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Chapter 231


The year-end festival was enjoyed with a few prayer meetings, but it wasn’t as busy as Christmas.

The only occasion when the whole family participated in an outdoor prayer event was during the Thanksgiving prayer gathering for Christmas; other prayer meetings were mostly held quietly within the church. Many people preferred to spend time quietly at home with their families.

By the way, the school had already entered vacation early, as there were various religious events clustered around Christmas. Since I had been in a comatose state for the last week at the academy, by the rules, I should have been marked completely absent.

“By the rules, that is.”

The principal, who looked like a walking lion, said to me while sitting with his arms crossed.

Honestly, with my current grades, there was absolutely no way I was moving up a grade. I had missed an enormous number of tests and had an exceptionally high number of absences. Judging by either absences or grades, repeating the year was a sure thing. It was even uncertain if I could catch up with remedial classes.

“I would normally adhere to the rules rigorously.”

The principal snorted. A tissue from the box on the table fluttered energetically. If I had to use a tissue here, I must definitely throw away the first one and use the second one.

“This time, however, following those rules seems a bit concerning.”

“Did the government make a statement?”

When I asked honestly, the principal snorted again.

“Yes. The government did make a statement. And the Central Church is subtly pressuring us as well. They mean to normally promote Miss Anderson regardless of grades or attendance. They haven’t said that outright, of course.”

Well, both the government and the church had no choice but to be anxious. Most of the reasons I missed school were to help those two. If I were to make a scene about not being promoted to the second year, their situations would become ridiculously awkward.

From the church’s perspective, it would mean losing the most popular entity right now, and from the government’s side, they would fear that I might run for president out of sheer anger later on.

Of course, I had no intention of doing either.

I just thought, “So, this is what has come.”

“So, how do you feel about possibly not moving up to the second year?”

Honestly, it doesn’t feel great.

Especially thinking about Rina flaunting herself in front of me made my insides seethe already. But what could be done? Rules are rules, and they exist to be followed.

“Well, if it can’t be helped, it can’t be helped.”

Shrugging my shoulders, the principal chuckled softly.

“Hmph, you’ve grown bolder.”

If someone didn’t find boldness in standing in front of that massive demon, it would rather be more impressive. It would mean there was no more room for growth.

“Back to our previous discussion.”

The principal leaned over, picked up his teacup, and continued.

“If we only consider the ‘rules’, it would be correct for you not to move up to the second year.”

Saying that, he flashed a grin on his face. Just a moment ago, his lion-like demeanor had transformed into that of a bear, not the wild kind, but rather a silly, cartoonishly deformed bear.

“We have decided to promote you to the second year.”


Caught off guard by the unexpected statement, I just blinked. The vice principal sitting next to the principal opened his mouth.

“Rules are generally established based on the assumption of calm, uneventful times.”

With fingers intertwined, leaning forward with elbows resting on his knees, he looked just like an evil villain scheming with impure intentions—but—

“However, we cannot possibly view the war with the demons as ‘calm’ under any circumstances. Moreover, it’s bizarre that the only person capable of dealing with those demons would be just one student.”

The vice principal, after saying something so sensible, wore a smile on his lips.

“We can’t just place the weight of the world on the shoulders of one girl and not reward her for overcoming that weight. We believe that it’s the duty of adults.”


Seo-A, who was sitting next to me, chimed in.

“We have decided to disregard the rules just this once.”

“Wait, really?”




Uh… so, this is the right time to feel happy, right?

But having heard something completely different from what I was expecting, I couldn’t properly react.

“Hmph, I thought you’d be happier,” the principal muttered, rubbing his chin. No, I’m happy. I mean, I am happy.

“…If someone who didn’t properly attend classes in the first year takes the second-year classes… will it even be possible to keep up?”


The principal pondered for a moment before responding.

“No, there’s a lot of interconnected content, so if you don’t study hard, it’ll be difficult to keep up.”

“Then, what if I still can’t keep up in the second year…?”

At my words, the principal grinned. It was a different smile from the cute bear-like one from moments ago, now a fierce lion-like grin, as if he had prey right in front of him.

“Well, at that time, there would be no doubt about repeating the year.”

Of course, that was to be expected.

I let out a deep sigh.


Even after the war had ended, work didn’t cease.

Although it’s called work, the church doesn’t assign me tasks anymore unless I bring it up first. Well, they might plead for necessary events every now and then, but giving me direct orders is off the table now.

If I were still a saintess, it might have been different, but now I’m neither a saintess nor a goddess.

I declined the offer to make goddess attire instead of saint robes. …I have a feeling they’d be making something just like what Ariel wore. No way do I want to go to school dressed in a blue suit.

“Clara, there’s no need to worry too much.”

While we were on the plane, Aurora said that.

“As long as you don’t aim for exceedingly high grades, you should be able to maintain at least a passing grade.”

…Though I know Aurora has no ill intentions, her words made me feel terribly gloomy. Wouldn’t it have been better if she reassured me that I could at least maintain an average?

Still, as I thought about how many classes I had missed, that sort of reassurance just wouldn’t come out. I felt like I hadn’t attended half of the classes. No matter how much students space out during vacation, there’s a significant difference between retaining even a tiny bit of the knowledge learned last semester or none at all. I knew this all too well from my college days.

If someone like me, who had only retained a smidgen of class content, were to forget everything during the break, it would be utterly hopeless.

…I really need to study hard this vacation.

Maybe I’ll try making a deal with Selena regarding the saintess thing.

“Well, don’t worry.”

Linea adjusted her posture on the chair and said.

“If you seriously can’t keep up, I’ll beat you over the head until you do.”

…Excuse me, aren’t both of you saintesses here missing classes just as much as I am? How can you be so relaxed about this?

Hmm, thinking about it, these girls have always had better grades than I did. Even if we all missed classes, their basics would have been much sturdier.

Feeling like I could burst into tears at any moment, I sunk deep in my plane seat.


The battlefield where the fight against the demons took place.

This battlefield, where I had performed miracles twice, had long since been designated as a sacred site by the Central Church. In fact, it had been designated as such even before the battles with the demons began.

However, it was still before the war with the demons had ended, so proper maintenance hadn’t yet been conducted since it was beyond the wall.

“I can’t express how grateful I am that the students came to volunteer.”

The person who guided me here was a legion commander. I had never seen a legion commander when I was in the army, but I remembered how chaotic it was even when a division commander visited the unit.

Having such a high-ranking individual standing beside me didn’t truly feel real… then again, I suppose I was higher in status than this person.


“Yes. We did utilize soldiers, but the soldiers have their own tasks as well. Even though the war has ended, we still don’t know what lies beyond that wall, do we?”

The legion commander remarked, gazing into the distance.

Indeed, we still didn’t know what was out there.

Just because the demons were gone didn’t mean everything they left behind would disappear simultaneously.

While Magic Points might have vanished, the beasts that emerged from those Magic Points could be roaming freely. Wild animals that survived and adapted in land tainted by the demons’ magic might become extremely dangerous. Though we hadn’t fully checked all those details yet, it was prudent to prepare for any possibilities.

“The church’s troops are guarding the sacred site, while the soldiers are providing them support. The tasks of the soldiers during work hours are limited.”

Additionally, the area contaminated from the last battle was quite vast. From far away, nearly all the places where it had rained during the battle appeared blackened. Thankfully, using Holy Water allowed for purification, but areas where the rain had seeped deep into the ground would be challenging to cleanse. The government had speculated that there would be many more such places in the distance. Indeed, they reported having found several of them while flying reconnaissance.

I climbed into a military vehicle after taking the elevator down from the wall with the legion commander. It was basically a civilian SUV painted in military colors. The interior was rougher than the civilian model of the same make, though.

“By the way, what area are the volunteering students from?”

“Oh, they are cadets from the 21st District’s Officer School. You’re familiar with the goddess, right?”


Of course, I know them well.

For better or worse.

In fact, it’s a bit awkward to think of it positively since what I received after their image of me improved was a mountain of love letters. Most of them I returned without even reading, but no matter how I think about it, it’s hard to believe those pink, pretty envelopes contained anything other than similar content.

“Seeing the goddess would surely make them happy.”

Upon hearing that, I glanced back and forth between Aurora and Linea. It seemed like these two didn’t share that thought.

Hmm. I think… it’d be fortunate if they didn’t wet themselves.


And much to my relief, my guess was somewhat accurate.

Fortunately, the “wetting themselves” bit was off, but I was spot on about them being terrified of me.

No matter how much their perspective was altered by the witch’s magic, they had been hostile towards a saintess. At the time, it seemed they didn’t fully grasp the gravity of what they had done, but if they returned to the Officer School and learned about it, their faces would undoubtedly turn pale.

Moreover, the fact that this was not just any saintess, but one of the goddesses sent from the heavens, changes everything.


Someone called out loudly as they rushed towards me. With her neatly trimmed bobbed hair and somewhat overbearing glasses, yet failing to conceal her refined beauty, the girl was Lynn, the student council president of first-year students at the Officer School.

“It’s been a while, Lynn.”

“Yes, it has been! And greetings to the two saintesses beside you.”

As Lynn bowed politely to Aurora and Linea, they nodded and reciprocated the greeting. It seemed these two had adapted quite well to their roles as saintesses. I felt a mix of pride and sadness.

I looked at Lynn who was beaming brightly. There didn’t seem to be many changes since our last encounter, or did her expression become a bit brighter?

In fact, since that incident, we hadn’t kept in touch at all. It’s a bit embarrassing to say, but I completely forgot. It’s just been such a whirlwind of events ever since.

But fortunately, it seemed Lynn held no ill feelings towards me.

Well, to be fair, she had been the only one back then who hadn’t felt negative emotions. Her condition perfectly matched an extraordinary condition—which in retrospect, is quite unique—where she didn’t harbor any ill feelings towards me.

“Have you been well all this time?”

“Yes! Of course. I couldn’t just throw away the second chance given to me by the goddess!”

Lynn answered cheerfully.

“Second chance…?”

I definitely didn’t say anything special.

Although, it’s possible she learned of the incident within the Officer School and might have taken some measures. Knowing that Lynn was doing alright, I can imagine she reported it to the school. Considering her diligent nature, she would have filled in the appropriate authorities. The church likely also conducted investigations after dealing with the Witch of Jealousy. Following the clues, they probably figured out that the students from the Officer School had been affected by the witch.

However, even so, I overlooked that situation, didn’t I? It’s odd for her to refer to it as a “second chance.”

As if noticing my perplexity, Lynn flashed a smile.

“We thought of it ourselves. Sure, we got lectured by our instructors later, but we believed it shouldn’t end there.”

“Oh, is that so…?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Lynn nodded her head in agreement.

In the distance behind her, I could see cadets fervently sprinkling Holy Water on the ground in a purification effort. They were digging into the dirt with shovels to cleanse the areas soaked too deeply.

It looked way more labor-intensive than I thought.

“We may still be too young to participate in the final battle, but we aim to help the world through this volunteer work.”


Although the imminent danger to humanity had not fully subsided, we would need to keep advancing to areas we didn’t yet know while consistently restoring nature so that people could live there.

However, military downsizing was inevitable.

It was necessary to maintain at least a minimal military force to prepare for worst-case scenarios, but since all enemies for sustaining that military force had completely vanished, the trials for the remaining demons and witches were moving along smoothly, meaning the military would soon transform into one not for fighting demons, but rather to deal with any potential human attacks that might occur.

After the outside territories had been settled, police would become more necessary than the military. Of course, as the lands governed by humans expanded, the demand for heroes would only grow.

In a sense, it could be said the position of the Officer School cadets standing before me had somewhat dwindled.

“I see.”

Perhaps they’re desperately trying to prove their worth through this volunteer work. Still, Lynn seemed genuinely here for altruistic reasons.

Even if I were to comprehend what these individuals were thinking, it would likely only be scratch the surface. It would be wiser to stay quiet rather than carelessly mouth off.

“Um, well…”

In truth, one of the reasons I came here was for the purification of the region. I believed my powers would be of great assistance. But would it be right to rob these kids of their work?


As if having read my thoughts, Lynn called out to me.

“I don’t think you need to worry too much about others.”


“You are the one who saved this world.”

“But what if I start acting on my own whims? Who would stop me?”

“The very fact that you can contemplate such things is why we can trust you. You haven’t changed a bit since your time as a saintess.”

Hmm, is that so? I honestly feel like I’ve changed quite a lot. Certainly, I’m much bolder now than back then.

…And I’ve inadvertently begun to wield power as if it were my right, too.

But, well, it’s true.

After all, I am currently a goddess, aren’t I? I am, quite literally, someone “serving” at the church. A being that stands far above simple rulers.

There’s still time. People are just starting to prepare to go beyond the wall. Whether to reduce or increase the military presence will only be known after we set out.

Even if they decide to reduce, it would be done gradually over time.

Even if I help with volunteer work now, there shouldn’t be a significant problem.

As Lynn said, if I focus too much on others while acting, I won’t be able to fulfill my goddess duties.

“Then, shall I help just a little bit?”

I gathered my power into both hands. Upon witnessing my actions, Aurora and Linea displayed their Holy Power as well.

“Then we’ll gratefully accept your assistance.”

Lynn bowed gracefully.

“Oh, by the way, Lynn.”


“Did I say it was okay to call me by my name?”

Lynn had a startled expression at my first meeting with her today.

“If I didn’t, you can do that from now on. After all, we aren’t strangers.”

With a smile towards Lynn, I directed the goddess’s power towards the ground.

Hmm, if I participate in this volunteer work… it might just free up some time.

Then, we can share a meal together and catch up on the things we haven’t talked about. Frankly, I’m quite curious about the tales they’ll have when returning from Officer School.

Thinking that, I opened my mouth wide and released my goddess’s powers in front of the watching students.

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