura emanated from Kraush, consuming the atmosphere.

The auditorium’s ambiance shifted dramatically, and the other representatives instinctively held their breath.

They felt a tightening at their throats as cold sweat dripped down their backs.

And Bell, struck head-on by that aura, began to pale visibly.

As mentioned earlier, Bell had misjudged two things.

Kraush, despite his reputation, was incredibly shameless and reckless.

“And can you stop me from doing it?”

Kraush was far stronger than Bell imagined.

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