Switch Mode

Chapter 208

“Um… where should I start explaining this?”

Ariel mumbled with a serious expression.

“First of all, you know that most treatment centers, except for the cathedral, charge money for their services, right? The cathedral’s treatment center is either free or, even if it’s not, it’s cheaper than regular treatment centers based on the disease or injury. However, because of that, many people flock there. They take care of the most severe patients first, and since those treatments usually take longer, there are often very few available spots.”

“To add a bit more detail, treatment centers are divided into primary and secondary levels. Unless it’s an emergency patient, most people go through the primary treatment center first, and based on the seriousness of their wounds or illnesses, they’re sent to the secondary level. Both primary and secondary centers mix church and private treatment facilities. So unless the healer is very famous, people usually flock first to the church-affiliated treatment centers.”

Linea, who was listening beside them, added her explanation.

“Uh… is that how it works?”

But wouldn’t it be good to treat the patients there? It’s the middle of the night now. Even if it’s a treatment center, most would be closed, so even if there were patients receiving treatment, they’d likely be severe cases. If those patients were able to recover completely, wouldn’t that be a proper use of the holy power I have as a goddess?

Of course, the two saintesses in front of me who follow me don’t seem to think that’s a good idea.

“…Clara, it may be the church’s treatment center, but the operation of private treatment centers will take a huge hit.”

“If a majority of people were treated at once, those needing treatment afterwards would naturally turn to the much cheaper church clinic.”


Oh, so that’s how it works.

“Of course, it won’t take a colossal hit compared to the retreating medical practices since the emergence of holy power. With holy power, healing people is quite simple. But even so, if someone with a mortal body keeps doing such actions, the number of treatment centers will gradually decrease.”

And one day, when I leave this world, a real panic will occur. Of course, I could gradually increase the number of treatment centers before I leave, but I’d have to create a separate way for the people working at those treatment centers to make a living.

“And people from other regions might continue to flock to the 21st District.”

“In the long run, that could become a cause for regional imbalance. I’m not talking about the population issue. It’s more about the sense of deprivation people feel. Those praying to you would be throughout the country, but the ones benefiting would almost all be from the 21st District. It might help suppress faith from the outside, but it’ll also easily fuel resentment. It’s a very dangerous means.”


I couldn’t refute any of it since it was all true.

Come to think of it, with that logic, the thought I had at the beginning about ‘starting a treatment center after retirement’ doesn’t make any sense. At my previous level, I had overwhelming holy power compared to other clergy. If there were a center that was cheaper and quicker than others, naturally, countless people would flock there. Nearby treatment centers would take a massive hit.

Although I’m referred to as a goddess, I was born human and have grown up as a human. I don’t want to live a life hated by anyone, but I also don’t want to be disliked or have animosity directed at me by others.

“So, it seems like this method isn’t really a good idea either…”

As I mumbled and let my arms droop, Aurora laughed awkwardly, saying, “Heehee, no need to rush, right? If we can win against the demon lord as you mentioned, we have quite a bit of time left.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you had to live with LED lights on your face every day.”

As I sighed and said that, both Linea and Aurora seemed momentarily at a loss for words.

“If you’re curious, try walking around with a halo behind your head using Holy Power. You might get a decent indirect experience of it.”



At that remark, the two subtly avoided my gaze.


Come to think of it, it looks like Ariel and Baal can descend into my body and do various things. Does that mean I can do the same? For others, I might not be able to, but could I enter their bodies?

…Not that I really want to.

“Alright. For now, I’ll reconsider the idea of ‘releasing power’ to solve this.”

“Yes, that sounds good.”

“That’s a good thought.”

At my words, both quickly nodded in agreement.

From then on, until they went to bed, no one brought up my powers again.


But, I’m pretty sure there was a conversation they wanted to have with me before. Didn’t it seem like Aurora and Linea had something they wanted to ask me?

…Well, if they feel it’s necessary, I’m sure they’ll ask.




Though I’ve been in many situations that leave me speechless lately, the next morning felt especially severe.

It hadn’t been long since my face began to shine, but that morning, it was shining even brighter than the previous two days.

Of course, after using up my power last night, my face gradually became brighter from morning, but during the past two days, it hadn’t been this bright.

Even though it was still morning, my face was shining as brightly as in the afternoon.

It even caused me to wake up much earlier.

I didn’t wake up on my own. I was hastily awakened by Aurora and Linea.

When I opened my eyes, there were Aurora and Linea looking at me with dazzled expressions. No, it wasn’t just a metaphor. They genuinely had that exact look one gets from having a flashlight shined in their face. In fact, both of their faces almost looked white due to the light reflecting off of mine.

It seemed the room was so brilliantly lit that I couldn’t help but wake up at such an early hour.




We sat in silence for a while, looking at each other, not sure what to say.

“I’ll admit it. I think what you said yesterday was right. I should refrain from indiscriminately spreading my power to people.”

As I rubbed my face and said that, Aurora and Linea simply nodded silently in agreement.

It seemed that whatever happened last night had quickly spread through the internet, just like it always did whenever I caused a ruckus.

It started with reactions like, “Did you see that?” but soon transformed into stories such as, “After receiving that light, a family member’s cancer relapsed, but it was healed,” or “A broken leg healed instantly,” and “A visually impaired person suddenly could see.”

“Come on, that last one sounds a bit unrealistic, doesn’t it? It’s one thing for wounds to heal or illnesses to get better, but disappearing disabilities…”

“Are you sure it isn’t possible?”

Cutting in at the mention of the last story, Linea retorted.


And I couldn’t respond.

If it’s the power of miracles, it might heal disabilities, and perhaps even completely recreate a lost arm or leg. Of course, that would be incredibly difficult. I couldn’t know if the arm or leg that grew back would actually belong to the original person.

Regardless, for now, it was just a ‘possibility,’ so let’s not delve into it further for the time being.

The internet wasn’t just filled with people getting healed.

Among the key products produced by the church is something called ‘Holy Water.’ This is created when priests with holy power take turns pouring their powers into clean water to allow the water itself to exhibit those powers. Most of the time, Ariel’s holy power is used unless it’s for a special case like bombs, and, naturally, the Holy Water produced is used for healing people.

That’s right. ‘Holy Water is what happens when holy power is infused into water.’

So, what sort of effect would an ‘unrefined goddess’s power’ that spreads over a wide area have on the liquid present at the time?

“After that light passed by yesterday, there’s a faint light coming from the water in the fridge. Is it safe to drink?”


“There’s a gentle glow coming from the stream behind the house. Is that safe?”


“There’s light flowing from the car’s refueling port. Can I drive this car?”


I was left speechless and quietly turned my gaze away.

I wanted to say there’s probably no major issues…

But considering that drinking the Holy Water made with Baal’s holy power isn’t inherently problematic, as long as they don’t drink the Holy Water created with Ariel’s power afterward or do any of the things that might trigger Baal’s holy power in their stomach, they would be safe.

However, conversely, saying even just one of those things could risk them getting their insides fried.

Of course, holy power and miraculous power are different, and even if miraculous power could be quantified, it’s slightly different from the power that gods possess. Holy power can only yield power in a specific direction, while the powers of the gods are distinct. Baal could both ‘create’ demons, and Ariel could create my body. Although Baal did play a role in that process.

So even if the methods are different, if I could utilize the ‘divine power’ that Baal possesses, healing people the same way Ariel’s holy power does is also possible. It’s likely the reason why I could heal people was due to something similar. Though the efficiencies of those three powers would all be different.

However, embedding my power into specific objects wasn’t what I intended. What I truly intended was ‘to give that power back to the people.’

So until we try using those ‘Holy Waters’ again, no one would know their efficacy.

“…What about the church’s holy water? Is it safe?”

“We’re going to check that out now,”

I replied, and Linea immediately got up. Gazing up at her in a daze, she let out a small sigh and said,

“There are two saintesses here and one goddess. From the perspective of the crowded power, we might even surpass the Central Church. And the source of that power flows from us three. So, when something happens, it should be us to confirm it.”

“That’s a valid point,”

I agreed, rising to my feet. Aurora nodded as well and placed her smartphone back on the desk.

…Wait, but even as a saintess, didn’t she follow the rules of the convent while she was living there? I distinctly recall having to turn in my phone every time I entered.

True, as Linea said, now it’s meaningless to nitpick the power structure since so much is centralizing around this cathedral. My existence alone is shaking the entire power foundation of the country. It might be pointless to focus on such trivial matters now.


Even if my face was likely hidden by the light, noticing my gaze, Aurora lightly blushed and continued,

“The Mother Superior said that now I’m no longer just the Saintess’s assistant but the Goddess’s assistant, so I must always carry this…”

“D-Did she say that?”

The Mother Superior?

…But wait, thinking about it, isn’t it funny that a saintess is an assistant to a saintess? They’re on the same rank. Of course, in the church, they would never see me as equal to the other saintesses. My title is now outright referring to me as a goddess.

“Um. She also said she’d be surprised if I didn’t always carry a weapon.”

Upon Aurora’s statement, Linea nodded in agreement, adding,

“However, carrying a weapon around the church seems… a bit too conspicuous for me to accept.”

“We always walk together in the church, don’t we? When on earth did she say something like that?”

At my questioning, both Aurora and Linea looked a bit embarrassed as they replied,

“When you were in the shower, the Mother Superior would come by frequently.”

“Of course, she didn’t scold us. But she wanted to make requests of those assisting the saintess and do it in front of you.”

“Though now, it’s more like referring to you openly as a goddess.”

“So, when did you hear such a thing?”

“Just yesterday.”


I sighed deeply, running my hands over my face.

What’s with treating me the same as the other nuns? I’m obviously receiving special treatment.



Well, I might’ve lost things whenever I cause an incident, but today I found myself at a loss for words far more than usual.

This cathedral originally had a considerable amount of stored Holy Water in stock. That was only natural since I was living in this cathedral’s convent. Although I tended to be away for various reasons, this place remained my returning home, and during my spare time, I diligently created Holy Water.

Since the stock was far greater than what the Central Church recommended, the amount of Holy Water distributed here was much greater than other churches. Therefore, even before this cathedral was designated as a holy ground, it had quite a bit of congregation.

But now, the Holy Water stored in that cathedral’s storage wasn’t radiating its brilliant golden light.

To be more precise, it wasn’t golden but was emanating a gentle white light. The luminosity was actually far stronger than when it was golden, illuminating the storage sufficiently to see without needing to turn on any lights.

I picked up one of the glass jars filled with Holy Water and examined it. The sight of transparent water radiating a white glow was indeed intriguing, but the real issue was whether this Holy Water could still be used as actual Holy Water. Since the original power had been covered with my power.

“Is this okay?”

As I muttered,

“It’s perfectly fine!”

Someone shouted from right beside me – of course, it was Father Nguyen.

“There’s no way the things the goddess does would go wrong! If she’s infusing her power directly into the Holy Water, we should be the ones grateful!”


Oh no, I can’t communicate with this person. He probably thinks if I say beans when I mean red beans, that’s correct.

…And the countless seminarians still present probably think the same.

Since not all the seminarians could come into the storage, I only brought with me the representative seminarians who were able to recover from the explosion thanks to the goddess’s power, a few other seminarians, Remir, and Father Turner. By the way, it seems Father Turner didn’t sleep at all. It wasn’t just a matter of organizing questions; he likely stayed up all night reviewing the events that occurred yesterday.


Feeling silent and standing there might be due to that, too.

“Still, I believe it can be a tremendous help for research.”

Remir, who stood behind, spoke up.

“Since the goddess has only just begun using her powers, analyzing this Holy Water might reveal what we can achieve.”

At those words, the seminarians nodded their heads in agreement.

“If that’s the case, Father, can we give these Holy Waters to them for research purposes? I’ll refill the empty ones myself.”

Politely saying this to Father Nguyen, he seemed as if he could jump with glee.

“There’s no need for the goddess to tire herself out! It’s our duty to refill the empty Holy Waters!”

“…Is that so?”

“There’s no way we would disturb the goddess’s work for our sake!”

The majority of the clergy who had entered the storage nodded in agreement.


I shot a glance at Aurora and Linea, and both were smirking bitterly while nodding. They were probably indicating that it was okay to step back, right?

“…Alright, then. I’ll leave it to you.”

As I said this and set down the bottle of Holy Water I was holding,

“I’ll put my life on the line for this!”

Someone shouted that.

…Is it really that serious of an issue?

That thought crossed my mind, but I barely managed to keep it to myself.


After everything calmed down, I found there was still over thirty minutes left before the academy class started.

To clear my mind a little, I suggested to Aurora and Linea that we take a short walk.


We walked slowly, each lost in our thoughts without a word.

It wasn’t surprising to end up in the small courtyard inside the cathedral.

“W-What should we do now…”

And there stood a sobbing nun, holding a watering can used for watering plants. She must have been scheduled to care for the white flowers blooming in the courtyard.

Due to the previous incident, almost everything had been trampled down and only remnants of what had grown remained, so much of it had to be replanted. However, most of the flowers that had been planted prior were younger ones now, and the previous vibrancy hadn’t returned—except?

The flowers blooming in that area the young nun was floundering were exceptionally vibrant.

In fact, they looked even more splendid than those planted before.

“What’s going on?”

As I approached her and asked, the young nun practically jumped in place.

“Y-You, Goddess!?”

…Ah, my face must still be glowing.

As I took a few more steps closer, the nun lowered her head in shame, saying,

“I-I came out this morning because it was my turn to water the flowers, but… for some reason, there was Holy Water in the watering can… I… didn’t know…”

So, she thought she had mistakenly spread valuable Holy Water around as regular water.


I glanced at her face, then at the watering can in her hand, and finally at the flowers blooming in the courtyard.

…The flowers there were the most vibrant I had ever seen.

I looked back at Aurora and Linea.

They were both staring at me with slightly dazed expressions.

…Hmm, well.

At least, it seems like it wouldn’t be harmful to anyone.

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