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Chapter 203

Every time the kids walked into the classroom and saw me, they flinched—well, that’s to be expected. Jian chuckled at me, and Satsuki rubbed her eyes. As soon as Rina entered, she scrunched up her face and quickly sat down, seemingly trying to avoid the light emanating from me. She probably thought she might get burned.

…It seems like this is more the power of miracles than holy power. However, the thought of Rina taking my words at face value was hard to imagine, so I just sat quietly in my seat.

“…Um, Clara.”

Seo-A, who came into the classroom for the morning briefing, looked at me with an extremely serious expression and asked.

“Is there, um, a problem or something?”

Problem… Well, there’s one, but it’s not something I can resolve on my own.


All I could do was shake my head. I mean, skipping school for something like this felt a bit wrong.


Even the usually confident Seo-A seemed a bit awkward, probably due to the incident a few days ago. It was impressive, to say the least, how she showed such a face toward a student.

Impressive! Oh, the faith of the people!

No one is at fault here, so there’s no one to blame—damn it.


Having a halo over my head since morning wasn’t too pleasant. Should I call it “bad luck” or “a minor blessing,” that was something I pondered seriously. Thankfully, the halo behind my head didn’t spread out in one direction.

The good news was that, for class, the teachers standing in front of the classroom were not directly blasted by the light, but the downside was that this light affected everyone around me as if it were light radiating from a lantern.

The ones suffering the most were the kids sitting close to me.

Faith in a person seems to be like some kind of savings plan, or maybe more people go to the cathedral as daytime approaches. I couldn’t judge since I hadn’t seen it directly, but the problem was that the intensity of this halo kept increasing as time went by. Of course, it affected Aurora, Linea, Selena, and even Jian. Satsuki’s seat seemed to be the only place where she could read a book due to being blocked by the other kids.


Every teacher coming into the classroom glanced at my face, clearly wrestling with whether they were permitted to say something about it. Hesitant to say a word, they continued the class while doing their best to avoid my gaze.

Naturally, not only the kids who sat close to me, those who usually played with me, felt an odd distance growing between us. Until recently, there had been an atmosphere of “even if she’s a goddess, Clara is still Clara”; now, it turned into “ah, she really is a goddess.” While no one worshipped me or suddenly started using honorifics like other believers, it was clear that every time someone stepped closer toward me, they had an expression of “is it okay to get closer?”

Well, how could it be any different? I had a gigantic light source behind my head, making everyone else’s faces glow brightly.

As the light intensified, shadows draped over me. Physically unavoidable, yes, but still… it felt like this long shadow was ominously hinting at my future, which was pretty gloomy.

“Um, this might be a bit late to say, but…”

During lunchtime, Selena cautiously approached me and said.

“You, you really were a goddess.”


By this point, the shadow hanging in front of me had vanished. According to those around me, it seemed that my face was also emitting light.

Exactly. Shortly after I came to this world, Ariel had descended using my body, shining with light. This aligned with the testimonies of Baal, who emitted black light from my face every time he borrowed my body. The real issue this time was that the light being emitted was pure, innocent white.

That white light, likely representing my unique divine power, didn’t seem to strain my body too much, perhaps because it was pure miraculous power. If I had used Ariel’s or Baal’s powers like this continuously, my body would not have been able to withstand it.

Once Rina realized that the light coming from behind my head was a miraculous power, she wavered, holding her lunch, and approached me cautiously. Yet her eyes were still filled with skepticism.

“Is it acceptable for someone who’s a saint to look at a goddess with such suspicion?”

“…It’s terrifying to say that while your face is adorned with a halo! You should at least show some expression and make a joke or something.”

As Rina froze mid-step and said that, I found myself a bit flustered.

…Well, thinking about it, it would indeed be scary. If someone with a halo behind their head told you not to lie, it would definitely be frightening; someone with light emanating from their face would be even more terrifying.

“…It’s just a joke, so you can come over.”

After I said that, Rina came over and sat in an empty spot nearby.

“So, what’s going on?”

Jian, opening his lunchbox, asked. Truly the protagonist! So courageous! I mean, I thought he would be completely unbothered by having a goddess among the heroine candidates.

He even turned down what Baal wanted, right? Does he somehow know he’s the protagonist?

…But glancing at that oddly innocent expression made me think otherwise. If that were the case, he would have been a reckless playboy by now. At the very least, he’d have a girlfriend.

“From today on, we’re officially holding sanctuary services at the St. Loyola Old Cathedral where I’m staying. I think that might be the reason.”

“So, like, your power being physical is a result of the believers praying for you?”

“Well… it’s still just a hypothesis.”

Seeing how coincidentally everything matched up time-wise was almost a certainty. Plus, as time went on, the light got stronger, which felt like more believers were passing by.

I had a feeling I’d hear the prayers of people in my dreams…

“What? So are you saying you’ll have to keep carrying that halo from now on?”

“Don’t say horrendous things.”

As Rina spoke chillingly, I frowned in response. Of course, the other kids probably couldn’t see what my expression looked like.

“Or, perhaps if you use that power elsewhere, it might resolve the issue.”

Linea said earnestly.

That did make sense. Energy is used up when spent indiscriminately. However…

“I have no idea where I should use this tremendous power.”

I said with a serious tone.

“…Maybe we could produce holy water in mass quantities?”

Aurora cautiously suggested.

“If only I could create tons of holy water in a single day and store it…”

But does the cathedral even have a water tank? I doubt they’d keep water in tanks, regardless of how ancient their facilities are.

“More importantly, right now, I don’t even know what this miraculous power truly is.”

Ariel’s holy power can heal people and hurt demons and beasts. Baal’s holy power is the destructive force capable of obliterating obstacles. Creating demons shows he might have some creative power too, although he’d probably be hesitant to share it, given demons are the worst example.

So what is my power?

That had not been clearly resolved.

Though people around didn’t seem to have any particular problems from receiving this light, holy power itself isn’t harmful to the human body. If Baal’s power was harmful, it was under ‘that usage’. If Baal’s power were akin to radiation, then the Bible Rina sanctified would be a horrendously hazardous material.

Well… for now, I guess I should be thankful that it hasn’t exploded by reacting to something.

“Still, the idea itself is brilliant. Should we contact the cathedral and make sure to secure as much water as possible?”

“I’ll contact them!”

Aurora, seemingly thrilled to have received praise, exclaimed as she pulled out her smartphone.

“But… even if we consume the miracles of that day like that, the next day the believers will start praying again. Fundamentally, it wouldn’t resolve the problem, right? Ultimately, it means every day I’ll be glowing at the academy.”

“…That too.”

No matter what we did, the intensifying glow over the days would repeat again. Not like I could just spend the whole day making holy water.

“Linea, Aurora.”

I called the two people who had officially become my first believers.

“On that day when we faced the demons, did you feel anything unusual while I was using my holy power? Was there any different sensation compared to when I used other holy powers?”



The two of them fell deep in thought.

“I don’t recall anything like rapid healing or swords empowered by miraculous power obliterating the cathedral.”

“But I did feel like I had some extra strength.”

Saying she felt somewhat more energized sounded those flimsily placebo effects.

“Ah, maybe the reason my sword didn’t break was due to that miraculous power.”

Linea nodded in agreement.

“The sword wrapped in white miracles wasn’t a holy sword, just a piece of metal. It was obvious that a miscalculated block against a demon’s attack would break it, yet it managed to properly serve its purpose until the battle was over. There were hardly any signs of damage.”

“Oh, now that you mention it, the shield I held was similar. It did bounce back from attacks but didn’t break.”

Oh ho!

“Are those sword and shield being kept at the cathedral?”

“Right, it’s said to be the first holy relic worthy of remembrance.”

And those are also the weapons that first struck and defended against the demons.

“Then… my power is preservation or protection, perhaps?”

When I earnestly asked, Linea and Aurora tilted their heads.

“Well, the fact that the divine powers of gods differ from each other was only revealed this year, so I couldn’t guarantee anything.”

“Until Clara came, the goddess was the only one we believed in. Even if we heard there were other gods, there might have been no information about who they were…”

Hearing that made me smack my forehead.

Of course.

Until my arrival, the only divine power spoken of in this world was Ariel’s. Naturally, divine powers meant healing people and suppressing demons and beasts.

I’m sure there were also theologians studying that divine power…

…I’m so sorry!


“Oh no, this is bad…”

After school, I was mumbling like usual while sitting in my chair, preparing for the duel club activities.

“What’s wrong—hey, are you trying to spout some prophecy or something?”

“I’m not, you know!”

When Rina jumped back, I replied sharply.

“It’s just that I see the Temple of Gods shimmering in front of me.”

I’m not sure about the structure of my body and soul, but it’s certain that I crossed into this world ‘through the Temple of Gods.’ Plus, just like how the gods can enter into the consciousness of devout believers, it’s entirely possible for me to enter into the consciousness of the gods.

Originally, such a thing could only happen if I was directly connected by holy power, making it possible now indicates some degree of connectivity between my body and consciousness to the Temple of Gods. If there was absolutely no connection, I wouldn’t be able to directly convey messages to Ariel or Baal.

Is that why?

Like a mirage seen by a person dying of thirst in the desert, a part of the Temple of Gods shimmered far off in my line of sight.

“I just see the Temple of Gods shimmering in front of me.”

When I spoke lightly, Aurora and Linea, who were nearby warming up before sparring, suddenly froze.

“The Temple of Gods?”

Rina had a somewhat unfamiliar expression.

“So, that’s where the gods reside, right?”

“Yep, it is. A vast, temple-like space filled with endlessly standing intricately carved pillars that seem to vanish in the real world.”

I hadn’t seen other gods, but it was set up that various deities lived in a place aptly named ‘Temple of Gods.’ The setting only stated that the gods overlooking this world were Ariel and Baal.


As if I were describing my front yard, Rina, upon hearing my description of a mythological place, was left speechless with her mouth slightly agape.

“The Temple of Gods is shimmering? What does that mean?”

“Clara, could it mean you’re about to ascend?”

“No, I absolutely don’t want that.”

There are so many unfinished things I want to take care of down here! Plus, I haven’t enjoyed honey enough! I should at least spend what I earned in this world before I leave!

I waved my hand in front of my eyes, but the segment of the Temple of Gods appeared even more vividly than my hand. What can I say? Have you ever felt that sensation of your eyesight flickering after seeing something brilliantly bright? It felt like that flickering portion was reflecting another region.

“Clara, I’m not ready to part with you yet!”

Aurora said as she held on to my arm.

“No, I’m not going up at all…”

“Clara, considering it, that halo is nearly engulfing your upper body.”

Linea said with an extremely serious expression.

“What? What the—”

Selena’s voice trailed off mid-sentence. She probably gasped.

“Clara, are you okay?”

Then came Jian’s voice, followed by,

“Clara, your condition…”

“Is that all the power known as miracles…?”

I heard voices from Satsuki and Ramihi.

No, wait a moment. The visible section was becoming larger than the Temple of Gods. Why couldn’t I see the faces of the kids earlier, damn it?

I shut my eyes. Thankfully, closing my eyes turned the afterimages black as well.


And I took a deep breath.

“Hey, Linea, Aurora. Is my power truly not harming anyone?”

“W-well, that may be true.”

“I’ve seen it.”

I nodded while keeping my eyes closed.

“If I stay like this, I’m pretty sure I’ll ascend against my will. So please step back for a moment. If I don’t release this power immediately, I don’t think I can remain in this world.”

Upon hearing my words, the grip holding my arm slid back. It seemed Aurora moved away from me.

“W-wait, are you really okay…?”

Rina muttered with an incredibly worried voice.

“Alright then.”

I opened my eyes. What lay before me was purely the Temple of Gods’ vision.

However, even if it becomes that Temple of Gods, I still have to deal with the demons. Although it is largely because those putting their faith in me believe in me, those people would also be greatly troubled if their goddess were to vanish due to the power of their own faith.

“So, here we go.”

Feeling the urgency within my body, I acted without waiting for a response and released my power.

The way I always used my holy power or miraculous power.

Then, I confirmed that the sight before me didn’t change.


I stared up at the Temple of Gods that now appeared beyond mere afterimages. Have I failed?

“W-where is this…?”

But soon, I heard someone mumbling in disbelief, snapping me back to the present.

The kids, who had just been gathered in the auditorium, appeared right in front of the Temple of Gods. No, it wasn’t just appearing; it looked as if they were standing alongside me here.

“Don’t move too hastily.”

That familiar voice belonged to Baal, who slowly approached us from afar while speaking.

“You aren’t truly here. You’re only overlapping due to her… the goddess of the living world’s power. If you recklessly move, you might accidentally hit something nearby and get hurt.”

After he drew closer and paused to observe us, he slowly scanned around.

“W-wait a sec.”

Someone clung tightly to my back, and when I turned to look, Rina was closely hiding behind me.

“Y-you mean that guy, B-B-Baal—”

“If you speak, then finish your sentence, my apostle.”

Hearing that, I turned to Rina, who was peering over my shoulder.

“Don’t worry; he’s not as scary as you think.”

“Really, is there any reason not to be worried?!”

Rina’s anguished voice echoed through this enigmatic space, whether it was truly the Temple of Gods or an auditorium with its image imposed upon it.

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