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Chapter 233


I am a welcomed person wherever I go in this country.

This is by no means an exaggeration. Even the Elven District welcomed me on the surface. And over time, public opinion will probably shift to welcoming me more. It might take quite a while, though.

No matter which region I visit, the way people welcome me is mostly similar. As soon as I get off the plane, people see me from afar at the airport, cheering, while the regional representative who came to greet me welcomes me with a huge bouquet of flowers, and I walk down the red carpet while hearing the music from the assembled honor guard.

Yeah, it’s the kind of welcome usually reserved for a state visit. Until recently, I thought that someone like the president would always receive such a welcome—

“Isn’t it natural for something that is not usual to be marked as unusual?”

Linea completely dismissed my opinion.

“Even if the president holds the highest position in this country, they are ultimately just an administrative official. If we were to give such a grand welcome every time they visited, it would be a waste of national resources. Unless it’s really necessary, such occasions aren’t usually held. In remote areas where the president doesn’t often visit, they might receive such a welcome, though.”

Indeed, in this world with only one nation, it’s understandable to think that way. No matter how large the country is, it still exists within a single border, and squeezing the regional budget to prepare events just because a high-ranking official is visiting seems quite inefficient.

Of course, if the leader of another country were to come, it would make sense, but since there’s no concept of “leaders from another nation” in this world, that situation wouldn’t really arise.

“But I….”

“Clara shouldn’t be compared to the president’s level.”

This time, Aurora stated decisively.

“She has proven to be a genuine goddess. Moreover, she is the hero who made it possible for Human Society to exist in this world! If we gauge popularity on a personal level, her approval ratings are higher than that of the president!”

“And the rivalry and sensitivity between regions probably adds to it.”

Linea added clarification to Aurora’s words.

“The church’s stature has significantly risen compared to that of the central government. In fact, referring to ‘the church’s stature’ or ‘the church’s popularity’ is a bit misleading. Essentially, it’s Clara’s fame that’s skyrocketing, and the church is merely a beneficiary of it.”

Linea continued her explanation while resting her chin on the airplane’s armrest.

“And all that approval comes from the public, and among that public, all except minors are voters. If they didn’t give a proper welcome and your reaction isn’t positive, those people would think of the local leadership and your relationship as not very good. That would lead them to assume that your chances of visiting that area would severely decrease.”

“And it means it would affect the next election.”

So it meant they wanted to show off that they had some connections with me.

“But I haven’t exactly formed any close bonds with the local government.”

Even if I visited for work, after a few days, the face of the regional representative would fade from my memory. I simply wasn’t interested. Any conversation would barely result in more than a few casual exchanges. Naturally, there were no personal discussions. Somehow, regional representatives understood that I didn’t really like such things and acted appropriately.

But did they really want to promote that they had a close relationship with me?

“It’s not entirely necessary. As long as the public thinks so, that’s enough.”

Now that I think about it, the wife of the regional representative had occasionally approached me with remarkable friendliness. At that time, I just dismissed it, thinking that the politician’s wife had significant social skills, but looking back now, it seems that was also part of a political maneuver.


But I didn’t really feel bad about it.

To say I was used would be a stretch since I genuinely went to work and came back right after. I would comfort families of knights who had died or been injured in the final battle, treat some patients along the way, and help out in local church outreach activities for a few days before returning.

After all, politicians tend to see their lives as opportunities for politics, so even if I stood beside them and was used, I wouldn’t have much to say. They would be using others diligently no matter what.


So, it’s not like I can say it felt good.

I sunk deeply into the airplane seat.

Now this seat feels quite cozy. In my previous life, I rarely had the chance to ride on an airplane, but ever since coming to this world, it feels like this airplane is the mode of transport I have taken the most.

Not only Linea but even Aurora, who used to shine with excitement when taking an airplane for the first time, had gotten so used to flying that she no longer showed that kind of excitement. Of course, it seems like she still enjoys flying.

Speaking of which, among the three saintesses, the ones traveling with me are only Linea and Aurora because they are my direct saintesses. As followers of ‘Goddess Clara,’ it was natural for them to assist me, the goddess manifested in reality. Rina was Baal’s apostle, so she didn’t have to follow me all the time.

She should move when needed, but…

Ever since Rina started to think that the workload was unfair recently, I’ve just been leaving her alone because it honestly seems like she could explode any minute now.

…By the way, Selena has been stubbornly refusing the title of saintess, even though there were numerous proofs that Ariel had been looking directly at her.

It seems to be due to marriage… Hmm, it is a little strange to say that a priest can’t marry in this day and age.

I don’t need the chastity of the clergy.

This clause should be revised later.

[We will soon arrive at our destination. All passengers are advised to remain seated and fasten their seatbelts…]

Lost in thought, I began to hear the now-familiar announcement. Upon hearing it, I turned my gaze outside the window and saw a cityscape filled with skyscrapers towering around a high building.

Of course, our landing spot would be at an airport somewhat distant from the downtown area, but even from this high up, the city of the beastmen was quite eye-catching. The contrast between the extremely developed urban center and the lush green pastures was certainly captivating.

It reminded me of an anime I watched long ago—a highly developed imaginary world where various animals coexisted.

Of course, the beings living there were much closer to humans than that.


I am a welcomed person wherever I go.

And the welcome I receive is mostly similar no matter where I go.

It’s similar, but—

Hmm, it seems the different races welcoming me come with their own unique flair.

In other areas, like the human-centric regions, there aren’t many instances where particular cultural traits are expressed. It might easily lead to controversy since there are original inhabitants who have lived there as well as descendants who left their destroyed homeland 500 years ago.

If the culture of the majority is too emphasized in an event, it might provoke some people. If the balance is not significantly off, and there’s a comparable ratio, efforts to boost approval ratings through that welcome could result in a drastic drop in those ratings.

Indeed, after living together for 500 years, it would be somewhat difficult to define any specific culture solely belonging to one group.

But still, cultural differences do exist across regions, which is why regional governments are separate.

Among those regional governments, if the government is dominated by a “different species,” it can showcase their somewhat alien culture in a glance.

For instance, like what we see before us in the Beastman Region.

Under the red carpet laid beneath the plane, there were burly men standing in formation, their sweat practically palpable.

An overwhelming wall of muscles.

Just looking at them left me breathless. Additionally, each of those muscular beings sported adorably small animal ears, making the scene seem even more bizarre.

…Should I be relieved that they’re not shirtless?

Eh… So, does this mean I have to walk down that path?

Fortunately, standing where the airplane stairs ended was the regional representative. He was a middle-aged man, still looking awkward with the rabbit ears atop his head.

“Greetings, Goddess.”

“Ah, hello.”

I accepted the representative’s greeting as such. No one else was next to the representative. Just the seemingly endless line of people along either side of the path and him alone. There weren’t even any bouquets.

“Ah, are you curious about those standing here?”

Noticing my gaze, the regional representative smiled and said, “These people were so moved by the deeds you showed in our region that they wanted to greet you themselves. They are the selected ones among them.”

“Is this how beastmen greet esteemed guests?”

When I asked, the representative nodded with a proud expression.

“Yes, indeed. It’s a traditional way. To welcome someone they respect directly.”

I suddenly recalled the knight I had flown into after defeating the witch.

It was still vividly in my memory of the local news station passionately discussing various martial arts styles, discussing where they were learned for my punch.

“Then let’s proceed. The formal welcome ceremony will begin at the end of that line.”

So the line before me was just an appetizer.

“Ah, okay…”

As soon as I nodded and took a step forward…

“Welcome the Goddess!”


The muscular beings lined up far apart bent down in unison.

It was like a domino effect, with each one bowing in sequence.

…Have I seen this somewhere before?

It feels like I remember it from some yakuza film. Those subordinates bowing down upon their boss’s arrival.

How embarrassing.

I felt incredibly embarrassed that I seriously thought for a moment that they might hit me.

And it seemed that my two saintesses standing behind me felt the same way; they looked equally perplexed about where to keep their gazes.

Only the regional representative smiled broadly.

Eventually, those people didn’t straighten their backs until we completely reached the other end of the path.


To conclude, it didn’t seem like they were going to hit me after all.

After finishing the day’s agenda and unfolding a newspaper, I saw an article declaring that the treatment I received was never given to the president.

The fact that this kind of welcome is reserved for those who have made efforts in their own right, and not something that other guests usually experience, caught my attention.

If needless to say, this kind of welcome is more common in personal settings rather than formal ones.

…Among well-known examples are, of course, martial arts settings between masters and students and in crime syndicates where a boss greets their subordinates.

That’s right. In a way, it’s inevitable that a criminal gang or yakuza-like atmosphere would emanate from there. Of course, there were no prior convicts among those present. The phrase “carefully selected” wasn’t entirely wrong, either.

In the beastman region, due to their cultural characteristics, competing in strength is quite prevalent, making mixed martial arts the most popular sport. The people who came to welcome me were local champions from among them.

“But they had no malice.”

“If they had malicious intentions, I would have remembered them more clearly.”

I let out a deep sigh.

That’s right. There was no malice. It was a pure, genuine act of goodwill.

That’s why I can’t reject these people.

It’s just a cultural difference. So if I were to refuse, I would be the bad guy!

“But if you really didn’t want to…”

Linea cleared her throat and began reading tomorrow’s schedule.

“You will have to watch the demonstration of the martial art named after you—which was strongly inspired by your fight with the witch…”


I buried my face into the bed.

“And you will also have to watch the children’s play reenacting your battle with the demons…”


I thrashed my legs on the bed.

“And you’ll have to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the gymnasium named after you.”


Linea folded the list and set it aside.

“Are you still going?”

“…What else can I do?”

It’s not like I’m doing it because I want to, right?

I can just grit my teeth and finish the schedule and return. The embarrassment would only be temporary.

As I was mentally preparing myself, I noticed Linea and Aurora both staring at me with expressions that seemed unbearably warm.

“What is it?”

“Oh, nothing.”

Aurora, meeting my gaze, widened her eyes and exclaimed.

“It’s just that it feels like I understand once more why people like Clara.”

Is that a provocation?
I debated whether or not to throw the pillow I was burying my face in at her.


In the end, I decided to follow through with the schedule.

That’s right.

I watched the martial art named after me.


A huge brute of a man, likely two heads taller than me, let out a robust cheer as he struck the punch bag with all his might.

…That’s just a straight punch, right?

Many actions seemed strangely familiar.

It’s not surprising. I don’t use my own methods every time I swing my fist; I just throw my hands around according to my thoughts.

“How is it, Goddess? The experts analyzed your movements and applied them for practical use in daily life.”

“Amazing… ha ha ha…”

In the end, I could only respond like that to the excited expert explaining.

Next was the children’s play reenacting my fight against the demons.


The energetic child leapfrogged while wearing a clumsily made outfit based on the saint’s robe I usually wear. Thankfully they seemed to have taken into account the length of pants to be worn beneath the skirt.

The child, taking up my role, jumped with all their might and executed a drop kick against a demon portrayed by a stuffed animal with horns.

“Cough, how could I perish like this!”

…Did the demons even say such things?

In any case, the play ended with the demon’s demise.

For some reason, neither Ariel nor Baal appeared in the play.

“How was it, Goddess! The children were so enthusiastic and practiced hard for this play!”

To the teacher who genuinely appeared proud of the children, I could only respond with a bright smile.

Finally, we headed to the groundbreaking ceremony for the gymnasium.

Though construction had just started and the site was still a vacant lot, it appeared spacious enough for a gymnasium. Honestly, it seemed excessive for just a local gym.

“Do you remember this place?”

“…Is this where I fought against the witch?”

I squinted to look around. It was indeed where I fought the witch. However, it seemed they had demolished nearly all nearby old buildings, leaving few traces behind.

“We are entering redevelopment. It was an old site and traffic wasn’t good, and the area was increasingly becoming a slum.”

The regional representative followed my gaze and replied.

“What will happen to the people who originally lived here?”

“They will continue to live here. The central church also decided to support the redevelopment. The old homes will be demolished, and new ones will be built for them to move back in. This gymnasium is intended for the surrounding residents.”

“Is that so…”

As I voiced a faint admiration, the regional representative broke into a bright smile.

“Of course, the volunteers in this area will remain here. We could possibly even have a cathedral built here. I firmly believe that this zone, adjacent to other areas, will greatly benefit the entire beastman society moving forward.”

There was assurance in the representative’s voice.


Nodding, I started walking beside the plot for the gymnasium. The people around me all walked together.

As we walked and observed the surroundings in silence for a while,


Someone eagerly called my name as they rushed over. It was a child.

“Goddess— Ouch, let go of me!”

Naturally, the child was promptly grabbed by the guards protecting me.

“Please let go.”

I gently addressed the guard.

“I know this child.”

Hearing my words, the guard looked uncertain but gradually released the child. Once their feet touched the ground, the child fidgeted with the collar of their oversized outfit and then brightened as they approached me.

“Goddess, do you remember me?”

“Yes, I remember.”

This was the child who gave me the biggest clue about finding the high-rank demon. Though it wasn’t the child’s intention, it led me to apprehending the witch.

I bent down slightly to inquire.

“Have you gotten stronger since then?”

“Mhm, I have!”

The child raised their arms to show off their muscles, though in my eyes, it didn’t seem very impressive.

“I’ll become even stronger, as strong as you, Goddess!”

“Is that so?”

“Of course! First, I’ll become the strongest here!”

The child pointed at the gymnasium site.

“First, I’ll get strong there, then I’ll become the strongest in this region! Just watch me!”


I smiled lightly.

“Please do your best.”

“I will!”

The child brightened in response to my words.


“Ah, I’m so tired…”

After visiting the local volunteer group and praying together, I was utterly exhausted mentally. Feeling burdened by the muscular men following me, I parted ways with the representative first, and the three of us — me, Linea, and Aurora — made a quick stop back at the place we had previously been during our short personal time.

“Welcome… oh, Goddess, is that you?”

It wasn’t a bartender but Jane, the café owner, wiped a glass with a bored expression until she noticed us and smiled.

Thank goodness she didn’t seem overly excited about our return.

“There are no customers, huh?”

In my last visit, it was packed due to my name’s influence. Shouldn’t there be even more customers now?

It felt a little uneasy to think that there’s less than before, considering I had used a glass here.

“Oh, that.”

Jane let out a deep sigh.

“Honestly, the number of customers keeps decreasing. Even if they come, they just take a photo while sipping a glass of water and leave, or they take commemorative photos only outside the shop. The few times I got upset and chased them away, the customers just kept dwindling. Though I guess there are still a few during the day.”



I think I have an idea as to why.

“…Are you still using the same coffee?”

“Eh? Well, of course!”


I let out a deep sigh before responding.

“Well, to be honest… it’s probably because the coffee doesn’t taste good that people aren’t coming.”

That’s right. The coffee here was so bad that my name couldn’t even cover it. They were even using capsule coffee! What on earth were they doing to the coffee?

Yet Jane looked as if she was hearing this for the first time.


“…Didn’t I mention it?”

“I thought your taste was just peculiar.”

I rubbed my face with my hand.

“Well, still, once the area develops around here and more people start coming, there will surely be customers who appreciate my taste.”


Let’s not say anything more.

“Then, should I get what you always have?”

Jane looked at me and grinned.

“…Yes, please do that.”

“Sure thing, coming right up!”

Jane set the glass down and quickly started brewing coffee.

And the coffee Jane served was still awful.

“This isn’t going to be bad for my health, right?”

“As long as you can drink it, don’t worry.”


I’m worried.

I let out another deep sigh and rummaged through the pockets of my parka over my saint’s robe. Just then, Jane’s hand swiftly reached out to stop me.

“Don’t. I’ll cover this.”


Wasn’t she struggling for money?

When I looked at her with wide eyes, Jane explained.

“I can’t take money from the hero who saved this world. Even if I seem like this, I am quite principled.”

If she was principled, she wouldn’t be serving coffee like this.

Then again, since people like me keep coming back, it makes sense why she still sells it.

“For the one who saved the world, every meal here is free. So always feel welcome to stop by without worry.”

“…when I feel like it.”

“Hey, that’s a bit much.”

Jane laughed heartily as she looked at me.

Well, it’s truly a relief that people haven’t changed.

If I hadn’t fought against the demons, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to enjoy coffee like this in places like this.

Thinking that, the coffee I was about to drink felt a little more fragrant…

…didn’t change a thing.

It’s still bad!

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