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Chapter 199

Chapter 199: Capture Bai Xianwu Alive!

Come here and let me use you for a moment!

Fei Yan used the long needles formed by “Dragon’s Traveling Qi” one by one to seal into Bai Xianwu’s body.

The pain they caused her was no less than the damage from lightning.

Every time several acupoints were sealed, the most Yin energy inside her would be gradually contained.

Bai Xianwu was beaten by Li Mo without any chance to fight back and had no way to stop Fei Yan’s actions.

Fei Yan moved swiftly, sealing more than eighty acupoints in the blink of an eye.

With the acupoints being sealed and the most Yin energy decreasing,

her strength gradually weakened and her movements became more rigid.

When another five long needles pierced in, Bai Xianwu let out another shrill scream.

At this moment, a uniformed sound of footsteps came from afar.

The sound grew nearer and clearer.

The commotion here had finally attracted the city’s guards.

The soldiers looked dumbstruck at the scene before them.

What are they seeing?

The Qin envoy brutally beating their general!

“Is that General and the Qin envoy?”

“Hurry, send someone to report this to the Emperor!”

“Surround them, don’t let them escape!”

Seeing that the situation was critical, Yan Lingji immediately created a wall of fire to halt their advance.

Now was the critical moment. If they were disrupted, restraining Bai Xianwu would no longer be easy.

The flames illuminated the surroundings as if it were daylight.

The intense heat blocked the advancing soldiers outside for the time being.

Li Mo and Fei Yan didn’t pause, continuing to work together in subduing Bai Xianwu.

More and more golden needles pierced into her body.

Bai Xianwu, like a machine running out of power, became increasingly sluggish.

Even her screams lost their strength.

In the end, every time a gold needle plunged in, she could only express her pain by trembling.

A fine sweat broke out on Fei Yan’s forehead.

Her face looked somewhat pale.

Using “Dragon’s Traveling Qi” so frequently, even she was feeling the strain.

But she gritted her teeth and persevered, her hands moving with undiminished speed.

For her, as long as she could assist Li Mo, she wouldn’t hesitate even if it drained her completely.

Another “Dragon’s Traveling Qi” condensed.

This time, it was a foot-long golden needle.

The needle danced in front of Fei Yan, appearing slightly unstable.

Fei Yan’s beautiful eyes showed obstinance. She raised her eyes to confirm Bai Xianwu’s position.

Flipping her hands, the long needle transformed into sixteen streaks of golden light shooting towards Bai Xianwu!

Bai Xianwu turned her head sharply.

Her resentful gaze seemed to want to tear Fei Yan apart.

If it weren’t for her “Dragon’s Traveling Qi,” she would still have had a chance to escape even if she couldn’t defeat Li Mo.

But with these streams of Yang “Dragon’s Traveling Qi” entering her body, her movements became increasingly sluggish.

Not to mention escaping, now she didn’t even have the strength to fight back.

The long needle aimed for her Baihui acupoint atop her head.

Fei Yan slowly lowered her hands, her cold gaze meeting Bai Xianwu’s resentful eyes.

Her faintly pale lips moved slightly.

“I told you, you would remember me.”

As the final golden needle shot towards her, fear appeared on Bai Xianwu’s face.

Her eyes were full of struggle.

Her body suddenly erupted with a huge resisting force.

Li Mo quickly acted.

He grabbed her pale, slender neck.

Lightning flashed in his hand!

Another wave of paralyzing sensation hit her, causing Bai Xianwu’s body to twitch violently.

She could not move an inch again!
The pupils trembled in fear as they stared at the sharp needle.

“No, no, no!”

With one final scream, the long needle pierced directly into her head.

The scream stopped abruptly!

She became motionless, like a statue.

Only her waist-length hair fluttered in the wind like a black flag.

Her face still bore the last look of terror.

Li Mo slowly withdrew his hand from her neck.

Bai Xianwu remained motionless, her lifeless eyes occasionally showing a hint of resentment.

Subconsciously, she was still struggling.

Trying to break through the sealed acupoints.

But after a few futile attempts, the trace of resentment grew weaker and weaker.

Until her eyes were completely lifeless.

The extreme yang energy of the “Dragon’s Qi” played its role within her.

It sealed one hundred and eight acupoints, completely isolating her extreme yin energy.

It was like adding resistance to a circuit board, cutting off the flow of current.

Li Mo patted Bai Xianwu’s cheek.

With a cold laugh, he said, “Even harder to catch than a New Year’s pig!”

Bai Xianwu’s physical strength and physique far exceeded that of ordinary people.

Her fitness was almost superhuman, with enormous strength.

Her clothes around her abdomen had a fist-sized tear, revealing a clear set of abs around her navel.

Her athletic figure exuded explosive power.

“The city soldiers are coming. What should we do now?”

More and more soldiers were streaming in their direction.

The flames set by Yan Lingji were only a temporary measure; they would soon break through.

Li Mo hoisted Bai Xianwu and joined the other three.

After placing her down, he said, “We have arrangements. We need to leave the city first.”

He then instructed Mo Yu Qilin, “You go ahead.”

Without a word, Mo Yu Qilin retreated a few steps and vanished into the darkness as a black shadow.

Yan Lingji tilted her head and listened to the commotion on the other side of the firewall.

Looking at Li Mo with sorrowful eyes, she said, “There are more and more people. We probably won’t be able to leave easily. Why don’t we die here together?”

Li Mo flicked her on the forehead.

“Displaying fear before the fight is a great taboo in warfare.”

Yan Lingji yelped in pain, holding her head.

Unconvinced, she retorted, “Why don’t you check how many people are outside before speaking?”

The sounds of footsteps outside grew denser.

There were probably already thousands of soldiers.

More soldiers surrounded them from all directions, effectively sealing off any escape.

Fei Yan’s determined eyes looked at Li Mo.

She softly said, “My husband must have already made arrangements.”

Yan Lingji looked up at the sky, dyed as black as ink.

“It’s going to rain. Once the rain falls, my firewall will be useless.”

There had already been flashes of lightning and thunder for a while, and the wind had not stopped.

The bright moon had long been obscured by thick clouds.

It was a sign of an impending heavy rain.

Yan Lingji’s concerns weren’t unfounded.

As more soldiers gathered outside, the coming rain would extinguish her firewall.

No sooner had she spoken.

One cold raindrop fell onto her smooth forehead.

Yan Lingji gently wiped her forehead with her jade hand.

She extended it to Li Mo, “What did I say?”

Pouring rain soon followed.

Bean-sized raindrops fell incessantly.

The flames diminished under the deluge of rain.

Outside, soldiers stood ready with weapons at the ready.

A general emerged from the crowd, his gaze piercing through the dying flames to Li Mo and his companions.

His face darkened when he saw Bai Xianwu lying motionless beside them.

In a solemn tone, he said, “Lord Envoy, what is the meaning of this?”

They had arrived late and didn’t know what had happened.

Bai Xianwu was the Hann general.

Li Mo was both an envoy and the state preceptor of Qin.

His status was extremely special.

Before the situation could escalate, the general didn’t dare rashly take action against him.

Li Mo stepped forward and said, “I have a personal grudge with your general, which I am settling now.”
The general squinted his eyes to block the rain that was seeping into them, and looked at the unmoving Bai Xianwu beside him.

“Regardless of the matter, I ask the envoy to release our general,” he said gravely.

“Then follow me into the palace to meet the king, and let the king decide everything.”

Having finally caught Bai Xianwu, how could Li Mo agree to this?

Releasing her would mean all their efforts were in vain.

“What if I say no?” Li Mo replied.

The general took a deep breath.

This was really a tough situation.

It wouldn’t be wise to offend the state of Qin, but they couldn’t just let Bai Xianwu be taken away either.

Otherwise, where would that leave Han’s reputation?

If a general commanding the army were seized in his own capital and this news spread, they would become a laughing stock worldwide.

“If the envoy disagrees, I will have no choice but to offend you,” said the general.

“Men, seize them!”

Yan Lingji furrowed her eyebrows and removed all six hairpins from her head.

Facing tens of thousands of elite soldiers, this would be a tough battle.

Talking in front of Li Mo was one thing.

But she was someone who would rather die than bow; she couldn’t possibly sit around and wait for death.

Her long hair was wet from the rain, and a few strands clung to her exquisitely beautiful face.

A stern look exuded from her dreamlike eyes.

Fei Yan also began channeling the “Dragon Soaring Qi.”

After resting for a while, her complexion had improved significantly.

“Hold on.”

Li Mo suddenly held her hand and whispered.

“Do you want to reason with them?”

Yan Lingji glanced his way.

She had experienced Li Mo’s verbal skills first-hand, but reasoning wouldn’t work in this situation.

Li Mo shook his head but didn’t speak yet.

Suddenly, a pink silhouette emerged from the crowd.

“Wait, wait, don’t act yet!”

Hongliang pushed through the crowd, braving the pouring rain.

“Greetings, Your Highness,” the general, who was about to give orders, quickly paid his respects.

Hongliang’s rain-soaked eyes looked particularly bright and lively.

“What’s happening? What are you doing?”

The general quickly replied, “Your Highness, the envoy from Qin has captured General Bai. I am preparing to take him to see the king.”

Hongliang also saw Bai Xianwu standing rigidly beside Li Mo.

She couldn’t figure out how, but Bai Xianwu was standing still like a wooden post next to him.

She wanted to say it was a good capture, but her position didn’t allow her to say such a thing.

Sensing Hongliang’s appearance, Li Mo felt a bit relieved.

He called out loudly, “Your Highness, you are late.”

Hongliang felt a bit embarrassed.

She had accidentally overslept.

“This princess had urgent matters to attend to. Didn’t I just finish them?”

She stubbornly refused to admit she had overslept, despite obvious signs.

Li Mo smiled, “No matter, you’re not too late.”

Hongliang wiped the rain from her face and asked irritably, “Why did you call me here in such heavy rain?”

He had said they’d come to have some fun. Surely, it wasn’t just to get drenched.

Li Mo pursed his lips before saying, “I want to borrow you for a bit.”


Hongliang didn’t understand what he meant.

But the general beside her turned pale.

In a burst of panic, he shouted, “Protect the princess!”

His reaction was swift, but the soldiers were not quick enough.

Before they could surround and protect Hongliang, Li Mo vanished right before their eyes.

By the time everyone gathered around, Hongliang was gone.

With one arm, Li Mo held Hongliang softly by the waist, reappearing beside Fei Yan and the others.

The Hann soldiers were utterly shocked.

The general was especially enraged.

He shouted, “Release Her Highness immediately!”

Hongliang’s face turned pale with fear.

Just moments ago, she felt a sudden swoosh and found herself in a different place.

“What-what-what do you intend to do?”

The warmth of Li Mo’s hand on her waist felt particularly distinct in the cold rain.

“Sorry, Your Highness. This was a necessary move, and I’ll apologize later,” said Li Mo.

He had predicted this outcome. No matter what happened between him and Bai Xianwu, it would draw the city’s garrison.
Even if he could leave here, it wouldn’t be so easy to get out of Xinzheng.

But having Hongliang in hand makes a difference.

He didn’t believe Emperor Han would ignore Bai Xianwu or his beloved Hongliang.

The Hann soldiers, seeing Hongliang captured, were as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

With the general captured, if anything unexpected happened to Princess Hongliang, even a hundred heads wouldn’t be enough to save him.

“Your Excellency, don’t act rashly; we can discuss everything.”

Li Mo chuckled lightly, “Alright, then you move first.”

The commander gritted his teeth hard.

“Clear the way!”

If they ran, they could still be caught.

But if anything happened to Hongliang, he wouldn’t be able to bear the responsibility.

Yan Lingji glanced back at Li Mo and Hongliang.

This guy really came prepared!

The bustling army slowly made an opening.

Li Mo looked down at the shivering Hongliang and said, “Princess, I’ll just borrow you for a moment and let you go after I’m done.”

Hongliang puffed her cheeks like a pufferfish.

She scolded, “How could this princess trust you so much, only to be fooled into this scheme?”

Li Mo awkwardly said, “It was unavoidable, but I did help you get rid of that annoying Bai Xianwu. A little sacrifice from you isn’t too much to ask, right?”

Hongliang glanced at Bai Xianwu beside her.

“Why isn’t she moving?”

Fei Yan said blandly, “All her acupuncture points are sealed.”

Hongliang let out a long “Oh.”

Her eyes flicked once, and she suddenly raised her leg to kick Bai Xianwu.

Seeing no reaction, she squinted and said, “She really isn’t moving. What are you going to do with her?”

Li Mo said helplessly, “We’ll talk about it later; let’s get out of here first.”

“Alright, alright, this princess will help you this time. Remember, you owe me a huge favor! If I need something in the future, you can’t refuse.”

Hongliang took the chance to demand a high price.

Li Mo laughed, “Consider it done.”

Fei Yan raised her plain hand and pulled the ice-like Bai Xianwu behind her.

With Hongliang and Bai Xianwu in hand, no soldiers dared to act rashly.

But just then, another group suddenly arrived from a distance.

Upon seeing the palanquin within the crowd, Hongliang’s face immediately changed.

“Oh no, my father is here!”

A six-horse carriage, the emperor’s chariot.

Emperor Han arrived surrounded by many imperial guards.

At the sight of the scene, he flew into a rage, “Stop right there!”

At his command, the previously opened path closed again.

Emperor Han stepped out of the crowd.

Soldiers on both sides were ready.

Li Mo’s earlier prowess was evident to them all.

If Emperor Han was also captured, Li Mo could indeed leave unimpeded.

Already furious over losing the Canglong Seven Stars, seeing the general and Hongliang captured fueled Emperor Han’s rage.

“What audacity, to dare hold my general and princess hostage in Han.”

“Your Excellency, are you thinking Han is an easy target?”

Coming to Han’s capital to capture people was a blatant insult to Emperor Han.

If Li Mo took them away, it would be a huge humiliation.

“Release them, and I won’t make things difficult for you.”

With hostages in hand, Emperor Han had to stabilize Li Mo first.

Inside Xinzheng City with so many guards, he didn’t believe Li Mo could fly away.

But Li Mo wasn’t so easily deceived.

With a firm stance, he said, “Once we safely leave Han, I’ll naturally release them.”

“Until then, the princess will have to endure.”

Emperor Han’s face turned livid. He sternly said, “Your Excellency’s actions, aren’t you afraid of sparking a war between two nations or of Queen Mother and Emperor Qin blaming you when you return?”

Li Mo tilted his head, brazenly said, “Does Emperor Han have the guts for war?”

“Your general is in my hands. Without her, Hangu Pass’s ten thousand troops are just scattered sand.”

“Does Emperor Han believe you can withstand several assaults from Qin?”

Who wouldn’t know how to threaten?

The power disparity between Han and Qin was significant.

If Emperor Han had the courage to declare war on Qin, he wouldn’t have let Ji Wuye control the court for so long.


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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