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Chapter 224

Chapter: 224

To simplify the situation, the Holy War Army of the Southern Six Nations can be understood as facing a total crisis. It was initially a war lacking justification, and the Pope, who directly wrote the declaration of war, no longer held the same authority as before.

When they had divine power, it was different, but now the priests were close to being just nagging foreigners (or traitors). They still received support from the people, but their status was somewhat ambiguous from the perspective of the nobility and the royal court.

The powerful figures did not react to the saying, “The saint has fallen, and you have abandoned humanity,” by saying, “Oh dear, what a wicked person.”

They merely expressed nuanced thoughts like, “Hmm, would it be acceptable to drive the priests out of the royal court now?” or “All those strange things added to the beer must have been the priests’ doing, right?” or “How much tax could we collect if we taxed the monasteries?”

There were no masochist rulers who desired a society where theocracy was higher than secular authority to begin with. A priest who cannot heal must return to their primordial duty as a guardian of moral ethics.

The reason they didn’t openly defy the Pope was simple: the Pope used divine power. Being the only user of divine power at this point meant he was the only one who received the Lord’s grace. It was certainly difficult to oppose him.

“Logically, it makes no sense to go to war.”

It was not that war was bad or that there were ethical condemnations regarding wielding swords against humans; ethics never mattered.

The issue was the economy.

It has only been four years since the great war devastated the entire world. Even if the Southern Six Nations weren’t a directly participating country, the costs incurred during the war, combined with the half-destroyed great powers glaring in jealousy and perpetrating exploitation in culture, diplomacy, and trade, were substantial.

Any sane monarch at this point would not wish for war. Adults who impose unwanted actions are usually referred to as outdated.

And the theories of ‘young activists’ rebelling against outdated views always seem rather convincing.

– If you are truly omnipotent, is it possible for us to betray you?
– If the omnipotent Lord created us humans, then aren’t all our actions ultimately the Lord’s will?
– If you love humanity, wouldn’t our deeds ultimately be satisfactory in your sight?

When such spam emails, whose sender is unknown, suddenly popped up…


At that moment, the priests, who were supposed to prevent the incoming spam with anti-virus measures, were being dragged around like half-paralyzed beings.

“Is it logical?”

The secular royal family could examine this new heretical faith spam mail quite seriously.

– The church should not remain merely the guide for humans, but must be the shepherd who loves the people!
– Priests should prioritize love over doctrine, bishops should act as parents to the faithful rather than as secular authorities, and the Pope should preach genuine faith through charity rather than war!
– As representatives of the Lord, should priests not embrace the people with the Lord’s high love rather than rule over them?

No matter how much the priests pressed the block button, spam emails were inevitably produced by macros. This nameless spam carpet bombing inevitably caught the attention of the nobility (that is, the educated elite who could read the text).

The argument that power should be returned to the secular rulers rather than the church would certainly appear satisfying to those seated in expensive chairs, even if the Lord might not be pleased (although there’s no way to confirm it now).


At this point, with Lorensia and Leonor temporarily breaking due to their disputes, Elsrós reaching a premature offensive endpoint, and Albina repeatedly suffering losses since the war began…

“Your Majesty, even now there are many brethren of faith on the front lines groaning in pain…!!”

One of the states occupying the central area of the Southern Six Nations, which includes the Pope’s territory Ovidis, the strongest nation of the South.

The King of Bellacria smiled faintly at the Archbishop’s words.

“That’s truly unfortunate.”

The ‘boy king’ Carlos III del Solar, now at an age where it’s hard to classify him as a mere boy, pondered while looking at the aged bishop.

He thought of the older generation as all outdated, and even referred to them as such with the gaze of a young man who had the power to not be restrained by anyone.


Like all monarchs in this era, Carlos III was selfish, greedy, and clever. The important point was his cleverness since the first two traits were average characteristics found among nobles worldwide.

Like a typical cunning individual, Carlos was suspicious of new information. He believed that except for his own words and judgments, everything else was likely false.

“Elsrós took three cities in just ten days while Albina has yet to even step properly across a single border.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“What are your opinions?”

Those who say Elsrós is competent and Albina is incompetent are not allowed to enter this meeting. Those who only enumerate what seems like universally accepted facts have been driven out of Carlos’s court.

The vassals had to present ‘new or unique’ opinions that their monarch would appreciate.

“Could it be that Elsrós is colluding with Equitania to play tricks?”

“Why do you think so?”

“Even if one city is captured, time is spent securing the whole territory. If they plan further advancement, they cannot leave their rear exposed, so they must conquer more meticulously. However, Elsrós’s pace of advancement is unnatural.”

“Did they think it would be fine to leave their rear unguarded?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. If it’s a territory that Equitania willingly ceded, it would not be impossible to understand. In fact, the Elsrós army, which had advanced rapidly for ten days, is now halted, so wouldn’t the territory in question pertain to an agreement between Elsrós and Equitania?”


Carlos’s satisfied smile allowed one vassal to sigh in relief as he stepped back. Another noble spoke first.

“Your Majesty, it seems rather that Albina and Equitania have joined forces.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Given Elsrós’s speed of advancement, Equitania cannot sustain a double-front war. If the king of Equitania has any thoughts, he would seek peace with Albina.”

“What would Albina gain from that?”

“When Equitania holds back Elsrós’s main forces, Albina can invade Elsrós, and they would have no way to stop it. Unlike Elsrós, which has pushed its main army deep into Equitania, Albina is still stationed in its homeland proclaiming a ‘defensive battle.'”

“That is also interesting.”

Carlos scanned his vassals to see if anyone had a different opinion. The vassals hesitated and withheld their answers.

“Is this the end?”

As Carlos’s brow furrowed, the vassals hurriedly bowed their heads. They needed to come up with some sort of opinion. In such an atmosphere, one vassal stood up.

“Your Majesty, I believe the dispute between Lorensia and Leonor is rather the bigger issue here.”

“Go on.”

“Despite the Pope’s teachings, Leonor has attacked Lorensia. Is it not the greatest reason the Southern Holy War Army is fighting this war without foreign support due to the internal strife of those two nations?”


“Shortly before Leonor stationed forces on the border with Lorensia, an envoy from Krasilov visited Leonor.”

“Krasilov sought to interfere with the Holy War Army?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. If Leonor had protested this to the Pope, he should have condemned Krasilov. However…”

“The Pope could not touch Krasilov.”

In the long history of the church, there has never been a case where a large-scale excommunication edict was directed at the entire great powers. Even if it were possible, actually carrying it out would incur massive political costs and burdens.

Especially since the situation is even worse now. The Pope lacks divine power. It can be said that the Pope’s excommunication cannot breach the threshold of a ‘great power.’

At this point, Krasilov daring to disrupt the Holy War Army’s rear might imply the Pope’s silence signifies the potential dissolution of the Holy War Army.

“This is evidence that with enough national strength, the Pope cannot resist.”

Finally, the desired response emerged from Carlos. The boy king smiled as he looked down at his vassals.

“Moreover, does not Ovidis belong to this nation?”

“Truly so, Your Majesty.”

“I have always wondered. Do the people of Ovidis truly serve me, or do they serve the Pope?”

No one amongst the vassals answered this question. Any answer could potentially offend the king’s majesty.

“All people of this land should rightfully serve their king. This applies no less to Ovidis, does it not?”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”

“If we unite with Krasilov, Tylesse, Kalion, and the distant Drovian, will the Pope dare send me decrees through a bishop? Or will he come before me to speak about what he desires?”

Carlos concluded with a smile.

“Prepare to march. If the Pope desires the soldiers and resources of this nation, we shall fulfill that desire. Dispatch legions to the south.”

As the vassals started to exchange glances at this sudden command, Carlos continued.

“And command that all lands we step on be called Bellacria. After swallowing all southern lands, will the Pope dare say, ‘The Lord wishes for this’ to mobilize war? If we stand on equal footing with the so-called ‘great powers’ of the north, and if we manage to take the Pope into our hands, who would dare refer to us as just a small nation of the south?”

Once all nations of the Southern Six Nations are consumed, the name of this land will no longer be a kingdom.

The title ‘Southern Six Nations’ itself will disappear, transforming into ‘Southern Bellacria.’ It will stand alongside the northern Krasilov, eastern Tylesse, western Drovian, and Kalion of the Five Seas, becoming a great power representing a region of the continent.

After that, the only country that directly owns the Papal Enclave, becoming the guardian of the Pope’s decrees, and the parent of all people.

The name of the boy king, Carlos III, will now become Emperor Carlos.


“If that kid is moving now, it means it’s the end.”

Vittorio, after dismissing the messenger of urgent news, buried himself deep into his throne and looked down at the court.

In this vast Audience Chamber, where the saint stood alone, Vittorio said with a smile.

“As planned.”

With minimal losses, actively avoiding engagement, and…

The internal strife of the enemy coalition.

“Yes, Your Majesty. As you wish.”

He introduced all the regions in line with Elsrós’s advance. Despite the enormous costs incurred, they managed to guide the enemy forces to the point of offensive termination with minimal losses.

Albina’s army now remains at the border. Even if the airstrikes stopped, they would not stop doubting Elsrós.

Lorensia and Leonor had separated from the Holy War Army as soon as the Holy War began. Their long-standing enmity had them grind their teeth after deploying armies along each other’s borders.

And Bellacria. That nation, which housed the Papal Enclave, had begun its southward advance. They spoke of dispatching troops to support the Holy War Army, but…

When foreign armies cross paths, would they, in fact, quietly move only along designated roads?

Armies inherently consume finances and supplies in astronomical proportions proportional to the distance of deployment. Only the demon race and the elves have overcome the physical limitations of long-distance deployment. Unlike the flying elves or the demon race that consumes humans, humans require money and food to fight.

Elsrós and Albina must now keep an eye on Bellacria. This does not mean they can solely concentrate on the ongoing Holy War.

Moreover, the saint’s proclamation against the Papal Enclave is continuing to spread throughout the Southern Six Nations.

The Pope no longer has the leverage to hasten the Holy War. Even before the war began, he had exhausted all his political assets.

Now it is the final gamble.


“Any news from Krasilov?”

“They asked for a month.”


Dividing half of the Southern Six Nations around the Papal Enclave, he throws the northern part to Krasilov. Including the north of Leonor, Lorensia, and Bellacria.

Then, claiming the southern half of that half, consisting of Elsrós, Albina, and half of Bellacria.

Lastly, if he wraps up the agreement under the saint’s lead at the Papal Enclave…

“A wise man finishes things before the war starts.”

Vittorio concluded with a smile.

“Tell the Hero Party to begin.”


As the warring kings of the Southern Six Nations drew their swords against each other,

And at that point, behind them, the Pope and the saint reached out to the people under their respective doctrines.

The Pope could now definitively declare in this situation.

The Lord did not wish for this (Deus non vult).

EP35. The Warring Monarchs of the Southern Six Nations.

This concludes the last episode.

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