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Chapter 203

Chapter: 203

Thus, the merger of the Bear Tribe and Tiger Tribe came to be centered around the Bear Tribe.

After hearing about the final contest’s details, uproar erupted from the Tiger Tribe, claiming that mugwort rice cakes and shepherd’s purse were hardly fair. But what could they do?

The contest was already over, and they themselves accepted the outcome.

No amount of complaining would change anything. Instead, there were murmurs of discontent, as if trying to revisit a matter that was already settled.

It got so bad that even within the Tiger Tribe, there were complaints about people still grumbling over an issue that was resolved.

In any case, Hwan agreed to accompany me as promised.

“I’m going to accompany you…?”

“Yes. You wouldn’t get much goodwill hanging around here anyway. Why not come with me?”

At my words, Hwan subtly turned his gaze away.

Where that gaze landed… the chieftain of the Tiger Tribe was standing there, his brow furrowed in displeasure.

“Are you saying you need someone less human like me?”

Being called ‘less human’ because he’s covered in fur instead of skin—what a treatment for a beastfolk.

Sure, there are some beastly traits, but they are still beastfolk, after all.

Is discrimination based solely on appearance unavoidable?

“I’m gathering talented individuals for something I have planned. Since it’s become difficult for you to stay here… will you join me?”


With a lingering look, Hwan gazed at the chieftain of the Tiger Tribe.

“I wanted to be recognized by my father…”

“Father…? You mean the chieftain?”

“Yes… well, for the time being, he is my father, the chieftain.”

I observed the chieftain of the Tiger Tribe, unable to quell his anger.

He gave his daughter a name that meant ‘worry’—what a fitting choice!

“There’s no issue with you following me, but… will your father let you go?”

“That’s not a problem. All discussions have already concluded.”


I nodded slightly.

“Yes. The loser of the contest is to accompany me, while the winner receives the blessing they desire.”

At my words, a shadow fell across Hwan’s face.

“So, in the end… I won’t be treated as his daughter…”

Unlike the chieftain of the Bear Tribe, who had referred to Goma as the future chieftain, the chieftain of the Tiger Tribe had said that Hwan was only good for fighting.

It seemed he didn’t view her as his child at all.

“At least, going with me would be better than staying with that guy. What do you say?”

Hwan thought for a moment at my suggestion and then spoke.

“Do you really need me?”

“Yes. I’m gathering capable individuals. You’re qualified.”

Physically strong among beastfolk, and though Hwan had been wasting her strength aimlessly… with a little training in movement, she could become even stronger.

A fighter with the strength of a tiger—honestly, I can’t resist that!

“Alright. I’ll go with you. I hope there’s a place for me at the end of that path.”

“Great choice!”

I smiled widely and patted Hwan’s back. This kid would surely prefer traveling with me over staying under a parent who sees her as a worry.

“Well, now we have one more companion—Asterios.”

“Yep! I’m happy!”

Asterios, with his large build and simple face, exclaimed with a bright smile, and Hwan couldn’t help but give a small smile in return.

“Let’s work well together from now on.”

“It’s the same for me. I look forward to it.”

With Hwan persuaded to join us…

“Now, let’s just deliver the promised blessing, and we can set off. Hwan, prepare to leave.”

At my words, Hwan shook her head slightly.

“There’s nothing to prepare. I hardly own anything.”

You’d think the strongest in the tribe would hold some value.

But simply because of a slight difference in appearance, is she really this neglected and discriminated against?

It’s a bit… bitter.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“So, what kind of blessing do you want?”

I asked the chieftain of the Bear Tribe after finishing my preparations to leave, and the chieftain replied with a resolute expression.

“About that blessing… can it be passed down to our descendants instead of us?”

“To your descendants?”

“Yes. It seems to be the best choice after much thought.”

Oh, look at that. They’re willing to give up immediate benefits for blessings that would help future generations.

Well played… very clever.

“It’s an interesting idea. So, what kind of blessing do you desire for your descendants?”

Of course, if they asked for immortality or god-like powers, I’d be furious.

However, contrary to my expectations, the chieftain called Goma over and said.

“I hope that the descendants of Goma, who will rule the tribe in the future, will always be happy.”


Suddenly dragged into the conversation, Goma had no idea what was happening, but neither I nor the chieftain cared for Goma’s confusion.


“Yes. I wish for happiness.”

Happiness, you say. Hmm. Hmm. Hmmm.

The standards for happiness differ for everyone, and to wish for such a vague blessing—what a tall order!

Then, I’d have to adjust the way the blessing is granted a little.

“Such a tricky wish, so let’s modify the method of the blessing a bit.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Just be quiet while I prepare a great gift for your descendants.”

Ignoring the bewildered Goma, I gazed at the giant tree towering behind the village.

Even that little divine being being born within it.

“That tree. It’s believed to be the Divine Tree by you all. I’ll grant a blessing for those who live under its shade to achieve happiness.”

If I can lend power to that young divine being, then those under the tree’s shade should receive happiness.

While I briefly considered a plan for them to be happy even when distanced from the divine, those kinds of connections with higher beings didn’t seem wise. Plus, overly broad blessings might be problematic.

So, a blessing for happiness among those beneath the shade shall suffice.

“Yes. That would be plenty.”

Considering the size of that tree… unless the population grew immensely, the area of shade would surely be sufficient.


“Those who are descendants under that tree shall find happiness, support each other in life, and do what is right; those who stray from such actions will find that blessing leaving them.”

I infused my magical power into the tree, embedding my intent within the young divine being that lacked self-awareness.

May those who are worthy descendants of this tribe and enter the shade be blessed with happiness.

Honestly, I think there shouldn’t even be restrictions on descendants… but I worry that wars might break out over the tree otherwise.

To manifest something as ambiguous as happiness, sharp restrictions are necessary. If anyone could just walk under the tree and be happy, it would be no different from a drug, right?

The young divine being infused with my magical power quietly opened its eyes, and as it stretched slightly, began to radiate its power through each branch and leaf.

A soft light spread around, and a gentle smile appeared on the faces of the tribe members.

“So make sure you teach your descendants well. Always help each other and live right.”

“Yes. Understood. Thank you, heavenly guest.”

The chieftain of the Bear Tribe couldn’t hide his smile as he bowed deeply to me, and even Goma, still confused, followed suit.

Alright. Now it feels like I’ve accomplished what I came here to do, so… let’s get going.

I left the two bearfolk still bowing, heading towards Asterios and Hwan.

Now then, where should we head next?

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Exclusive control over the area around the Divine Tree. Is this acceptable?

Long ago, anyone who carried the blood of the Heavenly Descendant, blessed by the Divine Tree, could find great happiness beneath its shade.

However, due to recent policies implemented by the King, the development restriction zone near the Divine Tree was lifted, and many rushed to the vicinity with loads of money to buy even a square meter of land.

Was this the sight that the Heavenly Descendant wished to see?

No! The Heavenly Descendant would never have desired such behavior!

The Heavenly Descendant, who planted the Divine Tree, always hoped that those who helped each other and lived righteously would find happiness—wouldn’t this scene be a contradiction to that hope?!

If the Heavenly Descendant were to witness this disgrace, they would surely take back the Divine Tree!

It would be wise for us not to become mired in materialistic values, but rather to refine our characters, following the will of the Heavenly Descendant!

– Flyers that were distributed around the vicinity of the Divine Tree.

It is said that the distributor could not be traced.

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