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Chapter 207

Chapter: 207

“So, you really believed such a ridiculous statement and came back?”

“B-but… if that’s not the case, I can’t comprehend why the ancient gods have gone into hiding!”

“Maybe they’re all busy with their own matters! Why is someone as sly as you so gullible!”

Hermes had no choice but to bow his head under Zeus’s reprimand.

Although the sage’s words sounded reasonable, the only concrete proof he presented was the absence of the ancient gods. There were no other pieces of evidence at all.

Or perhaps he was overwhelmed by the mysterious sage’s presence and just fell for it.

“But the fact that the ancient gods have hidden themselves is also true. If what the sage said is true, wouldn’t the Aesir or the Ennead start making some moves, Father?”

“You little…!”

Just as Zeus was about to shout at Hermes’s excuses, a young goddess next to him spoke up.

“Father, please calm your anger. Hermes’s words hold some level of possibility.”

“Hmph… Athena, what do you think?”

“There aren’t enough clues to reach a conclusion yet… but I’m growing suspicious of that sage.”


When Zeus inquired, Athena nodded.

“Yes. Previously, when you were at Baal’s temple….”

“Athena, don’t bring that up.”

At Zeus’s firm statement, Athena paused for a moment before continuing.

“I investigated the goddess who committed that act. With that level of power, there’s only one deity with such a distinct appearance.”

“Only one…?”

“Yes. The Goddess of Life.”

Zeus rubbed his neck. Where there should have been no trace was now a scar from where his head had been severed.

His head could have been reattached, but leaving behind such a scar was beyond his control.

“If it were a deity capable of decapitating the king of gods with a single strike… it would have to be the Goddess of Life, who is lauded as the greatest among the ancient gods.”

At Athena’s words, the gods of Olympus that bore her name nodded in agreement. Those gods who were born in the past 300 years, however, tilted their heads in confusion, having no knowledge of her.

“I can’t fathom why a goddess who has secluded herself in her temple for 300 years would appear at that moment… but if the sage’s words hold any truth, then everything aligns.”


“Therefore, let’s consider the possibility that the sage’s words are indeed true.”

Zeus nodded in response to Athena’s statement.

“Though the Goddess of Life is currently weakened, her power itself cannot be denied. If she were to punish the gods… they wouldn’t stand a chance. Not only is her power overwhelming, but she named the gods 300 years ago.”

“Names… that’s true.”

The gods who were named by her nodded. A true name for a god was a testament to their existence, encapsulating immense power within those words.

If the Goddess of Life were to threaten the gods with those names… the gods who bore them would find it impossible to resist her.

“However, one can’t help but wonder if this rumor and the very existence of the sage… suggests that she’s granting us a bit of leniency?”


“Yes. Since the king of the gods she designated has vanished, perhaps she intends for the other deities to take responsibility and restore his position.”

At Athena’s words, Zeus fell into deep thought.

Leniency. Why would the Goddess of Life grant the gods such an allowance?

Why did she sever his head in front of Baal’s temple at that time?

Why go through all this trouble without directly punishing the gods?

“Indeed… the key lies with the king of the gods, Baal, and Life itself.”

“Yes. She is the Goddess of Life who placed the crown upon the king of the gods.”

It seemed that both Zeus and Athena had come to the same conclusion, nodding in unison.

“She certainly possesses enough power to punish the gods directly, but if she were to do so, many lives would be at stake…”

“The gods who possess the fragments left by the king of gods are likely wishing for each other to kill one another and return him to power.”

At this, the expressions of the other gods of Olympus began to stiffen.

It was fortunate that it was not an unavoidable destruction, but this meant they were discussing a war with the other gods.

“However… there’s still something that bothers me.”

Athena spoke up once more.

“Something that bothers you?”

“Yes. Other gods… especially Odin are on my mind.”

As soon as Odin’s name came up, Zeus clicked his tongue in annoyance.

That one-eyed self-proclaimed genius. Always spouting some bizarre and cryptic words while acting superior.

If he weren’t an equal in power, he would have struck him with lightning for sure.

“Odin is a wise god. There’s no way someone like him wouldn’t reach the same conclusion as us.”

“True. He’s exceedingly clever. But the rumor is that he has fallen into despair and shut himself away, isn’t it?”

It seemed the Aesir were doing their best to keep the rumors at bay, but aside from Odin, what could those muscle-bound gods accomplish?

The whispers about Odin had reached the ears of all gods with even a slight sense of hearing.

“That’s what troubles me the most. Odin. The wisest of gods. A god who sacrificed one of his eyes to gain knowledge beyond what ordinary gods can handle.”

If it weren’t for his wisdom, the Aesir would have been unable to unite as a faction, likely tearing each other apart in bloody battles and facing their own demise.

“If he’s locked away in despair… there may be something we haven’t considered.”

“What we’re missing…”

Zeus stroked his chin, lost in thought.

What were they missing? What had driven Odin into despair?

What was the shut-in god plotting?


“Yes, Father?”

“Go to the Aesir. We need to discover why Odin has shut himself away.”

“I can do that, but… I don’t think they’ll share anything with me.”

“Then say this: ‘Zeus will come seeking answers himself.’”

At this declaration, the gods of Olympus were astonished.

It was unprecedented for Zeus to visit the Aesir.

Moreover, should Zeus, a deity of his caliber go, an equally powerful entity from the Aesir would have to appear as well.

Odin, the shut-in, would have no choice but to come out.

“Understood. I’ll head to the Aesir. But what about the Ennead or the Lokapala?”

“Let’s observe their movements for now. The Lokapala are a bunch of unpredictable beings, and the Ennead are always looking for an opportunity to devour us…”

Zeus was reminded of Amun, the leader of the Ennead.

Having been relatively close, they had clashed over trivial matters numerous times.

If a war was unavoidable as the Goddess of Life desired… Amun would be the first god they needed to defeat.

“Just in case, Athena, you should seek out that sage and speak with him separately. Unlike Hermes, you’re wise and might gather more helpful information from him.”

“Yes. Understood.”

With that, Zeus watched the figures of Hermes and Athena leaving the Hall of Olympus.

“Alright. Regardless of which path we take… momentous events are approaching. Everyone prepare accordingly. Especially you, Hephaestus. Your role is crucial. Prepare weapons to arm all the gods.”

“Ah, understood. But what about the materials?”

“Leave that to your discretion. Didn’t you have those who supplied you with materials? If you need more faith, just let me know.”

“Well, about that… the materials I used were from the dwarves, but with the ancient gods hiding away, the trades have halted…”

At Hephaestus’s words, Zeus clicked his tongue in irritation.

“Then forge something with the materials you currently have, or seize what other gods possess. Or just melt down all those bronze statues and use them!”

“Ah, understood.”

With that, Hephaestus limped away, and Zeus waved a hand to dismiss the other gods before rubbing his slightly throbbing head.

War. Is it war?

Olympus had many gods, including several war gods, so they wouldn’t fall behind other factions… but there would surely be significant casualties.

What kind of a sage is this to have caused such a headache?

If it really is true that the Goddess of Life is behind this and she’s contemplating the downfall of all gods…

Can Olympus be preserved?

Can he maintain the power and authority of the sky that constitutes him?

With a heavy sigh, Zeus rubbed his aching head.

Why is the Goddess of Life engaging in such a troublesome affair?

Is she resentful towards the other gods who abandoned the king of gods?

She had been idle for 300 years, and now she chooses to act?

Zeus sighed again, touching the throbbing scar at his neck.

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