Switch Mode

Chapter 214

Chapter: 214

“Employers generally don’t care what a being, which poses no threat, does.”

It’s not exactly rocket science here. Even if they’re the same species, there are differences in hierarchy.

Some people are revered like gods, while others are treated like bugs—even if they’re fundamentally the same.

Imagine someone you see as a bug desperately writhing in front of you to climb up. Who’s going to feel threatened by that?

No matter how frantically they squirm, they’re just bugs. People will just chuckle at the sight.

“And you, employer, have been treated like that until now.”

Lucy was treated like a bug by others.

Once the monster named Benedict lurking behind her disappeared, she would be reduced to bug splatter underfoot.

Look at the malice and disregard rampant in high society. In that place, Lucy wasn’t considered a person.

“Not anymore, though.”

However, since entering the Academy, things have changed.

She enrolled with overwhelming, unprecedented scores.

She won against Frey, who resided high among the continent’s deities.

It was no fluke that she ranked first in the midterms.

She became the first-ever initial conqueror immediately after enrolling at the Academy.

In addition to that, I achieved numerous accomplishments at the Academy.

Was that all? I also grew in relationships to an extent that was incomparable to before.

Joy, the Young Lady of the Partran family. She’s undeniably part of the royal bloodline, even if distant from succession.

Frey, the prodigy born into the famed Kent family of swordsmanship.

Phoebe, the symbol of the current Church of God, of such stature that even a king must tread carefully.

Though they might not be many, the connections are vast, unimaginable to ordinary folks.

Having both talent and connections, I had grown into a figure far too immense to dismiss as just a bug.

“Congratulations! Employer! You’ve finally become someone that no one can overlook or ignore.”

The reason people can laugh at a bug’s writhing is that they don’t think that bug can pose a threat to them.

If that bug becomes enormous enough to threaten human life, people will no longer view it with a smile.

“And be careful, employer. Now, those who hate you will define you as an enemy and send serious malintent your way.”

Long story short: since my reputation has risen, there are now more who see me as an enemy.

It wasn’t that the pathetic god failed his job. No, it’s because he did his job too well that this situation arose.

How unfair! Why do I have to feel the rise of my reputation in this way?! Can’t it just be something nice?!

Can’t I get something like “Wow! It’s Lucy-sama!” like a typical otherworlder story?

As I was internally lamenting, Karia burst out laughing.

She’s got that uncanny ability to read other people’s feelings, like she has mind-reading powers. She must’ve picked up on my confusion.

“Lastly, remember to be grateful for your luck, employer. The people you’ve blessed are far more capable than you can imagine.”

As Karia said this, she handed me another small notebook.

What now? The last one contained the weaknesses of various bishops, so one can only guess what this new one has.

– Duke Jod Family.

One of the few duke families in the Soladin Kingdom. They have currently nominated the first prince as the next king…

My prediction was spot on. It contained information about a family that was likely to become my enemy in the future.

“Right now, the status and connections you hold are substantial. Thus, most regular folks wouldn’t dare to oppose you.

To rephrase, those willing to confront you directly? Well, they would see you as a significant threat and would actively seek to intimidate you.

Those who revolve around the first prince. Those wary of the revival of the Alrn family. Those who scowl due to your past actions.

I’ve gathered a list of people you need to be careful of moving forward.”

However, this notebook’s content wasn’t as detailed as the previous one.

It only mentioned the families and individual people; unlike the previous notebook, it didn’t have any weaknesses or corruptions detailed.

When I voiced my confusion about this, Karia just smiled faintly.

“It’s the same as before. I didn’t have time to investigate. Sorry, I’m just an ineffective lady. If there’s anyone who poses a threat, I’ll supplement the investigation then.”

That was something I could fully understand.

The reason I started standing out was tied to the Partran Festival. If Karia, who had been investigating church-related matters, had only begun to dig into my actions, there would definitely be time constraints.

[You’re full of lies.]

But Grandpa dismissed Karia’s words as false.

[Isn’t that one known as the shadow of the former kingdom? The one who operated in darkness as a shadow of the king? There’s no way a powerful duke family like that would be ignorant of it.]

‘…That’s a fair point, isn’t it?’

Thinking back, there was no way she wouldn’t have learned about the nobles in the kingdom while acting as a spy for the king.

In a sense, she would need to know the internal forces of the kingdom far more thoroughly than details on enemy nations.

I wondered why that might be but couldn’t find a suitable answer; I wasn’t exactly skilled at guessing such things.

‘Why is that?’

[Well, I can’t read minds like some others.]

So I asked someone skilled in these matters, but even Grandpa couldn’t provide a proper answer. Even he isn’t all-powerful.

‘Should I ask about it?’

[No need. They won’t give you an answer anyway.]


[Think about this: their abilities. They’re aware of your doubts even now and are pretending not to know. Do you think they’d tell you the truth if you asked?]

That’s true. Karia had picked up on my thoughts without me saying anything earlier. It’s unlikely she wouldn’t notice my questions now.

[They’ll tell you when you ask later. Don’t worry about it.]

Since I wouldn’t be hearing the answers I was curious about anyway, pressing the issue would probably be pointless. So I replied to Karia that I understood, which made her smile.

“Thanks for trusting me, employer.”


It didn’t take long to feel the hostility that Karia warned me about.

As soon as I entered the classroom after the Academy’s second semester started, sharp glares flew my way from everywhere.

It was a grim and sinister malice, different from the blatant hostility I had faced before.

This semester wasn’t going to be smooth sailing. When would I be able to enjoy a peaceful school life?

Maybe if I earned a title like a hero who saved the world, I’d be perceived as someone everyone revered, even possessing that damn mesugaki skill.

Would that even happen? I feel like even if I beat the evil god, enemies would still sprout up from the skill’s distortion.


While I mulled over all this, someone spoke to me. It was Frey.

She looked completely unfazed as if she didn’t care about all the hostility surrounding her.

She hadn’t acknowledged me before, except for during sparring. Had she had a change of heart or something?

“Let’s have a spar once we’re done. I’ve gotten stronger. I’m going to win this time.”

Of course, she wanted to spar again.

Seeing Frey, who only cared about her own thoughts and not the opinions of others, lifted my spirits.

“Long time no see, Young Lady Alrn. Hope you’ve been well?”

Not long after, Joy approached me to greet me.

She was the Young Lady of the Partran family and led a faction of noble ladies.

Her smiling greeting was enough to draw criticism from several other Young Ladies.

I could feel the hostility in the classroom sharpening sharply compared to a moment ago. But eh, whatever.

Gaining other people’s disfavor hardly bothered me anymore. I was just happy Joy greeted me warmly!

As I was lost in that thought, another person approached me. Phoebe, with a smile as dazzling as an angel, greeted me with an enchanting demeanor.

“Good to see you, Young Lady Alrn.”

Phoebe, the symbol of the Church of God, acted like a kind of idol. The fact that she was the first to greet me was bound to incite jealousy among countless others.

I felt the amount of hostility directed at me grow even more.

…This is starting to feel a little overwhelming, actually. But considering the fact that the Saintess sees me favorably, this is nothing, right?!

“Lady Alrn.”

Who’s that now?!

Could it be Arthur? After all, having passed three others, the only one left is Arthur!

Please don’t tell me Arthur greeted me and more enemies sprouted up?!

After all, that guy might be called a prince, but he’s far from having any real power!

If I gain more enemies here, I might just drown in all this pressure! Please, let nothing go wrong!

Just as I raised my head, it wasn’t Arthur who was welcoming me.

It was Luca. A professor of the Academy and a notorious rabble-rouser. He firmly believes that one must dance with death to nurture their talent—a total madman.

“Could you step outside for a moment?”

The look on his face was that of a kind and polite teacher, but I knew better.

What was lurking underneath was a madman’s idea.

‘I’d rather not.’

“Why should I listen to the words of a petty professor like you? Not happening!”

As expected, my answer was a firm rejection.

Getting tangled with this madman can only lead to bad things!

Of course, I’m confident I could pass anything he assigns!

I even know a way to accelerate my growth through him!

But choosing to use this guy? That could lead to certain death if I make even a single mistake!

If this was a game with save/load features, I might’ve considered it!

But this is reality! No save feature! If I die, it’s game over!

Betting my life is only something the pathetic god should do when he’s throwing a fit!

So no matter what nonsense this rabble-rouser spouts, I’m going to ignore him! I don’t want to die!

Sigh. I thought this madman would show interest in me one day, but I didn’t expect him to jump on me right after the second semester started.

Is this all because that pathetic god raised my reputation?

Hey, pathetic god! If you’re going to boost my reputation, at least do it properly!

Why is it that my reputation has risen, and I’m the one only losing out?!

Get your act together, will you?!

This is why people call you the useless god!


At my inner scream of frustration, a familiar yet ominous sound echoed in my ear.

That reminded me of something.

The pathetic god had decided to issue quests after the second semester began.

[The second semester of the Academy has started!]
[Automatic growth will now end.]
[You can now raise your stats through training.]
[Quests have been issued!]
[Humble Guidance from Your Mentor]
[Clear all trials given by the young professor, Luca!]

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not work with dark mode