Switch Mode

Chapter 194

Chapter: 194

The reason the trash suggested I disguise myself was simple.

The problem with entering the auction house lies in the very existence of Lucy Alrn.

So, if I’m not Lucy anymore, then there shouldn’t be any issues.

That part made sense to me. I thought it wasn’t a bad suggestion.

However, the moment I laid eyes on the disguise he brought, I was horrified and shook my head.

A black parasol to block the hot sun, a wide-brimmed black hat to hide my noticeable hair, and, on top of it all, a flowing black dress.

I’ve been exposed to enough Japanese culture that I knew what this outfit was called without hesitation.

Gothic Lolita.

Clothes often worn by characters that were either hiding something or had a dark twist to them.

“Excuse me, but are you a pervert or something?”

“Why are you mixing your sexual preferences into this disguise suggestion? Being this blatant about it is just disgusting and revolting.”

“No! That’s not it!”

There was an actual reason behind this trash’s choice of costume.

Hiding my prominent face with a parasol and hat, and concealing my fair skin with a long dress.

A Young Lady dressed like this typically is perceived as shy, so nobody would bat an eye even if I didn’t speak, allowing me to mask both my voice and distinctive speech patterns.

I got the utility of that outfit.

I understood it, but still, no way!

I’m in this predicament to avoid wearing such clothing, and now you expect me to willingly put it on?

“Doesn’t it look good on you?”

The Clumsy Fox perched above my head mumbled something, but I ignored him.

Then I threw a fit, asking the trash if he had any other outfits.

However, despite my whining, he just awkwardly smiled.

“Time is an issue.”

If I had the luxury of taking my time to prepare, I could have planned out a better disguise.

If only I had contacted someone a few days ago, I would have had a variety of options.

But here I am, showing up just two hours before the auction starts!

With nothing prepared and no time to spare, this trash was offering me his best option at the moment.

“If you’re thinking of buying items rather than enjoying the auction, sending a proxy could also work. Here’s what’s listed…”

The trash said this while handing me a list.

I took it from him but didn’t really read it seriously.

After all, I already had the auction items memorized.

At the Nig auction house, there are two types of items.

One is the valuable and precious items worthy of being on the list.

These are the kinds of items that would attract several people just to buy one.

The other category consists of miscellaneous items deemed unworthy by the auction house.

They’re mixed in between the more expensive treasures to give people a breather, a little something to choose from during their shopping spree.

The first category remains constant, while the second is randomly generated each time.

Typically, it’s the latter type that gets a “jackpot” reaction from users.

I came here aiming for both types.

With the knowledge of a veteran gamer and the steadily leveled emotional skills combined with my high luck stat, I thought I had a decent shot at hitting the jackpot.

So, naturally, I wanted to participate in the auction.

However, as I took my eyes away from the list to study the Gothic Lolita outfit on the hanger, I sighed and hung my head.

[Do you really hate that outfit that much?]

As I pondered in contemplation, Grandpa chimed in.

‘Yeah. I hate it.’

[Why? There’s nothing particularly wrong with it, and I don’t think it looks bad on you.]

‘Well, true.’

Thinking about a cute little girl wearing that outfit doesn’t seem too off.

The color might be a bit gloomy, but that’s about it. Depending on who’s looking at it, it could easily be deemed cute or pretty.

But that’s only from an onlooker’s perspective.

Wearing it myself and standing in front of others? That’s a different story.

[Are you embarrassed?]

‘It’s somewhat similar but still different.’

The element of embarrassment is indeed mixed into my feelings.

But it can’t just be described as embarrassment alone.

There are simply too many emotions contained within it.

If I had to pinpoint it, it would be resistance.

Resistance against femininity.

It hasn’t even been a year since I possessed Lucy’s body.

A lot has happened in that time, yet I still perceive myself as a male.

While I’ve begrudgingly gotten used to wearing skirts due to the academy uniform, there are limits to that.

Those fluttery and cute clothes? Not really my thing.

Though they’re definitely much more normal than what’s in Lucy’s wardrobe…

[Remember the weird outfit you wore in the forest? I thought you’d be fine with this.]

‘That was out of necessity!’

Grandpa! I barely managed to suppress that black history from my memory, and now you’re bringing it up?!

‘Plus, I was only supposed to show it in front of the Clumsy Fox back then!’

Honestly, I ended up showing that Bunny Girl outfit to everyone in the party, but that wasn’t my initial intention at all.

I only meant to show it to the Clumsy Fox and keep it to myself.

Originally, that’s how strange acts work, right?

There’s a significant difference between acting out alone at home and putting on a show in front of others.

The first just requires a brief moment of clarity, while the latter can become a black history that makes you want to kick your blanket away for life!

Do you know how painful it is to recall the moment when others caught a glimpse of the Bunny Girl outfit?!

I don’t want to go through that experience again!

[Ring that changes colors.]


Responding to Grandpa, who was literally throwing out a casual retort, I raised an eyebrow at something in the auction list that shouldn’t be there.

I know what that is roughly.

It’s a pair of rings that, when infused with magical power, change colors. When one changes, the other one does too.

Typically, they’re used to send urgent messages, designating meanings for each color.

I remembered it because it appeared in a side quest.

It’s relatively cute, but it’s not an item that fetches a high price, so it’s classified as junk. Why is it on the list?

Curious, I asked the trash, and he responded that it was a list of all items going up for auction.

So, it includes not just the items presented at the auction but also everything else?

‘Why didn’t you say that sooner?!’

“Hey, trash. If that’s the case, you should have said it earlier. Is your head just filled with thoughts of women, that you can’t think straight elsewhere? You pathetic, incompetent pervert.”

“I distinctly remember telling you!?”

Did he? I glanced over to find Possell wearing an awkward smile.

Did he say it, and I just didn’t hear it?

Thanks to Grandpa, this became a headache.

How dare you bring up the Bunny Girl story and make me suffer again!

[It was before I spoke to you.]

Anyway, this worked out nicely.

Now, I could confidently send a proxy.

If I could list the items I wanted to buy in order of importance, they’d handle it for me.

Feeling the weight lift from my chest, I leisurely perused the list.

A gem that consumes mana?

Oh, this one’s a keeper! I could give it to Joy.

If it’s infused steadily with mana, it could turn into quite a useful item.

This item boosts efficiency during paperwork, right?

This would be great for Benedict.

And this…

As I considered what to buy based on my current budget, one line on the list made me freeze completely.

‘Ki, this…’

“Trash. Is this item really going to be auctioned?”

“Yes. It’s not a particularly impressive item, but I heard they had a shortage of goods this time.”

According to the trash, this was something he heard from the person in charge of determining the order of auction items, and I frowned at the description.

[Tablet that shines when infused with divine power.]

On the surface, it looks like just another piece of junk.

Those who walk the path of a god infuse it with divine power, making it shine bright, but that’s it.

There are no practical effects whatsoever.

Although many speculated there might be something due to the vague wording in the description, most users never paid it any mind.

Even so, people still welcomed it when it dropped.

Its drop rate was incredibly low, but it could fetch a good high price at shops or auctions.

Those who collect items related to the Church of the Gods often pay a premium for it.

However, after a week of the game being out, the evaluation of this item flipped upside down.

Some user revealed that this item served as a clue or key to obtain certain equipment.

Since then, the “Tablet that shines when infused with divine power” has become a must-have for players leveling up cleric-type characters, if they have the means to keep it.

For other character types, it’s better to just sell it off without a second glance.

But, you know what?

Right now, I’m riding the Holy Knight tree.

There’s no way that pathetic god would let me slip by, so I can’t change jobs either.

My head is starting to ache.

‘The Tablet that shines when infused with divine power’ is expensive.

Like, really ridiculously expensive.

Even if I’d invest every last coin I have into it, I’d still barely scrape by.

If I were to buy this, I’d have to give up everything I had in mind.

Not only the gifts for everyone but even the amusement bracelets.

This is jackpot material.

I could easily be called a “bitch” for announcing on the auction board that this is going up.

But I can’t just buy it without reason.

I don’t know if it’s just a clue or a key item.

I don’t need a clue for that.

I have everything memorized, so there’s no need to look for clues.

What I need is a key item.

A divine item. Given that I’m in the position of a cleric, a front-line one at that.

Can I tell the difference between the two?

I can. I’d find out immediately using my emotion skills.

In other words, for me to distinguish between those two, I need to be at the auction house.

“Lady Alrn, what will you do?”

Perhaps pressed for time, the trash urged me again with that awkward smile on his face.

Behind him, the Gothic Lolita outfit still flaunted its cuteness.

As a man or as the decaying water of Soul Academy.

The pondering didn’t take long.

One was a needless sense of pride, but the other was reality.

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not work with dark mode