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Chapter 217

Chapter 217: Empress Dowager, You’re Quite Naive! What if you’re no longer the Empress Dowager?

After the palace maids left, the palace suddenly became quiet.

Li Mo held two plates of leftover dishes and walked step by step towards the table.

He placed the trays on the table.

Before he had a chance to sit down, Zhao Ji’s explosive voice rang out.

“Don’t think you can persuade me to eat.”

Li Mo chuckled softly.

“These are for me to eat.”

One plate of fish, one plate of venison, both lavish dishes.

He had deliberately chosen them earlier.

Zhao Ji behind the curtain was clearly stunned for a moment.

The first thing Li Mo said upon entering was why the food hadn’t been touched.

She thought he had called the maids back to try and persuade her to eat something.

So it turns out he wanted to eat it himself?

Li Mo sat down at the table and started eating heartily.

“Hmm~ This fish is pretty good, lots of meat and few bones, melts in your mouth, not bad at all.”

“And this venison is also quite good, tender and delicious, every bite is flavorful, mm~ and juicy enough too. Your

chef’s skills are impressive.”

As he ate, he praised the food enthusiastically.

The more Zhao Ji heard, the colder her expression became.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t hungry, just that she had no appetite earlier.

Now, hearing Li Mo’s high praise and seeing him eat so heartily, she couldn’t help but salivate.

“Eat if you want, but can you shut up?”

Zhao Ji swallowed her saliva and scolded through gritted teeth.

“Can’t I talk about good food? Hmm, it’s really delicious. If I’d known, I’d have had the maids leave more plates behind.”

Li Mo completely ignored her feelings and ate with even more gusto.

Zhao Ji’s fair throat moved up and down.

She gazed through the gauzy curtains at the table outside.

Li Mo’s avid eating had already whetted her appetite.

Was this dish really that good?

“Does the Empress Dowager want to try it?

Suddenly, Li Mo turned his head and asked.

Zhao Ji looked at him suspiciously.

“Is it really as good as you say?”

Li Mo chuckled softly and popped a piece of venison into his mouth.

“You’ll know if you try it.”

Zhao Ji’s eyes darted from side to side as if she was debating something.

“If you dare to deceive me, I’ll have your head chopped off to drink with my wine!”

Li Mo was indifferent.

In her imagination, Zhao Ji had already beheaded him a hundred times over.

Yet here he was, head still firmly on his shoulders.

Zhao Ji pushed aside the curtain and came out, sitting cross-legged across from Li Mo.

Li Mo pushed the plate towards her.

“Come, Empress Dowager, have a taste.”

She reached out her jade-like hand but suddenly paused.

“Where are the chopsticks?”

Li Mo snickered: “You dismissed all the maids; where would the chopsticks come from?”

Zhao Ji’s eyes widened. “Then how have you been eating?”

“Like this.”

Li Mo grabbed a piece of meat with his hand and put it into his mouth, demonstrating for her.

Zhao Ji immediately showed a face of disdain.

She looked at her own long, fair hands.

Her nails were neatly manicured and painted a bright red.

Then she looked at Li Mo’s greasy fingers.

Her expression soured instantly.

“Are you eating or not? If not, it will be gone.”

Li Mo urged while gobbling up the food.

Zhao Ji stubbornly turned her head away.

“I’m not eating!”

How could I, the dignified Empress Dowager, eat with my hands?

But she couldn’t help swallowing her saliva.

She busied herself hating Li Mo for making her mouth water, forgetting entirely about asking for a pair of chopsticks from the maids.

Li Mo raised an eyebrow imperceptibly and then suddenly picked up a piece of venison and held it to her mouth.

Zhao Ji was taken aback.

She hesitated, looking at the fragrant, glossy piece of venison in front of her.

“What…what are you doing?”

Li Mo laughed: “Isn’t the Empress Dowager worried about dirtying her hands? I’ll feed you.”

Zhao Ji opened her mouth to refuse.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn’t control the saliva pooling on her tongue.

She glared at Li Mo fiercely, then, like a little sparrow, stretched her neck and quickly snatched the venison from his hand with her mouth.

The moment her soft lips brushed against Li Mo’s finger, she couldn’t help but blush.

But before she could react further, her attention was drawn to the taste of the meat in her mouth.

Zhao Ji’s eyes, filled with feigned anger, lit up instantly.

Li Mo withdrew his hand and smiled, “How is it?”

Zhao Ji chewed slowly, pretending to be indifferent. “It’s okay.”

Li Mo smiled without commenting further.

Your face nearly screams ‘Delicious’!

The dish was indeed good, but not to an exaggerated extent.

But when you’re starving, anything tastes good.

“Want to try this fish next?”

He held a piece of fish to Zhao Ji’s lips.

Her lips, now shiny with oil, looked more inviting than any piece of meat or fish.

She glanced at him and then slowly leaned forward.

She opened her small mouth to take the fish from his hand.

But the piece of fish wasn’t big enough for her teeth to grip.

Zhao Ji closed her lips over it, letting her soft tongue sweep over his fingers.

Both of them shuddered almost simultaneously.

Zhao Ji pulled the fish into her mouth, her cheeks turning even redder.

This intimate interaction left her momentarily flustered.

Li Mo’s fingertips still retained the thrillingly soft touch from earlier.

The Empress Dowager’s tongue was quite agile.

Seeing her finish eating, Li Mo didn’t ask if she wanted more.

He handed her another piece of meat.

Zhao Ji glanced at him, then stretched her neck out.

Without exchanging many words, one fed while the other ate.

Before they knew it, the two plates of food were empty.

Zhao Ji patted her flat belly and licked her lips contentedly.

She had never been this full before.

Li Mo picked up the cup on the table.

A look of satisfaction appeared in Zhao Ji’s eyes.

Quite attentive.

She reached out to take it, but saw Li Mo pouring the tea over his own hand.

“What are you doing?”

Zhao Ji thought the tea was for her and was stunned.

Li Mo casually replied, “Washing my hands.”

“Look, it’s all your saliva, so filthy.”

He raised his hand for Zhao Ji to see.

His fingertips were glistening, making it hard to tell if it was saliva or grease.

Zhao Ji’s face turned red first, then she flew into a rage!

“Bold! How dare you despise me!”

Li Mo pursed his lips speechlessly.

He rinsed his hands and said, “Should I lick it clean to show I’m not despising it?”

Ashamed and angry at his words, Zhao Ji found herself at a loss for a reply.

You say you despise saliva.

But what about… that other thing? Why didn’t you say you despise that?

Li Mo quickly finished washing and shook off the water from his hands.

He asked nonchalantly, “Are you full?”

Zhao Ji was fuming inside and ignored his words.

She stood up with a flick of her sleeve.

With a cold snort, she walked towards the bed.

Li Mo kindly reminded her, “Lying down immediately after eating will make your belly grow fat.”

Zhao Ji hesitated.

She lay sideways on the bed, unable to decide whether to lie down or not.

Positioned like a crooked tree.

“How about I give you a massage? It helps with digestion.”

Li Mo slipped through the curtains like a specter and came to her side.

His sudden appearance startled Zhao Ji.

Her arm trembled and her body fell onto the bed.

“Massage… where?”

Li Mo sat down beside her, “Of course, your belly.”

Zhao Ji looked at him with a disdainful gaze.

It was as if she saw right through his little intentions.

“Then I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself.”

Li Mo said no more, gently placing his warm hand on her flat, firm stomach.

Zhao Ji closed her eyes in comfort, leaning back with an expression of enjoyment.

With her narrowed eyes, she carefully observed the figure beside her.

Their relationship had long surpassed that of ruler and subject.

It had even surpassed the bond between ordinary men and women.

Although the previous encounters had been through clothing, being violated was still being violated.

That thin layer of fabric was no real barrier.

He probably knew every contour by now.

That layer of cloth was merely a fig leaf.

Zhao Ji knew this well.

If it weren’t for her status as the Empress Dowager forcing self-restraint,

They would have already been inseparable.

One didn’t speak out and the other didn’t lower their guard.

Even if she didn’t want to admit it,

Some things couldn’t be denied.

Given her status, if she were unwilling, how could anyone touch her?

Especially in such intimate places.

Furiously despising him yet secretly longing to see him.

She wasn’t foolish; she knew the reason.

Zhao Ji could also tell that Li Mo’s exaggerated way of eating was intentional.

To tempt her into eating a bit.

If he were that hungry, he wouldn’t have eaten just a few bites and then kept feeding her.

Upon realizing this, Zhao Ji found it amusing.

Despite knowing it, she still willingly fell into his trap.

Her involuntary laugh caught Li Mo’s attention.

He asked softly, “What amuses the Empress Dowager?”

Zhao Ji turned her head away and after a while turned back.

Her gaze became much softer.

She looked at him with a tender sweetness in her eyes.

“I feel like you are a nemesis sent by heaven.”

This proud person was thoroughly subdued from start to finish.

She suddenly raised her hand and placed her soft jade hand over Li Mo’s hand that was rubbing her stomach.

She looked in that direction.

Her expression turned melancholic and she whispered, “Treating me this way, isn’t it treasonous?”

Then she raised her head, looked at him with a complicated gaze, and said, “I could kill you anytime under this pretext.”

Li Mo’s hand movements stopped accordingly.

Even though separated by the thick phoenix robe, the softness of her stomach could still be felt clearly.

“If you are unwilling, even with great skills, I would not dare to touch the Empress Dowager.”

“Does this mean that the Empress Dowager likes being treated this way?”

Zhao Ji’s eyes flickered.

She didn’t expect him to ask so bluntly.

The word “invasion” seemed to make her unhappy.

She replied with a bit of anger, “We are innocent, when have you ever invaded me?”

Li Mo pursed his lips and did not argue with her.

Ah yes, innocent.

Seeing him remain silent, Zhao Ji withdrew her hand angrily and turned her head away.

Acting like she didn’t want to deal with him.

Li Mo began gently massaging her stomach again.

Gradually, Zhao Ji’s face grew redder, and her breathing became unstable.

A blush slowly spread on her cheek turned away to the side.

She bit her lower lip tightly, her brow knitting and relaxing in turns.

Her lips opened and closed a few times.

She seemed to want to say something but swallowed the words each time.

This continued for a while.

Finally, she couldn’t bear it anymore and whispered, “Reach in and rub.”


Li Mo’s hand trembled slightly.

He thought he misheard.

Zhao Ji suddenly turned her head and glared at him.

She doubted whether he genuinely didn’t hear or was pretending.

But seeing his innocent expression, it didn’t seem like he was pretending.

She turned her face towards the inner side of the bed again.

She closed her eyes, as if talking to herself.

Softly said, “Hand, reach in.”

Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

His fingers slowly lifted the luxurious phoenix robe’s hem.

Zhao Ji took a deep breath instantly.

Then as if she thought of something, she turned back hurriedly and with a complicated expression reminded, “Don’t go further, I’m…not convenient today.”

A smile curled up on Li Mo’s lips.


No wonder Li Wu looked at him with envy while reporting before.

Exquisite and tender like jade.

Zhao Ji suddenly admired him a bit.

All this time, he could still hold back.

But she herself fell again and again.

“Empress Dowager’s skin is indeed nice, how do you maintain it?”

While she was lost in thought, Li Mo suddenly asked.

Zhao Ji’s eyes lit up with pride.

With an intense seductive look, she gazed at him playfully.

She countered, “Really? Then… how does it compare to your wife’s?”

Li Mo felt like giving himself a slap.

Why ask such a deadly question?

“Such a simple question, you can’t possibly not answer, right?”

“Don’t say equally good, you must choose.”

Zhao Ji saw him not answering, her playful look intensified a bit.

Don’t be fooled by her seemingly agreeable demeanor now.

If Li Mo said not as good as his wife’s, she would definitely flip out.

Not allowing both to be praised, isn’t this making things difficult?

After a brief thought, he suddenly found a way to respond.

“The Empress Dowager is a bit older yet still as tender as young women, so naturally superior.”

Though it sounded like a compliment, it actually dodged the question.

The comparison object changed.

However, Zhao Ji was unusually satisfied with this answer.

She was indeed not young anymore.

The most she cared about was not being inferior to 20-something-year-olds.

Li Mo’s words hit the nail on the head.

“It’s finally a sensible word, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you’ve praised me, right?”

Li Mo immediately retorted, “No, I also praised you last time when I was touching.”

Zhao Ji looked at him with playful annoyance.

“Can’t you praise me without touching?”

Li Mo said innocently, “When I’m not touching, it’s good enough if you’re not scolding me. I can’t even find an opportunity to praise you.”

Zhao Ji was so amused by his innocent expression that she giggled.

She looked at him with a smile and asked, “Am I really that fierce?”

Li Mo nonchalantly said, “Not really, anyway, you can’t scare me.”

Zhao Ji appeared somewhat speechless.

She said with a hint of annoyance, “Of course not. As the imperial teacher, you have great capabilities, unlike those who don’t have your courage.”

Li Mo noncommittally said, “They fear you because you wield power and control their lives.”

“Rather than instilling fear, it’s better to gain respect.”

“This power will be lost someday, won’t it?”

From his words, Zhao Ji sensed something unusual.

There seemed to be an underlying meaning.

“If I keep holding onto power, wouldn’t I never lose it?”

Li Mo smiled, “Things that don’t belong to you will eventually be lost.”

“If you can’t hold on to it, instead of letting someone take it, why not give it back?”

Zhao Ji’s expression gradually darkened.

If she couldn’t understand the implication behind his words, she would be a failure as the Empress Dowager.

“What if I say no?”

Raising her chin, Zhao Ji said solemnly and stubbornly.

Li Mo also became serious and sighed, “Then there will inevitably be a day of falling out.”

Zhao Ji looked at him intensely.

One word at a time, she asked, “If that day comes, who will you help?”

Li Mo pondered for a moment and said, “Do you remember what I once told you?”

“One cannot defy destiny.”

A hint of disappointment instantly appeared in Zhao Ji’s eyes.

She let out a cold snort, withdrew his hand from her clothes, and threw it aside.

“Then go touch your Emperor Qin! Get lost!”

Li Mo’s mouth twitched.

I’m straight!

Your dear son is straight too!

Zhao Ji’s pretty face turned frosty, “I am the Empress Dowager, I’d like to see who can take power from my hands!”

Li Mo stayed seated, helping her tidy up the clothes he had disturbed.

With a calm face, he said, “If… you weren’t the Empress Dowager?”


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Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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