Switch Mode

Chapter 268

Chapter: 268

Taliki’s welcome message didn’t just stop at one.

The guy kept shooting out mana like he wanted to fill the sky with black fireworks.

But all those projectiles were as useless as a chocolate teapot in front of my divine light. The sacred power in my Armadi was in a clear countering dynamic against Taliki’s dark magic.

How could a shadow trying to hide in darkness stand up to a power as bright as the sun?

Did Taliki feel that too? After a while of hurling magic, he suddenly stopped his attacks.

Was he just conserving his energy for attacks that wouldn’t even land? I thought that for just a moment.

Suddenly, an ominous energy surged throughout the city.

I might not be an expert in magic, but I had enough knowledge to figure this out.

That energy was the sign of a magic circle.

A magic circle prepared for the evil god within the city was activating.

[So this magic circle is limited to this city.]

‘So, the magic circle that spread across the entire Burrow Territory was just a decoy.’

The magic circle I had analyzed through Alsetin was just a threat. The real trap was laid out to catch and kill me, the pathetic apostle of the useless god.

‘Just as I expected.’

[As expected.]

I still have the upper hand. The situation was manageable enough with the plans I had prepared.

So now, the Clumsy Fox just needed to deal with this fall…

What the heck is he doing?! We’re heading straight for the ground! At this rate, we’re doomed to slam down!

Panicking as I glanced down at the ground, I saw the Clumsy Fox leisurely surveying the floor.

‘Is this really the time?!’

“Clumsy Fox! What are you doing?!”

“Calm down. I’m ready now.”

Before the Clumsy Fox could finish, fog began to gather around us, clutching at our clothing.

As a result, the downward acceleration that had been propelling our bodies toward the ground began to slow. By the time we reached floor level, we weren’t falling anymore.

Before long, the fog dispersed, and we landed neatly on the ground.

“Sorry about that, everyone.”

Seemingly weighed down by guilt, the spatial mage quickly mumbled an apology as our feet touched the ground, but we weren’t in a position to address that right now.

I could feel an unsettling magical presence swirling in the distance.

[Huh. He’s built up quite a bit of power.]


I could see dark shadows gradually spreading from the mansion, attempting to obscure the sun and shroud even the moon and stars in complete darkness.

The reason Taliki’s previous dungeon wasn’t all that impressive was not just because he was incomplete; he hadn’t used his full power because the purpose had been reconnaissance.

Looking at the darkness now spreading over Burrow Territory made me chuckle. So the so-called evil god really is an evil god, huh?

Ha. Sure, you’d better put on a show worthy of selling your dignity. If it was too pathetic, I’d have been mad!

With a smirk tugging at my lips, I turned my head back to see Phoebe and Johan preparing for the ritual.

Both had spent years working in the church. Their movements flowed together seamlessly without a hint of error.

All I had to do now was focus on my job. I opened my inventory and pulled out the sword I received from Isabel a few days ago.

The sword had been blessed at the holy ground for a long time.

A relic crafted by human hands over an extensive period.

While this sword was dull and lacked value as a weapon, that was no problem.

It wasn’t created to be a weapon to begin with.

It was a holy sword designed to bring forth miracles.

I gripped the hilt with both hands and raised it above my head.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes.

“Prepare yourselves. The ones consumed by darkness are approaching.”

I began to channel the divine energy within me, allowing it to flow through the sword.

“I have my own tasks to deal with, but most of it will fall to me. So you all should focus on intercepting those that come near.”

Suddenly, the sword greedily began to absorb my sacred energy.

It seemed unsatisfied with just this much. It cried out for more, and so I met its demands.

As my divine energy flowed into the sword, its temperature began to rise.

The once-cold hilt gradually embraced warmth, as if it were reminiscing about the time it was forged, radiating fierce heat all around.

Despite the prickling pain that spread from my palm, I didn’t let go of the sword.

Having gone through so many trials, this was hardly even a sting to me.

How long had it been?

The sounds around me began to fade away until they vanished.

As my senses concentrated entirely on the sword, a clear and trustworthy voice emerged from deep within.

[Now, let’s begin.]

In that moment, my vision, previously shrouded in darkness, reflected the shape of a man.

[We’re going to create a place where darkness cannot take root.]

‘Yes, Grandpa.’


Having finished the preparations alongside Phoebe, Johan lifted his head and wiped the cold sweat from his brow.

Even though he wasn’t perfect, the evil god was still an evil god. The darkness moved to devour the sun.

Observing the darkness gradually filling the sky of Burrow Territory, Johan expanded his divine energy to repel it.

The evil god’s magic couldn’t pull off any tricks against that.

Tch. The power of the dark evil god is formidable.

But it wouldn’t hold for long.

Before this old man hit his limit, the Young Lady needed to complete her preparation.

“Quite a rain we have here.”

Looking down from the heavens, Johan spotted human figures charging madly towards them.

Right now, they were humans, but they weren’t entirely human.

These were the poor souls who, unknowingly succumbed to the evil god’s magic, reduced to puppets.

Originally, they would have never had the chance to be saved. They would have turned to ash with the city.

But not anymore. The Great Lord had sent his apostle for them. They would reclaim their lives.

“Come, beasts.”

As the forest’s master watched the advancing figures, her voice rang out, and opaque fog began to spread around her.

Had it been ordinary fog, it would have dispersed into the air, but this haze was on another level.

The fog created by the forest’s master took on its own shapes in mid-air.

To Johan’s eyes, they appeared as a massive horde of fox spirits.

“Drive them away. But do not kill them. Otherwise, it feels like I’d be the one receiving punishment.”

No sooner had she spoken than the fox spirits began to spread outwards.

These foxes, while seeming like fog, moved with a speed beyond what normal creatures could achieve, darting towards the human figures.

As the fog made contact with the puppets, those humans collapsed to the floor as if their strings were cut.

“Lady Lina, what’s that?”

Upon witnessing this, Alrn’s knight voiced his confusion, as the forest’s master shrugged it off.

“It’s merely a small dream I’ve cast upon them. I’ll wake them once everything is finished, so worry not.”

Despite the forest master’s composed words, the fox spirits continued their relentless movements.

As the humans one by one drifted off into dreamland, the rush of the bewitched slowed.

So this is the master of the forest.

Hearing the Young Lady’s voice of irritation, I had my doubts about her strength, but she was as genuine as it gets.

As long as she continues to keep watch over us, we wouldn’t have to worry about being overwhelmed by the crowd…

Feeling the warmth, almost burning divine light from my side, Johan turned his head.


Johan recognized the sword Lucy was holding.

A holy sword made at the sacred church.

A relic that had undergone extensive blessings over many years.

Being a bishop, Johan had probably poured countless blessings over that very sword and had even used it during some ceremonies.

After witnessing rituals alongside it, his experience was countless.

Yet, he had never seen the holy sword glowing so fiercely in Lucy’s hands.

That truly was a person beloved by the deity.

A chosen representative.

It seemed all the preparations were complete. As Lucy took a deep breath and lifted her eyelids, her crimson irises shone brightly.

Her gaze met the sword radiating divine light like a sun she had created.

As she examined it closely, Lucy couldn’t help but crack a faint smile as she held the sword’s hilt upside down.

With its point that had been raised skyward now directed down toward the ground.

With a hint of determination, Lucy drew the sword downward.

The sacred energy concentrated within the sword resonated with the clear and beautiful voice of the Lord’s apostle and began to spread across the surrounding area.

“Creepy, foul darkness will feel shame and flee.”

It slipped past Johan and Phoebe standing guard.

“Our inadequate line shall, under the protection of my noble sacredness, be somewhat less inadequate.”

With Alsetin and Karl taking down those who broke through the mist.

“The apostle of the pathetic god, I, Lucy Alrn, hereby declare.”

Even as she bypassed the forest’s master, her words continued unfaltering.

“That funny pervert will fight desperately to protect what he calls his own.”

As she dispelled the encroaching darkness, she created a realm of light.

A sacred domain.

A place that expels evil and nurtures good.

What a curious phenomenon.

Despite the blasphemous words emitted by the apostle, how is it that this space is filled only with reverence?

Subconsciously clutching the cross, Johan chuckled in disbelief and turned his head.



Even before this became a sacred place, she sprinkled the soil guarded by it onto the ground.

Using powder made from angel wings, she encircled it.

Standing in the middle, gripping the staff of an ancient saint.

Meeting Johan’s gaze, she nodded firmly.

“Yes, Bishop.”

“It’s our turn now.”

After Johan glanced at her, he poured holy water over her.

Causing the Lord’s sacredness to fill this space, allowing Phoebe to connect.

“Are you ready?”


Completing the final confirmation, Johan took out the warm orb still retaining the Lord’s warmth from his robes.

“Then, let’s begin.”

With a swift toss, he sent the orb into the air.

Normally, the orb should have fallen under the influence of gravity, but instead, it hovered between Johan and Phoebe, refusing to move.

Thus, all preparations for the miracle were perfectly in place.

“For the Great Lord.”

“For the Great Lord.”

It was time to summon the sun upon this dark earth.

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not work with dark mode