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Chapter 213

Chapter 213: Fei Yan Teaches Hongliang the Fire Charm Technique! The Ceremony for Li and Bai Xianwu begins!

The next day, Li Mo took Fei Yan into the palace.

Li took the opportunity to come when Zhao Ji was taking her afternoon nap.

“Greet the master and mistress.”

Li Mo nodded and took out an exquisite, small and delicate Linglong Pagoda.

“Come in. I’ll take you out of the palace.”

Li’s face turned slightly red.

She knew well what would happen after leaving the palace. Li Mo had already explained everything clearly when he came last time.

Li didn’t feel any resistance in her heart.

It was just that she felt a bit shy for the moment.

A stream of light emerged from the handmaiden’s body and entered the pagoda.

As soon as the soul left, the body collapsed limply.

Fei Yan gazed curiously at the small pagoda in Li Mo’s hand.

“Is this the bronze box from Qin State?”

Now with the one hidden in Han added, Li Mo already had three bronze boxes.

The crucial thing wasn’t the box itself, but what’s inside.

The Yin-Yang School had been busy for hundreds of years because of this secret.

Since the appearance of the bronze boxes, no one had ever possessed so many at once.

Even Fei Yan couldn’t help but feel agitated.

“Probably, got it from Lu Buwei.”

Lu Buwei was overconfident, and Li Mo took advantage of it.

Originally, he didn’t think much of it.

But now that he had the desire for longevity, this stuff became crucial.

Fei Yan gently nodded.

Then, simply shifted her gaze away.

She acted as though she had no interest in the item in Li Mo’s hand.

Not that she didn’t care about it.

But because it was in Li Mo’s hands.

If it were in someone else’s hands, she would definitely resort to murder and robbery.

But there was no need now.

After all, it belonged to her family.

Donghuang Taiyi could want it; he still wouldn’t get it!

Fei Yan was very protective.

She directed her gaze toward the body on the ground, raising her hands to form seals.

Creating a puppet required 206 hand seals, corresponding to the 206 bones in the human body.

Each hand seal would form an invisible thread.

These threads connected to the puppet, controlling its entire skeleton.

At the same time, they ensured the corpse wouldn’t decay.

The threads that controlled each bone were not connected to each other.
So even if the hands and feet of the doll are cut off, those severed limbs can still move on their own.

The sequence of each hand seal cannot be mistaken, otherwise, the entire doll would be ruined.

The difficulty of this is self-evident.

Li Mo sensed Fei Yan’s rapidly forming hand seals, his lips tightly pressed into a line.

The speed was so fast that afterimages appeared!

This clearly showed Fei Yan’s high level of mastery in this technique.

And she wasn’t even specialized in this.

But with this level of skill, even Starsoul would break into a cold sweat.

Fei Yan indeed wasn’t lying.

She really only knew “a tiny bit”.

In no time, all the hand seals were completed.

The doll on the ground trembled all over.

Then, as if someone was pulling its arms and legs, it stood up in a strange posture.

After the body made a series of crackling sounds like firecrackers, it returned to normal.

Li Mo carefully sensed the doll.

Except for its stern face, it didn’t look much different from before.

In fact, it matched the female attendant’s personality before her death even better.

Li Mo suddenly smiled.

Fei Yan asked in confusion, “What’s wrong, husband? Is something not refined properly?”

Li Mo shook his head and put away his smile.

“No, it’s very good, let’s go, we’re going back.”

He just thought, if the Empress Dowager one day found out she had been accompanied by a dead person all along, what kind of expression would she have.

By the time Li Mo and Fei Yan returned to the manor, it was already close to dusk.

As soon as they entered the mansion gates, a cheerful pink figure bounced out.

In this place, only two people would wear such a color.

One is the naturally enchanting and seductive Humeiren.

The other is the young and lively Hongliang.

The same color of clothing on two different people produced two entirely different auras.

Humeiren looked charming and alluring like a peach blossom, with an elusive seductive air.

While Hongliang was like a lotus blooming in summer, carrying pure innocence.

Humeiren had a graceful figure and dignified demeanor.

Whether walking or talking, she carried elegant manners.

Someone who would jump and bounce around like this could only be Hongliang.

“Hey, where did you go? I didn’t see you all day.”

The large mansion had already been almost fully explored by Hongliang in two days.

She was just very curious.

Places she hadn’t been, she wanted to go, and after going, she felt that it was just okay.

She did things purely out of interest.

But this interest came and went quickly.

After exploring the mansion, she got bored and wondered how to learn Li Mo’s lightning skills.

So she could go catch fish in the lake behind the mountain with Yan Lingji.

“Went to the palace on business, what’s up?”

“On business?”

Hongliang said leisurely, pinching her chin and sizing up Li Mo.

“You are quite busy as the National Advisor.”

Li Mo couldn’t help but find it funny.

Do you think everyone is as idle as you?

Li Mo pointed to the back mountain.

He said to Hongliang, “If you’re bored, you can go take a walk in the back mountain.”

Hongliang pouted disdainfully.

Her big eyes rolled around and she said, “I’ve been there long ago, so now I want to find something else to play with.”

“Something else?”

Li Mo raised an eyebrow.

This clearly meant she had set her sights on him.

Do you want to play with me?


Hongliang showed a sly smile and said energetically, “How about you teach me that lightning skill of yours? I’ll use it to catch fish in the back mountain.”

Li Mo’s mouth twitched hard.

Beside him, Fei Yan couldn’t hold back and burst into laughter.

She corrected, “That’s called the thunder technique, not lightning skill.”

Hongliang waved her hand indifferently.

“It’s all the same, it’s all the same.”

Then she stared at Li Mo and said in a flattering tone, “How about it? If you teach me that skill, I promise I will make it famous!”

Li Mo said amusedly, “You want to make it famous by catching fish?”

Hongliang raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, “You don’t need to worry about how this princess uses it, I just won’t let it go to waste.”
Seeing that the two of them weren’t going to finish anytime soon, Fei Yan softly said, “I’ll go back and get ready first.”

Li Mo nodded at her.

Then he turned to Hongliang and shook his head.


Honglian’s face changed instantly upon hearing this.

Hearing that Li Mo wasn’t willing to teach, her brow immediately furrowed.

She glared at him fiercely, “Why not?”

Li Mo didn’t mind and responded gently, “It’s not that I won’t teach you. First, because this technique I’ve just comprehended still needs some organizing.”

“Second, even if I organize it, you won’t be able to learn it.”

Hongliang was instantly displeased.

“You think I can’t learn? Am I that stupid?”

Li Mo’s mouth curved, “Not particularly bright, at least.”

Hongliang was like an enraged little tiger.

She bared her teeth and claws, looking like she was about to pounce.

Li Mo moved faster than lightning, gently tapping her forehead with a finger before she could react.

Hongliang immediately felt a paralyzing sensation throughout her body, an uncontrollable shiver running down her spine.

“The prerequisite for learning this is having internal energy. Do you have it?” Li Mo let her experience the electricity’s source, explaining slowly.

Hongliang only knew a bit of physical combat.

Cultivating internal energy was a tedious and lengthy process, requiring accumulation.

Given her fidgety nature, someone who couldn’t sit still for even an hour, it’s next to impossible for her to cultivate internal energy.

Only when Li Mo withdrew his hand did the paralyzing sensation fade from Honglian’s body.

She rubbed the goosebumps that had formed on her arms from the electricity.

She blinked and said, “So, if I cultivate internal energy, will you teach me then?”

Li Mo wasn’t stingy.

Honglian’s personality was endearing, though she could be willful at times, she knew how to prioritize.

Teaching her wouldn’t be a problem.

“Alright… If you cultivate internal energy, I’ll teach you.”

Hongliang was instantly both annoyed and amused by this teasing.

She wanted to lunge at him, but Li Mo had already fled.

“Come find me when you’ve cultivated internal energy.”

Hongliang stomped her feet angrily on the spot.

Gritting her teeth, she said, “Just you wait. When I learn to summon lightning, I’ll blast you to pieces!”

But a new problem arose.

Putting aside whether she could learn it, how exactly does one cultivate internal energy?

Hongliang thought about it and suddenly brightened up.

She happily ran to Sister Zi’s courtyard.

“Sister Sister Zi, Sister Sister Zi, I’ve come to find you.”

Sister Zi wasn’t in the bedroom.

She was in another room in the courtyard.

This was where she usually worked.

Nearly half of Lu Buwei’s business dealings were now in their control.

She needed to familiarize herself with all the operations and processes.

So she had a room specifically for work.

When Hongliang arrived, Sister Zi was going over business with Nongyu.

The table was piled high with books.

Sister Zi was so busy she couldn’t even lift her head, and hearing Honglian’s chatter, she said offhandedly, “Wait a bit, let me finish this.”

Hongliang, being impatient, couldn’t wait.

She casually sat down and swung her legs, “It’s fine, you do your thing, and I’ll talk.”

With her head down, Sister Zi replied with a hum.

“Go ahead, I’m listening.”

Multitasking wasn’t an issue for her.

She usually juggled an abacus, kept track of accounts, and read the ledger simultaneously.

This skill had nothing to do with martial prowess.

It was pure talent.

Hongliang got straight to the point, “I want to learn martial arts, the kind that cultivates internal energy. Sister Sister Zi, can you teach me?”

Hearing this, Sister Zi paused.

She then put down her pen.

Pointing at the piled books on the table, she said with a bitter smile, “Look at this, do I seem like I have the time to teach you?”

This was less than half of it.

Sister Zi estimated that within another couple of days, they could fully take over Lu Buwei’s business.

The workload would only increase.

She was even considering bringing in Humeiren and Hu Furen, those two sisters, to help.
Just as well to let them get familiar first.

Hongliang’s little face immediately fell.

She pouted and said, “What about me? I want to learn martial arts too.”

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes lit up again.

“Then I’ll go find Sister Jing Ni to teach me!”

She had witnessed Jing Ni’s swordsmanship.

Swift sword strokes, free-flowing movements.

It couldn’t get any cooler!

Sister Zi chuckled and waved her hand, “You should give up on that idea. She’s not any less busy than I am right now.”

Luo Network’s reorganization kept Jing Ni’s feet practically off the ground.

She barely managed to sleep in on the day Li Mo returned.

After all, the exhaustion from the previous night was off the charts.

Hongliang collapsed again, like a deflated balloon, slumping in the chair.

She wailed, “So what should I do?”

Sister Zi shook her head helplessly and was about to get back to work.

Suddenly, she remembered something.

“How about this, I’ll give you my old sword to practice with for now, and when I have some free time, I’ll teach you. How does that sound?”

Hongliang instantly perked up.


Sister Zi and Nongyu couldn’t help but laugh at her quick shifts in mood.

“Yuer, fetch that sword from my cabinet for her.”

After all, she wasn’t using it anymore.

She might as well give it to Hongliang to play around with.

There weren’t many places in the world safer than this villa.

Hidden guards of Liu Sha at the foot of the mountain.

A master at the Transcendent level on the mountain.

The top expert below the Transcendent level.

An unbeatable assassin at the Free and Unfettered level.

A Rank Nine fire expert.

This lineup would make Donghuang Taiyi think twice before acting.

Before long, Hongliang was happily running away with the sword Sister Zi gave her.

Truth is, she had been eyeing this sword for a long time.

The sword, named Chilian, was a flexible Chilian sword.

Not often seen in the martial world.

The length and hardness could be changed at will.

Previously, Sister Zi always wore it around her waist.

Catch others off guard, impossible to defend against.

“Why so happy, found a treasure?”

Hongliang, holding the sword, grinned widely like a blossoming flower.

She ran into Yan Lingji on the road.

Yan Lingji lazily glanced at her, her gaze falling on the sword in Hongliang’s hands.

“Found a treasure, did Sister Zi give it to you?”

Hongliang nodded eagerly, “Yes, yes, she did.”

As soon as she said it, she froze.

She slowly lifted her head, staring at the stunningly beautiful Yan Lingji.

“Are you busy?”

Yan Lingji was momentarily taken aback.

“No, I’m not busy.”

Of all in the villa, she was the least occupied.

A smile spread across Hongliang’s face.

It was a stroke of luck!

“Then will you teach me martial arts?”

Yan Lingji eyed her sword and shrugged, “I can’t use that.”

Hongliang quickly said, “That’s okay. You can teach me other stuff.”

“Like… the one with the fire.”

A description couldn’t get any simpler.

Yan Lingji raised an eyebrow, “You mean Fire Charm Technique?”

Hongliang nodded eagerly, “Yes, yes, that’s it.”

“Are you this beautiful because you practiced that technique?”

Fire Charm Technique, the name sounded anything but proper.

But it sounded fun!

Yan Lingji looked at her speechlessly.

I’m naturally beautiful, okay?

But the Fire Charm Technique could indeed enhance a woman’s charm and grace.

Seeing Hongliang’s eager expression, Yan Lingji tapped her arm thoughtfully.

“I can teach you, but on one condition.”


“But you have to become my apprentice.”

“Master, please accept this disciple’s bow!”

Hongliang immediately knelt down without a second thought.

Yan Lingji was taken aback by her decisiveness.

Is this princess for real?

Crying one moment, kneeling the next?

Hongliang stayed on her knees, blinking as she cautiously asked, “Is this okay? Should I bow a few more times?”
Yan Lingji’s sexy, slightly upturned lips twitched.

“All right”

Who would have thought that in such a short time, Hongliang would acknowledge a master by the name of Li Mo over on Fei Yan’s side?

These two troublesome individuals coming together means the manor will never be peaceful again.

Tearing down the roofs will just be a matter of time!

Fei Yan’s side was already prepared.

The two maids in the yard were sent away.

Bai Xianwu was settled in the adjacent bedroom.

When Li Mo entered, he noticed her hair was still slightly damp.

It seemed that Fei Yan had arranged for a maid to give her a bath.

Truly considerate.

Even though the weather had started to warm up, the room was significantly colder.

Bai Xianwu lay quietly on the bed under a quilt.

Only her long neck and delicate collarbones were exposed.

“Later I will lift the dragon aura from her Baihui acupoint, and after Li enters her body, it will be sealed again.”

“Then, husband, you can…”

Fei Yan’s face turned red, too embarrassed to continue.

Li Mo, on the other hand, was much more natural.

He asked, “In that case, sealing the two of them together, how can we determine who wins and who loses?”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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