Switch Mode

Chapter 198

‘It’s a strange ceiling.’

Ivan woke up amidst a headache and thirst. The monotonous sound of the fireplace burning was heard nearby.

His assessment of the situation was swift, as always. He had fainted on Kalion’s ship, and waking up under silk blankets indicated that it was not a hostile environment.

His limbs were intact, and his bodily functions were…

‘Almost normal.’

Despite pushing himself to the limit, his body was functioning normally. However, he did not sense any divine power. It was hard to determine whether this was temporary or if it had vanished forever.

He needed to meet the saint. He had to call Eugene to organize the information gathered so far, report to Elizaveta, and check the training status of the members of the Hero Party.

There was a mountain of tasks to handle. The most crucial thing was to ascertain where he was. That was the first step.


He realized it immediately upon sitting up. The scenery outside the window and the architectural style were close to that of Krasilov. In fact, the smell of the air made it somewhat predictable.

If that was the case, it meant he had been safely escorted to Krasilov, but why was he waking up in an unfamiliar bed instead of in a infirmary? How much time had passed?

What about the risk of conflict with Kalion? What was the result of the Privy Council’s decisions?

He needed the cooperation of Edelplat.


As Ivan sorted through these thoughts, he pushed the blankets away and got out of bed. His body felt light. Looking down, he noticed that he was missing all clothes except for his underwear.

There were no signs of injury on the bare skin of his upper body. Only scars filled like shattered glass.

Estimating the time lost by the muscle mass, it seemed to be around two to three weeks. His nutritional state appeared nearly perfect, but it was judged to be a loss of muscle due to inactivity.

Ivan slowly turned his head toward the bed he had woken from.

Then, he stiffened as he discovered a smooth silver-haired person with their hair messily scattered, curled up in the blankets.



The silk blankets and each piece of furniture were luxurious enough to exceed the total cost of maintaining his orphanage for a year, thus indicating nobility.

Among the nobles, it could be limited to those from the “Princess Faction” who would care for him instead of killing him.

Among those nobles, the only woman with silver hair around a height of approximately 165 cm.

There was only one such person in Krasilov.

“I need to get dressed.”

He couldn’t seem to form coherent thoughts into sentences. With a stiff expression, he quickly scanned his surroundings. To his surprise, there was nothing that could be classified as clothing inside this chamber.

Sadly, the rational thought came first. It was reasonable to undress an unconscious patient for cleanliness and care.
The clothes he was wearing were tattered rags from days of relentless battle. Given the location, it was natural that they should have been discarded.

Moreover, if this was “her” chamber, it was entirely reasonable that there wouldn’t be men’s clothes. In fact, there likely wouldn’t even be women’s clothes. Servants would be on standby in the wardrobe, ready to fetch garments at all hours.

So, while it was rational, it was also unreasonable.



Ivan’s hearing sharpened. He felt the woman curled up on the bed slowly rising. He could hear her heartbeat gradually quickening.

Soon, the woman sat up disheveled and looked at him with vacant eyes.


The woman playfully pulled the bed cover over her chest and smiled sleepily. Even without makeup, her face sparkled in the rosy glow of the fireplace.

“Have you finally woken up? You were such a sleepyhead.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Your Majesty.”

Elizaveta raised a hand to gracefully sweep her hair back and tie it up.

“I am Elizaveta I.”

“Congratulations, Your Majesty.”

“Your merit is great. I worried deeply about how to reward you, and in the end, I decided to give you the greatest treasure of this country.”

“I didn’t do it for a reward.”

“But what can I do? I want to give it to you.”


Ivan stiffened his expression and looked around again. Even though he could hear their conversation, the officers outside did not move. He could sense their presence distinctly.

“Come closer.”

“That would be against etiquette.”

“Do the laws of this country take precedence over me?”

Silently, Ivan stood before her. His long shadow was cast over Elizaveta’s head.

A white finger touched his chest, gently brushing against a long scar. At that moment, Ivan cut off the pain. He felt somewhat relieved.

“Am I lacking…?”

Ivan lowered his gaze to look at Elizaveta. She averted her eyes and whispered cautiously.

“You hesitate, Banka.”


“Are you trying to say you didn’t know? You’re not the kind of man who is oblivious.”

Her small voice pierced him like a blade. Ivan looked down at Elizaveta with dry eyes. The hand gripping the blanket trembled, pale.

“Don’t you know? You must have known, even back then… you remain the same.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Call me as you did back then!!”

Elizaveta commanded in a deliberately loud voice. Her attitude was more desperate than proud.

“I didn’t confess because I knew you would reject me. I didn’t say anything for fear that our relationship would break once it exceeded the bond of lord and vassal. But didn’t you know? Even if you didn’t say it, you never refused me! You never turned away from me!”

“Not as… No, not as Ivan… Ivan Sergeyevich Krasilov’s granddaughter… Not as the last royal blood of the great royal family…”

Elizaveta cautiously reached out to Ivan. Her trembling fingertips grazed the air, lost in direction.

“Please… see me as Elizaveta. Sir Petrovich.”


“I… I admire you. How could I not… how could I possibly… how…”

Her eyes blurred. Elizaveta trembled slightly, with her round, pale shoulders quaking.

“To give everything selflessly… and still offer up one’s life for a man…”

From the moment Alexander was crowned as the Crown Prince, there was no possibility for Elizaveta, who was just a young girl.

It was obvious she’d be sold off in a political marriage at the appropriate age, with only that value attached to her.

Yet, she grew under the favor of the late King, serving in the military. She was able to command a legion at a young age. She gathered considerable military merits and achieved success.

Her only legitimacy lay in her bloodline, and the obstacles she needed to overcome to challenge the royal authority were beyond description.

Since the death of the late King, in a capital filled with political rivals, she had to barely gather the surviving members of the nearly vanished Cleanup Unit to start a civil conflict.

It was a precarious situation. There were no trustworthy men. The nobles who approached her were only after her bloodline or her beauty.

In the midst of this, the only person she could trust wanted to retire.

“Just my remaining in military service burdens Your Majesty.”

He was too sharp a blade to stay in the era of peace. He was the man who returned after carrying out commands that bordered on suicide, even under Alexander’s orders.

Given Alexander’s nature, he could never allow this man to linger. Having achieved the feat of killing the Seven Warlords, Alexander couldn’t possibly overlook him.

Just having Ivan by her side put Elizaveta at risk. She would be exposed to increasingly overt offensives.

“I can protect your Grace.”

“Krasilov cannot bear any more war.”

The moment the Northern Legion decides on civil war, Krasilov will be shattered. This nation can no longer afford any more warfare.

Thus, it was a problem that needed a political solution. In such a dire situation, Ivan could not help her. His strength lay in war, but now the world had no war left.

Elizaveta stamped her seal on his request with a smiling face. Just as he would leave to protect her, she resolved to send him away to protect him as well.

A man who could receive the highest treatment wherever he went in this United Kingdom. A man whose achievements, if known, could forever engrave his name in history.
At that moment, such a man, with no desire for anything, descends into seclusion, quietly stating that he will care for the orphans and die in peace.

– If that is Your Majesty’s will, then let it be so. I shall bless Your Majesty’s future.

No honor, wealth, or glory can be bestowed. Instead, with the intention of leaving no more scars on his body, I willingly agree.

His absence could be endured. It could be celebrated. There was an understanding of his wish to live a second life.

How much pain must he have felt? How much anguish must he have endured? Even though they were dear subordinates to her, were they not comrades to him? Almost all of his close friends lay in the distant territory of magical beasts.

Thus, she approved of his retirement with a heart of blessing.

The absence could be managed.

However, solitude is hard to bear.

Now, she had to stand alone in the royal family of this land. Among the nobles who cast subtle glances, the ambitious ones trying to exploit her bloodline, and leading the “Princess Faction,” always prepared to betray the Crown Prince.

“My… Your Majesty was my only sanctuary. How could I not adore you…?”

“Elize. I…”

Ivan knows Elizaveta’s heart. In the past, and even now.

The feelings she harbored began with admiration. Although she commanded rough men, she felt gratitude, yearning, and reliance for the soldiers who quietly devoted themselves to her.

It doesn’t mean that it was wrong. But it cannot be accepted.

Considering what the Great King had bestowed upon him, she should have been a person to marry the most excellent man in this country… no, in this world, and live the happiest life.

But how does he compare to her?

A peasant, a conscript, devoid of property, fame, or titles. Inept at politics and unable to adapt to peace.

Each night, he dreams nightmares filled with guilt and indebtedness, his mind trapped in panic as he sees the faces of the dead comrades.

He is a broken person. One who cannot bring happiness to anyone, nor has the confidence to do so.

Just a foreigner desperately wanting to return home, yet ultimately giving up that hope, waiting to die.

Does he deserve to love someone, to be loved in return?

No. I can say for certain that his fate is closer to killing someone. An enemy or ally alike.

“I am a broken person.”


At Ivan’s low voice, Elizaveta looked up at him with a sad smile.

“Is there anyone unbroken in this broken world?”


“But I will not say you are broken. It is all of us who are.”

Not broken, but merely lacking in various ways.


“Just as there are paintings that become complete through filling in the gaps.”
I am just one of the inadequate people too.

“I will complete the scripture. So please, complete me as well.”



Elizaveta reached out and brushed Ivan’s lips.

Her hand slowly moved, touching Ivan’s dry cheek as if caressing fragile porcelain.

“If you’re not going to push me away, it’s rude to speak now.”

Looking down at the cautiously approaching Elizaveta, Ivan sighed and closed his eyes. A soft touch moistened his lips, and a hot breath tickled the tip of his nose.


“Let me out! Lawyer!! I will call a lawyer!!”

“There are no such customs in Krasilov.”

“This barbaric military state!!”

“You should be grateful to the constitution of this country that you haven’t been executed, considering you attempted to trespass into the palace more than 15 times in the past three weeks.”

Isabelle glared at the soldier’s back, who replied bluntly and left, letting out a big sigh as she buried her head between her knees.

“I told you to approach more amicably.”

“Be quiet, you elf.”


“Aren’t you in a hurry? What’s happening over there… It’s been three weeks. Three weeks! What can possibly be done from where to where in three weeks…!”

“Get lost, Ecdysis, your lewdness is contagious.”

Elpheira arrogantly laughed, pushing the agitated Ecdysis away.

“In the end, I’ll be the only one left anyway, so what’s the rush?”


“Humans die quickly. I’m not telling you to die now, so don’t feel too bad.”


“Get out of our cage, you monster…!”

“Even if a dog wags its tail at someone else while searching for a snack, it will eventually return home.”

Isabelle and Ecdysis nodded simultaneously.

There isn’t a single adult argument that’s wrong.

When the paper is different, the mindset itself is bound to be different. Humans fundamentally cannot become intimate with elves. They’re all just crazy people.

Isabelle and Ecdysis turned their heads and again grabbed the bars tightly, starting to shout.

“Let us out!!”

“I’m going to tell my dad! Do you know who my dad is?!”


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30 Years Have Passed Since the Prologue

30 Years Have Passed Since the Prologue

프롤로그에서 30년이 흘렀다
Score 7.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I got transmigrated into a game I’ve never seen before. I thought it was a top-notch RPG and spent 30 years on it. I retired as a war hero and planned to spend my remaining time leisurely. But it turns out, it was an academy story?


not work with dark mode