Switch Mode

Chapter 252

Chapter: 252

“Grandpa, if you keep this up, I’m really gonna get mad?!”

Now isn’t the time to mess around; we really need to focus here!

[But seriously! Haha! How can anyone not laugh at that?! Ah, forget it! If you’re gonna punish me, bring it on! I’ll take whatever!]

“Really? You’d take anything?”

Oh, poor grandpa. You’ve just mentioned the words you should never say.

You’ll take anything, huh?

Looks like you don’t quite know the depths of human malice yet.

No putting the blame on me; you’ve only learned from me until now, so this time, I’ll kindly teach you some lessons.

From now on, don’t you dare say the word “anything.”

[…Hey, girl? What are you thinking about right now?]

“Well, let’s see?”

[Are you thinking of the bathroom? Or maybe a trash bin? Or don’t tell me, are you planning to hand me over to the Lord of the Forest?!]

“Hmm. Is that all you’ve got for imagination, grandpa? Your brain seems to be as stiff as a rock.”

[…What? There’s something worse than that?!]

Truth be told, I didn’t have any real plans. I wasn’t actually plotting anything against him.

But grandpa doesn’t know that.

Out of ignorance, he imagines the terrible punishment awaiting him.

[Cancel. I take back what I just said! Don’t make me loud!]

What horrific imagination is flitting through grandpa’s mind right now? I can’t say for sure, but it’s probably something pretty nasty.

“Grandpa, you don’t need to worry. I like you a lot!”

[Right? That was a joke, wasn’t it?]

“Come on! A great knight like you wouldn’t deny something you said once! I’ll make sure to protect your honor!”

[…Hey? What do you mean by that?]


[Hey? Hey?!]

So, I decided not to give any answer at all. No point in speaking up; that would just kill his imagination.

His voice, drenched in fear, was annoying in a different way, yet better than before. At least it didn’t get on my nerves.

Once this is all over, I’ll let it slide this time but tell him to be more careful next time.

Hearing grandpa’s frantic voice, I looked up to see the skeleton walking down from my left.

As I stepped forward, both Karl and Luca freaked out, insisting that skeleton wasn’t someone I could handle. But I ignored their words.

“Hey♡ Do I look like an idiot who can only see what’s in front of me like you two?♡ I hope you don’t think your monkey brains make me a monkey too~♡”

I was the one who brought up coming here.

I found the entrance to this dungeon that no one knew about.

I led you guys through this maze where one wrong step can send you back to the entrance.

Did you think I didn’t know that a skeleton like him could exist?

Upon hearing my words, Luca seemed to get a realization, nodding and backing off, while Karl reluctantly made his retreat.

“Aren’t you scared?”

With me standing alone, the skeleton that had come down from the left asked a question.

Not scared, huh?

‘Not at all.’

“Who’s scared? You? Hah! Not a chance! Why should I be afraid of a skeleton that a puppy would happily play fetch with?”

What I fear are variables. Variables I don’t know. Why would I fear something like you, straight out of a game?

Honestly, I’m kind of thrilled to finally meet you. If you’re my opponent, I can accurately check how much my shield can block.

Facing attacks that mimic a hero without fearing death?

Ah, just thinking about it makes me excited.

“…Well, that’s a confident attitude.”

Does he know? That my voice was a tad shaky?

The skeleton, trying to maintain its cool, cleared its throat and raised its arm.

Suddenly, magical energy gathered at its empty wrist, forming the shape of a shield.

To describe it in one word: pure.

Even after countless battles.

Having leaped over the divide of life and death countless times.

Standing proudly before the darkness like no one else.

That immense shield lost not a bit of its noble white light; it was definitely the shield I hoped for.


The unbreakable shield bestowed upon heroes by the gods.

To confirm if that’s the genuine article, I tried using my appraisal skill, but unfortunately, I wasn’t skilled enough yet.


So I called out to him. The one who would’ve seen that shield up close more than anyone else.

[Cheh. That pure white has to be Ankhir.]

I hadn’t even needed to say anything, but grandpa picked up on my intent and answered immediately. Yet there was something strange about what he said.


[…There is such a thing.]

“Are you not going to cooperate anymore? If you keep that up—”

[That’s an entirely personal matter! Even if you threaten me, I won’t answer!]

Ah, it’s personal?

What else could I say? I thought he was just being grumpy, hiding something.

But at least I’m sure that’s the genuine article, so now all I need to do is pass the trial.

“This shield was bestowed upon a lacking knight by the divine envoy. Therefore, I cannot pass it to someone unworthy. If you truly wish for this shield, you must surpass the trial I set before you.”

Feeling the divine presence permeating my body, I prepared myself to be in the best condition possible.

“The trial will work like this: I will attack you five times. You only need to perfectly block those attacks.”

The trial imposed by the skeleton, who believed itself to be Garad, was simple.

It was all about blocking five of its attacks.

More accurately, it was about reading its barely visible strikes, lining up my defenses, and aiming to block them flawlessly without a single frame of leeway.

It was practically a trial meant to ensure failure.

Thus, regular players avoided the trial. They could simply smash the skeleton and acquire Ankhir instead.

I was like that too—up until the point I challenged achievements.

One of the achievements in the Soul Academy had you clearing Garad’s trial five times in a row. To complete the achievements, I’d have to smartly handle this crazy skeleton’s trial.

Thinking back, it really made me want to curse. I spent days on that!

At least I think it took over a month. I remember getting irate after seeing some physical monster clear it in one day.

“Are you ready?”

Just as I wrapped up my doping, the skeleton asked. I nodded and drew my shield.

“Are you ready?”


“And what about you? Are you ready to cry after all your attacks get blocked?”

“Well… kinda.”

I focused my mind as I watched the skeleton raise its sword.

The way I succeeded in breaking through that trial was simple yet outrageous.

Memorizing every one of the skeleton’s movements. Using that memorization to engrain the timing into my body.

Because in the past, my physical abilities weren’t enough to react to the skeleton’s attacks, this was my only option.

At first, I didn’t believe it could be done, but when you hit time and madness into someone, there’s nothing impossible.

Thanks to all that relentless effort back then, I never failed in the skeleton’s trial from that point forward.

It felt like it would still be the same today.


Because I can see it.

I can see the skeleton’s movements.

Raising its arm up high.

I can tell that it has great force as its wrist passes the nose area.

I see its shoulder dip to the left slightly.

A diagonal downward strike from the left.

Having gauged the direction and force, now I just need to focus on the timing.

Oh! Its wrist moved!

Now’s the time?

In an instant, all three necessary conditions clicked, and my body moved on its own.

The effort I’ve piled up over the years.

The proficiency of the shield I’ve built.

The countless experiences earned from battle.

All those factors get my body moving.

Moments later, the solid voice of my defense echoed in my head.

The advice from that solid stance perfectly lined up with the action I took.


The instant the sword collided with my shield, the skeleton’s sword bounced off far behind.

The culmination of extreme shield mastery returned all the shock back to the opponent.

Seeing the skeleton desperately trying to regain its balance made me chuckle.

I couldn’t help it.

The thrill running down my spine flooded my mind.

Ah. Yeah. This is it. This is why we wield shields.

“Is this really the trial?♡ No way!♡ Is this really a trial when the strikes feel like warm-ups?♡ Right?♡”

But you know what? One part really bugs me.

It’s the attitude of that skeleton.

Considering the attacks that were barely visible, seeing it move sluggishly is totally off-putting.

I wanted to check my shield skills while passing the trial!

But come on, to purposely lessen the force? Are you kidding?

“Eh♡ Was that a real trial?♡ For real?♡ Attacks that should only be used as practice rounds for gardening as a trial?♡”

I wanted attacks that were stronger, faster, and much trickier.

I hoped to feel the culmination of my past efforts and current training come together.

“Puhaha♡ Bone-headed knight!♡ Don’t you want to work as a gardener in our mansion?♡ I’ll teach you step by step starting from the basics!♡”

So, give me a proper challenge.

Don’t treat me like some brat.

“…The remaining four will be different.”

I smile at the skeleton gripping its sword.

What’s the next move? What kind of attempt will you make to break my shield?


I see you taking a step with that right foot.

Advancing with the intention to strike down with max force?

I can see that the sword held tight in two hands is being pulled back behind your waist.

On the surface, it looks like a horizontal swing, but I know better.

I know, more than anyone.

Having faced that idiot skeleton countless times, I’m well aware.

That’s a fake-out.

The real attack will be a vertical strike slicing the heavens from below.


When the skeleton’s jaw wobbles.

In simpler terms, now.


The sword that aimed to ascend from the ground was blocked by my shield and was sent crashing back down.

“Didn’t you say it would be different?!♡ Ah!♡ You don’t have a brain, so you don’t know the meaning of ‘different’!♡ Let me explain since I’m kind and considerate!♡”

It was a bit faster than before, but still lacking.

Not threatening at all, you stupid skeleton.

The version on the screen wasn’t like this! It was supposed to shine brighter!

“‘Different’ means that it’s not the same!♡ Like comparing a vanquished peasant skeleton to a real hero knight!♡”

“…Now. Are you saying I’m worse than that dumb bastard, Ruel?”

“Absolutely!♡ Apparently, the moronic skeleton can’t grasp what I mean?♡ It’s not about being better or worse; it’s that you’re not even in the same league!♡”

I could see the skeleton’s hands shaking.

Ah. Finally, I’ve made it mad.

I thought grandpa’s cursing meant there was some tension between them, and it appears I was correct.

“You are arrogant and audacious.”

Come on. Step up, you pathetic skeleton.

“I’ll engrave a hero’s mark onto that body of yours.”

Give it your all.

Put in your utmost effort to take down this arrogant little brat.

That’s what makes breaking you all the more satisfying!

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not work with dark mode