Switch Mode

Chapter 221

### Chapter: 221

The Goddess Who Gave Kraush the Black Hood

Kraush faced the nameless girl.

She was a goddess.

Regardless of the reason she appeared before him, reincarnation was ultimately just a skill.

If she knew about reincarnation, there was nothing strange about it.

‘After all, I stole the reincarnation through the Black Hood.’

It was perhaps more strange that she, the one who granted him the Black Hood, didn’t know this.

Still, a faint hint of wariness lingered in Kraush’s eyes.

After reincarnating, he’d heard tales about her from the Night God, who had shared those with Nox.

“I only know that she’s the goddess who receives the most resentment from the divine.”

The goddess who had allegedly been stealing the powers of other gods—this nameless girl was precisely that.

Kraush didn’t know her intentions.

He couldn’t even grasp why she granted him the Black Hood.

Thus, caution was unavoidable.

Even if his life changed so drastically thanks to her giving him the Black Hood.

He knew well enough that the intentions of gods weren’t always benevolent.

“You’re on guard.”

In that moment, the girl sensed Kraush’s wariness first.

With a relaxed stride, she approached him.

Kraush felt something odd wash over him.

Though she stood right in front of him, he could hardly sense any presence from her.

‘So she’s really a goddess after all.’

Especially one who was rumored to have been stealing the powers of other gods.

Perhaps it was only natural that she was like this.

“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on doing anything to you.”

Her voice resembled that of a kind mother.

Yet, her almost unnaturally pale face only added to the peculiar vibe.

“Why did you give me the Black Hood?”

Kraush finally voiced the question that had been nagging him.

Countless gods have granted skills to many, but Kraush knew this wasn’t always a good thing.

Gods bestow skills and take a price in return.

And that price is usually taken when humans become souls.

Ever since he learned that, Kraush had grown wary of the divine.

But this girl was different.

She unceremoniously gave him the Black Hood with no strings attached.

She had granted him a skill without any standard divine contract.

Hearing Kraush’s question, she paused for a moment.

Then, she playfully poked her cheek with her long finger and grinned widely.

“Just a whim?”

It was a laughably simple answer.

“Really just a whim?”

“I think I don’t have many whims.”

“Then why did you have a whim with me?”

“I just happened to notice you.”

There was no depth in her reasoning at all.

Thus, Kraush was even more reminded that she was indeed a goddess.

Gods think differently from humans.

They respond to humans’ endless prayers, yet they don’t do so with typical human logic.

Sometimes the miracles granted by gods can be endlessly selfish in nature.

“You looked a bit hurt and in need,” she said, smiling slowly.

“So I decided to lend you my power.”

And soon enough, Kraush realized one significant truth.

“Stop lying.”

The moment he spoke, she blinked innocently as if confused about what was a lie.

“Let’s be clear. You want something from me, don’t you?”

She had just said she lent him the power, not that she gave it.

Kraush understood very well what the concept of “lending” implied.

It meant she intended to take it back.

‘Looks like she didn’t give it without a cost after all.’

She must have wanted something in return when she granted Kraush the power.

Whether it was just a whim or something that caught her eye, whatever the reason, she, like all other gods, surely had her own hidden agenda.

What she mentioned earlier was just an additional reason.

The real truth was left unspoken.

Sensing Kraush’s awareness, she fell silent for a moment.

Then her smile vanished completely.

As if she had stolen that smile from someone else.

“If I told you that…”

Her expression turned serious as she tilted her head.

“You wouldn’t use my power, would you?”

Wouldn’t use it, she asked.

Kraush snorted.

“I’m going to milk it until the last drop.”

He had already decided to stop at nothing to prevent the impending doom.

There was no way he would make the foolish mistake of sealing the Black Hood now.

If he could use it, he’d utilize it beyond just needing it.

That was Kraush’s mindset.

“No matter what your intention is, I’ll use your power and every other god’s power to the fullest.”

So it was crucial for Kraush to say this now.

“Just don’t interfere with my intentions.”

He warned her with that one demand.

She was silent for a moment.


Then she cheerfully replied.

“I won’t interfere.”

In that instant, the wind began to blow.

With the gust, colorful leaves fluttered down.

Kraush felt that she was about to leave.

So he decided to say one last thing to her as she disappeared.

“It was thanks to you.”

In the swirling leaves, Kraush spoke.

“Because of you, I’m still alive.”

He wanted her to know this.

Without her Black Hood, he likely wouldn’t have survived this long.

Whether or not that sentiment reached her was uncertain, but in the moment Kraush blinked due to the wind blowing in, all that remained was empty space.

She had vanished.

Kraush, staring at that spot, clicked his tongue.

‘In the end, I couldn’t even ask her name.’

Nothing about her purpose or name—he didn’t learn a thing.

Of course, even if he asked, he wasn’t certain she would tell him.

Still, he wished to meet her again at least once.

After all, he had things he wanted to convey.

Kraush’s gaze fell on the holy sword.

One day, it might give him the chance to see her again.

He could just look forward to that moment.

With that thought, Kraush turned around.

It was time to head back to Rahern Academy.


November rolled around.

The World Tree colored itself in autumn leaves once again, announcing the arrival of the fall throughout the academy.

‘It’s neither cherry blossom nor maple.’

Though they were different species, Kraush found it fascinating how the World Tree donned new clothes every year.

After finishing his business with the Holy Kingdom, he returned.

Over the last month, Kraush dedicated himself once more to training.

He felt the gap between himself and the refinement even more strongly.

And it wasn’t just Kraush.

Students of various backgrounds were fully committed to training as they too felt their own shortcomings.

Especially for the second-year students who had failed their training assessments.

Those who flunked their final second-year evaluations would have to undergo an additional six-month training course.

Dropping out was indeed one way to escape, but not many chose that route.

Because the moment they dropped out, they’d forever be branded as failures.

‘This takes me back.’

Having experienced failing three times, Kraush felt a touch of nostalgia.

But thanks to entering the Special Class, the final evaluations were, in essence, not as big of a deal for him.


At that moment, Kraush turned at the voice calling for him.

There was a healthy-skinned woman with red hair, energetically waving her hands.

Karandis Poseus.

She was the ninth princess of Poseus.

Beside her was Haring, sporting a subtle smile much like a cat meeting its owner.

Looking at them, it seemed the two had been sticking together quite often recently.

‘Well, there aren’t many females in the second-year Special Class anyway.’

After all, Mary had to be the exception.

For context, ever since speaking with Kraush, Mary had been fully immersed in her training.

As if proving her earlier days of self-doubt were invalid, she had shown astounding progress.

It was as though she aspired to shine like the star that was Kraush.

Kraush wasn’t particularly interested in Mary.

After all, it was better to let her do her own thing than to try to control her.

She would only struggle if he complicated things further.

“Did you train hard today as well?”

“Thanks for your hard work.”

Karandis’s bright demeanor contrasted Haring’s composed presence.

Both wore brooches featuring the lion emblem on their chests.

That brooch was none other than the symbol of the Lion’s Order.

While Haring had joined the Lion’s Order during their days at Hardenhartz, Karandis had successfully joined as well.

‘The Lion’s Order must have a pretty high cut-off rate, probably because of Charlotte.’

With Charlotte firmly established as the strongest in Rahern Academy, the Lion’s Order filtered for only the top students.

Not to mention, it became such a big deal that students had to take personal exams for selection unless Charlotte herself personally sanctioned them.

The issue was that despite the high bar, a substantial number of second-year students were clamoring to join.

This meant that the prestige of the Lion’s Order must have skyrocketed.

“Right, how about you two?”

“We also trained hard!”

Karandis exclaimed joyfully, energetically swinging her arms.

In contrast, Haring lightly straightened her back.

“I got a bit stronger.”

It seemed she wanted some praise, so Kraush smiled briefly.

“Good job.”

Karandis watched them with a hint of envy.

She recognized the deep bond between Haring and Kraush.

But she also felt that if she put in the effort, she could achieve that too.

“Kraush, have you heard the news?”

Karandis quickly redirected the conversation to the latest gossip she had caught wind of.

“What news?”

“The Student League Tournament!”

The Student League Tournament.

It was the grand finale of the year, held every December.

The scoring for the tournament was based on two methods.

One was the tasks and achievements carried out by the student league up until now.

And the other was winning the tournament held in December.

‘Winning the tournament…’

If one came in first at the Student League Tournament, naturally, the funding they received would increase dramatically.

That would be a great boon for running the student league.

Moreover, coming in first at Rahern Academy, a hub for top talent, held deeper significance.

‘The desire of future talents to join would skyrocket.’

Existing students would also take note.

They would see that the student league that won first place would lead not just Rahern Academy but the entire world.

Kraush’s gaze quietly shifted toward the buildings of Rahern Academy.

The Lion’s Order he was affiliated with wasn’t his student league.

That belonged to his older sister Charlotte.

But now he knew he was another face representing the Lion’s Order.

A substantial number of the applications to join the second-year Lion’s Order were influenced by Kraush.

Thus, winning first place with the Lion’s Order would be beneficial for Kraush.

It might even emerge as a gamble.

‘Sigrid will surely be aiming for first place too.’

He would eventually clash with her, who desired the sky generation.

‘In that case…’

Kraush grinned maliciously.

The Student League Tournament.

It was time to stir things up!

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