Switch Mode

Chapter 196

Chapter: 196

“So, we need a list of gods that can be safely discarded and those we should try to spare… Hmm. Since you’ve been asleep for 300 years, you probably wouldn’t know.”

“Worry not, I have a list of all gods.”

Let’s just gloss over the fact that that list has become excessively long.

“Is that so? Well… how about this? My siblings and I will draft the list! We’ll create it in your stead… and we’ll take care of the rest too! Deal?”

Sylphid rolled her eyes while trying to convince me. I could see right through her intentions.

She’s probably thinking of excluding the gods they have ties with or are close to from the list.

Well, I don’t particularly mind that part.

“I don’t mind you making a list, but I can’t leave the actual handling up to you.”

“What? So you’ll do it personally?! If that’s the case, the world is doomed!!”

Sylphid’s panicked response. Nyx, standing beside her, was merely tilting her head in confusion, unsure of what was happening.

“Doomed, you say? What nonsense is that?”


“I won’t go smashing everything without reason. I’ll keep the destruction to a minimum… and hmm. I’m also considering summoning the dragons and golems.”

Having others do the wrecking would likely cause less collateral damage than if I did it myself.

“If that’s the case… that’s acceptable. Yes. Anyway, we’ll draft the necessary list quickly. Until then, no destroying other gods! Got it?”

“Sure. It’s not like we need to rush right now.”

I want to take a look around the world a bit, gather some capable individuals, and then get to work after that.

“And even if you create the list, it’ll just be for reference. I’ll consider your opinions, but don’t complain if the details end up differing when I deal with them.”

“Ah, um… yes! Just having your help a little would be enough!”

“And I’ll need to set certain conditions for the list. That way, it can be easier for you to draft it.”


“Yes. Just saying ‘this god should be spared’ won’t cut it without valid reasons. So you’ll need to include conditions for who can be removed from the list.”

If I don’t set such conditions, it looks like they’ll remove gods just because they’re buddies.

“First, any beings that have directly harmed humans or other life forms will be eligible for elimination.”

“Who has harmed them?”

“Right. Even though I specifically told you all not to descend upon the realm… now that Baal is gone, I presume some took that as an opportunity to ignore my words and rampage on Earth.”

Sylphid nodded slowly at my words.

“That’s true; certain gods have been rampaging on Earth. Shamash and I chased after them…”

“Those kinds of beings will have their divinity stripped, their physical forms obliterated, and their souls reincarnated as humans. There’s no reason to leave those who harm other lives unpunished.”

“Understood. Are there any other conditions?”

Other conditions… hmm.

Since I need to reduce the number of gods… maybe I should also consider eliminating those who are too weak to be called gods.

It’s not a sin to be weak, but it’s necessary for the reduction.

“We’ll make sure that gods with insufficient power may not necessarily be eliminated, but they should step down from their positions.”

“Weak gods?”

“Exactly. For instance, those who are gods of small streams or hills, who seem too insignificant to be called gods.”

“You mean you’re going to cut out those weak gods?”

“Exactly. Hmm, oh! It might be better to use faith as a standard. That way, it’ll likely be clearer.”

The strength of a god essentially correlates with the amount of faith they receive.

Even if a god originates from something trivial, if they receive abundant faith, that in itself is quite sufficient.

“Gods with little faith… even that alone should lead to quite a number disappearing. Would that be alright?”

“Of course. Just remember, this world has been swarming with gods in the past. No issues there.”

Back in the old days, there weren’t any gods at all! Just me alone!

Though there weren’t many living beings back then.

“So… will those gods also reincarnate as humans?”

“Hmm. Completely eliminating and reincarnating them as humans feels a bit harsh. Perhaps… yes, transforming them into spirits would be better.”


I nodded at Sylphid’s words.

The souls of those who were once dragons. They exist as magical beings having shed their physical forms.

If they can reconstruct themselves with magic instead of faith… gods might also exist as spirits.

Or rather, they could be reborn simply as their own being without depending on the faith of others.

They wouldn’t have to deal with being distorted by the beliefs of living beings anymore.

Even if they don’t turn into spirits, becoming beings like fairies would be sufficient.

It really feels like as long as they’re not gods, anything goes.

“Spirits… Hmm… that might actually work better than expected. They would at least retain their sense of self.”

“Then, spread the word to the other kids.”

Normally, I would have to personally deliver this news to each of them, but letting Sylphid handle it makes things much more convenient.

As if the message were riding on the wind, Sylphid’s role would be to relay this to the other kids.

“Got it! Leave it to me! I’ll be off now!”

“Just know that after you share the news, I likely won’t be here. But go ahead.”

I watched Sylphid’s retreating figure as she hurried to inform the others.

“Now… shall I calmly listen to what’s happened over the past 300 years?”

Nyx, looking somewhat tense. To ease her anxiety, I conjured up a simple snack and placed it on the table, then turned my gaze to her.

I’ve heard some details, but it’s best to hear the specifics from the source.

“Yes…! A lot happened during that time. It was truly tough.”

Nyx began venting her frustrations. It seems she endured various hardships while Baal was absent.

Well then, shall I sit back and listen carefully?

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

In a dark cave.

Inside the highest mountain, within Sagarmatha.

There, six beings gathered around a round table, huddled together discussing opinions.

“Um… It seems like Mom is angry, doesn’t it?”

“From what I’ve gathered, it seems so.”

Shamash and Thetis spoke up, followed by Sagarmatha.

“Yeah. She’s definitely angry. This is a big deal.”

“Still, it doesn’t seem like she’ll just go ahead and smash everything like before.”

That point was addressed by Yggdrasil, who had come to gather everyone after hearing what had transpired.

“But it’s clear she was angry. She casually decapitated Zeus right in front of Baal’s temple.”

“Decapitated Zeus?! He might be a bit of an idiot, but as a chief god, he has considerable strength!”

Sylphid nodded at Ifrit’s words.

“That guy has absorbed quite a bit of heavenly power and authority. He’s certainly stronger than us, though not by much.”

“To take his head in an instant… Hmm… we could manage to do that too, but to do it in the blink of an eye…”

“Unless you’re as fast as Shamash or Sylphid, it might be impossible.”

In response to Thetis’ statement, Shamash and Sylphid shook their heads in disagreement.

“Our abilities aren’t really suited for such quick captures. We’d have to drag it into a battle and overcome it that way.”

“Yeah. That guy’s got both speed and destructive power.”

The six gods gathered here, known to other gods as Ancient Gods and primal beings, sighed deeply.

“Anyway, we must create that list as Mom desires.”

“First off, Zeus is definitely one we can’t save at all.”

“Good riddance. We don’t need someone like him.”

Thetis said bluntly, evidently disliking Zeus who had once made advances on her.

“Hmm. There aren’t many from the Aesir that are worth saving.”

“Really? Yggdrasil, weren’t you on friendly terms with them?”

“They just kept pestering me for favors. Like trying to seduce the elves.”

Yggdrasil shook his head vehemently.

“Also, those guys have been secretly stealing valuable souls from us.”

“Stealing souls?! How did that happen?”

“They disguised their lowly goddesses as reapers and stealthily collected souls. The gods of the afterlife were completely unaware.”

“Yggdrasil, how do you know this?”

At Sylphid’s question, Yggdrasil scrunched his brows.

“Those fools tried to meddle with my lower goddesses, so I swiftly caught and plucked their wings, then rooted them down with tree roots. They couldn’t help but spill the beans.”

“Why would they do such a thing? If their meddling with souls were revealed, Mom wouldn’t let them off easily.”

“Well, the leader of the Aesir has been out of his mind lately. After acquiring wisdom from the heavens, he went completely bonkers, causing a ruckus about doom approaching… Ah!”

Yggdrasil’s expression suddenly shifted as if he realized something.

“Could it be that deranged one… predicted the future?”

“Predicted the future?”

“Yeah. The events that will unfold after Mom returns. After Baal’s disappearance, the doom approaching the gods.”

At that, the expressions of the others changed.

“Indeed. The wisdom from the heavens is Baal’s wisdom, meaning he must have inherited quite a bit of Baal’s memories… He must also know about Mom’s return.”

“Yes. It’s a predetermined doom.”

After Sagarmatha’s words, the others merely nodded in agreement.

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not work with dark mode