Switch Mode

Chapter 197

Chapter: 197

“…Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

When I expressed my intention to participate in the Partran family festival, Benedict noticeably looked taken aback.

It was quite the spectacle. Normally, he’d grant any request his daughter made, yet here he was acting all flustered.

I had a hunch about why.

The countless mischiefs Lucy had stirred up in high society in the past.

From his perspective, how could he welcome such a proposal? Especially when it’s about visiting the grand Partran Ducal house.

As soon as I mentioned attending the festival, I could practically see old memories flashing through his mind, and it made sense for him to try to find a way to talk me out of it.

Honestly, it was a bit pitiful of him, but I wasn’t about to give up on this.

Sure, the pathetic god had issued me a quest, but there was an even more important reason.

My favorite character wanted to hang out with me!

And give that up? Not a chance!

As a die-hard fan of the Soul Academy, I simply couldn’t!

Benedict couldn’t stop me; how could a doting father possibly refuse when his daughter wanted to play with a friend?

Instead, he gently took my hand in his giant palm and earnestly begged, “Lucy, once the business in the territory wraps up, I’ll head to the Partran territory as well. So please, I beg you, don’t stir up any trouble before I arrive!”

His request, stemming from all the struggles he’d endured over the years, revealed the traces of hardship he had faced.

Considering the context, I simply nodded without saying a word.

After that, it was all about the preparations.

The Ducal family arranged for someone to cater to my needs, assigned guards, found someone to look after the Clumsy Fox, packed up outfits I’d wear there, and I steeled myself while eyeing Lucy’s flashy attire from the past.

Thanks to the swift handling of these preparations, I arrived at the Partran territory two evenings before the festival began.

“Long time no see, Young Lady Alrn.”

Even after almost two months, Joy hadn’t changed much.

I suppose the only difference was that she’d trimmed down a little from all the training she’d been doing.

The already beautiful girl had become even prettier with all that care.

At this point, she could easily top the game’s illustrations, right?

“I’ve heard tales of you here and there. Honestly, you never really stay quiet wherever you go.”

As I reflected on how lucky I was to have possessed Lucy’s body, Joy chuckled while speaking.

My story? What’s there to share?

Ever since returning from Menestel, I’d been cooped up in the territory.

…Could it be that news of what happened at the auction had leaked?!

The dark history where Erin mentioned that moment, making me feel eternal regret when I floundered around, had become public!?

Avery! I trusted your discreetness, and you betray me like this!

I shall never forgive you.

I will show you just how terrifying the concept of mutually assured destruction can be.

“How dare you trample on the territory of a foreign Count?”

I was starting to grind my teeth thinking of what could be passing around, but Joy was talking about something else entirely.

Just before heading to the auction, when I had knocked out Count Georg in Menestel.

“I felt a sense of vindication hearing about it, but you really went too far.”

While the humiliated Count Georg tried to keep the rumors in check, you can’t stop people from talking.

The fact that he received a proper lesson for throwing flirty glances at me seemed to have spread even to noble families in other lands.

Good. At least the story has the correct background.

Considering Lucy’s reputation, it could’ve easily spiraled into rumors that I clobbered him just because I didn’t like him.

“In the high society, they’re saying that Young Lady Alrn instigated the situation.”

Ah, so the rumors have already gone awry, huh?

Is my reputation plummeting again?

Ugh. I nearly risked my life to prevent the evil god’s seal from breaking, and this is how I’m treated?

“Don’t worry. I correct any tales I hear about it.”

Seeing Joy puff up her chest like she was the one I could rely on brightened my mood.

Right. Who cares what people who don’t even know me are yapping about? As long as those around me are aware of the truth, that’s all that matters.

‘Thank you, Joy.’

“Still, now I’m worried. What if you spout something weird and twist the narrative further? Is the epicenter of the rumors really the Clumsy Young Lady?”

“What? Why is it getting twisted like that?!”

Of course, I didn’t thank her for my Mesugaki skills.

But hey, that’s not so bad. The Clumsy Young Lady being clumsy is kind of adorable.

Since I was visiting another noble family’s territory, I should ideally greet the one governing it, but I couldn’t.

This morning, the Ducal couple had to leave due to urgent obligations.

From my standpoint, this was fortunate. I’d been looking for a way to postpone meeting the Ducal couple.

Thinking about the penalties of the Mesugaki skill.

That guy just slaps ridiculous nicknames on everyone regardless of status.
How should I even address the Ducal couple?

I’d have to tackle that absurdity eventually, but today didn’t have to be the day, right?

After all, I was already stressed out from the pathetic god, and I didn’t want to add more worries into the mix.

As a sort of substitute for the Ducal couple, I ended up having dinner with Joy and Jeff Partran, her older brother.

“Nice to meet you, Young Lady Alrn. I’m Jeff Partran. I’ve heard a lot about you from my sister.”

Underneath the facade of a perfect noble, if you looked closely, you could spot a small awkwardness about Joy—whereas Jeff truly embodied the aristocratic character you’d find in fairy tales.

His movements and speech were so polished that even I—who knew his real nature—couldn’t help but admire it.

But underneath, he was a different beast.

He was endlessly generous towards those he recognized and as cold as ice to outsiders.

You’d wonder how a guy like this could be Joy’s sibling.

Throughout most of his route, this dude relentlessly brought up his sister’s name.

But as someone who valued Joy as a friend, he’d treat me well, if not in a way I’d want to cozy up to.

I couldn’t help but think how the Mesugaki skill would refer to him.

In the community, they typically labeled him as a crazy sis-con.

Hopefully, it wasn’t that bad. Right?

Please, don’t let it reach the point of being hated.

“Hello there, Young Lord Partran.”

“Hello, um… lewd Young Lord?”

Jeff’s expression tightened a little, but this wasn’t bad by my standards.

I had seen much worse.

“If that’s my nickname, then…”

‘Sorry. Seems to be the case.’

“Yes. I think that suits you perfectly.”

“…So, my sister is saying things about me?”

Joy was standing nearby, perhaps warning him beforehand.

Jeff merely nodded, keeping his mouth shut otherwise.

“Lady Alrn, why does my brother have a reputation for being lewd?”

The question arrived from a different corner.

For someone who had only seen Jeff’s good side, it would be hard to understand why ‘lewd’ would be his nickname.

As Joy asked her question, I had instinctively been about to answer, but I swiftly changed my mind upon catching the intense look from the side.

“It’s like calling the Clumsy Young Lady, the Clumsy Young Lady♡.”

“…What does that even mean?”

That should suffice as an explanation, Joy. No more elaboration needed.

Though Joy tilted her head in confusion, I merely picked up my utensils, pretending not to notice.

Saying anything further might result in gaining a new enemy.

The meal served by the Ducal house was delicious. I didn’t quite enjoy the meal due to Jeff’s cautiousness, who prowled and observed every time I opened my mouth.

Once we finished eating, Joy stood up, saying she’d show me around the Ducal residence with excitement that practically screamed ‘I’ve been waiting for this!’.

Seeing the anticipation blooming above the mask of the Villainess showcased her eagerness.

Jeff tried to tag along, acting oblivious, but Joy swiftly blocked him.

“Dear brother, I’d like to spend some time alone with her.”

“However, Joy…”

“If you keep this up, I’m afraid I’ll start to dislike you, dear brother.”

Upon declaring her hatred towards him, Jeff’s facade crumbled.

His defeated figure stomping away looked oddly familiar.

Ah, now I remember. Benedict often walks away like that.

I couldn’t help but feel a hint of sympathy for Jeff as I imagined Benedict fumbling through paperwork in a panic right now.

“Do you have something to say, Young Lady Alrn?”

‘Don’t worry. I won’t tell a soul.’

“To the paranoid Young Lord who fears his lewdness getting uncovered, here’s some good news. You can trust me to keep my mouth shut, or at least I’ll try.”

His expression turned a bit complex as I laughed uncontrollably.

“I’m not sure what you mean. Am I lewd?”

‘My words, let’s just take them at face value.’

“Right, sure, you’re indeed the lewd Young Lord after all.”

Seeing Jeff clench his fists, I quickly fled the scene.

If he was this sensitive, what would happen when I met the Ducal couple?

…Perhaps I should’ve just gone with Benedict.


The next morning after enjoying my time wandering around the Ducal mansion with Joy, even though it was early, Joy was brimming with enthusiasm.

“Let me show you all the amazing things from our territory that I didn’t get to show you yesterday!”

She must have been looking forward to this day, as she even wrote out a plan in her notebook. The moment breakfast ended, she whisked me outside the mansion.

I had sensed the vibrant energy of the Partran territory during my quick look around last night, but it seemed even livelier today.

Maybe the festival was approaching, but the people’s faces seemed sprightly.

Though they looked fierce enough to scare anyone, it was probably because the benevolent Ducal couple governed the territory well.

“This place is…”

Having grown up loved by such Ducal couple, Joy was a kid who knew how to appreciate her home.

Her affection shined as she introduced her territory.

Maybe knowing this, the residents greeted her with joy as they came up to her to say hi.

I couldn’t help but feel envious. The people back in the Alrn territory practically bow down when they see me.

As I strolled the streets with Joy, I suddenly stopped in front of a shop set up for the festival.

There, you could shoot arrows at a scoreboard to score points.

As I gazed at the stall, Joy eagerly suggested, “Would you like to give it a try?”


“It looks kind of silly, but it seems fun.”

When Joy asked if it would be okay to try, the owner nodded enthusiastically.

Since the festival hadn’t started yet, I figured no matter the outcome, it wouldn’t count towards a quest.

Still, why not practice a little?

I figured it was also a good chance to test if the effects of the Ring of Fun would activate properly.

After receiving an arrow from the guy running the booth, I took a deep breath and drew the bowstring.

“Oh, nice form. Have you learned to shoot bows somewhere?”

‘Nope, never had a chance.’


As I released the string, the arrow flew straight into the target marked with ’10.’

Perfect. The Ring of Fun is definitely working its magic.

Hey, pathetic god!

I’m counting on you to help me boost my reputation—so don’t let me down!

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not work with dark mode