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Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Letting Li Become Bai Xianwu! Li is Willing to Devote Herself to the Master!

Li Mo’s return was known to only a few.

He had separated from the escorting troops outside Xianyang City.

Only a few, like Emperor Qin and the Empress Dowager, knew about his return.

Zhao Ji had received the news the day before and couldn’t sleep the whole night.

Li Mo’s safety now influenced not just the relationship between Qin and Han.

Since discovering that her failure to arrange guards in a fit of pique had led to him being besieged in Han,

Zhao Ji was full of guilt.

When she heard that Li Mo had returned safely, she couldn’t help but want to summon him to the palace immediately.

She tossed and turned on the phoenix bed all night until the court session time arrived.

Li Mo only showed up at the court to announce his return.

He intended to inform the civil and military officials of his return.

In the court, Zhao Ji sat behind a sheer curtain.

She scrutinized Li Mo’s silhouette through the veil.

Sensing her gaze, Li Mo turned and smiled in her direction.

Zhao Ji’s heart skipped a beat,

and she then replaced her worried look with a haughty expression.

She glared at him through the curtain and snorted.

Such an infuriating smile could only come from that rebel!

Li Mo noticed her small gestures clearly.

He scratched his chin, puzzled.

What’s with the Empress Dowager now? How did I offend her again?

One threw a tantrum behind the curtain, while the other mulled over it in the court.

While pondering over how he had offended the Empress Dowager,

the court session continued vigorously.

“Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, since the state preceptor has returned safely, what should we do with the 400,000 troops at the border?”

Since Lu Buwei’s removal, there had been no official appointment, but Lord Changping had subtly taken the lead among the officials.

Though Li Mo had returned,

there were still 400,000 troops stationed at the border.

Every extra day they stayed meant more consumption.

Feeding and maintaining 400,000 was no small matter.

Since Han released him, there had to be a decision on whether to continue the conflict or negotiate.

According to Ying Zheng’s thinking, it was best to strike while they were weak.

Han was in chaos, and their general had been captured by Li Mo. It was the perfect time to attack!

But Ying Zheng hadn’t been crowned yet,

and such a significant decision wasn’t his to make.

So he looked towards the curtain.

Zhao Ji was still sulking about Li Mo.

He dared to return home before reporting to the palace. Such audacity was unforgivable!

She thought he should be executed!

Despite mobilizing 400,000 troops to rescue him,

he returned quietly!

She cursed Li Mo inwardly until Li gently reminded her to calm down.

Clearing her throat, she arrogantly asked Li Mo, “What does the state preceptor think is best?”

The troops were sent because of him, so the mess was his to clean up.

Although Li Mo didn’t meddle in politics, he had the right to advise.

He had already devised a plan.

All eyes shifted from the curtain to him.

Li Mo calmly said, “The troops can hold the border for now. The Hann general is in my custody, and I plan to exchange her for thirty cities.”

Everyone was stunned.

Even Ying Zheng and Zhao Ji were taken aback.

South Han has only so many cities in total, and you want to take almost half of their land in one go.

There was a faint murmuring from below.

Everyone was discussing the feasibility of this proposal.

Undoubtedly, Bai Xianwu was indeed extremely important to South Han.

But whether the Emperor of Han was really willing to offer so many cities was another story.

Lord Changping gave Li Mo a deep look, his mind racing with thoughts.

Suddenly he said, “I believe the national advisor’s proposal is feasible.”

Li Mo raised an eyebrow.

Feasible? I was just making stuff up!

Granted, Bai Xianwu was important, but exchanging nearly half of their cities for her?

Even if the Han Emperor agreed, the influential officials in South Han would never agree.

He mentioned thirty cities to give the Han Emperor room to bargain.

Lord Changping’s full support for his proposal was probably to win favor with him.

The position of prime minister was still vacant, and Lord Changping had long had his eyes on it.

He had visited Li Mo once at his villa but was politely declined.

This time, he decided to attach himself to Li Mo.

The Empress Dowager even consulted the national advisor on whether to wage war against South Han, showing how highly she valued him.

In fact, Lord Changping had completely misunderstood the situation.

Zhao Ji asked Li Mo because she wanted to pass the problem on to him.

“Thirty cities, would the Han Emperor be willing?”

Ying Zheng sat solemnly on the throne.

Lord Changping explained, “He might not be willing to give up a general alone, but if we add Princess Hongliang, the Han Emperor might not object.”

The ministers’ eyes lit up. How had they forgotten this?

The national advisor hadn’t just captured a general.

He had also brought back the Han Emperor’s beloved daughter!

“That’s right, that’s right. It’s said the Han Emperor dotes on Princess Hongliang. Adding her to the deal, he will surely agree to the exchange.”

“Thirty cities are a lot, but a general and a princess are certainly worth the exchange.”

“Li Si is still waiting at the border, it’s a perfect opportunity to send him back to South Han. I heard his performance last time was outstanding. Entrusting him with this negotiation would be fitting.”

Li Si’s debate with the South Hann officials had already reached the ears of Qin.

Not only was Ying Zheng extremely satisfied with him, but even others had a newfound respect for this previously unknown official.

Amidst the heated discussion, Li Mo, who had stayed silent, shook his head.


The discussions in the court immediately ceased.

Under everyone’s gaze, he continued, “Bai Xianwu can be used for the exchange, but not Princess Hongliang.”

Lord Changping was puzzled, “Why not?”

“Princess Hongliang is the Han Emperor’s beloved. With her, our negotiating leverage will be greater.”

Li Mo pursed his lips, his expression still calm.

Shaking his head, he softly said, “No means no.”

The reason was simple.

Why had Princess Hongliang come to Qin with him?

She wasn’t really captured.

To be frank, she had been tricked.

Li Mo hadn’t expected that in the Han Emperor’s eyes, Bai Xianwu would be more important than his own daughter.

So he intended to use Princess Hongliang to force the Han Emperor to release people.

In Xinzheng, Princess Hongliang had already guessed his intentions.

But she still chose to help him without hesitation.

And this was even before the Han Emperor had to choose between her and Bai Xianwu.

After the Han Emperor’s actions, Princess Hongliang threw a tantrum and insisted on following him to Qin.

Only then did he bring her back.

But if she were now used to exchange for cities with South Han, wouldn’t it betray her trust?

Princess Hongliang was as pure as snow, innocent and carefree.

She shouldn’t be dragged into this transaction.

Securing benefits for Qin was important.

But if he acted so ungratefully, how could he face Princess Honglian’s genuine help?

Besides, Li Mo didn’t care how many cities the Han Emperor would exchange for Bai Xianwu.

He just needed a legitimate reason to send Bai Xianwu back.

A few cities? What would he need those for?

If he wanted anything, he’d take all of South Han!

Once Li successfully returned to South Han instead of Bai Xianwu, the fate of South Han would be in his hands.


The court suddenly fell silent.

Li Mo would certainly not explain the reason to them.

I brought the person back, so of course, I decide how to handle it.

Even Emperor Qin and the Empress Dowager didn’t ask, so why should I explain to them?

If someone doesn’t agree, then go capture one yourself, won’t you?

Zhao Ji glared at Li Mo from behind the curtains.

Her soft, voluptuous body slowly leaned back on the phoenix chair.

A cold light flickered in her proud, beautiful eyes.

Suddenly, she spoke to Li Mo: “Since the National Advisor said so, let’s follow his words.”

“We will discuss this matter tomorrow. Court is adjourned!”

Not to mention Li Mo, who in the court wasn’t dumbfounded?

The Empress Dowager’s words clearly indicated she was angered.

But the question is, why is she angry?

Li Mo touched his nose.

This kind of person… she’s crazy.

As he walked out of the court, a group of officials gathered around him with courteous inquiries.

Lord Changping stood near him, one step back.

It was obvious he had something to say.

But with the continuous stream of officials, he couldn’t find a chance to speak.

Before the officials dispersed, a woman hurried up.

“National Advisor, the Empress Dowager requests you to the Emperor’s place for an important discussion.”

Li looked up at Li Mo.

Her concern for him wasn’t any less than anyone else’s.

Although Li Mo was her master, after following him, she realized he was different from others.

He wasn’t overbearing but rather approachable.

The longer she stayed, the more she wanted to get close to him.

It felt like he had some sort of magnetism, attracting people towards him.

Lord Changping opened his mouth but stopped.

Li glanced at him and guessed what he wanted to say.

“The Empress Dowager only invited the National Advisor.”

Disappointed, Lord Changping cupped his hands towards Li Mo: “National Advisor, then I shall leave first and visit your residence another day.”

On the way to Zheng’s study, Li Mo’s attention was on Li, who led the way.

Huo Yan once said, the Yang essence can deplete the Yin essence.

If you want Li to control Bai Xianwu’s body, you can try this method.

Li Mo pondered all the way.

With Bai Xianwu’s state, I can’t penetrate her!

As they neared Xianyang, Huo Yan told him another way.

First, seal Bai Xianwu’s Yin essence, then let Li enter her body.

This way, the body would have consciousness.

But there would be two consciousnesses fighting for control.

Given Li’s abilities, she could last up to twelve hours.

But if within this time, Bai Xianwu loses some of her Yin essence, Li’s chances would increase.

Bai Xianwu’s strength is based on her Yin essence.

Her abilities come from this.

The more Yin essence she loses, the weaker she becomes.

Conversely, Li’s chances improve.

Let Li enter her body to struggle, then deplete her Yin essence.

This has two benefits:

First, the body retains consciousness.

One could say they would know each other inside out with Bai Xianwu and Li.

This kills two birds with one stone!

It’s rather stimulating.

The second benefit is that you can gauge how much Yin essence loss allows Li to erase Bai Xianwu’s consciousness.

This way, it avoids excess loss.

Preventing too much Yin essence loss, weakening the body when Li controls it.

Li Mo considered.

There’s potential!

“How have you been in the palace recently?”

Thinking this, Li Mo suddenly asked Li.

Li was concerned about him but dared not speak rashly.

Unexpectedly, Li Mo asked her first.

“Apart from wanting to behead you ten times a day, everything is normal.”

Li Mo’s mouth twitched.

I’ve been away from Xianyang for a month, and she still thinks of beheading me?

“I wasn’t asking about her, but about you?”

“Are you used to being in the palace and by the Empress Dowager’s side?”

Li looked at Li Mo in surprise.

Is my master concerned about me?

If I remember correctly, when she was first assigned to Zhao Ji’s side, Li Mo had already asked such a question once.

“It’s quite good. This body holds a significant status in the palace as someone close to the Empress Dowager.”

“Other than her, no one dares to disrespect me.”

Li Mo nodded upon hearing this.

He asked, “I’m planning to give you a new body. What do you think?”

Li stopped dead in her tracks.

She looked at him, full of surprise.

“What is it?”

Li’s eyes flickered slightly, and she slowly responded, “Are you… actually asking for my opinion?”

Li Mo smiled.

“For the body you’re going to use, of course, I need your opinion. The appearance is great and it suits you, but there’s a problem—”

“I’m willing!” Li interrupted him, unsure where she got the courage to do so.

Li Mo was momentarily stunned.

Li realized her mistake and quickly knelt down.

“Please forgive me, Master.”

She had spoken out of excitement.

Li Mo asking for her opinion was totally unexpected.

Assassins like her, frankly speaking, were just machines.

This was true for her, for Jing Ni before her, and for everyone in Luo Net.

Li finally understood why Jing Ni had changed so much.

It was because someone had transformed him.

Now, he was transforming her too!

“Stand up. I didn’t say you were wrong to speak up. I didn’t finish my sentence. Let me finish first, then you can consider whether you agree.”

Li raised her head to look at him but remained kneeling.

“Please speak, I’ll listen from here.”

Sensing that there was no one else around, Li Mo allowed her to kneel.

He then explained the situation briefly.

Li was stunned for a while after listening.

“White Xianwu’s body?” she exclaimed in surprise.

Li Mo nodded. “Correct. Her body won’t decay. If you can control it, you will almost be like a normal person.”

“But I’ve already told you the method to control it.”

Li pressed her lips together, looking at him calmly.

She asked, “Is this White Xianwu beneficial to your plans?”

Li Mo replied indifferently, “It just saves some unnecessary steps.”

“I’m willing,” she acknowledged without hesitation.

“Li’s life belongs to the Master. As long as you don’t mind, nothing is too hard for Li.”

Li Mo remained silent for a moment, then nodded slightly.

He reached out to help her up. “Good, very good.”

Who wouldn’t like such a subordinate?

Li stood up, overwhelmed by favor.

A bit of shyness appeared on her face.

Since she had agreed, if it succeeded, she would entirely belong to him, inside and out.

“When should we start, Master?”

Li Mo said calmly, “No rush. I’ll come find you when it’s time. We’ll also deal with your current body then.”

Li’s face turned a bit red, and she mumbled softly, “Understood, I’m not in a hurry.”

In the Qin Emperor’s study.

Zhao Ji looked towards the door.

Her brows carried a hint of resentment.

Ying Zheng could sense she was upset, but like everyone in the court, he had no idea why.

After thinking for a while, he asked, “Is Mother in a bad mood?”

The Grandmaster has returned. Shouldn’t she be happy?

Ying Zheng was quite pleased himself.

Not only did Li Mo return, but he also captured Han’s princess and general.

This was a great honor for Qin!

Zhao Ji cast a glance at Ying Zheng.

“Why would you think I’m in a bad mood?”

Ying Zheng pursed his lips.

Even a blind person could tell.

Zhao Ji picked up the tea in front of her, lightly swirling the lid, and suddenly asked nonchalantly, “Did you meet Han’s Princess Hongliang last time you went there?”

Ying Zheng was taken aback, not expecting her to bring this up.

“I did.”

When he first visited Li Mo, Hongliang had accompanied Master Xun.

Zhao Ji’s brows raised slightly, “How does the princess look?”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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