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Chapter 216

Chapter: 216

The place Luca took me was one I remembered well.

Luca’s office.

This room, cluttered with all sorts of books and papers, gave off a chaotic impression, just like I remembered it.

As I scanned the room, Luca, wearing a somewhat awkward smile, pulled a chair from somewhere and sat down, then invited me to take a seat in his office chair.

“Surely, we can’t have a Young Lady sitting in such a chair.”

If that’s the case, why didn’t you just wait until you tidied up before calling me?

You should have put me on the perfectly fine sofa instead of using it as a filing cabinet.

And by the way, if you dragged me all the way out here, shouldn’t you offer me a drink or something?

You’re famous for your not-so-tasty tea, and I’m curious just how bad it is that even Joy can’t keep her expression in check.

I shot a look full of complaints at Luca, but he just stared at me blankly, as if asking why I wasn’t sitting down.

Those careless aspects really are just like in the game.

Noticing those made me feel somewhat relieved.

Even if he’s a crazy idiot, it’s better than him being totally nuts in a different way. It makes it easier to predict his thoughts and actions, allowing for adequate preparation against any dangers.

Just look at Prince 1. I couldn’t even guess what he’s thinking or how he moves.

He’s clearly changed in many ways, but I can’t tell which direction it’s heading! What really irritates me is that it doesn’t seem like he’ll ever like me in any way.

Just standing there, staring at Luca didn’t seem to change much, so I sat in the office chair, and that’s when Luca finally opened his mouth.

“I’m not sure if you know this, but I have a fondness for talented individuals. When I was still getting used to teaching, I often heard the warning about being overly biased.”

Oh, I know well enough.

Luca likes to think of himself as a craftsman of talented gems.

In a long-forgotten past before even the game started.

The moment he saw a gem shining brilliantly before him.

And the moment he realized he couldn’t shine like that gem.

That’s when he decided to become a jeweler.

If he couldn’t be a gem himself, he would create gems that shine brighter than anything.

‘Many people don’t know, but the value of a gem is determined before it’s ever crafted. If the raw stone is beautiful, the gem will be beautiful, and if the raw stone is ugly, the gem will be too.’

You can hear lines like this when you participate in quests related to Luca.

This is his belief.

That’s why Luca loved talented people—because to carve a gem that would be remembered in history, he needed exceptional talent.

“And you, my Lady, possess talent that shines brighter than anyone I’ve ever seen.”

Luca declares.

That he would help polish you into a radiant gem.

That he would make you shine brighter than anyone else.

That he would etch your name into the history of not just your family but the entire kingdom—no, the continent.

“I will assist you, to ensure your talent can be perfected.”

I eyed Luca’s face as I sat in the leather chair.

I can’t read thoughts and emotions like Karia can, just by observing the other person.

But I can tell what Luca is thinking.

Why? Because I remember the lines that flow into my ears.

I know in what situations he says those lines.

Right now, Luca is yearning for me.

He believes in the talent I possess, truly thinks I can shine brighter than anyone, and feels confident that he can fulfill his wishes through me.

The nature of our relationship is reflected in how we sit.

Though my seated height is much lower, I’m looking down at him, and he’s looking up at me.

The moment I was convinced of him, I felt that this situation was going as I desired.

In the game, it had just ended with Luca persistently asking, and I couldn’t offer him anything in return.

But now, it’s different.

This is reality.

Nothing is impossible.

‘You’re mistaken, Professor Luca.’

“Pedo Professor. I know it’s thrilling for a cute girl like me to enter a dark, smelly room, but you should still think about things.”

Leaning my back against the chair, I propped my chin up.

‘You’re not helping me.’

“Are you trying to tell me that a little pest like you is going to help me? Hah! There’s a limit to ignorance.”

“You’re missing the point.”

‘It’s I who is permitting you to help me.’

“I’ll spell it out so even a dumb pervert like you can understand—you’re not helping me. I’m allowing you to help me.”

Bring something useful to me, and I might just grant you my teaching.

It was an arrogant and haughty statement, but surprisingly, Luca didn’t get mad. He merely stared blankly at me instead.

He forgot entirely to feign a trusting expression, staring at me with eyes wide in disbelief, leaning forward.

His dazed appearance slightly overwhelmed me, but my Mesugaki skill wouldn’t allow for confusion.

The emotion I wore on the outside was not fear, but rather a smirk.

Seeing me, Luca let out a laugh that wasn’t his usual friendly one but rather a crazy, thick laugh.

“Indeed, I see now. Understood, Lady Alrn.”

With that, Luca wiped his face.

When his face reappeared from behind his hand, it was completely calm, as if the madness from moments ago had been a mirage.

“It’s almost time for the professors to head to the classroom. Please return for now and come back after class.”


My plan was laid out like this.

If Luca thinks Lucy Alrn is the gem to fulfill his wishes, he won’t let go of her.

He will try to cling to me in some manner. After all, he’s a desperately determined human when it comes to fulfilling his desires.

So, I would use that feeling of his. I’d choose trials from the position of an upper hand. I would find the safest and most efficient way to grow stronger.

I would use him to get back at that pathetic god who tried to keep me down.

So far, my plans seemed to be going quite well.

Luca’s madness-filled eyes and laughter confirmed it. If it continues this way, I can move things in the direction I desire.

I thought this while picking up a piece of steak with my fork when suddenly someone slammed their palm against the desk.

Who dared to interrupt my peaceful and joyful meal?

“Lucy Alrn.”

With annoyance, I lifted my head, raising an eyebrow to see Arthur standing there.

If you’re coming to find me, you could be a little faster. Why are you stirring up trouble during my meal? I was really looking forward to the Academy food since it’s been so long.

‘What is it, Prince?’

“What is it? Oh, poor Prince. Are you showing off your small stature while sitting up straight? Should I compliment you for being cute?”

Arthur, who was insulted for his short height, blushed crimson and seemed ready to shout something but just let out a sigh instead, sitting down in front of me without asking.

“I heard Professor Luca spoke to you.”

‘Yes, that’s correct.’

“How do you know that? Are you trying to become a stalker following the gloomy loner prince?”

“…It just happened to come up.”

Has it already spread as a rumor?

Oh wow. That’s Lucy for you. Being infamously well-known in a bad way really ensures stories spread quickly.

“Anyway, congratulations. They say most people who extend their hands succeed greatly.”

Well, of course. If they don’t succeed, they’ll end up dead.

Luca is a player of RPGs who preaches average regression. Whether the chance of success is high or low, he just slams the upgrade button anyway.

If it’s destined to become an item, he believes it’ll succeed in the upgrade.

What about failure? Then it was never meant to work out from the start.

Luca would get annoyed over his bad luck and go searching for other equipment.

That was my reason for wanting to reject Luca’s offer and not give up the initiative.

I get creeped out thinking I’m becoming an item in an upgrade machine.

“Let’s wrap up the small talk. The reason I interrupted your meal is that I have something to ask.”

Arthur shrugged and took out a piece of paper from his pocket, presenting it to me.

“Didn’t you say that when the second semester starts, ask which classes to take?”

Ah, now I see. He wants me to help him pick his classes.

This is indeed urgent. I pushed my plate aside and accepted the paper from Arthur while racking my brain.

Let’s see. Arthur’s a sword magician, so he should take this, and this, and this too.


Wait, is there a limit on how many classes I can take in one semester? If that’s the case, I have to give up a few!

Ugh. First, let’s prioritize swordsmanship. Training my body alongside swordsmanship will increase my stamina. That seems efficient.

“…Lucy Alrn?”

This one stays, that one goes, and this is…

Huh? Are we really leaving this out? For real?

I absolutely must take this one! But if I don’t drop this, I won’t fit within the limit.

What should I do? What on earth should I do?

Oh! Right! Should I ask if I could ignore the restrictions using my prince privileges?

Even if I’m far from the line of succession, I’m still a prince, right? Who knows what may happen if I pressure them with my status!

When I looked up to ask him, I found Arthur with a face like he’d just bitten into something sour.

“Do you want me to die of overwork during class?”

Oh come on. That’s a bit exaggerated.

People aren’t that easy to kill.

Based on my experiences during training with the Alrn family’s knight squad, humans in fantasy worlds are remarkably sturdy.

That’s right! I’m just feeling good! I’ll drop one more!

How about this? Should be fine, right?

“…You mean you’re trying to assassinate me under the pretext of helping? What did I do to deserve this? Just tell me.”

This is why, even if I wouldn’t die, he’s still acting like that.

No way.

Don’t change it.

Get lost.

“I’ll curse you from hell. Lucy Alrn!”

That’s the help you chose.

Endure it with sheer grit, Arthur!


Having finished the first day of the second semester and completed my class signup, I went to find Professor Luca’s office as promised.

‘Professor Luca?’

“Pedo Professor?”

But Luca wasn’t there.

All that remained was the wide-open door and the empty office, as if it were inviting someone to steal something from it.

Upon seeing that scene, I was hit by something strange, a wave of déjà vu, stirring memories of the past.

One of the quests that existed in connection with Professor Luca. And the one I had been waiting for.

I never thought it would come this quickly.

Good, it seems Luca truly rates me highly.

[Young Lady, you mustn’t enter. There’s something strange inside.]

‘I know, Grandpa.’

I know what’s in there. I know what Professor Luca is trying to do with it.

I’m the rotten one from Soul Academy.

Ah, thank you, Professor Luca. I’m so grateful you’re just like you were in the game!

If you had some sort of variable, it would have truly given me a headache!

Ignoring the grandfather’s warning, the moment I stepped inside the room, the door slammed shut despite me not touching it, and a magic circle glowed beneath my feet.

This was something I was familiar with, probably because that petty evil god used it on me so many times.

The Truth of Teleportation.


It’s time to show Professor Luca the worth of this rotten situation.

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not work with dark mode