Switch Mode

Chapter 226

Chapter: 226


Upon seeing the First Elder enter the conference room, Sylvia exclaimed with a flustered voice.

Wasn’t he supposed to be confined in the mansion, taking responsibility for the witch’s weaponization plan?

“Why are you here…?”

When Sylvia asked in a confused manner, the First Elder bowed his head as if feeling embarrassed and spoke.

“I apologize, Sylvia. I know I’m supposed to be in seclusion, but I couldn’t sit still with the rumors circulating.”

After apologizing, the First Elder lifted his head and mumbled while looking at Sylvia with a complicated expression.

“… By the way, Sylvia, you’ve acted rashly.”


At his reproachful words, Sylvia shuddered.

To be honest, she felt guilty.

Sylvia didn’t believe that helping Scarlet was wrong.

However, that was only from Sylvia’s personal point of view.

If asked whether it was right as Astra’s successor, Sylvia also knew that the answer would be no.

Astra surely suffered losses because of her actions.

Realizing this, Sylvia couldn’t easily raise her head in front of the First Elder.

The First Elder murmured to her in a pitiful voice.

“I thought you would know how to conduct yourself as Astra’s successor even without me, but it seems it was premature…”

“Elder, that…”

“I hope you realize, Sylvia, that you are Astra now. That we are all looking at you…”

Sylvia couldn’t say anything to the First Elder, who spoke with a pitiful expression.

Just as she was willing to endure anything for Scarlet.

Knowing how precious both she and Astra were to him.

As Sylvia fell silent, the First Elder bowed his head to the people in the conference room and requested.

“Though I haven’t yet paid for my sins, I would like to request your permission to join this meeting. Please understand my heart, which cannot leave this matter concerning Sylvia and Astra’s future unaddressed…”

Hearing his words, Diakonos looked around, seemingly gauging the sentiment of those present.

Given the situation, it wasn’t surprising that people appeared to understand his actions.

Diakonos nodded and said to the First Elder.

“I will permit it this time. This matter is of great importance to Astra.”

“Thank you. I will not forget this favor.”

Waving his hand dismissively at the First Elder, who bowed in gratitude, Diakonos asked.

“Thank you is enough. Rather, your coming here implies you have something to say.”

“Yes, there are some things I need and want to say. If it’s alright, may I?”

“Go ahead.”

As if granting permission, Diakonos nodded, and the First Elder bowed again in thanks before speaking.

“Did you happen to see? The streets outside are quite chaotic due to citizens protesting.”

“No, I haven’t seen it, just heard about it a little while ago.”

With a rigid expression as if indicating he was troubled, the First Elder continued.

“I’m glad you heard about it. When you go outside, you’ll hear nothing but that news. The story about Captain Yoon Si-woo being left in a comatose state by the witch who manipulates flames. A witch who manipulates flames? Instantly, one specific witch came to mind.”

“Are you talking about the Witch of Rage?”

When Diakonos mentioned the Witch of Rage, which one could naturally associate with someone who manipulates flames, the First Elder nodded.

“Yes, that’s right. The Witch of Rage. The tale of the witch who burned our elves’ forest and the World Tree is well known. Perhaps that’s why there are rumors circulating among the people suggesting that the Witch of Rage has been resurrected.”

“… I’ve also thought along those lines, but could it really be? Surely it’s just a coincidence, and she only has similar abilities.”

“However, if it is just coincidence, I imagine you would find it unsettling. Everyone is aware that there were attempts to replicate something similar.”

With a bitter smile, the First Elder’s words made Diakonos mutter in a firm voice.

“… The witch, the weaponization plan.”

The First Elder nodded as if confirming Diakonos’s statement.

Diakonos, unable to comprehend his reaction, let out a heavy sigh.

Everyone likely had their suspicions, but it was a topic they had avoided mentioning due to its uncertainties.

Understanding that the topic of the witch weaponization plan should be the most cautious of all concerning Astra, it was perplexing why he would bring up something so disadvantageous for himself.

“… Even if there seems to be a connection, it ultimately amounts to a baseless assumption, doesn’t it? That the witch, Scarlet Evande, is the resurrected Witch of Rage.”

“I thought so too. I had my doubts about her identity before, but she passed the interrogation, and Luke disposed of the witch’s remains in the sewers, so I had dismissed the possibility that she was a result of the witch weaponization plan.”

Moreover, if that girl was involved in the experiments, she would have survived the investigations he conducted to destroy evidence of poisoning.

After a brief moment of recalling the past, the First Elder collected his breath and spoke again.

“However, it has now been revealed that she is, in fact, a witch, hasn’t it? That’s why I cannot help but reconsider. Her innocence was supported by Captain Yoon Si-woo’s testimony, but now I’m aware that there are doubts concerning the credibility of that testimony.”

“Certainly, I’ve also been puzzled about how that could be.”

“Well, as you understand, it must be one of two possibilities, right? Either the witch possesses the ability to flawlessly deceive Captain Yoon Si-woo, or Captain Yoon Si-woo deliberately made false testimony to protect her.”

A brief silence followed those words.

If it was the latter and Yoon Si-woo spoke false testimony to protect her, that would imply Luke Aegis also lied to protect the witch during the witch weaponization plan.

Given that it could ignite conflict, everyone carefully cast glances at Mark, yet he remained silent with a firm expression, only stealing glances at Eve beside him.

In any case, what the First Elder said hinted at the possibility that Yoon Si-woo and Luke were involved in treason, but no one dared to voice it.

One was in a comatose state, and the other was already deceased.

No one could hold those who were incapable of bearing any blame or responsibility.

In the stillness, the First Elder opened his mouth.

“Anyhow, I had to doubt her identity, and thus, I couldn’t help but reconsider. And in doing so, I found something.”

The suspicion he harbored upon discovering the witch’s identity in the mansion yesterday.

If that girl, Scarlet Evande, was indeed a product of the plan,

he recalled examining the magic tools used in the investigations, realizing something might have gone wrong with their functionality.

“… The definitive evidence that the girl is the Witch of Rage.”

As he pulled out the conclusive evidence from within his robe.

“… What is that?”

Someone with a dubious voice asked upon seeing what the First Elder had brought out.

What he had taken out merely appeared to be an ordinary stone.

However, the First Elder placed the stone on the ground and instead of answering, said,

“Wait a moment, watch closely.”

People’s eyes were glued to the stone he set down.

Then, after a brief moment,

someone exclaimed in surprise, “Huh?”

The stone that had seemed ordinary suddenly sparkled and rolled in a peculiar manner towards a certain direction.

Diakonos, who was observing the phenomenon occurring at regular intervals, said to the First Elder,

“It’s not an ordinary stone, is it?”

“Yes, while it appears like a stone, it’s actually a magic tool. It’s quite an ancient artifact handed down since the time of Astra’s ancestors.”

The First Elder gazed at the magic tool that glowed and trembled in his hand.

Until now, he’d thought it was merely a magic tool that glows when a witch’s heart fragment is nearby, but it had begun showing this phenomenon suddenly since yesterday.

Since the witch appeared, from that point forward.

Considering that, it wasn’t hard to understand why this magic tool was exhibiting such behavior.

The First Elder pointed towards the direction the stone appeared to be moving.

“That direction is north. The direction the witch is heading.”

“Can you tell that from it?”

“This magic tool reacts to the Witch of Rage. Therefore, it serves as clear evidence that the witch who appeared yesterday is indeed the resurrected Witch of Rage.”

It was irrefutable proof that Scarlet Evande was a product of the witch weaponization plan.

Diakonos, who had been looking at the stone with complex eyes, asked the First Elder.

“… Why do you insist on revealing this fact to us? It wouldn’t benefit Astra in the slightest.”

Having a general idea of the First Elder’s nature, he posed that question.

The First Elder had always acted in a way that benefited Astra.

Before he could even react, the First Elder chuckled and replied.

“… Indeed, it does come off as a disadvantage. One cannot help but think Astra might have unnecessarily led to the resurrection of the witch. However, the reason I insisted on revealing it is that I believe this is something Astra needs to take responsibility for.”

After answering, the First Elder proceeded to ask Diakonos without any further reaction.

“A rather troublesome situation, isn’t it? Because of the inability to capture the witch.”

Hearing that, Diakonos let out a heavy sigh.

As he mentioned, it was true.

If the citizens were to discover that the poster boy Captain Yoon Si-woo was harmed by the witch and they failed to capture her, they would undoubtedly be incensed.

They would be branded as incompetent heroes and a useless committee for failing to capture the witch who harmed Yoon Si-woo.

However, that much was bearable.

The next part is the problem.

The citizens would likely demand revenge for Yoon Si-woo.

Even if it was deemed impossible, they would need to at least show some pretense of organizing a hunting squad to quell the angry populace.

However, after yesterday’s events, various foundational facilities, starting with the magical purification facility in the boundary area, had been destroyed, with significant damage incurred by the heroes.

Considering the current city conditions, organizing a hunting squad in such a situation was utterly nonsensical.

But if they didn’t, it was clear people would question why nothing was done.

They needed at least some time to show them the reality and placate the populace, but there was no guarantee that nothing would happen during that time.

Angry citizens are sometimes not rational.

Knowing that well, Diakonos showed a troubled expression, and the First Elder spoke.

“There is a way to calm public sentiment.”

“… What method is that?”

Diakonos asked upon hearing that there was a method.

Then the First Elder replied.

“Leave it to Astra. We will organize a hunting squad. I will participate as well. Ah, but of course, Sylvia will be excluded.”

“What do you mean…! Elder! Even the top-tier heroes cannot last long out there!”

Sylvia, who had been silent, exclaimed in shock.

She wasn’t startled by the very mention of a hunting squad.

The act of going on a hunt itself resembled nothing less than a declaration of self-destruction.

Sylvia was aware that Astra had a military organization that functioned similarly.

She also knew that their skills were fairly respectable.

But what kind of place was out there?

Due to the dense mana concentration, even the top-tier heroes couldn’t endure for long.

No matter how much Astra organized a hunting squad, it was natural they wouldn’t compare to the first-tier heroes battling the lesser demonic beasts on the front lines.

None could wield the power of celestial spirits like her, so embarking on a hunt at that level would only leave them being overrun by mana and dying.

Sensing her concerns, the First Elder spoke.

“Don’t worry about the mana issue. We have accumulated some mithril equipment over time to reclaim our homeland.”

If it’s mithril, which has resistance to mana, they could endure for a certain extent outside.

While it’s a hard-to-come-by item, it was finally time to use the mithril equipment that had been gathered with the intention of reclaiming their homeland.

The First Elder calmly said to Sylvia.

“Since the witch is heading north, it could be a chance to set foot on our old homeland.”

“Ugh, what good will mithril equipment do? You must know how dangerous it is out there! Just the lesser demonic beasts present…”

Sylvia shouted in alarm.

The dangers outside were of such a level that no amount of mention would suffice.

It wasn’t just the mana—

The demonic beasts out there were strong.

The level of the hunting squad Astra would organize would be far from sufficient to handle them.

If the lesser demonic beasts were that difficult, what could they do about hunting a witch?

She, more than anyone, understood that, so why was he…?

With that reproach in her eyes, Sylvia looked at the First Elder.

And in response to her words, the First Elder simply smiled quietly.

It was a smile that indicated he had no intention of returning alive.

“Why…” she murmured.

In shock, Sylvia asked the question.

To which the First Elder replied.

“You mentioned earlier that if something were to happen to that girl, Scarlet Evande, Astra would take responsibility. Furthermore, you even helped the witch escape, so I’m merely doing my part to take responsibility.”

“That’s something I should be responsible for—”


To Sylvia, who cried out pitifully, the First Elder gently shook his head and then chuckled.

“It’s only natural for the elders to bear the mistakes of the younger generation.”

As he spoke, he turned his head from the pleading Sylvia and addressed Diakonos.

“It’s not a bad method, is it? I would appreciate it if you could allow it.”

At his words, Diakonos pondered.

It was a suggestion akin to saying he would go die to take responsibility.

Under normal circumstances, it would be appropriate to refuse.

“… Are you really okay with that?”

Diakonos couldn’t reject his proposal and questioned.

He, like the First Elder, would not significantly differ from him in essence.

Considering the city’s situation, the First Elder’s proposal was not such a bad way forward.

The Witch of Rage was a bitter enemy of Astra, so it was acceptable for them—not the heroes—to step up.

Even if they set out to defeat her and perished, it would at least stall the citizens’ anger and focus their resentment squarely on the witch.

“Indeed, it would be worthwhile. If I can at least serve Astra through this, that is what I desire.”

Above all, the individual involved wanted this.

And this was more than just a suggestion; it was a transaction.

Diakonos understood what the First Elder wanted in exchange for their sacrifice.

“From now on, you wish for Astra to not be held accountable for matters concerning that witch.”

“Would you grant me that?”

“… I will ensure it happens.”

“Thank you.”

The First Elder bowed his head sincerely to Diakonos.

A deal where both parties obtained what they desired.

However, not everyone realized their wishes.

“Elder…! No, please…! Don’t do this…! Grandfather, please…!”

Outside, Sylvia cried out in desperation, even forgetting her training not to call him grandfather.

It was the worst of situations.

Even if the hunting squad wouldn’t suffer at the hands of Scarlet, if they went out and died, it would be entirely Scarlet’s responsibility.

She would become the witch who harmed people and would never again set foot on this land.

In doing so, for the sake of no one but Sylvia, he was set to brand Scarlet as humanity’s enemy.

That’s why she didn’t want such a thing.

She begged him not to do it.

Sylvia clung, pleading, but the First Elder merely called over the servants waiting silently at the back.

“Please take a moment to cool off at the mansion. What are you all doing? Escort Sylvia back to the mansion.”

“Grandfather…! Grandfather…! Huh…!”

As her consciousness began to fade due to a sleep spell, the First Elder’s voice rang out.

“… Stay well, Sylvia.”

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