Switch Mode

Chapter 222

“Well, it might not be as great as the Saintess’s power, but still.”

As I held my head, Selena laughed. Indeed, divine power and miracles were two different abilities. While belief in gods was a foundation, completely entrusting one’s body to that god was a different story altogether.

“Are you thinking of becoming a priest?”

When I asked for confirmation, Selena momentarily widened her eyes and burst into laughter. Ha ha! She chuckled briefly and said.

“I’m not thinking of that. I want to, um, first try getting married. I want to have kids too.”

It felt a bit premature to hear such words from a first-year high school student, but it was one of the biggest reasons many people didn’t want to become priests. Even without the marriage aspect, plenty of people wanted to at least experience dating. For the same reason, many kids who were nuns or monks left the cathedral upon reaching adulthood.

Since Selena had someone she liked, it was obvious that becoming a nun wasn’t on her list of considerations. I still remembered how shocked she was when she heard that Jian was one of Baal’s apostles.

“Well, even if I’m not a real priest, wouldn’t I be quite helpful in the rear? Even if I can’t create holy water, isn’t it better to have at least one more person who can use divine power?”

“Of course.”

I nodded.

“The church would surely be grateful.”

“…Hearing such words from someone in a position higher than the church’s representative makes it feel too heavy.”

Selena chuckled softly, glancing at the smartphone on the table.

“Oh, I should get moving. I have a volunteer training session coming up soon.”

“Training? Are there that many volunteers?”

Upon seeing Selena get up, Aurora’s eyes widened.

Indeed, when we arrived here, it was just the three of us: me, Linea, and Aurora. We were thrown in holding holy water without any specific training.

Ah, well, since the three of us belonged to the church at that time, we were probably treated more like available troops rather than guests from the outside. Although I hadn’t received much training since I had only recently come to this world, I imagined Aurora and Linea had completed at least the minimum requirements.

“It seems the situation on the battlefield has spread to quite a few people. It looks like nearby residents and military families have volunteered. Though it doesn’t seem like a huge number.”

“Military families?”

“Yep. They’ve issued evacuation orders to nearby civilians. Some might not want to be far away from their families.”


This was an enemy unlike any that had existed until now. It was wise to evacuate the nearby civilians, not knowing what might happen.

Among the nearby civilians, some might have been born and raised in this area, but others could also be people who came with their families from the front lines. For those people, they’d rather stay with their family members in the military than retreat with the other civilians. It seemed volunteers were likely those individuals.

“I’m probably among the youngest of them… but I’ll likely be taking on a leading role.”

“Is that so?”

When I tilted my head in confusion, Selena shrugged her shoulders.

“I’m the only one with real combat experience among them and I’ve learned quite a bit at the academy.”

“Ah, that makes sense.”

I could only nod in agreement.

“Be careful then…”

“You too—you’re planning to head back out again, aren’t you?”


“The truly dangerous ones here aren’t me, but you guys. Given the circumstances, it’s unavoidable to get hurt… but still, if you aren’t safe, I’ll make you pay.”

“Yes, of course.”

I had no intention of getting killed by demons, not even a tiny bit.

“We will definitely watch over you.”

“Yes, Clara will ensure not even a hair on your head gets hurt.”

Both Linea and Aurora replied in that manner, but…

“What are you talking about?”

Selena said with a haughty expression.

“I wasn’t just referring to Clara; it includes both of you too.”

Then, as she stood up, she stuffed three fries into her mouth all at once.


“Ugh, I should have worn thicker clothes.”

After parting ways with Clara’s group and stepping outside, Selena mumbled. December was just about wrapping up. It was cold enough to make anyone wonder if they could really call it ‘winter.’

She hadn’t wanted to show too much weakness in front of the three, but it seemed her choice of clothing was a bit thin for the weather. Given that this was in the northeastern part of the 21st District, it felt even colder than the city center.

“Well, they did cut down all the trees around here to prepare for the demons and beasts.”

As she considered asking if someone had an extra outer garment she could borrow, Selena rubbed her arms with her hands and quickened her steps.

While it was lucky she bumped into Clara, Aurora, and Linea, Selena still felt a bit disappointed. She knew that once the fighting began, Jian would head to the battlefield, but she hadn’t managed to see him. Of course, it wouldn’t be right away, and the troops weren’t all assembled yet. Still, it was obvious that she wouldn’t have opportunities to meet with someone as crucial as Jian unless they had a moment as relaxed as this one.

“…What am I thinking?”

Running into Clara’s group was one thing. If we were talking about important characters, the three of them were just as significant. No, since they were scheduled to fight the ‘demons,’ they might even be the key figures.

If she hadn’t randomly crossed paths with them today, it would have been difficult to see their faces until the battle was over.


Her head felt cluttered.

Selena trusted her friends.

It was hard to imagine them losing in battle. Jian was the strongest person she had ever seen, and Clara wasn’t just a mere goddess. Aurora and Linea were saintesses who followed Clara. No matter how strong the enemy was, it would surely be an overwhelming task to face that party.

However, even while thinking that, a ‘what if’ crept into her mind.

They wouldn’t lose. Still, there was no guarantee that everyone would come back unharmed.

She had heard that the enemy was supposedly the worst of all beings that had ever existed.


She knew she wasn’t a help. Even if she followed them, she’d only be a burden. If anything, if the kids acted to protect her, they’d likely only hinder her more.

Yet, she couldn’t quite remain still.

Was it because she had been raised as a hero? Or perhaps because of the influence of her father and sister, who had passed away fighting as heroes?

That could be it. But more than that, she wanted to be with her closest friends.

Thus, she impulsively chose to head to the battlefield.

“…Am I really such an emotional person?”

She was emotional, indeed.


Selena sighed.

Perhaps because of the cold, her steps quickened, and she reached the infirmary earlier than she expected. Next to the already built infirmary, a large tent was in the process of being set up. As the scale of battle increased, so would the number of the wounded. If preparations weren’t made in advance, it would lead to a situation where the injured would be laid on the cold ground exposed to the winter winds. Thus, the early preparations were crucial.


Selena took a deep breath and opened the door to the infirmary.

“Oh, Miss Lowell.”

One nun, busy moving inside, greeted her with a warm smile upon seeing Selena.


“Just call me ‘Ella.'”

“Then, please just call me by my name too.”

At Selena’s words, the nun smiled at her and replied.


She could have dropped ‘Miss’ but…

However, Selena knew well that they couldn’t treat her too familiarly here. Although there weren’t any patients yet, those gathered for volunteer work were already inside the infirmary. It wasn’t a real job, and everyone would return to their places after the battle was over, but it wasn’t suitable to favor just one person either.

“Is there anything I can help with?”

At Selena’s question, Ella shook her head.

“No, I’m fine. We’re almost finished tidying up. More than that, how about you first greet those gathered here?”

Hearing that, Selena turned her gaze to the inside of the infirmary. Most people stood awkwardly, while the nuns moved about, attending to various tasks.

As she moved to greet the people as Ella suggested, Selena unexpectedly exclaimed.


Seeing someone she hadn’t anticipated, she said without thinking.


“…Ah, Selena.”

Upon seeing the face of a friend whom she met occasionally, even though they didn’t share the same circle, Selena walked towards her.

“Are you part of the volunteers?”


At Selena’s question, Erica’s face turned slightly red as she nodded.

“How did you end up here?”

When Selena had stated her intent to volunteer, the government agency hesitated. So, she had directly requested from the church, using the connection of Clara’s friend, to come and volunteer under the church’s banner.

Did Erica use a similar method?

“I have a somewhat rare ability.”

Hearing that, Selena nodded.

Erica’s ability was special. She had the power to heal others, a talent possessed by only a select few. For volunteer work in an infirmary, there was likely no one more suited than Erica.

“…I see.”

Considering asking how she came to be here but decided against it as she felt she might already know the answer.


An awkward atmosphere hung between the two when, at just the right moment, Ella clapped her hands.

“I’ll go over what tasks you will each perform here. Since many people have volunteered, we’ve been able to divide the roles that usually one person might handle. Thank you.”

After slightly bowing to the crowd, Ella continued speaking.

“First, let’s establish who the leaders will be. Selena?”

Ella turned her gaze in search of Selena.

“…Well, I’ll take my leave then. Let’s chat again later.”

Selena quietly said to Erica.

Erica simply nodded slightly.


A few days since I came here, and the demons were still showing no signs of moving from their spot.

On the contrary, they had been spilling out even more demons, as if daring us to come at them. Most demons merely circled above the black clouds, but a few flew provocatively close to the wall. Of course, they were quickly blown away by our anti-air artillery.

“Are they trying to provoke us?”

“That might be so. But I don’t understand the reasoning behind it.”

As she looked distantly at the darkened area from atop the wall, Andrea furrowed her brow.

“You don’t understand the reasoning behind it?”

“If they’re waiting for us over there, wouldn’t it be better to just wait without such wasteful maneuvers? There’s no reason to send demons here. Especially not in such a meager quantity, just a few here and there as a provocation.”

“Perhaps they are aware that we are gathering our forces.”

“Of course they do. But that makes it all the more strange. Even before we gathered, they had already had an overwhelming number. If anything, a surprise attack before our forces gathered would have inflicted far greater damage.”

For several days, government forces and the knights had been gathering near this wall. They were preparing for the ultimate showdown with the demons. As there were many demons observed, it seemed they advised against entering through a narrow path.

“So, in the end, are they just waiting for me to arrive?”

“Exactly. They’re behaving as if they wanted nothing else.”

With a myriad of magic points opened up right in front of the wall, they were continuously descending magic itself to taint the land.

Even while engaging in such unprecedented business until now, they weren’t trying to cross over into the wall.

“…Perhaps it might be a sign of failure.”


“The demons were aiming to absorb other demons to grow stronger. If things went as they intended, the powers of all demons would have concentrated on a single demon, maintaining overwhelming strength. However, we know that many demons have escaped, right?”

Of course, most of those demons had escaped after losing most of their strength, but there were still powers capable of incinerating Arlil. Even if not all of the escaping demons had the same power level, it was clear that the failure to concentrate all their strength was a bitter blow.

Thus, it’s possible they could feel that one demon alone couldn’t overwhelm humanity.

“Yet, does that indicate they’re preparing for the final blow?”

The wrinkles on Andrea’s brow deepened even further.

“They might be. Even if the remaining demon is holed up with power, humans will eventually come looking for them.”

Without knowing just how much power the demons possessed, the government was already considering launching an invasion force. They likely intended to conquer that world after recovering this side. The situation would turn upside down.

In that case, they’d even die while grasping at least one thing they wanted.

It was an uncharacteristically bold mindset for a demon, but any creature capable of rational thought would attempt to salvage something amidst despair. Perhaps even the demons might be thinking that way.

And if, by any chance, they could kill me, it would provide them with an opportunity to turn the tide.

“…No matter the situation, we have no choice but to be fully prepared.”

Andrea exhaled softly.


The attack commenced without warning.

I heard gunfire before the alarm blaring through the unit.

Around the time when the sun hadn’t yet risen, as the soldiers were tiring from their shifts, a beast suddenly dove from the sky. Thankfully, the soldier wasn’t dozing off and managed to shoot it down, but—

Countless beasts followed behind.

The night sky, where even moonlight was absent, was filled to the brim with beasts, making it impossible to see the stars.

Even so, it wasn’t as if we were at a disadvantage. The anti-air artillery was densely packed, and the radar was a solid piece of equipment. There were at least a fleet of combat planes hovering above, and upon receiving warnings, more planes took off in succession. The prepped anti-air missiles were also launched. Thus, when considering which side had the upper hand, we were clearly in a better position.

However, despite that, it didn’t mean we were without losses.

The sounds of gunfire and cannon explosions hit my ears. The sound of something slicing through the air rapidly, and amidst it all, the yells and screams of people echoed.

Those were the sounds I heard as I stepped out of the building.

“The enemy initiated the attack first after all.”

Andrea said.

I was riding behind Andrea. Because electronic devices would malfunction in the magic-infused rain, we couldn’t use cars. Since we couldn’t run either, the only means of transport left was horses.

And I didn’t know how to ride a horse.

To avoid getting affected by the rain soaked with magic, I had armored myself from head to toe. Although I had worn armor a few times before, putting on a helmet felt incredibly stifling. Plus, with the cold weather, every time the metal touched my skin, I shrunk back from the chill.

“But we’ve made sure to prepare properly. Every member of the Inquisition Knights and all members of the Saint Knights are gathered. And with elite knights supporting us from behind, there’s no need to worry. The charging demons will be handled up above.”

Normally, I would have ridden behind Uncle Paul, but due to Uncle Paul’s large build, the horse I was riding also ended up being huge—much too uncomfortable for me. Hence, I opted to ride behind Andrea, who held the same rank as the leader of the Saint Knights.

“I’m not worried.”

Upon my reply, Andrea didn’t say anything more, but I somehow felt like she might have smiled slightly. Even though she had a helmet on, I could sense it.

“Then, Goddess and Leader. I wish you luck.”

Uncle Paul beside us raised his voice in greeting.

“Good fortune to you too, Leader. And to the Saintesses at the back.”

Andrea nodded and replied. Behind Uncle Paul, the deputy commander Grace was fully armed, and Aurora was holding on tight to her waist, looking quite nervous. Linea was riding on a horse herself. When she met my gaze, she nodded slightly. …Though, I only realized our eyes met after Linea had nodded. It was hard to see expressions with helmets on.

“Alright, let’s get ready…”

At Andrea’s words, I tightened my hold around her waist. I felt no excitement from holding a woman’s waist. Wearing plate armor made it feel like I was hugging an iron pole.

In that instant, my vision lit up. A bright light shone behind us for just a moment.

The gunfire that had been echoing momentarily halted.

A holy bomb exploded in the sky. In that very moment, the sky must have become spotless.

The gate of the wall began to slowly open.

“Alright, let’s go!”

Andrea shouted. Uncle Paul cheered, and the many knights behind us echoed the same cheer.

At that moment, I felt my body lift off the ground—

And the horse Andrea was riding began to gallop forward.

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