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Chapter 206

Chapter 206: The Method to Dispel Bai Xianwu’s Extreme Yin Energy! Husband, Go Ahead!

Bai Xianwu had disappeared for twenty years, and if Bai Yifei hadn’t died, she might not have emerged so soon again.

All information about her had been erased in Han.

Only a few people in the world knew of her existence.

And Wang Jian was one of them.

Back then, he wasn’t yet a general and had once been on a mission to Han.

The Bai family was a noble family in Han, and Bai Xianwu was highly esteemed from birth.

At that time, Bai Xianwu had yet to inherit the Bai family’s title.

Though she was born with a blocked meridian, she was still considered normal.

It was only after her resurrection that she underwent such drastic changes.

Now, more than twenty years had passed.

Although Wang Jian was still vigorous, signs of aging were showing.

But Bai Xianwu remained exactly as she was over twenty years ago, without any change.

After a moment of reflection, Wang Jian asked Li Mo, “What does the National Advisor plan to do with her after taking such a great risk to capture her?”

Wang Jian wasn’t the only one curious.

Even Yan Lingji and others were puzzled.

If he had a personal grudge against Bai Xianwu, it would have been easier to kill her in Han. Why bring her all the way here?

Li Mo pondered for a moment and said, “Use her to exchange for cities.”

“Exchange for cities?”

Wang Jian exclaimed.

A general like Bai Xianwu could easily be exchanged for a dozen cities from Han.

But once released, it would be difficult to kill her again.

Wang Jian’s eyes flickered.

If one didn’t consider Li Mo’s personal vendetta with Bai Xianwu, this would indeed maximize benefits.

This way, the Empress Dowager’s mobilization of 400,000 troops could also be justified.

After Wang Jian and the others left, only Li Mo, Fei Yan, and Bai Xianwu remained in the tent.

Hongliang, the “hostage,” was placed in another tent with Yan Lingji.

Otherwise, Li Mo wouldn’t have spoken so freely to Wang Jian earlier.

“Husband really plans to use her to exchange for cities with Han?”

Fei Yan took the hot tea Li Mo handed her and softly asked.

Li Mo, with his hands behind his back, walked over to Bai Xianwu’s side.

Bai Xianwu lay motionless on the plank bed, like an ice sculpture.

Li Mo reached out and pinched her body.

Her skin was fine and smooth, extremely cold to the touch, yet had the elasticity of a normal person.

There was no breath in her nostrils, no pulse at her wrist.

Li Mo moved his hand toward her prominent chest, wanting to check if she had a heartbeat.

“No, I’ve already checked.”

Just as his hand was halfway there, Fei Yan’s sneering voice came from behind him.

“You’ve checked already? Well, if you’ve checked then forget it, no need to check again.”

Li Mo awkwardly withdrew his hand.

Returning to Fei Yan’s side, he answered her earlier question: “I plan to release her, using her to trade for a city would allow the Empress Dowager and Emperor Qin to provide an explanation to the people and citizens.”

Others have gone all out to support you with troops, you can’t let them be in a difficult position.

Fei Yan nodded approvingly: “My husband speaks reason.”

To her, as long as Li Mo said it, it was reasonable even if it wasn’t.

“Husband, do you intend to replace this Bai Xianwu with someone else?”

Fei Yan’s wisdom was like an orchid.

And given her understanding of Li Mo, he wouldn’t let her be returned so easily.

Li Mo did not deny it.

He directly said: “I want Li to become her.”

Bai Xianwu was extremely unusual.

The Yin energy in her body was something even the Black Jade Kirin couldn’t replicate with its disguise techniques.

Moreover, there were still her dolls in the Hann army.

It would be easy for those dolls to distinguish whether this Bai Xianwu was an imposter.

Only by letting Li enter her body and become her could they fool those dolls.

Or inherit her memory and abilities to control those dolls.

Bai Xianwu had no soul, Li had no body.

Both were extremely unique existences.

But the problem is.

Li Mo was worried that if Li entered Bai Xianwu’s body, she wouldn’t control it but rather be devoured by it.

Although Bai Xianwu had no soul, her consciousness was extremely strong.

On the way, Fei Yan had tried to erase her consciousness using secret techniques from Yin-Yang School, but it had failed.

For someone at Bai Xianwu’s level, erasing her consciousness might only be something the Eastern Emperor Taiyi could accomplish.

But how would that old man, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, make a move so easily?

Fei Yan pondered deeply and said: “Bai Xianwu’s consciousness is so strong because it is supported by the dense Yin energy in her body,

If we dissipate her Yin energy, perhaps Li could suppress her.”

“But the problem is, Li also wouldn’t be able to inherit her immense strength.”

Bai Xianwu had a naturally Yin constitution and practiced extreme Yin evil arts.

Coupled with the loss of Yang energy in her body after death, she became this neither dead nor alive monster.

She made a deal with the darkness using her soul, with her body acting as a shell to bear her consciousness.

To put it simply, the extreme Yin energy in her body was her power source.

While driving her actions, it also sustained her consciousness.

If this Yin energy was weakened or removed, she would lose her power source.

But removing this Yin energy would be no small feat.

Fei Yan had only used the “Dragon’s Breath” to seal it.

Li Mo’s thunder techniques could kill her, but couldn’t extract the Yin energy from her body.

Li Mo slowly furrowed his brow.

Could the plan really fail?

Fei Yan reached out with her warm jade hand, gently holding his palm.

Biting her lush red lips, she slowly said: “Actually, there is another method that can be tried.”

Li Mo raised an eyebrow.

Why didn’t you say so earlier?

“What method?”

He turned his head and asked.

Fei Yan’s lips curled into a playful smile.

“In the Daoist principle, heaven and earth are divided into Yin and Yang.”

“Heaven is Qian, Earth is Kun.”

“Man is Qian, Woman is Kun.”

“Men and women are inherently Yang and Yin.”

“Bai Xianwu is still a virgin, using a man’s Yang essence to dissipate her Yin essence might be effective.”

Li Mo immediately understood.

His mouth twitched several times!

“Madam, you’re not joking, are you?”

The difference between Fei Yan and Yan Lingji was something else entirely.

Gentle and virtuous, she would never use such matters to tease her.

Fei Yan was amused by Li Mo’s strange expression and let out a laughter.

“It will be a few more days before we return to Xianyang, husband can think about it slowly on the way.”

The next day, Yan Lingji had mostly recovered.

Li Mo did not linger long at the border and led his people back to Xianyang.

With four hundred thousand troops stationed at the border, it was naturally impossible to come and go as they pleased.

Warfare is not child’s play.

If he didn’t get some benefits from Han, he wouldn’t have any dignity left as a national advisor.

That being said, the Empress Dowager really was quite generous.

Four hundred thousand troops were deployed just like that.

Li Mo sat in the carriage, resting his chin on his hand, looking troubled.

Yan Lingji and Hongliang tilted their heads to look at him from left and right for a long time.

He didn’t respond to their words, looking deep in thought.

“What’s wrong with him?”

Finally, Yan Lingji couldn’t help but ask Fei Yan.

Fei Yan glanced at Li Mo and smiled faintly, “He’s having an inner conflict.”

Li Mo indeed was experiencing an inner conflict, contemplating whether to try Fei Yan’s suggested method.

For an ordinary person, it would have been a done deal by now.

But given Bai Xianwu’s condition…

What exactly would this count as?

At the border

Chapter 199 Hongliang was made to cry by Mingzhu and Humeiren, continues the great cause of creating children with Jing Ni.

When he left, he had two beautiful wives accompanying him, carefree.

When he returned, it was with a grand military parade.

Wang Jian dispatched five thousand infantry and three thousand cavalry to escort him.

The scale was almost comparable to when the Emperor of Qin or the Empress Dowager traveled.

With infantry in tow, the pace was much slower than before.

It took a full ten days to reach the outskirts of Xianyang.

The general who escorted Li Mo returned to report to the palace, while Li Mo first returned to his estate.

Even before reaching the entrance, he saw a familiar figure standing there.

Like a stone’s throw, eagerly awaiting.

Her graceful figure was slim and tall.

Her long dress wrapped around her graceful body.

Her cold yet beautiful face was perfect and exquisite, with deep eyes carrying a hint of expectation.

Her long hair was styled into a married woman’s bun, adorned with a simple silver hairpin.

Jing Ni had actually already received news of Li Mo being besieged in Han.

The net was now in her hands, possessing an intelligence network so powerful it even surpassed that of Qin.

Hongliang was the first to jump out of the carriage.

After greeting Jing Ni, she looked at the luxurious estate and widened her eyes in surprise.

“Wow, it’s huge! You’re doing pretty well for yourself!”

Yan Lingji followed her out, glanced at Li Mo who was still getting off the carriage, and said leisurely, “Of course, otherwise, would the Empress Dowager send four hundred thousand troops for him?”

Jing Ni instructed her maid and quietly stepped forward to support Li Mo as he got off the carriage.

Seeing that he was safe and sound, the heart she had been holding in suspense finally settled.

She believed Li Mo would be alright and that he would return safely.

But people are just like that.

Believing is one thing, but the worry in her heart was something she couldn’t control.

Ever since she heard that Li Mo had gotten into trouble in Han, she couldn’t eat or sleep well.

Yesterday, she received word that he would return today, so she had been waiting at the entrance since early morning.

Just like she used to wait for him to finish telling stories and return home in Han.

Jing Ni wasn’t good at expressing her emotions.

A person not good with words could still inadvertently move others.

She used a sword to pierce others.

She used her heart to pierce Li Mo.

“Have you been waiting long?”

Li Mo gently rubbed Jing Ni’s hand and asked softly.

Jing Ni shook her head. “As long as you’re back.”

Hongliang watching their intimate moment got goosebumps all over.

She muttered, “So mushy.”

Yan Lingji shot her a glance.

Those words sounded familiar.

If she remembered correctly, that’s what she used to say too.

But now… now she couldn’t stay away from Li Mo even for a day.

Hongliang was already eager to explore the estate.

Living on the mountain was much more fun than staying in the palace.

She seemed to have forgotten she was a hostage.

Yelling loudly, she ran towards the inside with Yan Lingji like a gust of wind.

The mansion immediately became lively.

A fearless demon plus a crazy girl who dared to climb the sky and enter the earth, sooner or later the estate would be turned upside down by these two.

Jing Ni didn’t care about Hongliang, who ran off with Yan Lingji without a trace.

She turned to Fei Yan and said, “Thank you for your hard work.”

Fei Yan gently shook her head.

“We’re family, no need for formalities.”

Then, Jing Ni’s gaze fell on Bai Xianwu, who had been guided down by Fei Yan.

Her expression suddenly turned cold.

If it weren’t for her, Li Mo wouldn’t have risked his life to go to Han.

Sensing the killing intent, Li Mo squeezed her small hand and said, “Let’s go inside first. Where are the others?”

Only then did Jing Ni return to normal.

“They’re all in the mansion. I’ve already sent a maid to notify them. I didn’t tell them about what happened in Han.”

Telling them would only add to their worry without any benefit.

It was better to let them focus on their own things in peace.

Li Mo naturally understood her intentions.

This approach wasn’t wrong and was very considerate.

On the other hand, the maid beside Jing Ni quickly informed the other women.

When Lady Mingzhu heard that Li Mo had returned, she immediately dropped everything and ran out from the yard.

Jing Ni was worried about Li Mo’s situation in Han, so she couldn’t eat or sleep.

Lady Mingzhu, on the other hand, couldn’t sleep at night because she hadn’t seen him in a long time.

Every morning she woke up feeling sticky.

She dreamt of Li Mo’s shadow.

Now that he was back, she couldn’t wait to go and hug him for some kisses to ease her longing.

Passing through a series of picturesque pavilions, she hadn’t yet reached the mansion entrance.

She then heard a series of clear exclamations like those of orioles.

“Wow, your house is so big!”

“How come there’s a lake on this mountain? Did he dig it?”

“Are there any fish in the lake?”

“Where do you live? Should I live with you or by myself?”

“Living with you would be more lively, living alone is a bit boring!”

“Do you have a lake in your yard too?”

Hearing this chattering voice, Lady Mingzhu’s steps paused.

She raised her delicate brows in confusion.


Why did this voice sound so familiar?

Out of curiosity, she slowed her pace and walked forward.

As she rounded a corner and looked in the direction of the voice, her eyes widened in astonishment.

She was so startled that she shrank back at once!

“Why is Hongliang here?”

Lady Mingzhu was dumbfounded. How would she explain if Hongliang saw her here?

She considered whether she should go back to avoid trouble.

A seductive figure then walked towards her.

Humeiren, in a long dress, moved swiftly and lightly.

Her waist-length hair draped behind her, brushing gently against her protruding hips with every step.

Her charming face, like blooming peach blossoms, showed undisguised delight.

Clearly, she too knew Li Mo had returned and was hurrying to greet him.

From afar, she saw Lady Mingzhu standing there, hesitant.

She quickly approached and asked in surprise, “What are you spacing out for? Your master is back, aren’t you going to greet him?”

She knew very well.

During Li Mo’s absence, Lady Mingzhu had complained in her ear several times every day.

She waited eagerly, counting the days for his return.

Now that he was back, she should be rushing out to greet him.

Why was she standing here daydreaming?

Lady Mingzhu looked at Humeiren with a strange expression.

Her gaze was a bit peculiar.

“Um… I think we should go back and wait.”

Hongliang was blocking the way. If they went out, they would run into her.

Humeiren scrutinized her up and down.

“Why are you acting so odd?”

“Wait for what? Sir has had a long journey; who knows if he’ll come over tonight. Haven’t you been eager to see him?”

“Come, come, come, let’s go together.”

With that, she pulled her towards the front yard.

Lady Mingzhu, in a fluster, tried to shrug her off:

“Wait, wait, we can’t go now, not now!”

Humeiren paid no heed.
Without further ado, he grabbed her and started running out.

“Come on, come on, what’s stopping you? Someone out there wants to eat you?”

Haven’t you been wanting him to come back and eat you? Now that he’s back, you’re pretending again.

It’s been a month since she left, I wonder if the gentleman has gained or lost weight.

Just as Hongliang was preparing to look elsewhere, she heard pulling sounds behind her and blinked in confusion.

“How strange, why do I feel like I just heard that vixen Humeiren’s voice?”

“That’s not possible, wasn’t she burnt to death along with Humeiren?”

Yan Lingji leaned against the pavilion with her arms crossed, her mocking gaze drifting between Hongliang and what lay behind her.

She said leisurely, “Why don’t you just turn around and see?”

Scratching her head in puzzlement, Hongliang slowly turned around.

Immediately, she seemed to be struck by lightning and turned to stone on the spot.

Staring at the pulling Humeiren and Lady Mingzhu, her pupils dilated.

Her previously excited and rosy cheeks gradually turned pale.

Finally, a piercing and mournful scream alarmed the entire villa!

“A gh-ghost!!!”

Hearing Honglian’s scream from the front yard, Li Mo and the others stopped in their tracks simultaneously.

Li Mo realized the situation and rubbed his chin.

What a mistake!

Hongliang sat on the ground, wiping her tears non-stop.

Facing her, Humeiren and Lady Mingzhu both looked awkward.

Hearing Honglian’s sobs, Humeiren glared at Lady Mingzhu.

Blamingly, she said, “Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

No wonder she wanted to go back and wait; she knew this troublemaker was blocking the way ahead.

If it were anyone else, it might have been okay.

But Hongliang is Emperor Han’s daughter.

Meeting her is bound to be awkward!

Lady Mingzhu was not to be outdone and glared back.

“Didn’t I tell you not to go out? You couldn’t hold back your mischief and now you blame me?”

Humeiren rolled her eyes and looked helplessly at the frightened and sobbing Hongliang.

This princess looks feisty usually, who would’ve thought she scares so easily.

She started crying at the mere sight of them.

Yan Lingji leisurely crossed her arms.

This is just the beginning. When she came back, she cried even more miserably!

Kids will be kids, always tearing up over the slightest thing.

Lady Mingzhu looked at the seated Hongliang with disdain.

Tauntingly, she said, “So useless, is there a need to be this scared?”

Three enchanting beauties, each uniquely charming, surrounded a sobbing little beauty sitting on the ground.

The scene was indeed comical.

“What happened here?”

Just then, Li Mo finally arrived.

Lady Mingzhu’s face lit up.

Before she could speak, she saw Bai Xianwu floating beside Fei Yan.

Her smile instantly froze!

Terrified, she took several steps back.

And tripped over the seated Hongliang, landing on her rear.

“S-s-she… she..”

She looked at Bai Xianwu in horror, unable to speak a complete sentence.

Yan Lingji watched the pale-faced Lady Mingzhu with amusement.

Who just said Hongliang was useless?

Isn’t she scared stiff herself?

Feeling someone suddenly beside her, Hongliang instinctively turned her head.

Seeing the ashen-faced Lady Mingzhu, she jumped up like she had springs on her butt.

In a flash, she hid behind Li Mo, gripping his clothes tightly without daring to lift her head.

“A gh-ghost, a gh-ghost, there’s a gh-ghost here!”

Humeiren couldn’t hold back and laughed first.

Her laughter was like throwing a stone into a lake.

Triggering a series of bell-like laughter.

“Incomparable beauty makes a pleasant sight.”

Fifteen minutes later, Hongliang was still sobbing, wiping her tears, and scanning Humeiren and Lady Mingzhu repeatedly.

“So, neither of you is dead?”

Now that she’s seen them, hiding it wouldn’t help.

Li Mo decided to tell her everything.

Humeiren’s smile was gentle, not seductive, and she softly laughed, “Yes, do you want to go back and tell your father to capture us?”

Lady Mingzhu snorted disdainfully.

“Even if you gave him two guts, he wouldn’t dare.”

She knew Han Wang’s character all too well; he didn’t even have his own opinion.

Mingzhu Lady looked down on him from the bottom of her heart.

Hongliang puffed up her cheeks and angrily said, “Am I stupid?”

She had long wished to send these two people away!

If it were suggested to send them back, she would be the first to oppose!

“By the way, why did you come with the gentleman? Not going back?”

Due to her nature, Humeiren had a much better attitude towards Hongliang than Mingzhu Lady.

Her tone was also much softer.

She looked at Hongliang profoundly.

Hongliang’s eyes instantly reddened at the question.

She almost burst into tears again.

She said with great grievance, “My father doesn’t want me anymore!”

Mingzhu Lady and Humeiren were both stunned.

They knew that Hongliang had been doted on by Han Wang since she was young, so why did he suddenly not want her anymore?

Several other women came over one after another.

Unknowingly, a group of stunning beauties gathered in the pavilion in the mountain.

Li Mo suddenly felt melancholy.

If he couldn’t find immortality, how many years could such a scene last?

Fei Yan was destined to enter the Transcendent Realm sooner or later.

But the others would inevitably turn to dust.

Not far away, a serene and beautiful figure stood quietly.

Her gentle gaze fell on Li Mo.


The smile on her lips carried a hint of bitterness.

She was naturally a sentimental person.

Looking at the bustling family, Lady Hu always felt a bit superfluous.

Lost in thought, Li Mo sensed her presence and walked towards her, surprising Lady Hu.

He asked softly, “Why are you standing here?”

Lady Hu suddenly became nervous.

“No, nothing, I heard from the maid that someone was crying here, so I came to have a look, I just arrived.”

Lady Hu secretly scolded herself for being worthless.

She clearly came here upon hearing that he had returned.

But she couldn’t bring herself to say it.

Li Mo seemed to understand something but didn’t expose her.

All the courage Lady Hu had in front of him, she had used up on the night she killed Liu Yi.

Now she didn’t even dare to look up when speaking to him.

Li Mo chuckled and said, “Come on, let’s go sit over there; we’re all family, no need to be so reserved.”

Lady Hu softly glanced at him.

Those three words, “we’re family,” inexplicably touched her heart.

Night soon fell.

After a big family reunion dinner, everyone returned to their own courtyards.

In the main courtyard.

The room was lit with bright candles but was empty.

The main bedroom connected to a luxurious bathroom.

The sound of gentle splashing continued.

It was like the waves lapping at the rocks.


When the sound stopped, after a long while, a weak voice was heard.

“Why are you like a hungry wolf?”

Jing Ni weakly lay in Li Mo’s arms.

Her face was flushed, and her hair was slightly disheveled.

Strands of hair clung to her delicate cheeks.

Exuding a mature, lazy charm.

Their tender appearance starkly contrasted with her usual cold demeanor.

Li Mo gently embraced her willow-like waist underwater.

Resting his chin on her creamy, delicate shoulder, the two were cheek to cheek.

He said pitifully, “Of course, since I’ve come back, Hongliang clings to Yan Lingji to sleep every day, and Fei Yan has to take care of Bai Xianwu.”

“Both of them have abandoned me.”

Jing Ni smiled warmly and softly said, “The princess followed you all the way here, and you did nothing? I find that hard to believe.”

Li Mo cried out in grievance.

“That’s not why she followed me.”

“That girl is crazy, she insists her father doesn’t want her anymore and refuses to go back.”

“I can’t just abandon her midway, can I?”

The blush on Jing Ni’s body gradually faded, and her breathing became steady.

She gently nodded, “It seems that Bai Xianwu holds a higher place in Han Wang’s heart than his daughter Hongliang.”

Li Mo explained, “Han Wang is indecisive, and there’s no one useful in Han. He can only entrust Han’s safety to Bai Xianwu.”

As they conversed, he reached into the water once again.

With a mischievous grin, he asked, “My lady, have you had a good rest?”

Jing Ni gave him a sidelong glance but allowed him to misbehave.

“Can we rest a bit longer?”

However, Li Mo scooped her up from the water with a splash.

“Let’s continue resting in the room.”

He didn’t mind putting in a bit more effort.

Before leaving, Jing Ni had mentioned wanting a child, so he needed to fulfill her wish this time back.

As frost blanketed the morning path,

Jing Ni slept soundly while Li Mo quietly opened the door and walked out.

Even though the sky had not yet brightened, he had to attend the court session at the palace today.

Calculating the time, leaving now should be just right.


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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