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Chapter 220

Chapter: 220

The army of the undead advances.

The army of the dead is already advancing.

An army without a body advances.

A black stone giant leads the way.

Giants that don’t breathe lead the way.

He leads the way, taking down both the blocking walls and the countless troops in his path.

The world is on fire.

The world burns with the breath of those who have scales and wings.

Using the flesh of the wicked as firewood, the world burns.

Destruction is coming.

The twilight of the gods approaches.

Ragnarok is coming.

– A tale passed down among giants.

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The gods called Valhalla paradise.

And the one who set foot in Valhalla as an Einherjar also considered it a paradise.

A world filled with warmth, not a harsh land burdened with snow and ice.

Always clear and sunny weather, without storms filled with snow or ice chunks bigger than a fist.

It is a miraculous land where seeds sprout quickly when sown in soft, fluffy soil—not frozen solid with cold and snow—where grains can be harvested in no time at all.

If this is not paradise, then what is?

As an Einherjar, he felt honored to be chosen by the gods.

It must have been a gloriously proud moment to step into such a paradise.

There, he reveled in drinks and meat every day, honed his skills through endless battles, and even if he died, he would be resurrected to enjoy the bliss of paradise once again.

However, that happiness didn’t last long.


A gigantic trumpet sound resonates.

The thunderous noise shaking paradise sends countless Einherjar into a frenzy.

And everyone instinctively sensed one undeniable truth.

The reason the gods gathered the Einherjar.

The reason why an army was assembled to prevent the annihilation of the gods.

The destruction of the gods was approaching.

The Einherjar of paradise rapidly gathered, each of them grabbing their weapons and armor.

He, too, picking up a round wooden shield and a hefty axe, wasn’t any different from the rest.

As they converged in the halls of Valhalla, there were, oddly enough, many empty seats.

Half. The gathered Einherjar made up about half of the total.

To make things eerier, the Valkyries that always flew above the Einherjar were nowhere to be found.

This situation churned a sense of foreboding in the air.

In the meantime, a gigantic god made his entrance into the hall.

A golden-haired god wielding a massive hammer.

The god of thunder. Thor.

“Warriors of the Aesir! Einherjar who protect Valhalla!!!”

Thor bellowed with a thundering voice that shook the whole hall.

“Finally, that day has come! The day of doom that will end everything is upon us!!”

But it wasn’t just Thor.

All the formidable gods of the Aesir made their appearances.

Each grasping their own weapons, and recalling their respective strengths.

Gods emerged, determined to resist the looming downfall.

Except for two gods.

Excluding Odin and Freyja.

“We may not survive this destruction! We might face a devastating defeat, turning all of the Aesir to ash!”

Thor expressed his despair.

“But that is no reason to give up and surrender! We shall fight as we always have! Just as we triumphed over the harsh winter! Just as we butchered our enemies and seized their wealth! We will continue to fight!”

Yet, at the same time, he spoke of hope.

“Life is a battle! Life is a resistance! Everything may seem futile in the face of impending destruction! But that is no reason to throw in the towel!! Therefore, we must resist with all our strength! It is the very reason we exist!”

Thor shouted, hoisting his hammer, Mjolnir.

“Arise! Warriors of Valhalla! Stand against annihilation! Fight! Resist! Make your existence known to this world!!!”

As soon as his shout echoed, the one-armed god beside Thor, Tyr, grasped the horn hanging at his waist and blew it with all his might.


The trumpet call that rallied the Einherjar resounds once more, and the gates of Valhalla swing wide open.

Along with that, the Einherjar surged into battle.

To wield their weapons against the inevitable destruction.

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Terror rains down from the sky.

The Einherjar swung their weapons fiercely, their hearts trembling to the brink of shattering.


An enemy’s head flew off with a single strike. Yet, the foe did not halt even after losing its head.

For it was a being long dead, its body now vanished. A mere swing of an axe lacking any special power couldn’t defeat it.

The Einherjar clicked his tongue in frustration, knocked the creature down with a thump of his shield, and incapacitated it by hacking at its limbs with his axe.

Even though they were just like these entities—pure souls, chosen warriors of the gods.

He felt increasingly vexed, merely grappling with soulless spirits.

Even if he were to sever its limbs, it would soon revert to its original form and charge again.

Valueless entities, attacking with nothing but their claws and gnashing teeth… Yet their regenerative abilities and overwhelming numbers were crushing the Einherjar.

And they were not alone.


Once more, the walls of Valhalla crumbled.

As the black colossus destroyed the wall and swung his gigantic sword again, countless Einherjar scattered like dust in the wind.

Even the mighty gods charging at the colossus couldn’t block its sword blow.

Such a colossal being was not the only one present.

The Fire Giant was incinerating everything, while the Ice Giant was freezing all in its path.

The Storm Colossus was tearing everything to shreds, and the Stone Colossus was… pulverizing everything.

The Einherjar gazed at the heavens, dread etched on their faces.

The once-clear sky had transformed into a battlefield.

Winged lizards of multiple colors—legendary dragons—soared through the air, wreaking havoc on the ground below.

In one breath, hundreds of Einherjar disappeared. A plethora of these dragons flew across the sky.

The gods capable of flight ascended to shoot down these dragons, but they couldn’t stop them.

A giant-shaped god swept through the battlefield, while the wolf god devoured other gods whole.

Numerous gods had already vanished, and the ranks of the Einherjar were dwindling rapidly.

Nonetheless, they did not cease their struggle.

Even as the aura of death corroded his axe blade and wore down his armor, the warrior did not yield.

If his weapon was worn away to nothing, he fought with his bare hands. If his arms were shorn off, he fought with his legs. If even that was severed, he fought with his teeth.

Even until the moment his head was lost, the Einherjar kept up their fight.

They did not cease resisting destruction.

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“Goddess of life…”

I beheld an old man, gazing vacantly down from the summit of Valhalla.

A god bearing the face of one who had surrendered everything. The one-eyed god.

A god of wisdom, yet now engulfed by madness.

“Why, why has this occurred…?”


If one questions why, what answer can be provided?

Do you loathe those who continued to defy the king of gods I decreed?

Is the sight of Baal being shattered into fragments annoying you?

Do you detest those who trespassed into the paradise I created?

Well, many reasons could be suggested.

In the end.

“Because I despise parasites.”


It was purely a matter of distaste.

No matter the litany of explanations, it ultimately led to one conclusion.

I simply abhorred gods.

Beings esteemed as gods, capable of existing by leeching off the vitality of other life forms.

And yet, they strutted about, proclaiming their superiority.

I merely found it repugnant.

There were a mere handful of gods who didn’t condescend to me, but those were only a scant few.


“Turn Baal’s eyes back toward me.”

I extended my hand toward Odin.

Odin, the one-eyed. Odin, his vision imbued with the wisdom of Baal.

To see is to understand. To understand is to grow wise.

Thus, it is only natural that Baal’s wisdom inhabits his eye.

I sought to reclaim Baal’s eyes.


The two ravens perched on Odin’s shoulders lunged at me, but with a simple flick of my hand, they burst apart, leaving only feathers behind.

Seizing that moment, Odin swung the spear, Gungnir, he gripped in his hand toward me, and perhaps due to Baal’s shard, the spear, radiating with lightning energy, shot toward me in an instant.


“Hmmm. Are you planning to resist?”

The keen spearhead of Gungnir, shot forth like a flash, was caught in my left hand.

Lightning danced from Gungnir’s spearhead, wedged between my index and middle fingers, but it could not singe my skin even slightly.

Moreover, not just Gungnir, but Odin himself was also frozen in place.

It was as if time had halted. Not a single twitch.

In the end, this was the reality.

Even those who prided themselves on being divine were merely this.

Compared to me, they were infinitely insignificant.

I let out a soft sigh and extended my right hand.

As my right hand crept toward Odin’s immobile eye, akin to how Gungnir was held fast by my grasp.

Odin screamed. My fingers drilling into his motionless, squinty eye unleashed a chorus of anguished cries.

Thus, I reclaimed Baal’s eye.

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