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Chapter 223

Chapter 223: The change in Hongliangs mindset, and her continued insistence on being a princess! Feeling a hint of sweetness in her heart!

Hongliang didn’t understand why Han Fei wanted to return.

When he came to fetch her, she refused.

She feared she wouldn’t be able to come back once taken.

Han Fei had to assure her of their return for her reluctant agreement.

Initially, Han Fei worried she’d miss Han.

But now seeing her like this,

He realized his worries were unfounded!

She had no intention of leaving; she was enjoying herself more here.

Playing wild with Yan Lingji daily.

In her words, it was better than the palace.

If she could live freely here perpetually, she’d give up the title of princess.

Han Fei gave her a strange look back then.

In the future, she might not have the choice to be a princess!

Being escorted by several skilled fighters, the siblings departed Xianyang heading east.

Seven days later, the carriage reached the border of Qin.

Hongliang couldn’t sit still.
It felt like she was not riding in a carriage, but in a birdcage that imprisoned her.

Han Fei always looked preoccupied.

When he spoke to her, his responses were intermittent.

These past few days on the road, she almost fell ill from holding it in.

The carriage’s wooden wheels rolled over a small patch of uneven ground, causing the carriage to jolt.

Supporting her chin with one hand, the drowsy Hongliang was instantly jolted awake.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she murmured, “Are we there yet?”

Han Fei snapped out of his deep thoughts.

During this journey, he had been thinking about how to speak to Emperor Han when they returned.

How much chance of success he had.

Hearing Hongliang’s question, he lifted the curtain and glanced outside.

His face changed suddenly.

His tone turned somewhat sorrowful.

“We’re at the border.”


Hongliang obviously hadn’t noticed Han Fei’s low spirits.

As soon as she heard they were almost there, her previously drowsy eyes lit up instantly.

She rushed over, grabbed the back of Han Fei’s collar, and pulled him aside, then stuck her head out the window.

But with just one look, she was stunned.

She pulled her head back and pointed outside, dazed, “Why are there so many troops from Qin here?”

It had been over a month since they returned from Han.

Logically, the Qin troops should have already withdrawn by now.

But looking out, one could see countless tents in the distance.

Occasionally, the fierce training sounds of soldiers could be heard.

There were at least 200,000 troops here.

“Naturally, they’re making preparations.”

Han Fei sighed lightly.

The Qin army had already entered a state of readiness for battle, clearly intending to launch an attack.

If he failed this time, this army of 200,000 would soon attack Han.

Hongliang had been following Yan Lingji around every day and hadn’t known these things.

Hearing Han Fei, she realized something was amiss.

With her big round eyes, she asked, “Is Qin going to war with us?”

Han Fei nodded, seemingly unwilling to say more.

Seeing him nod, Hongliang’s body suddenly went weak.

She plopped down.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Han Fei hadn’t expected such a big reaction from her.

Hongliang leaned her thin back against the wooden plank, muttering in a daze, “How did it come to war, how come we have to fight?”

“Didn’t that guy return safely? Bai Xianwu was sent back, and Nanyang was ceded to them.”

“Royal Brother, why war?”

“If there’s a war, many people will certainly die, right?”

She seemed unable to understand the cause.

In her view, wasn’t it better for everyone to eat, drink, and get along peacefully?

Why fight and compete?

Han Fei looked helpless.

With a heavy heart, he said, “That’s why I’m taking you back this time. If we can persuade the king to surrender to Qin, the people of Han can avoid the suffering of war.”

A spark of life appeared in Hongliang’s dull eyes.

Only now did she understand why Han Fei was taking her back.

“If we could persuade Father to surrender, there wouldn’t be a war? No one would die?”

Han Fei nodded gently: “At least for Han, that would be the case.”

The carriage passed the border inspection smoothly.

During these special times, to cross the border, one must have official documents from the authorities.

Han Fei held a handwritten letter from the Emperor of Qin, bearing the empress dowager’s seal.

Naturally, the guards asked no questions.

After passing through Hangu Pass, traveling a few dozen miles further, they would reach the Han military camp.

Han Fei’s group wasn’t stopped by the Qin army, but they were stopped in Han territory.

The one who stopped them was none other than the Great General of Han, Bai Xianwu.

To others, she was still Bai Xianwu.

In reality, she had another name, Li Wu.

Li Wu liked this new name very much.

Every time she was alone, she would murmur it a few times.

Servility is a peculiar thing.

Once some people submit, they remain loyal forever.

Lady Mingzhu was like this, and so was Li Wu.

She had already received the message before Han Fei and the others arrived.

Li Mo instructed her to ensure the safety of Han Fei and Hongliang at all costs.

“Greetings Ninth Young Master, Your Highness.”

Li Wu was dressed in red.

Her outfit was almost identical to Bai Xianwu’s previous one.

Her cold and beautiful face wore an indifferent expression.

To outsiders, she appeared no different than before.

Just from her appearance, no one would have guessed that she was no longer the Bai Xianwu they once knew.

“General Bai, you’re too polite.”

Han Fei nodded politely in return.

In contrast, Hongliang’s attitude was quite different.

She stood sideways with her arms crossed, head turned away, not even glancing at Li Wu.

Upon hearing Li Wu’s voice, she snorted through her nose to express her dissatisfaction.

“Does Your Highness have an issue with this general?”

Li Wu, being an expert in the realm of Free and Unfettered, certainly couldn’t miss Hongliang’s snort.

There was no need to hide it, really.

Her attitude made it clear she was displeased with Li Wu.

Li Wu had inherited Bai Xianwu’s memories, understanding the reason behind Hongliang’s dislike.

She wasn’t loathed by Hongliang personally, but rather Bai Xianwu was despised.

During that time, Hongliang was preoccupied with learning the Fire Charm Art from Yan Lingji and had no idea that Bai Xianwu had been replaced.

Hongliang turned her head and glanced at Bai Xianwu contemptuously.

With a sarcastic tone, she said, “Oh, wouldn’t dare.”

“General Bai, after all, was exchanged by my father for fifteen cities, very precious indeed.”

“I am nothing but an ordinary person unloved by both father and mother, how could I possibly have an opinion about you, General Bai?”

“Without General Bai, our South Han would be finished.”

“Look at you, stationed here, making Qin State’s 200,000-strong army dare not move, how impressive!”

Hongliang’s sharp tongue was notably vicious.

Killing without a knife, cursing without vulgarity.

This skill had been honed through arguments with Lady Mingzhu in Qin State.

The implication was that Li Wu was merely a captive, for whom Emperor Han paid a hefty price.

What good did it do to get her back?

Could she fend off Qin State’s army?

Li Wu remained unprovoked, her face still indifferent.

Not out of fear of her princess status, but in consideration of her assistance to Li Mo in South Han.

Li Wu’s deep gaze scrutinized Hongliang.

Although Hongliang was only fourteen or fifteen, she had already grown up beautifully.

Her chest was well-developed, her figure slender with a delicate waist.

Dressed in a pink palace gown, she appeared innocent and pure.

She resembled a lotus flower, unstained by mud, pure and elegant.

As she looked further, Li Wu suddenly showed a satisfied expression.

The master’s eyes indeed were discerning.

In a few more years, this Princess Hongliang wouldn’t be worse than Lady Mingzhu and others.

Though currently, she was still a bit too tender.

Maybe she wouldn’t withstand the master’s intensity.

Li Wu had firsthand experience in this matter.

At the manor, it was only under great effort that she and Fei Yan managed to cope.

If it were this tender little princess, she would likely beg for mercy straight away.

Hongliang felt uneasy being stared at brazenly.

Goosebumps rose involuntarily.

“Wh… What are you looking at?”

She rubbed her arms awkwardly, hiding behind Han Fei.

Li Wu withdrew her gaze, a meaningful smile briefly flashed across her lips.

She blinked her eyes and then turned to mount the horse, saying, “Let’s go, this general will escort you back.”

Hongliang pouted in discontent, clearly unhappy.

It wasn’t until they got into the carriage that she muttered, “We’re about to go to war, and she’s still running around. How does this general do her job?”

“I really don’t understand why father made her a general!”

While she complained, Han Fei sat silently on the other side, his brow tightly knit, looking preoccupied.

“Hey, what are you thinking about?”

Still wanted to complain a few more words to Han Fei, but he ignored her.

Hongliang couldn’t stand it.

She lifted her leg and kicked over.

Han Fei was instantly kicked out of his reverie and woke up.

He gently patted the footprint on his clothes and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Hongliang rolled her eyes.

So you didn’t listen to a single word I just said?

“I said that Bai Xianwu is a worthless piece of trash!”

Han Fei took a deep breath after hearing that.

Suspiciously, he said, “If you had said that in the past, I would have agreed.”

Hongliang widened her big eyes: “So you don’t agree now?”

“I, this princess, still think she’s worthless. I really don’t know why that guy let her go back, it would have been better to just kill her.”

“At most, they could have exchanged me for the city, certainly more than with her!”

Hongliang was indignant.

She felt that the reason Emperor Han didn’t exchange her back was because of Bai Xianwu.

If it weren’t for her, the Emperor of Han would definitely have exchanged her back.

Han Fei shook his head and said, “Sir was unwilling to exchange you.”

“I heard from people in the court that he even had an argument with the Empress Dowager of Qin over this matter.”

Hongliang was stunned.

She didn’t know about this.

“Really? Why?”

As she spoke, she started to get upset again: “Does he think that this princess is worthless and not worth a city?”

“Hmph! Heartless guy!”

Han Fei laughed and said, “It’s precisely because Sir has a conscience that he didn’t want to exchange you.”

“You helped him in Han. If he came back and turned around and exchanged you for the city, how would you feel in your heart?”

Hongliang blinked her eyes.

Muttering, she said, “I would…

“You would feel even more hurt and sad, thinking that you were just goods.”

Han Fei helped her out.

He knew his sister too well.

Wanting what isn’t there, but not treasuring what is.

If Li Mo didn’t exchange her, she felt looked down upon.

But if he really did exchange her, it would truly hurt her fragile heart.

“Tsk, it’s likely I would feel that way.”

Hongliang clicked her lips, pinching her chin in thought.

Her big round eyes rolled around, then she looked at Han Fei.

Carefully, she asked, “Did he really argue with the Empress Dowager because of me?”

Han Fei repeated what he had heard to her.

After he finished, he added, “See, Sir argued with the Empress Dowager for you, and you’re still calling him heartless. I think you’re the one without a heart.”

Hongliang glared at him discontentedly.

“Then… let’s say he does have a heart.”

On the surface, she looked reluctant, but in reality, she was moved.

All the power in Qin now was in the hands of that Empress Dowager.

He was actually willing to argue with the Empress Dowager for her.

Could he be considering this princess’s feelings?

Suddenly, Hongliang felt a sweetness in her heart.

Unconsciously, the corners of her mouth turned up.

Seeing this, Han Fei couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in secret.

Sister, your expression is not right!

Why are you smiling out of nowhere?

It’s quite creepy!

Even more so than the feeling Bai Xianwu gives people outside.

“By the way, did you notice that there’s something strange about Bai Xianwu?”

Thinking of this, Han Fei asked Hongliang.

Hongliang blinked blankly: “What’s strange? Isn’t she still that annoying?”

Han Fei shook his head thoughtfully.

“I feel she’s different from before. Before, standing in front of her made one feel an inexplicable fear.”

“But now, I don’t have that feeling.”

“It’s as if she’s not as scary as before.”

Hongliang recalled the earlier scene, then nodded.

She said, “It does seem a bit like that.”

Before, she didn’t dare to mock Bai Xianwu like that.

That strange woman could make someone shiver with just a look.

Giving a feeling like she would suck your blood at the slightest disagreement.

But just now, Hongliang didn’t feel such fear towards her.

“I feel like, when she looks at us, there’s no killing intent anymore.”

Hongliang, pinching her chin, analyzed seriously.

Han Fei looked at her in surprise.

He had been thinking for a long time and couldn’t figure out the reason, but Hongliang hit the nail on the head with one sentence.

A woman’s sixth sense is truly terrifying!

“Well, regardless of whether it’s true or not, it’s best to avoid provoking this person.”

“Just stop cursing her so much. If you really anger her, we won’t even know how we end up dead.”

Hongliang impatiently waved her hand.

Pouting, she said, “I know, I know, I’m not an idiot.”

Han Fei remained silent, scratching his forehead.

With your intelligence, there’s hardly any difference from an idiot.

At least Hongliang had some self-awareness.

Li Mo wasn’t here, and if Bai Xianwu really went crazy, no one could stop her.

For now, it’s best to lie low.

Once he masters that guy’s lightning skills, he won’t have to fear that wretched woman anymore!

Three days later in the afternoon, Han Fei and Hongliang finally returned to Xinzheng.

Gazing at the grand palace before him, Han Fei couldn’t help but sigh softly.

Dynasties rise and fall, nations prosper and decline.

Han was finally coming to an end.

Bai Xianwu entered the palace with the brother and sister and met Emperor Han in his study.

Emperor Han looked the same as before.

He looked somewhat energetic.

Without Lady Mingzhu and Lady Hu poisoning him daily, his spirits seemed much better than before.

“Han Fei, Hongliang? Why have you returned?”

After being announced by the attendant at the door, the three of them entered the study.

Emperor Han was taken aback when he saw the pair before him.


Hongliang, harboring anger in her chest, snorted indignantly.

She looked as if she didn’t want to bother with her father.

If it weren’t for her natural beauty, intelligence, and charm, making Li Mo reluctant to lay a hand on her, any other woman would probably have been disposed of after being used!

“Your son greets Father.”

Han Fei bowed properly, seemingly unbothered by how Emperor Han had treated him before.

Emperor Han glanced at him, his expression turning slightly stern.

“You were doing well in Qin, why have you returned?”

Li Wu stood expressionlessly to the side.

She was curious about how Han Fei planned to persuade Emperor Han to surrender.


Before Han Fei could answer, Hongliang, with her arms crossed, snorted again in indignation.

“Aren’t you going to ask how I was in Qin?”

Emperor Han felt a pang of guilt towards Hongliang.

Immediately, his demeanor softened.

Smiling, he coaxed, “It’s good that you’re back, it’s good that you’re back.”

“Let Father have a look.”

“How did you come back? Did Qin let you return?”


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Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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