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Chapter 211

Chapter: 211

I rarely hear someone say thank you to me.

Especially if it’s someone I just met today.

Lucy’s past misdeeds spread far and wide, more than I could even imagine.

For a complete stranger to throw a greeting my way, something like “you damn brat!” seemed fitting.

Well, maybe there’d be a sprinkle of politeness and a dash of sarcasm in there, but it wouldn’t stray far from the meaning of “damn brat.”

So, I found myself quite perplexed by the sight of Frey’s sister, Parna, bowing her head repeatedly and thanking me.

Thank you for making my sister human. Me? Frey?

Is she mistaking me for someone else?

All I did was knock her down in a spar and tick her off with mesugaki skills!

“I’ve seen my sister actually talk to our parents properly for the first time in her life! And asking them for a favor, no less!”

Huh? She talked to them?! Frey?!

I was just as shocked by Parna’s words.

Because for her to speak to her family and ask for something only happened after she met the Sword Saint and learned about swords and feelings.

She hadn’t even met the Sword Saint yet; how could she talk to her family?

Amid my bafflement, the image of Frey swinging a sword at a street vendor today floated to my mind.

So that’s why her skills improved! She had borrowed the family’s swordsmanship!

“And I’ve never seen her stay quiet in a place like this with so many people around!”

This part made a bit of sense.

Until she entered the Academy, Frey was like a madwoman swinging her sword everywhere.

I mean, didn’t I experience a sort of ambush on the day of the entrance ceremony?

But recently, Frey hadn’t pulled off any of those crazy stunts.

The reason was simple. She had a fixed target. Having set her sights on me, her toy, she didn’t seem interested in anything else until I broke!

From my view, Frey was a sturdy spar partner who wouldn’t break, making it perfectly fine to treat her like a toy.

A win-win situation.

“More than that, this is the first time I’ve heard my sister say someone else’s name!”

Now that’s a bit shocking.

Frey saying someone else’s name is nearly non-existent in the game.

Thinking this could be true, I glanced over at Frey, but she seemed too busy stacking her plate high with food.

Normally, she’d at least show some embarrassment if someone said something like that. Classic Frey.

“I’ve also never seen Mom and Dad laugh while talking about my sister! This is all thanks to Lady Alrn!”

Parna’s enthusiastic comments were so direct and full of life that at times it felt a bit overwhelming.

But knowing her circumstances, I didn’t have the heart to tell her to stop.

Parna in the game treated Frey as if she didn’t exist.

She had to endure all Frey’s antics just because she was born as her sister.

Every time she swung her sword, she was compared to Frey.

And whenever Frey messed up, Parna had to clean up her mess.

Parna had every reason not to like Frey.

How could she like someone who casually admitted to killing her beloved dog?

No matter how much she screamed, begged, threatened, or clung to her, Frey wouldn’t change.

So, Parna and the Kent family resigned themselves, thinking Frey would always be like that.

But ever since she entered the Academy, things changed. How could one not feel excited about that?

“I heard a lot of rumors that Lady Alrn was a fearsome person, but they were all nonsense! Here’s someone so beautiful, cute, confident, and capable!”

That’s not nonsense. Lucy’s misdeeds are facts.

Is she going around telling this to anyone? That could spell trouble!

Even now, gazes from all around felt prickly. If it was like this even with me around, what would happen if she went solo?

“By the way…”

“Hey, are you listening?! …Oh! Lady Alrn!”

“Hello, Lucy.”

While Frey’s sister raised her voice, she suddenly silenced when she saw me. Frey just nodded, still gnawing at her fork.

Is she really trying to demolish every bit of food at this party?

I knew Frey could eat, but this was on another level.

With her appetite, she should’ve been born in modern times. If she’d done an eating broadcast, she surely would’ve excelled!

“Hey! Lady Alrn! I’m entering the academy next year! I haven’t taken the exam yet, but I know I can pass!”

As she gripped her fists tight, watching her made me remember who she was.

Right. She isn’t exactly normal either.

While Frey moves at her own pace, oblivious to others, Parna moves to her own beat, completely blind to her surroundings when caught up in her emotions.

Though it might shock her, the two are similar in their differences.

“The day comes, and I’ll let everyone in the first year know about Lady Alrn’s wonderful qualities!”

No, Parna, what are you saying, you crazy nut?

‘…You’re joking, right?’

“Ha, what nonsense are you saying? You’re just chatting about a joke here.”

“It’s not nonsense! I’m being serious!”

But why are you serious?! Why are you willingly walking into the line of fire for criticism?! Since Frey’s changed, has your suffering now decreased so you’re trying to create more for yourself?!

“Just wait! I’ll definitely!… Ugh! Ugh!”

Seeing as I needed to intervene, suddenly a fully grown man bolted toward Parna, scooping her up and covering her mouth.

Parna was muffled but still tried to speak, but there were no openings in the man’s grip.

“I’m sorry, Lady Alrn! My daughter has caused a ruckus!”

Count Kent, looking pale, apologized, thanking me for getting along with his daughter and saying he’d host me grandly if I visited their territory later.

And then, like the wind, he vanished.

What a hard life that man must lead. I have a feeling he and Benedict would become friends over drinks later on.

Once the whirlwind passed, with a hungered anticipation to reach for the dessert, I was met with an empty plate.

In the commotion, Frey must’ve inhaled everything on the table.

I shot her a cold stare of protest, but Frey remained unfazed.

“Hey, dumb knight♡ You were so clueless that you forgot you were actually eating?♡ If you’re not going to squeal, why don’t you stop eating?♡”


Caught off guard by her response, Frey puffed her shoulders in triumph.

I was annoyed, but I knew arguing back would simply get me dragged into more trouble, so I chose silence.

Instead, I plopped onto a nearby chair, resting my chin in my hand. The party wasn’t over yet, so I figured I’d wait for dessert to be refilled.

[That’s probably not going to happen.]

‘What do you mean by that?’

[The party is about to wrap up.]

‘…How do you know that?’

[There are signs.]

The orchestra had nearly run out of tunes, the footmen kept glancing nervously at their watches, the high nobility were leaving the center, and conversation sounds were dwindling.

At first, I thought Gramps was just messing with me, but nope. Every point he made was signaling the party’s end.

‘So, no dessert?’

[Don’t count on it. Why would they refill when the party’s ending? ]


As I ignited the flames of revenge in my mind, time ticked onward inside the party hall.

Eventually, the orchestra ceased playing, and a magic circle appeared on the platform, followed by the Duke making a grand entrance.

With the spotlight on him, he acknowledged the applause and expressed his gratitude before declaring the party’s end.

“Once again, I thank all the esteemed guests who illuminated this gathering.”

“Wait a moment.”

Correction. The Duke attempted to end it but failed.

Someone had interrupted him.

Had it been an inconsequential person, the Duke might have ignored their voice.

But this wasn’t just anyone.

“It seems you’ve forgotten something.”

How could the next heir to the throne not be heard when he spoke?

“Did I forget something?”

“Indeed, Duke Partran. You forgot something very important.”

“I apologize. I believe my age is catching up with my memory.”

“Ha ha. That could happen. Allow me to enlighten you. Where are Lady Alrn’s acceptance remarks for having defeated you?”

The First Prince said this, swinging his head to find me sitting in the corner.

No matter how I looked at it, this wasn’t the realm of luck or skill.

He must’ve been keeping me in his sights all along.

A stalker blessed with power and malice.

If you hide in a corner, those walls can distort easily, but this felt creepy.

And for a guy claiming to be the First Prince to act this way?

The kingdom’s future seemed bleak.

“Come now, Lucy Alrn! Step forward! Since you’ve bested me, you deserve some acclaim!”

The First Prince raised his voice with a bright smile.

Wait. Why the heck is he acting like this all of a sudden?!

You’re not that kind of character!

What is this sudden charade, trying to place me on the platform?!

What do you want?! What’s your angle here?!

As he shouted out, even I and Duke Partran stood frozen, and the First Prince seemed to get an idea as he clapped and approached me.

“Yes, you’ve had a tough day today, haven’t you?”


“My bad for not being considerate.”



Hold on.

“I should’ve come to you instead of calling you here.”

Sit down. Just sit down already.

Stay seated!

“Like a true loser would.”

For all the yelling in my mind, it did nothing to change the reality unfolding before me.

The First Prince reached me and waved his hand to cast a voice amplification spell.

So anything I say would be heard by everyone in the party.

“As soon as you’re ready, please speak. I can wait as long as you want. I’ve been looking forward to this moment.”

He didn’t even give me time to react.

And he wasn’t allowing anyone else to interrupt either.

It was a perfect setup at a perfect moment, as if he had been waiting for just this chance.

[…Little lady. Prepare your heart.]





Doomed stalker!

I don’t know what you’re planning by acting this way, but remember this!

You might be strong now, but by the time I graduate from the Academy, things will be vastly different.

Prepare to lick my feet!

Got that?!

‘This festival was truly a glorious match, Your Highness.’

“During this festival, I felt your consideration greatly. How do you manage to play the buffoon so well? Thanks to that, I was allowed a truly glorious match. Oh, was your act of pretending to be a fool intentional? Oops, my bad.”

“What kind of nonsense are you spouting?!”

“Lucy Alrn! How dare you!”

“Lady Alrn?!”

By the time I’m even alive to respond!

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