Switch Mode

Chapter 236

### Chapter: 236

Before the clash between the White Ghosts and the Lion’s Order was interrupted by a colossal golem…

Kraush was locked in combat with a boy.

The boy’s name was Glen Diana, Mary’s younger cousin.

His golden aura radiated intensely, making it feel like his heart was about to burst.

The reason was simple.

His heart was currently bound by something akin to shackles.

The shackles, formed in the shape of red and black snakes, gripped Glen’s heart tightly.

The identity of those snakes was an artifact from the ancient era, a Demonic Core.

An aura amplifier, as it was known.

Three thousand years ago, during the artifact era when the first ten great heavenly swords were forged, artifacts had been crucial yet utterly bizarre and devastating.

However, the price of such power often teetered close to death.

Most were strictly controlled by nations or kept in secret vaults.

The Demonic Core that Glen was wearing was no exception.

Forged in that same ancient era, the Demonic Core continuously pushed the limits of aura.

But in exchange, it tightened its grip on his heart, ultimately squeezing it until it would explode.

Right now, Glen was channeling immense power thanks to it.

Yet, as time ticked on, the Demonic Core was slowly tightening its fatal grip on his heart.

Sigrid, you crazy woman!”

The Demonic Core wasn’t something meant for humans.

Its power siphoned the user’s future.

It allowed for faster access to power that one would eventually achieve, but made it impossible to progress in the present; it was an artifact known as a deal with the devil.

For her to give him such a thing just to achieve her own goals was something Kraush couldn’t abide.


Kraush’s black flames collided with Glen’s golden aura, filling the air with sound.

Both were pushed back a step from each other’s force.

Kraush looked at Glen.


Kraush had caught on to the burden Glen was shouldering.

At such a young age, family is everything.

Very few people could abandon the place they were born and raised.

Especially for someone like Glen, who was deeply responsible, this inclination would be even stronger.

Sensing Kraush’s thoughts, Glen clenched his spear tightly.

“Don’t look at me with those eyes.”

His face bore a self-deprecating smile that was about to shatter.

“This is the path I chose, Kraush.”

Knowing that, you wouldn’t hold back against me, right?

Glen declared with conviction.

Kraush’s mouth opened and closed in shock.

His memories of Glen weren’t particularly profound.

Before his reincarnation, Glen had been one of Mary’s followers.

He revered Mary, and consequently, he didn’t share a close bond with Kraush, whom Mary didn’t think much of.

Just a pair of acquaintances who occasionally glanced at each other from a distance.

But today, the Glen from then and now was quite different.

Once focused more on revering Mary than honing his spear, Glen was now fully concentrated on his own weapon.

Instead of seeing Mary, the strong figure he admired, Glen now looked up to Kraush.

Proudly shining as the top of the Special Class, Kraush stood firm against the flames.

Even Glen’s cousin Mary, who was fast to criticize others, recognized Kraush as a strong figure.

Someone who could boldly state his beliefs to anyone.

That kind of attitude was admirable even to his peers like Glen.

As a member of the Special Class, Glen felt proud of Kraush.

He was strong, always ahead, and carried himself with dignity.

He wanted to be that kind of person, Glen thought.

Kraush understood that Glen was someone who had put in immense effort for his spear.

As a fellow student of the Special Class, Glen was someone who would shine brightly in the future.

But right now, that light was fading too quickly.

Sigrid’s trickery was consuming him.

Kraush could not accept it.

He didn’t want to accept it.

Annoyingly so, he was the type who had a hard time tolerating such things.

Using someone or being used was a cycle he was tired of.

People change with time, experience, and circumstances.

Kraush learned that lesson through Pendal.


“Let’s make a wager.”

Kraush’s black flames surged more intensely.

“If I win, you leave the White Ghosts.”

Glen’s eyes shook unsteadily.

“…No way.”

That was simply unacceptable.

The moment he left the White Ghosts, Sigrid would no longer protect the Diana family, leading them to be pushed out of the Empire.

Glen could never allow that.

“Then let’s change the terms.”

Kraush opted for a different condition.

“I’ll forcibly secure the position of the Diana family.”

Glen looked at Kraush as if he couldn’t believe his ears.

Kraush hailed from the Holy Royal Family of the Starlon Kingdom.

The Starlon Kingdom and the Empire were practically rivals.

How on earth could he secure the position of the Diana family?

“Don’t say something ridiculous,” Glen shot Kraush a look.

But seeing the resolute expression in Kraush’s eyes, Glen’s confusion turned into some wavering.

Because he knew it too.

Kraush was someone who didn’t just speak, he acted.

“There’s an opportunity for a direct deal with the Empire. I’ll place the Diana family on that negotiation table.”

“What does that even mean…?”

What kind of deal links to the survival of a family?

With a mix of surprise and confusion, Glen regarded Kraush.

Was there any reason for Kraush to go that far?

Right now, Glen couldn’t possibly understand.

The world would soon head towards destruction, and everything would collapse.

And in a world of ruin, there needed to be at least one star still shining.

But it was okay if he didn’t know.

‘Because I know.’

I understand the value of spreading my wings in the Sky Generation.

Every single being in the Sky Generation was a feather in those wings.

Those feathers needed to gather to ensure the Sky Generation could soar.

Kraush would be the structure of that wing.

He would become the strongest framework to cover the blue sky completely.


“If you lose to me, then from now on, don’t use whatever’s bound to your heart until the Diana family is restored.”

Kraush grinned broadly as he spoke.

That grin sparkled so brightly it left Glen momentarily speechless.

“Kraush, you…”

Glen attempted to say something but couldn’t find the words.

Instead, he let out a hollow chuckle.

“Yeah, I figured you’d be someone like this.”

Glen, a member of the Special Class, had learned a lot so far.

He was someone who could genuinely use everything he had for the sake of others.

And today, he felt that firsthand.

“If I win, then none of this matters!”

Glen thrust his spear ferociously at Kraush.

Kraush’s sword met the charge with the same earnestness.


Kraush’s heavy sword and Glen’s swift spear crossed paths.

One aimed to pierce through the heavy blade.

The other, to deflect the thrusting spear.

Every clash of their weapons shattered walls and broke windows.

Mary could be heard screaming as she took cover in a distant corner.

The sheer force emanating from both of them was obliterating the surroundings.

But Glen’s spear and Kraush’s sword showed no signs of stopping.


The Demonic Core within Glen’s heart tightened once more.

With a sudden rush of erratic energy, Glen felt as if he was going to spit blood, yet he gripped his spear even tighter.

However, with that came an even more potent surge of golden energy.

Glen’s muscles swelled aggressively.

The destructive power contained in his spear escalated further.

The Demonic Core had twelve shackles.

As one shackle tightened, the pressure on his heart compelled his body to awaken.

Now, seven shackles had been tightened.

Five remained, but Glen understood.

Ten was the critical limit.

Once that limit was exceeded, he would never be able to return to his original self.

But at this moment of seven locks…

Glen realized.

It wasn’t enough.

He needed more to defeat Kraush.


Glen clenched his teeth as frustration mounted.

Simultaneously, his spear thrust brutally toward Kraush.

Kraush’s sword, in turn, was attempting to dominate space.

Glen rotated his spear, barely managing to fend off Kraush’s pressure.

With a double strike aimed at Kraush’s neck and flank, he went for it.

Kraush’s sword merely flowed like water, deflecting the thrust aimed at his neck while simultaneously blocking the strike to his side.

To Glen’s eyes, his sword seemed slow; yet it effectively thwarted all of Glen’s spear techniques.

He was too strong.

Kraush was overwhelmingly strong.

Well, that was only natural.

His own sister, who possessed heavenly physique, couldn’t even defeat Kraush.

With some talent in spear combat, Glen knew he would never surpass Kraush.

But strangely…

A smile didn’t leave Glen’s face.


The eighth shackle tightened around Glen’s heart.

His vigor surged even more, but Kraush also boosted his spirit in response.


Kraush indeed was strong.

But standing against that strength right now was none other than himself.

Kraush was fully focused on the fight.

He wasn’t underestimating Glen’s skill, engaging with no hint of laxity.

‘Kraush, how can you be like this?’

Glen wanted to ask.

With that level of strength, wouldn’t he have a hint of arrogance or negligence?

On the surface, Kraush always acted proud, but once engaged in combat, it was clear.

He never overestimated himself, always treating every opponent with full sincerity.

That was admirable and enviable.

And because it was enviable, Glen wanted to emulate it and respected him.

He wanted to be a strong person like him.

Wanted to swing a spear alongside such a strong figure in the future.

Then maybe challenge him once again.

Sensing the tightening grip of the Demonic Core, Glen swallowed his hollow chuckle.

Standing here, for his family’s sake, willing to trade his future for this moment, yet his thoughts were wandering—such a contradiction it was.


The ninth shackle constricted again.

Glen’s eyes and hair soon gleamed a bright golden hue.

Overexhausting his aura had started warping his body uncontrollably.

The aura surrounding him became akin to golden armor.

Every time he swung his colossal golden spear, the atmosphere would resonate.


A sound of explosive energy erupted from his spear, creating a sonic boom that obliterated everything around him.


But Kraush was also moving to counter.

His spear imbued with black flames met Glen’s with pinpoint accuracy, enhancing its destructive power.

Kraush’s eyes burned crimson.

The heat pouring from his body created shimmering waves in the air.


And then it happened—the tenth shackle tightened around Glen’s heart.


In an instant, everything around seemed to freeze.

Within that frozen space, Glen held onto his golden spear tightly.


The atmosphere rippled along with Glen’s spear.

The energy condensing along it seemed to warp the very dimensions.

“This is my full power right now.”

Originally, Glen had planned to use the full twelve shackles of the Demonic Core.

Sigrid had mandated he must defeat Kraush.

But facing Kraush, Glen found it impossible.

The words of Kraush rang in his head, urging him towards the future.

And above all, he desired to stand in that future alongside him.

So, when Glen unleashed everything he had in that moment…


Black flames and red energy erupted from Kraush.

Kraush had responded accordingly.

Thankful, Glen gripped his spear as if it were going to burst.

Then his spearhead detonated, radiating white light.

This was precisely the charge technique he had learned from watching Kraush.

In an instant, it felt as if every light was absorbed into Glen’s spear.

As the surrounding air grew still, witnessing this mesmerizing sight…

In a void left only with darkness,

Glen’s golden spear swung forth.

Swift Gold Spear Technique, Fifth Style: Golden Flash Slash!

Glen’s mighty slash split the pillars and walls of the building with sheer power.

Having released the tenth shackle, the strength of Glen’s Golden Flash could’ve cleaved through the entire White Ghosts establishment.

Foregoing his future for a shot at victory, Glen was unfathomably powerful.

In this showdown, there were few capable of withstanding his spear.

Hence, Kraush decided to respond with all his might.


In that moment, Kraush bit down on the enhancement elixir in his mouth.

As that strength permeated his body, it merged with the fire of annihilation.

Accelerated heat enveloped him, causing his entire being to spin at breakneck speed.

With each rotation, his power surged, amplifying even more.

Celestial Annihilation!

The peak state Kraush could achieve.

As he reached the pinnacle of Celestial Annihilation, Glen felt his surroundings engulfed by black flames.

His own golden shine dimmed before Kraush’s overwhelming blaze.

In that swirling darkness, Glen didn’t stop swinging his spear.

Even if that was a futile act…

He wanted to pour out his all.

Just when Glen’s golden spear was about to shine…

Kraush’s sword fell before him.

Annihilation Fire Erosion!

The Sixth Style: Celestial Annihilation Fire!

For a brief moment…

As silent black flames rushed forth…


A deafening explosion resounded as the black flames consumed everything, swallowing the surroundings whole.

Buildings crumbled as they succumed to the fire.

Underneath the burning ruins of the White Ghosts

Kraush exhaled the black smoke streaming from his mouth and gazed ahead.

There lay Glen, burnt all over, unconscious.

He showed no signs of awareness.

But Kraush didn’t care about that.

“Remember what I said.”

He was someone who would manage just fine.

Kraush took a light step forward.


Just then, Mary, who had been sneaking away, screamed as she found herself caught by Kraush.

Kraush lifted her, darting out while keeping Glen in his arms.

And just as they emerged from the building…


The entire structure collapsed into chaos.


While Mary screamed, getting whirled about in Kraush’s grip,

Kraush raised his head.

Before him stood an impossibly giant golem.

“The colossal golem of John Gray.”

The first-year special class top student.

This had to be the giant golem made by the leader of the Magal Gang, John Gray.

As anticipated, other factions were joining in on this fight.

Surely they were looking to seize the bracelet amidst the chaos of the White Ghosts and Lion’s Order battle.

But they overlooked one key fact.

They too had an equal chance of snatching the bracelet.

Thanks to Glen, who had helped trigger Celestial Annihilation,

Kraush’s crimson eyes, spouting black smoke, slowly narrowed.


“Yes, yes?”

“From now on, find every member of other factions with a bracelet.”

“Huh? Why should I do that?”

“I’ll give you a bracelet as a gift.”

Mary’s eyes brightened.

If Kraush gave her a bracelet, she wouldn’t be at risk of losing her own.

Naturally, this would help her dodge Sigrid’s wrath as well.


“Trust me. If you’re suspicious, I can even bet my Balheim name on it.”

Though they didn’t hold much value around here, it worked wonders for Mary.

With a new resolve shining in her eyes, Mary nodded.

Kraush smiled as he raised his head.

An alliance formed on the spot.

Let’s go for a big score.

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not work with dark mode