Switch Mode

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Cliché (2)

The reason I didn’t purchase any artifacts despite receiving a significant amount of money from Rubia was quite simple.

Artifacts aren’t something you can just obtain by looking for them.

Of course, enchanted items can be easily bought if you have enough money.

Take myself as an example—I’m wearing a robe equipped with all sorts of functions like defense enhancement and temperature regulation.

After both Lien and Siel expressed their admiration for the robe I wore last time, I acquired a new one with a similar design.

However, clothes like these aren’t classified as artifacts.

The reason is straightforward.

A mage has merely enchanted an ordinary object; it doesn’t have the innate ability to produce magic on its own.

True artifacts must possess inherent mystique, capable of conjuring magic independently.

Naturally, such artifacts are monopolized by the Empire.

Just trading them is considered a serious crime.

In games, players could acquire such artifacts relatively easily.

You only needed to play through multiple rounds.

After clearing the game once, you could simply delete that character and use the currency earned to craft whatever you desired.

‘…But how on earth am I supposed to do that right now?’

Due to this, the sources of artifacts are inevitably limited.

In such circumstances, the black market serves as a rare chance to obtain artifacts, like a refreshing rain in a drought.

Thus, for someone like me who needs to grow stronger, it was a place I had to visit at least once.

‘Besides, even aside from the artifacts, I could potentially meet some good characters there.’

There are many characters, former slaves who now support the protagonist.

With a bit of luck… I might find a decent companion there.

But the problem is, the black market isn’t accessible to just anyone.

You can’t simply buy a ticket to enter the black market with just money.

‘If I miss this opportunity, I’d have to wait another six months. I really don’t want to let this chance slip away.’

Over the past two days, I’ve been learning foundational spells from Siel and receiving martial arts training from Lien, along with various preparations.

Yet, honestly, I couldn’t see a way for Rubia to secure the entry tickets in time.

The black market opens tomorrow. We need the tickets by today at the latest.

Realistically, acquiring such items in just two days isn’t an easy task.

So, I thought we might have to give up on this venture, but then…

“Huff… Haah.”

While in the middle of training with Siel, a panting Rubia appeared before me.

She must have run like the wind, leaving her usual red hair in a complete disarray.

Her clothes were completely drenched, making her already sizable assets peek out, and I had to consciously look away.

“I got it!”

What she meant by ‘got it’ was crystal clear without needing to ask.

In Rubia’s hand was a ticket, the same kind that had appeared in the previous work, complete with a golden border.

That’s a VIP-exclusive entry ticket!

Essential for participating in the exclusive auction.

‘How on earth did she manage to score that?’

I couldn’t help but reevaluate Rubia’s skills.

In hindsight, it seemed obvious. I had often wondered how someone who generously gives everything away, seemingly at their own detriment, could find success in business.

However, the fact that she acquired this ticket indicates that a regular entry ticket could have easily been obtained in less than a day.

…It seems she somehow misunderstood me and took the trouble to secure a VIP ticket instead.

‘I would have been just fine with a regular ticket, to be completely honest.’

That thought crossed my mind, but I wasn’t naïve enough to say it out loud. I graciously expressed my gratitude and accepted the ticket from Rubia.

“Well then, have a good trip.”

Rubia’s face showed a hint of relief as she said that.

But then,

“Miss Rubia, you should come with us…”

How are we supposed to board the magic train without her?

Watching her struggle makes me feel guilty.

But with only a day left, walking that distance isn’t a feasible option.

Once we’re done with this, I’ll share the recipe with her and help her rake in some serious cash.

Despite my hesitation, I knew I had to rely on her kindness just one more time.


The Empire is far more technologically advanced than one might think.

This is clear just from the scene before me.

A sleek black train adorned with intricate golden gears and a blue glow emanating from the magic stone fuel flowing through transparent tubes.

It radiates a steampunk vibe that never ceases to impress.

Even from my modern perspective, its aesthetics are impeccable.

‘Well, it’s typical of the Empire to create such marvels, yet restrict their use to nobility.’


Lien gasps in awe, scanning the station’s surroundings, while Siel remains her unexpressive self.

Rubia is ahead of us, checking tickets and identities.

I expected this process to take longer, but it seems we’re breezing through, likely due to her connections.

It’s quite a reminder that Rubia truly belongs to the nobility.

So, we boarded the train.

Naturally, Rubia was separated from the three of us.

That’s only to be expected.

Our presence here is allowed solely because servants are regarded as the property of the nobility.

How could property sit in the same seats as their owners? Naturally, we are relegated to narrower, less comfortable seats.

‘Well, that doesn’t bother me.’

Unlike the ever-stoic Siel, Lien is visibly excited, looking around with eagerness.

My reaction was pretty similar.

In the original story, the player character was part of the nobility, so this area of the train is completely new to me as well.

In fact, I had been more curious about this section than the noble compartments I had become bored with from previous views.

‘This isn’t as bad as I expected.’

Maybe it’s due to the luxury amenities.

Despite being treated like luggage and shoved into a different compartment, it’s surprisingly tolerable.

With so few people around, this might even be more comfortable than a modern subway during rush hour.

Being able to sit down gives us a distinct advantage here.

We found a spot with just enough room for the three of us to settle as comfortably as possible.

With not much to do until we arrive, Lien and I were staring out at the scenery when a moment caused me to pay attention.

“I just can’t seem to keep up…”

A white-haired man reading a newspaper muttered.

Out of boredom and curiosity, I asked him what he meant.

“The world is changing too fast. It’s overwhelming for an old man like me.”

With those words, the gentleman passed the newspaper to me.

It contained a story about the Black Fangs.

Of course, being the Empire’s news, the Black Fangs were depicted as crazed psychopaths running amok.

However, given my knowledge from the previous work, I knew that if you sift through the sensationalism, it hinted at the beginnings of an anti-imperial movement starting with the Black Fangs.

“I just hope we don’t get caught up in some senseless conflict…”

The old man sighed with this sentiment, as if lamenting the unintended consequences suffered by bystanders like us.

…For some reason, this struck a nerve with me.

This train is a symbol of noble authority.

If an anti-imperial organization exists, this train would certainly be a target.


‘This is such a cliché.’

An uneasy feeling washed over me.

Train-related stories typically involve some sort of terrorist attack.

In fact, it would be more surprising if a train-related plot didn’t involve some form of attack.

In such a situation, was it really just a coincidence that the old man brought up such ominous matters out of nowhere?

“Lien, Siel. Just to be safe, don’t let your guard down.”

With that said, I started being more vigilant about our surroundings.

Now that I think about it, the train was eerily quiet.

It felt like the calm before a storm, as if something was about to happen.

An ominous premonition settled in me.

It felt like something was about to go horribly wrong.

And then… an explosion roared.

It started in the compartment ahead of us. The train began shaking violently, derailing…

-Thank you for choosing our train. We wish all passengers a comfortable journey…

Instead, the overly polite announcement filled the air.

Somehow, we arrived at our destination unscathed.

I averted Lien’s confused gaze and scratched the back of my neck.

‘This is really strange.’

My instincts are usually quite sharp.

But lately, I feel like I’ve been missing the mark.

I had an undeniable feeling, an intuition that there were suspicious individuals on board.

But… what can I do when reality says otherwise?

Maybe it’s time to stop overestimating my gut feelings.

‘Well, clichés are just clichés.’

When you really think about it, it’s obvious.

The idea that a terrorist organization would actually be on the same train as me is just as unrealistic as it sounds, right?

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not work with dark mode