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Chapter 20

Episode 20. Queen of the Snowstorm (3)

The Lycansroff, capable of overwhelming an academy without staff with just two individuals boarding.

According to the initial game plan, three were supposed to appear, but due to a balance patch, it was reduced to two.

From the perspective of students, even if they are at their weakest, they are like disasters. Just two of them gathering is enough to appear as the boss of a chapter, and five are enough to make one shudder.

The students are fleeing to the professor’s quarters to avoid them, but they have a keen sense of smell and will inevitably find prey.

It’s only a matter of time before they uncover the hiding spots in the academy. There’s no solution unless the professors are called in.

Then what are the duty professors doing?

Even if they are not combat-oriented professors, they should be able to contact the professors who have already left work using emergency communication magic.

“It’s a shame, but we can’t count on that.”

Today’s duty professors are Condra Maxtel, a second-year alchemy professor, and Adella Merhenna, a first-year combat assistant professor.

By now, they are probably unconscious somewhere. They were ambushed by spies hiding within the academy and were swapped out.

That person would have assumed Condra’s identity and usurped the professor’s authority, and would have approached the Sealstone, the source of the academy’s barrier.

It was clear that they were strong enough to set foot in the academy without fear.

However, it was impossible to completely stop the Sealstone. It only weakened the barrier slightly.

That’s the reason why Lycansroff invaded.

The one who hired that spy is none other than Travell Byrd. His goal is to kill Jenny and Raimon only.

Travell requested the spy to ensure that Lycansroff only targets those two. There’s no significant gain from increasing the number of victims.

Accepting that request, the spy placed suggestions in the Lycans’ minds.

However, due to the imperfectly undone barrier they passed through, those suggestions were released. That’s why the entire academy descended into chaos.

And the fate he receives is proportional to his despicable actions. He will be expelled by Raimon, who secretly obtained evidence.

He will likely fall into a state where he neither lives nor dies, even facing public humiliation.

By now, Raimon would have met with the spy to obtain the evidence. There’s no need to worry about him; he’s a capable fellow. But… that’s not the important thing right now.

“Quiet down, you damn things! There’s no need for needless inflation to five.”

– Are you guys somekind of Avengers?

I vented my frustration while catching three of them. Then, manipulating the three fishing rods, I activated the skill.

– Fishing Line Control Lv4

The fishing lines absorbed my mana and turned into thick hooks, binding their arms. Then, I bundled them up like fishing lines.

The three fishing rods I’m holding aren’t mine. Hurriedly arriving at the Unique Management, I immediately burst open the door to Cage Rebela’s research lab.

As the head of the combat department, his hobby is none other than fishing. There are always three or more high-end fishing rods in his residence or office.

Originally, anyone couldn’t enter, but since I could freely come and go in the game, I knew the location of the fishing rods.

As he cherished the fishing rods, they gleamed and looked sophisticated. Surprisingly, their price matches two months’ worth of a professor’s salary.

With anecdotes of artisan craftsmanship, their performance is top-notch.

No matter how high-quality the fishing rods are, they are useless in battle. However, for someone like me who has mastered illusionary swordsmanship, fishing rods are unparalleled combat equipment.

Moreover, with such high-quality fishing rods, they can amplify my potential.

In terms of comparison, it’s like capturing the Gae Hyeongyeom Sword. My combat prowess skyrocketed as I captured three of them simultaneously.

Originally, it would have been impossible for me, but with these artisan fishing rods, nothing is impossible.

“Argh…! Please just hold on a bit longer!”

Even with all these favorable conditions, there are still limits to someone like me at the level of a student.

A creaking sound came from the fishing rod. From the hand holding the three rods simultaneously… blood flowed down the handle like a pillar.

And the air grew cold.

“Has it already begun?”

Snow fell. Eventually, the wind picked up, turning into a blizzard. Realizing it was Jenny’s Snow Age, I bit down on it.

Finally, the full-scale rampage had begun. It would soon turn the entire academy into an ice rink.

Fortunately, the students who realized the situation were arming themselves and rushing over. They were also perplexed by the weather phenomenon, but they couldn’t afford to hesitate due to the attacking wolf doppelgangers.

Luckily, even the students from Class C could easily deal with the organized wolves, and the experienced seniors gradually reduced their numbers.

That aspect was the same as the original. It was only possible there because there were only two Lycans.

If I hadn’t been holding onto these guys, it would have been the students who rapidly decreased.



Snap! – One of the wolves bit into my shoulder. Groans escaped me due to the excruciating pain.

After tasting my blood, it seemed emboldened, trying to increase its biting force.

“Aqua Ball!”

At that moment, a bullet from a water gun pierced through its face. The person who saved me from the precarious situation of dropping the fishing rods was Trisha Marlin, the head of the Journalism Department.

“Radon? Are you dealing with these guys now…?”

Trisha’s eyes widened when she realized that it was her own subordinate who had tied up the three Lycans.

And it was none other than the cunning trickster, Radon Crowler.

“I’ll explain later! While I’m holding them off, hurry…”

“But what should we do? Our attacks aren’t working at all.”

Considering the creatures’ bizarre resilience and vitality, Trisha, like a phoenix, knew their weakness… I knew it too.

“Destroy their brains and hearts simultaneously! That’s how you kill them!”



Trisha Marlin relayed the weakness I taught her to the crowd. Her voice, with her wide-ranging influence as a department head, was more effective than mine.

Thanks to her, there were no doubting students.

Even if you couldn’t penetrate their fur, knowing their weaknesses allowed you to harm them effectively. If their defense is strong, just target their vitals.

I spare no means or methods.

The combat students pierced the wolves’ eyes with swords and spears. In response, magic and students injected flame magic into the wolves’ mouths, which screamed.

The wolves thrashed about, pulling on the fishing lines. Despite the excruciating pain from their stubborn resistance, they would soon perish.

Zap! –

An arrow flew from afar and struck one of the wolves preparing to attack. A girl was providing cover fire from the roof of the academic building.

Despite her black hair and the night, she exuded a noticeable glow.

First-year A-class of the combat department, Lusca Madeye. She was constantly defeating the increasing number of wolves. Her priMaryd skill was firing dozens of magical arrows at once.

Originally an unpopular character, her support now reassured everyone. With her support, they could focus on defeating the Lycans without worrying about the wolves.

The other two were scheduled to be dealt with by the main characters and upperclassmen of this chapter.

I just need to endure this ordeal!


Sizzle – In a final act of defiance, lightning shot from their mouths. Unfortunately, it was directed at me via the fishing line.

Electrocuted. Struck simultaneously by lightning from three wolves, I felt like I would die on the spot. Moreover, the lightning seeped into my body through the wounds inflicted by the doppelganger wolves.

It’s painful, but I must endure. If I can’t keep them bound here, they’ll tear me apart once they’re free.

Considering their healing speed, the pierced eyes would regenerate quickly. Eventually, even the students would be wiped out.

Either be devoured or electrocuted. In this situation where I had to choose one, I stubbornly chose the latter.

Would they die first from their organs being destroyed, or would I die first from electrocution? It’s a gamble.

Thanks to consistently raising my “Tenacity” stat, I’m not the same as I used to be.

[Conditions met.]

[A new skill will be activated!]

Howling Thunder Lv1

As my consciousness began to fade.

Standing at the crossroads of life and death, I saw through the system’s ruse.

Above my blurry head… eyes as bright as fireflies began to fall.

* * * * *

“Jenny! Snap out of it!”

The moment she saw the Lycans, Jenny lost her composure to the point of being unable to move. She didn’t know why she had appeared here, but she ended up making a pathetic spectacle in front of everyone.

Her close friend, Maryd Ryudsiehl, was shaking her shoulders.

Jenny Chainsilver had failed once again. Despite using powers she shouldn’t have, she hadn’t completely defeated them.

And look over there. Radon Crowler, the despicable scoundrel she resented so much, was there.

Even that damn guy, who was being electrocuted, was trying to save the students… What was I doing?

Zap –

Now, the Snow Age couldn’t be controlled. Soon, an enormous snowstorm, like a bursting dam, was about to hit. It was enough to freeze the entire academy in a matter of moments.

Not being able to take down the threats to her friends, let alone being destined to annihilate them now… I felt a level of shame where death seemed preferable.

“I’m sorry, Mary… It’s over now.”

The snowstorm intensified. The phenomenon of temperatures dropping and rooms freezing over was all a warning for what was about to happen.

I can’t keep calm anymore.

When I lost my belongings due to the cowardice of Radon Crowler and the misdeeds of Travell Byrd, it was like experiencing the shock of losing my mother again.

At that time, there were cracks in the dam holding back my rampage.

And on top of that, I met with humiliation from Radon Crowler a few times.

In the practical exam, I ended up using my powers. That single instance acted as a catalyst, amplifying the rampage that already seemed severe enough.

If I were to go on a rampage, I could trap the Lycans in the ice, but the entire academy would be trapped as well. In that case, there was only one option left.

“Run, Mary. Lead the other students away from here.”

She showed her frozen hand to her friend.

“I’m done now. The snowstorm will hit soon. It’s enough that both me and those guys are trapped in the ice, so… ugh!”

Before she could finish her sentence, Maryd shoved something into Jenny’s mouth.

Gulp – What did she just feed her? No time to worry about that now…

“My hand…!”

The frozen part of her body melted away. Her temperature rose and returned to a certain state. She couldn’t help but wonder what she had just eaten.

“What just happened?”

Instead of answering, Maryd smiled.

Then the snowstorm subsided. The fierce gusts gradually slowed down, and Jenny’s stabilized magic reflected, forming a radiant shape.

Although it didn’t feel like winter, it was undoubtedly snow. The ferocious snowstorm had turned into beautiful starlight, creating eyes that sparkled like the night sky.

The radiant light descended on ground, illuminating the entire landscape of the academy that had been chilly with the snowstorm, inducing purity with its rainbow hues.

Jenny was perplexed as snow piled up on her head. She never expected the power she couldn’t control and considered a curse to take such a lovely form.

With a questioning expression, Maryd said with a smile,

“It’s a collaboration between me and my friend. We made it all for you.”

Her smile wasn’t the usual foolish one but one directed at her friend, flickering in her sparkling eyes.

When she came to her senses, Jenny realized that the depression that had been tormenting her had disappeared. Moreover, her body had completely melted.

She didn’t know what she had eaten to cause this, but… her power was under control.

It wasn’t at its maximum, but being under control was enough.

“Are you awake now, Jenny Chainsilver?”

Even though she had collapsed, Crona Delluware got up again and approached.

“It’s quite beautiful today.”



The Lycans, who had been thrown far away by Maryd’s lightning magic, returned.

Pulling out a spear, it seemed like a reminder of her mother’s death, pressing down on her psyche.

“You’re a cursed being.”

“A pariah. Deserving of punishment.”

The presence, as if those evil thoughts had materialized, rushed towards her, but she no longer listened. Because she wasn’t alone.

“This time…”

Jenny Chainsilver’s steps froze, turning into an ice rink. Although her output had weakened, it was enough.

“It’s not a curse.”

A sword with a bluish tint appeared in her hand. It wasn’t just any practice sword but a real sword made for Jenny Chainsilver, the girl. The sword imbued with aura was handling the controlled power.


The cold aura emanating from the sword swept across the ground.

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